lib/nio/rtnlzr.rb in nio-0.2.1 vs lib/nio/rtnlzr.rb in nio-0.2.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,406 +1,406 @@
-# Rationalization of floating point numbers.
-# Copyright (C) 2003-2005, Javier Goizueta <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# Author:: Javier Goizueta (
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Javier Goizueta & Joe Horn
-# License:: Distributes under the GPL license
-# This file provides conversion from floating point numbers
-# to rational numbers.
-# Algorithms by Joe Horn are used.
-# The rational approximation algorithms are implemented in the class Nio::Rtnlzr
-# and there's an interface to the chosen algorithms through:
-# * Float#nio_r
-# * BigDecimal#nio_r
-# There's also exact rationalization implemented in:
-# * Float#nio_xr
-# * BigDecimal#nio_r
-require 'nio/tools'
-require 'nio/flttol'
-require 'rational'
-require 'bigdecimal'
-class Float
- # Conversion to Rational preserving the exact value of the number.
- def nio_xr
- return Rational(self.to_i,1) if self.modulo(1)==0
- if !self.finite?
- return Rational(0,0) if self.nan?
- return self<0 ? Rational(-1,0) : Rational(1,0)
- end
- f,e = Math.frexp(self)
- if e < Float::MIN_EXP
- bits = e+Float::MANT_DIG-Float::MIN_EXP
- else
- bits = [Float::MANT_DIG,e].max
- #return Rational(self.to_i,1) if bits<e
- end
- p = Math.ldexp(f,bits)
- e = bits - e
- if e<Float::MAX_EXP
- q = Math.ldexp(1,e)
- else
- q = Float::RADIX**e
- end
- return Rational(p.to_i,q.to_i)
- end
-class BigDecimal
- # Conversion to Rational preserving the exact value of the number.
- def nio_xr
- s,f,b,e = split
- p = f.to_i
- p = -p if s<0
- e = f.size-e
- if e<0
- p *= b**(-e)
- e = 0
- end
- q = b**(e)
- return Rational(p,q)
- end
-class Integer
- def nio_xr
- return Rational(self,1)
- end
-class Rational
- def nio_xr
- return self
- end
- # helper method to return both the numerator and denominator
- def nio_num_den
- return [numerator,denominator]
- end
-class Float
- # Conversion to Rational. The optional argument must be one of:
- # - a Nio::Tolerance that defines the admisible tolerance;
- # in that case, the smallest denominator rational within the
- # tolerance will be found (which may take a long time for
- # small tolerances.)
- # - an integer that defines a maximum value for the denominator.
- # in which case, the best approximation with that maximum
- # denominator will be returned.
- def nio_r(tol = Nio::Tolerance.big_epsilon)
- case tol
- when Integer
- Rational(*Nio::Rtnlzr.max_denominator(self,tol,Float))
- else
- Rational(*
- end
- end
-class BigDecimal
- # Conversion to Rational. The optional argument must be one of:
- # - a Nio::BigTolerance that defines the admisible tolerance;
- # in that case, the smallest denominator rational within the
- # tolerance will be found (which may take a long time for
- # small tolerances.)
- # - an integer that defines a maximum value for the denominator.
- # in which case, the best approximation with that maximum
- # denominator will be returned.
- def nio_r(tol = nil)
- tol ||= BigTolerance.decimals([precs[0],Float::DIG].max,:sig)
- case tol
- when Integer
- Rational(*Nio::Rtnlzr.max_denominator(self,tol,BigDecimal))
- else
- Rational(*
- end
- end
-module Nio
- # This class provides conversion of fractions
- # (as approximate floating point numbers)
- # to rational numbers.
- class Rtnlzr
- include StateEquivalent
- # Create Rationalizator with given tolerance.
- def initialize(
- @tol = tol
- end
- # Rationalization method that finds the fraction with
- # smallest denominator fraction within the tolerance distance
- # of an approximate (floating point) number.
- #
- # It uses the algorithm which has been found most efficient, rationalize_Knuth.
- def rationalize(x)
- rationalize_Knuth(x)
- end
- # This algorithm is derived from exercise 39 of 4.5.3 in
- # "The Art of Computer Programming", by Donald E. Knuth.
- def rationalize_Knuth(x)
- num_tol = @tol.kind_of?(Numeric)
- if !num_tol &&
- # num,den = x.nio_xr.nio_num_den
- num,den = 0,1
- else
- negans=false
- if x<0
- negans = true
- x = -x
- end
- dx = num_tol ? @tol : @tol.get_value(x)
- x = x.nio_xr
- dx = dx.nio_xr
- xp,xq = (x-dx).nio_num_den
- yp,yq = (x+dx).nio_num_den
- a = []
- fin,odd = false,false
- while !fin && xp!=0 && yp!=0
- odd = !odd
- xp,xq = xq,xp
- ax = xp.div(xq)
- xp -= ax*xq
- yp,yq = yq,yp
- ay = yp.div(yq)
- yp -= ay*yq
- if ax!=ay
- fin = true
- ax,xp,xq = ay,yp,yq if odd
- end
- a << ax # .to_i
- end
- a[-1] += 1 if xp!=0 && a.size>0
- p,q = 1,0
- (1..a.size).each{|i| p,q=q+p*a[-i],p}
- num,den = q,p
- num = -num if negans
- end
- return num,den
- end
- # This is algorithm PDQ2 by Joe Horn.
- def rationalize_Horn(x)
- num_tol = @tol.kind_of?(Numeric)
- if !num_tol &&
- # num,den = x.nio_xr.nio_num_den
- num,den = 0,1
- else
- negans=false
- if x<0
- negans = true
- x = -x
- end
- dx = num_tol ? @tol : @tol.get_value(x)
- z,t = x,dx # renaming
- a,b = t.nio_xr.nio_num_den
- n0,d0 = (n,d = z.nio_xr.nio_num_den)
- cn,x,pn,cd,y,pd,lo,hi,mid,q,r = 1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0
- begin
- q,r = n.divmod(d)
- x = q*cn+pn
- y = q*cd+pd
- pn = cn
- cn = x
- pd = cd
- cd = y
- n,d = d,r
- end until b*(n0*y-d0*x).abs <= a*d0*y
- if q>1
- hi = q
- begin
- mid = (lo+hi).div(2)
- x = cn-pn*mid
- y = cd-pd*mid
- if b*(n0*y-d0*x).abs <= a*d0*y
- lo = mid
- else
- hi = mid
- end
- end until hi-lo <= 1
- x = cn - pn*lo
- y = cd - pd*lo
- end
- num,den = x,y # renaming
- num = -num if negans
- end
- return num,den
- end
- # This is from a RPL program by Tony Hutchins (PDR6).
- def rationalize_HornHutchins(x)
- num_tol = @tol.kind_of?(Numeric)
- if !num_tol &&
- # num,den = x.nio_xr.nio_num_den
- num,den = 0,1
- else
- negans=false
- if x<0
- negans = true
- x = -x
- end
- dx = num_tol ? @tol : @tol.get_value(x)
- z,t = x,dx # renaming
- a,b = t.nio_xr.nio_num_den
- n0,d0 = (n,d = z.nio_xr.nio_num_den)
- cn,x,pn,cd,y,pd,lo,hi,mid,q,r = 1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0
- begin
- q,r = n.divmod(d)
- x = q*cn+pn
- y = q*cd+pd
- pn = cn
- cn = x
- pd = cd
- cd = y
- n,d = d,r
- end until b*(n0*y-d0*x).abs <= a*d0*y
- if q>1
- hi = q
- begin
- mid = (lo+hi).div(2)
- x = cn-pn*mid
- y = cd-pd*mid
- if b*(n0*y-d0*x).abs <= a*d0*y
- lo = mid
- else
- hi = mid
- end
- end until hi-lo <= 1
- x = cn - pn*lo
- y = cd - pd*lo
- end
- num,den = x,y # renaming
- num = -num if negans
- end
- return num,den
- end
- end
- # Best fraction given maximum denominator
- # Algorithm Copyright (c) 1991 by Joseph K. Horn.
- #
- # The implementation of this method uses floating point
- # arithmetic which limits the magnitude and precision of the results, specially
- # using Float values.
- def Rtnlzr.max_denominator(f, max_den=1000000000, num_class=nil)
- return nil if max_den<1
- num_class ||= f.class
- return mth.ip(f),1 if mth.fp(f)==0
- one = 1.prec(num_class)
- sign = f<0
- f = -f if sign
- a,b,c = 0,1,f
- while b<max_den and c!=0
- cc = one/c
- a,b,c = b, mth.ip(cc)*b+a, mth.fp(cc)
- end
- if b>max_den
- b -= a*mth.ceil((b-max_den)/Float(a))
- end
- f1,f2 = [a,b].collect{|x| mth.abs(mth.rnd(x*f)/x.prec(num_class)-f)}
- a = f1>f2 ? b : a
- num,den = mth.rnd(a*f).to_i,a
- den = 1 if mth.abs(den)<1
- num = -num if sign
- return num,den
- end
- class Rtnlzr
- private
- #Auxiliary floating-point functions
- module Mth # :nodoc:
- def self.fp(x)
- # y =x.modulo(1); return x<0 ? -y : y;
- x-ip(x)
- end
- def self.ip(x)
- # x.to_i.to_f
- (x<0 ? x.ceil : x.floor).to_i
- end
- def self.rnd(x)
- #x.round.to_i
- x.round
- end
- def self.abs(x)
- x.abs
- end
- def self.ceil(x)
- x.ceil.to_i
- end
- end
- def self.mth; Mth; end
- end
- module_function
+# Rationalization of floating point numbers.
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2005, Javier Goizueta <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# Author:: Javier Goizueta (
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Javier Goizueta & Joe Horn
+# License:: Distributes under the GPL license
+# This file provides conversion from floating point numbers
+# to rational numbers.
+# Algorithms by Joe Horn are used.
+# The rational approximation algorithms are implemented in the class Nio::Rtnlzr
+# and there's an interface to the chosen algorithms through:
+# * Float#nio_r
+# * BigDecimal#nio_r
+# There's also exact rationalization implemented in:
+# * Float#nio_xr
+# * BigDecimal#nio_r
+require 'nio/tools'
+require 'nio/flttol'
+require 'rational'
+require 'bigdecimal'
+class Float
+ # Conversion to Rational preserving the exact value of the number.
+ def nio_xr
+ return Rational(self.to_i,1) if self.modulo(1)==0
+ if !self.finite?
+ return Rational(0,0) if self.nan?
+ return self<0 ? Rational(-1,0) : Rational(1,0)
+ end
+ f,e = Math.frexp(self)
+ if e < Float::MIN_EXP
+ bits = e+Float::MANT_DIG-Float::MIN_EXP
+ else
+ bits = [Float::MANT_DIG,e].max
+ #return Rational(self.to_i,1) if bits<e
+ end
+ p = Math.ldexp(f,bits)
+ e = bits - e
+ if e<Float::MAX_EXP
+ q = Math.ldexp(1,e)
+ else
+ q = Float::RADIX**e
+ end
+ return Rational(p.to_i,q.to_i)
+ end
+class BigDecimal
+ # Conversion to Rational preserving the exact value of the number.
+ def nio_xr
+ s,f,b,e = split
+ p = f.to_i
+ p = -p if s<0
+ e = f.size-e
+ if e<0
+ p *= b**(-e)
+ e = 0
+ end
+ q = b**(e)
+ return Rational(p,q)
+ end
+class Integer
+ def nio_xr
+ return Rational(self,1)
+ end
+class Rational
+ def nio_xr
+ return self
+ end
+ # helper method to return both the numerator and denominator
+ def nio_num_den
+ return [numerator,denominator]
+ end
+class Float
+ # Conversion to Rational. The optional argument must be one of:
+ # - a Nio::Tolerance that defines the admisible tolerance;
+ # in that case, the smallest denominator rational within the
+ # tolerance will be found (which may take a long time for
+ # small tolerances.)
+ # - an integer that defines a maximum value for the denominator.
+ # in which case, the best approximation with that maximum
+ # denominator will be returned.
+ def nio_r(tol = Nio::Tolerance.big_epsilon)
+ case tol
+ when Integer
+ Rational(*Nio::Rtnlzr.max_denominator(self,tol,Float))
+ else
+ Rational(*
+ end
+ end
+class BigDecimal
+ # Conversion to Rational. The optional argument must be one of:
+ # - a Nio::BigTolerance that defines the admisible tolerance;
+ # in that case, the smallest denominator rational within the
+ # tolerance will be found (which may take a long time for
+ # small tolerances.)
+ # - an integer that defines a maximum value for the denominator.
+ # in which case, the best approximation with that maximum
+ # denominator will be returned.
+ def nio_r(tol = nil)
+ tol ||= BigTolerance.decimals([precs[0],Float::DIG].max,:sig)
+ case tol
+ when Integer
+ Rational(*Nio::Rtnlzr.max_denominator(self,tol,BigDecimal))
+ else
+ Rational(*
+ end
+ end
+module Nio
+ # This class provides conversion of fractions
+ # (as approximate floating point numbers)
+ # to rational numbers.
+ class Rtnlzr
+ include StateEquivalent
+ # Create Rationalizator with given tolerance.
+ def initialize(
+ @tol = tol
+ end
+ # Rationalization method that finds the fraction with
+ # smallest denominator fraction within the tolerance distance
+ # of an approximate (floating point) number.
+ #
+ # It uses the algorithm which has been found most efficient, rationalize_Knuth.
+ def rationalize(x)
+ rationalize_Knuth(x)
+ end
+ # This algorithm is derived from exercise 39 of 4.5.3 in
+ # "The Art of Computer Programming", by Donald E. Knuth.
+ def rationalize_Knuth(x)
+ num_tol = @tol.kind_of?(Numeric)
+ if !num_tol &&
+ # num,den = x.nio_xr.nio_num_den
+ num,den = 0,1
+ else
+ negans=false
+ if x<0
+ negans = true
+ x = -x
+ end
+ dx = num_tol ? @tol : @tol.get_value(x)
+ x = x.nio_xr
+ dx = dx.nio_xr
+ xp,xq = (x-dx).nio_num_den
+ yp,yq = (x+dx).nio_num_den
+ a = []
+ fin,odd = false,false
+ while !fin && xp!=0 && yp!=0
+ odd = !odd
+ xp,xq = xq,xp
+ ax = xp.div(xq)
+ xp -= ax*xq
+ yp,yq = yq,yp
+ ay = yp.div(yq)
+ yp -= ay*yq
+ if ax!=ay
+ fin = true
+ ax,xp,xq = ay,yp,yq if odd
+ end
+ a << ax # .to_i
+ end
+ a[-1] += 1 if xp!=0 && a.size>0
+ p,q = 1,0
+ (1..a.size).each{|i| p,q=q+p*a[-i],p}
+ num,den = q,p
+ num = -num if negans
+ end
+ return num,den
+ end
+ # This is algorithm PDQ2 by Joe Horn.
+ def rationalize_Horn(x)
+ num_tol = @tol.kind_of?(Numeric)
+ if !num_tol &&
+ # num,den = x.nio_xr.nio_num_den
+ num,den = 0,1
+ else
+ negans=false
+ if x<0
+ negans = true
+ x = -x
+ end
+ dx = num_tol ? @tol : @tol.get_value(x)
+ z,t = x,dx # renaming
+ a,b = t.nio_xr.nio_num_den
+ n0,d0 = (n,d = z.nio_xr.nio_num_den)
+ cn,x,pn,cd,y,pd,lo,hi,mid,q,r = 1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0
+ begin
+ q,r = n.divmod(d)
+ x = q*cn+pn
+ y = q*cd+pd
+ pn = cn
+ cn = x
+ pd = cd
+ cd = y
+ n,d = d,r
+ end until b*(n0*y-d0*x).abs <= a*d0*y
+ if q>1
+ hi = q
+ begin
+ mid = (lo+hi).div(2)
+ x = cn-pn*mid
+ y = cd-pd*mid
+ if b*(n0*y-d0*x).abs <= a*d0*y
+ lo = mid
+ else
+ hi = mid
+ end
+ end until hi-lo <= 1
+ x = cn - pn*lo
+ y = cd - pd*lo
+ end
+ num,den = x,y # renaming
+ num = -num if negans
+ end
+ return num,den
+ end
+ # This is from a RPL program by Tony Hutchins (PDR6).
+ def rationalize_HornHutchins(x)
+ num_tol = @tol.kind_of?(Numeric)
+ if !num_tol &&
+ # num,den = x.nio_xr.nio_num_den
+ num,den = 0,1
+ else
+ negans=false
+ if x<0
+ negans = true
+ x = -x
+ end
+ dx = num_tol ? @tol : @tol.get_value(x)
+ z,t = x,dx # renaming
+ a,b = t.nio_xr.nio_num_den
+ n0,d0 = (n,d = z.nio_xr.nio_num_den)
+ cn,x,pn,cd,y,pd,lo,hi,mid,q,r = 1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0
+ begin
+ q,r = n.divmod(d)
+ x = q*cn+pn
+ y = q*cd+pd
+ pn = cn
+ cn = x
+ pd = cd
+ cd = y
+ n,d = d,r
+ end until b*(n0*y-d0*x).abs <= a*d0*y
+ if q>1
+ hi = q
+ begin
+ mid = (lo+hi).div(2)
+ x = cn-pn*mid
+ y = cd-pd*mid
+ if b*(n0*y-d0*x).abs <= a*d0*y
+ lo = mid
+ else
+ hi = mid
+ end
+ end until hi-lo <= 1
+ x = cn - pn*lo
+ y = cd - pd*lo
+ end
+ num,den = x,y # renaming
+ num = -num if negans
+ end
+ return num,den
+ end
+ end
+ # Best fraction given maximum denominator
+ # Algorithm Copyright (c) 1991 by Joseph K. Horn.
+ #
+ # The implementation of this method uses floating point
+ # arithmetic which limits the magnitude and precision of the results, specially
+ # using Float values.
+ def Rtnlzr.max_denominator(f, max_den=1000000000, num_class=nil)
+ return nil if max_den<1
+ num_class ||= f.class
+ return mth.ip(f),1 if mth.fp(f)==0
+ one = 1.prec(num_class)
+ sign = f<0
+ f = -f if sign
+ a,b,c = 0,1,f
+ while b<max_den and c!=0
+ cc = one/c
+ a,b,c = b, mth.ip(cc)*b+a, mth.fp(cc)
+ end
+ if b>max_den
+ b -= a*mth.ceil((b-max_den)/Float(a))
+ end
+ f1,f2 = [a,b].collect{|x| mth.abs(mth.rnd(x*f)/x.prec(num_class)-f)}
+ a = f1>f2 ? b : a
+ num,den = mth.rnd(a*f).to_i,a
+ den = 1 if mth.abs(den)<1
+ num = -num if sign
+ return num,den
+ end
+ class Rtnlzr
+ private
+ #Auxiliary floating-point functions
+ module Mth # :nodoc:
+ def self.fp(x)
+ # y =x.modulo(1); return x<0 ? -y : y;
+ x-ip(x)
+ end
+ def self.ip(x)
+ # x.to_i.to_f
+ (x<0 ? x.ceil : x.floor).to_i
+ end
+ def self.rnd(x)
+ #x.round.to_i
+ x.round
+ end
+ def self.abs(x)
+ x.abs
+ end
+ def self.ceil(x)
+ x.ceil.to_i
+ end
+ end
+ def self.mth; Mth; end
+ end
+ module_function