lib/nio/fmt.rb in nio-0.2.1 vs lib/nio/fmt.rb in nio-0.2.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,1883 +1,1917 @@
-# Formatting numbers as text
-# Copyright (C) 2003-2005, Javier Goizueta <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-require 'nio/tools'
-require 'nio/repdec'
-require 'nio/rtnlzr'
-require 'rational'
-require 'bigdecimal'
-module Nio
- # positional notation, unformatted numeric literal: used as intermediate form
- class NeutralNum
- include StateEquivalent
- def initialize(s='',d='',p=nil,r=nil,dgs=DigitsDef.base(10), inexact=false, round=:inf)
- set s,d,p,r,dgs,dgs, inexact, round
- end
- attr_reader :sign, :digits, :dec_pos, :rep_pos, :special, :inexact, :rounding
- attr_writer :sign, :digits, :dec_pos, :rep_pos, :special, :inexact, :rounding
- # set number
- def set(s,d,p=nil,r=nil,dgs=DigitsDef.base(10),inexact=false,rounding=:inf,normalize=true)
- @sign = s # sign: '+','-',''
- @digits = d # digits string
- @dec_pos = p==nil ? d.length : p # position of decimal point: 0=before first digit...
- @rep_pos = r==nil ? d.length : r # first repeated digit (0=first digit...)
- @dgs = dgs
- @base = @dgs.radix
- @inexact = inexact
- @special = nil
- @rounding = rounding
- trimZeros unless inexact
- self
- end
- # set infinite (:inf) and invalid (:nan) numbers
- def set_special(s,sgn='') # :inf, :nan
- @special = s
- @sign = sgn
- self
- end
- def base
- @base
- end
- def base_digits
- @dgs
- end
- def base_digits=(dd)
- @dgs = dd
- @base = @dgs.radix
- end
- def base=(b)
- @dgs = DigitsDef.base(b)
- @base=@dgs.radix
- end
- # check for special numbers (which have only special and sign attributes)
- def special?
- special != nil
- end
- # check for special numbers (which have only special and sign attributes)
- def inexact?
- @inexact
- end
- def dup
- n =
- if special?
- n.set_special @special.dup, @sign.dup
- else
- #n.set @sign.dup, @digits.dup, @dec_pos.dup, @rep_pos.dup, @dgs.dup
- # in Ruby 1.6.8 Float,BigNum,Fixnum doesn't respond to dup
- n.set @sign.dup, @digits.dup, @dec_pos, @rep_pos, @dgs.dup, @inexact, @rounding
- end
- return n
- end
- def zero?
- z = false
- if !special
- if digits==''
- z = true
- else
- z = true
- for i in (0...@digits.length)
- if dig_value(i)!=0
- z = false
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- z
- end
- def round!(n, mode=:fix, dir=nil)
- dir ||= rounding
- trimLeadZeros
- if n==:exact
- return unless @inexact
- n = @digits.size
- end
- n += @dec_pos if mode==:fix
- n = [n,@digits.size].min if @inexact
- adj = 0
- dv = :tie
- if @inexact && n==@digits.size
- dv = @inexact==:roundup ? :hi : :lo
- else
- v = dig_value(n)
- v2 = 2*v
- if v2 < @base # v<((@base+1)/2)
- dv = :lo
- elsif v2 > @base # v>(@base/2)
- dv = :hi
- else
- (n+1...@digits.length).each do |i|
- if dig_value(i)>0
- dv = :hi
- break
- end
- end
- dv = :hi if dv==:tie && @rep_pos<=n
- end
- end
- if dv==:hi
- adj = +1
- elsif dv==:tie
- if dir==:inf # towards nearest +/-infinity
- adj = +1
- elsif dir==:even # to nearest even digit (IEEE unbiased rounding)
- adj = +1 if (dig_value(n-1)%2)!=0
- elsif dir==:zero # towards zero
- adj=0
- # elsif dir==:odd
- # adj = +1 unless (dig_value(n-1)%2)!=0
- end
- end
- if n>@digits.length
- (@digits.length...n).each do |i|
- @digits << dig_char(dig_value(i))
- @rep_pos += 1
- end
- end
- prefix = ''
- i = n-1
- while adj!=0
- v = dig_value(i)
- v += adj
- adj = 0
- if v<0
- v += @base
- adj = -1
- elsif v>=@base
- v -= @base
- adj = +1
- end
- if i<0
- prefix = dig_char(v)+prefix
- elsif i<@digits.length
- @digits[i] = dig_char(v)
- end
- i += -1
- end
- if n<0
- @digits = ""
- else
- @digits = @digits[0...n]
- end
- @rep_pos = @digits.length
- if prefix!=''
- @digits = prefix + @digits
- @dec_pos += prefix.length
- @rep_pos += prefix.length
- end
- end
- def round(n, mode=:fix, dir=nil)
- dir ||= rounding
- nn = dup
- nn.round!(n,mode,dir)
- return nn
- end
- def trimTrailZeros()
- i = @digits.length
- while i>0 && dig_value(i-1)==0
- i -= 1
- end
- if @rep_pos>=i
- @digits = @digits[0...i]
- @rep_pos = i
- end
- if @digits==''
- @digits = dig_char(0) # '0'
- @rep_pos = 1
- @dec_pos = 1
- end
- end
- def trimLeadZeros()
- i = 0
- while i<@digits.length && dig_value(i)==0
- i += 1
- end
- @digits = @digits[i...@digits.length]
- @dec_pos -= i
- @rep_pos -= i
- if @digits==''
- @digits = dig_char(0) # '0'
- @rep_pos = 1
- @dec_pos = 1
- end
- end
- def trimZeros()
- trimLeadZeros
- trimTrailZeros
- end
- protected
- def dig_value(i)
- v = 0
- if i>=@rep_pos
- i -= @digits.length
- i %= @digits.length - @rep_pos if @rep_pos<@digits.length
- i += @rep_pos
- end
- if i>=0 && i<@digits.length
- v = @dgs.digit_value(@digits[i]) #digcode_value(@digits[i])
- end
- return v>=0 && v<@base ? v : nil
- end
- #def digcode_value(c)
- # v = c-?0
- # if v>9
- # v = 10 + c.chr.downcase[0] - ?a
- # end
- # v
- # @dgs.digit_value(c)
- #end
- def dig_char(v)
- c = ''
- if v!=nil && v>=0 && v<@base
- c = @dgs.digit_char(v).chr
- end
- c
- end
- end
- class NeutralNum
- public
- def to_RepDec
- n =
- if special?
- case special
- when :nan
- n.ip = :indeterminate
- when :inf
- if sign=='-'
- n.ip = :posinfinity
- else
- n.ip :neginfinity
- end
- else
- n = nil
- end
- else
- if dec_pos<=0
- n.ip = 0
- n.d = text_to_digits(dig_char(0)*(-dec_pos) + digits)
- elsif dec_pos >= digits.length
- n.ip = digits.to_i(@base)
- if rep_pos<dec_pos
- i=0
- (dec_pos-digits.length).times do
- n.ip *= @base
- n.ip += @dgs.digit_value(digits[rep_pos+i]) if rep_pos+i<digits.length
- i += 1
- i=0 if i>=digits.length-rep_pos
- end
- n.d = []
- while i<digits.length-rep_pos
- n.d << @dgs.digit_value(digits[rep_pos+i])
- i += 1
- end
- new_rep_pos = n.d.size + dec_pos
- n.d += text_to_digits(digits[rep_pos..-1])
- self.rep_pos = new_rep_pos
- else
- n.ip *= @base**(dec_pos-digits.length)
- n.d = []
- end
- else
- n.ip = digits[0...dec_pos].to_i(@base)
- n.d = text_to_digits(digits[dec_pos..-1])
- if rep_pos<dec_pos
- new_rep_pos = n.d.size + dec_pos
- n.d += text_to_digits(digits[rep_pos..-1])
- self.rep_pos = new_rep_pos
- puts "--rep_pos=#{rep_pos}"
- end
- end
- n.sign = -1 if sign=='-'
- n.rep_i = rep_pos - dec_pos
- end
- n.normalize!(!inexact) # keep trailing zeros for inexact numbers
- return n
- end
- protected
- def text_to_digits(txt)
- #txt.split('').collect{|c| @dgs.digit_value(c)}
- ds = []
- txt.each_byte{|b| ds << @dgs.digit_value(b)}
- ds
- end
- end
- class RepDec
- public
- def to_NeutralNum(base_dgs=nil)
- num =
- if !ip.is_a?(Integer)
- case ip
- when :indeterminate
- num.set_special :nan
- when :posinfinity
- num.set_special :inf,'+'
- when :neginfinity
- num.set_special :inf,'-'
- else
- num = nil
- end
- else
- base_dgs ||= DigitsDef.base(@radix)
- # assert base_dgs.radix == @radix
- signch = sign<0 ? '-' : '+'
- decimals = ip.to_s(@radix)
- dec_pos = decimals.length
- d.each {|dig| decimals << base_dgs.digit_char(dig) }
- rep_pos = rep_i==nil ? decimals.length : dec_pos + rep_i
- num.set signch, decimals, dec_pos, rep_pos, base_dgs
- end
- return num
- end
- end
- # A Fmt object defines a numeric format.
- #
- # The formatting aspects managed by Fmt are:
- # * mode and precision
- # - #mode() and #orec() set the main paramters
- # - see also #show_all_digits(), #approx_mode(), #insignificant_digits(),
- # #sci_digits() and #show_plus()
- # * separators
- # - see #sep() and #grouping()
- # * field justfification
- # - #width() and the shortcut #pad0s()
- # * numerical base
- # - #base()
- # * repeating numerals
- # - #rep()
- #
- # Note that for every aspect there are also corresponding _mutator_
- # methos (its name ending with a bang) that modify an object in place,
- # instead of returning an altered copy.
- #
- # This class also contains class methods for numeric conversion:
- # * Fmt.convert
- # and for default and other predefined formats:
- # * Fmt.default / Fmt.default=
- # * Fmt.[] / Fmt.[]=
- #
- # The actual formatted reading and writting if performed by
- # * #nio_write() (Nio::Formattable#nio_write)
- # * #nio_read() (Nio::Formattable::ClassMethods#nio_read)
- # Finally numerical objects can be rounded according to a format:
- # * #nio_round() (Nio::Formattable#nio_round)
- class Fmt
- include StateEquivalent
- class Error < StandardError # :nodoc:
- end
- class InvalidOption < Error # :nodoc:
- end
- class InvalidFormat < Error # :nodoc:
- end
- @@default_rounding_mode = :even
- def initialize()
- @dec_sep = '.'
- @grp_sep = ','
- @grp = []
- @ndig = :exact
- @mode=:gen
- @round=Fmt.default_rounding_mode
- @all_digits = false
- @approx = :only_sig
- @non_sig = '' # marker for insignificant digits of inexact values e.g. '#','0'
- @sci_format = 1 # number of integral digits in the mantissa: -1 for all
- @show_plus = false
- @rep_begin = '<'
- @rep_end = '>'
- @rep_auto = '...'
- @rep_n = 2
- @rep_in = true
- @width = 0
- @fill_char = ' '
- @adjust=:right
- @base_radix = 10
- @base_uppercase = true
- @base_digits = DigitsDef.base(@base_radix, !@base_uppercase)
- @show_base = false
- @base_indicators = { 2=>'b', 8=>'o', 10=>'', 16=>'h', 0=>'r'} # 0: generic (used with radix)
- @base_prefix = false
- @nan_txt = 'NAN'
- @inf_txt = 'Infinity'
- yield self if block_given?
- end
- # Defines the separators used in numerals. This is relevant to
- # both input and output.
- #
- # The first argument is the radix point separator (usually
- # a point or a comma; by default it is a point.)
- #
- # The second argument is the group separator.
- #
- # Finally, the third argument is an array that defines the groups
- # of digits to separate.
- # By default it's [], which means that no grouping will be produced on output
- # (but the group separator defined will be ignored in input.)
- # To produce the common thousands separation a value of [3] must be passed,
- # which means that groups of 3 digits are used.
- def sep(dec_sep,grp_sep=nil,grp=nil)
- dup.sep!(dec_sep,grp_sep,grp)
- end
- # This is the mutator version of #sep().
- def sep!(dec_sep,grp_sep=nil,grp=nil)
- set! :dec_sep=>dec_sep, :grp_sep=>grp_sep, :grp=>grp
- end
- # This defines the grouping of digits (which can also be defined in #sep()
- def grouping(grp=[3],grp_sep=nil)
- dup.grouping!(grp,grp_sep)
- end
- # This is the mutator version of #grouping().
- def grouping!(grp=[3],grp_sep=nil)
- set! :grp_sep=>grp_sep, :grp=>grp
- end
- # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
- # and define the separators as with #sep().
- def Fmt.sep(dec_sep,grp_sep=nil,grp=nil)
- Fmt.default.sep(dec_sep,grp_sep,grp)
- end
- # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
- # and define the grouping as with #grouping().
- def Fmt.grouping(grp=[3],grp_sep=nil)
- Fmt.default.grouping(grp,grp_sep)
- end
- # Define the formatting mode. There are two fixed parameters:
- # - <tt>mode</tt> (only relevant for output)
- # [<tt>:gen</tt>]
- # (general) chooses automatically the shortes format
- # [<tt>:fix</tt>]
- # (fixed precision) is a simple format with a fixed number of digits
- # after the point
- # [<tt>:sig</tt>]
- # (significance precision) is like :fix but using significant digits
- # [<tt>:sci</tt>]
- # (scientific) is the exponential form 1.234E2
- # - <tt>precision</tt> (number of digits or :exact, only used for output)
- # [<tt>exact</tt>]
- # means that as many digits as necessary to unambiguosly define the
- # value are used; this is the default.
- #
- # Other paramters can be passed in a hash after <tt>precision</tt>
- # - <tt>:round</tt> rounding mode applied to conversions
- # (this is relevant for both input and output). It must be one of:
- # [<tt>:inf</tt>]
- # rounds to nearest with ties toward infinite;
- # 1.5 is rounded to 2, -1.5 to -2
- # [<tt>:zero</tt>]
- # rounds to nearest with ties toward zero;
- # 1.5 is rounded to 1, -1.5 to 2
- # [<tt>:even</tt>]
- # rounds to the nearest with ties toward an even digit;
- # 1.5 rounds to 2, 2.5 to 2
- # - <tt>:approx</tt> approximate mode
- # [<tt>:only_sig</tt>]
- # (the default) treats the value as an approximation and only
- # significant digits (those that cannot take an arbitrary value without
- # changing the specified value) are shown.
- # [<tt>:exact</tt>]
- # the value is interpreted as exact, there's no distinction between
- # significant and insignificant digits.
- # [<tt>:simplify</tt>]
- # the value is simplified, if possible to a simpler (rational) value.
- # - <tt>:show_all_digits</tt> if true, this forces to show digits that
- # would otherwise not be shown in the <tt>:gen</tt> format: trailing
- # zeros of exact types or non-signficative digits of inexact types.
- # - <tt>:nonsignficative_digits</tt> assigns a character to display
- # insignificant digits, # by default
- def mode(mode,precision=nil,options={})
- dup.mode!(mode,precision,options)
- end
- # This is the mutator version of #mode().
- def mode!(mode,precision=nil,options={})
- set! options.merge(:mode=>mode, :ndig=>precision)
- end
- # Defines the formatting mode like #mode() but using a different
- # order of the first two parameters parameters, which is useful
- # to change the precision only. Refer to #mode().
- def prec(precision,mode=nil, options={})
- dup.prec! precision, mode, options
- end
- # This is the mutator version of #prec().
- def prec!(precision,mode=:gen, options={})
- set! options.merge(:mode=>mode, :ndig=>precision)
- end
- # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
- # and define the formatting mode as with #mode()
- def Fmt.mode(mode,ndig=nil,options={})
- Fmt.default.mode(mode,ndig,options)
- end
- # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
- # and define the formatting mode as with #prec()
- def Fmt.prec(ndig,mode=nil,options={})
- Fmt.default.prec(ndig,mode,options)
- end
- # Rounding mode used when not specified otherwise
- def Fmt.default_rounding_mode
- @@default_rounding_mode
- end
- # The default rounding can be changed here; it starts with the value :even.
- # See the rounding modes available in the description of method #mode().
- def Fmt.default_rounding_mode=(m)
- @@default_rounding_mode=m
- Fmt.default = Fmt.default.round(m)
- end
- # This controls the display of the digits that are not necessary
- # to specify the value unambiguosly (e.g. trailing zeros).
- #
- # The true (default) value forces the display of the requested number of digits
- # and false will display only necessary digits.
- def show_all_digits(ad=true)
- dup.show_all_digits! ad
- end
- # This is the mutator version of #show_all_digits().
- def show_all_digits!(ad=true)
- set! :all_digits=>ad
- end
- # This defines the approximate mode (:only_sig, :exact, :simplify)
- # just like the last parameter of #mode()
- def approx_mode(mode)
- dup.approx_mode! mode
- end
- # This is the mutator version of #approx_mode().
- def approx_mode!(mode)
- set! :approx=>mode
- end
- # Defines a character to stand for insignificant digits when
- # a specific number of digits has been requested greater than then
- # number of significant digits (for approximate types).
- def insignificant_digits(ch='#')
- dup.insignificant_digits! ch
- end
- # This is the mutator version of #insignificant_digits().
- def insignificant_digits!(ch='#')
- ch ||= ''
- set! :non_sig=>ch
- end
- # Defines the number of significan digits before the radix separator
- # in scientific notation. A negative value will set all significant digits
- # before the radix separator. The special value <tt>:eng</tt> activates
- # _engineering_ mode, in which the exponents are multiples of 3.
- #
- # For example:
- # 0.1234.nio_write(Fmt.mode(:sci,4).sci_digits(0) -> 0.1234E0
- # 0.1234.nio_write(Fmt.mode(:sci,4).sci_digits(3) -> 123.4E-3
- # 0.1234.nio_write(Fmt.mode(:sci,4).sci_digits(-1) -> 1234.E-4
- # 0.1234.nio_write(Fmt.mode(:sci,4).sci_digits(:eng) -> 123.4E-3
- def sci_digits(n=-1)
- dup.sci_digits! n
- end
- # This is the mutator version of #sci_digits().
- def sci_digits!(n=-1)
- set! :sci_format=>n
- end
- # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
- # and define show_all_digits
- def Fmt.show_all_digits(v=true)
- Fmt.default.show_all_digits(v)
- end
- # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
- # and define approx_mode
- def Fmt.approx_mode(v)
- Fmt.default.approx_mode(v)
- end
- # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
- # and define insignificant digits
- def Fmt.insignificant_digits(v='#')
- Fmt.default.insignificant_digits(v)
- end
- # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
- # and define sci_digits
- def Fmt.sci_digits(v=-1)
- Fmt.default.sci_digits(v)
- end
- # Controls the display of the sign for positive numbers
- def show_plus(sp=true)
- dup.show_plus! sp
- end
- # This is the mutator version of #show_plus().
- def show_plus!(sp=true)
- set! :show_plus=>sp
- end
- # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
- # and define show_plus
- def Fmt.show_plus(v=true)
- Fmt.default.show_plus(v)
- end
- # Defines the handling and notation for repeating numerals. The parameters
- # can be passed in order or in a hash:
- # [<tt>:begin</tt>] is the beginning delimiter of repeating section (<)
- # [<tt>:end</tt>] is the ending delimiter of repeating section (<)
- # [<tt>:suffix</tt>] is the suffix used to indicate a implicit repeating decimal
- # [<tt>:rep</tt>]
- # if this parameter is greater than zero, on output the repeating section
- # is repeated the indicated number of times followed by the suffix;
- # otherwise the delimited notation is used.
- # [<tt>:read</tt>]
- # (true/false) determines if repeating decimals are
- # recognized on input (true)
- def rep(*params)
- dup.rep!(*params)
- end
- # This is the mutator version of #rep().
- def rep!(*params)
- params << {} if params.size==0
- if params[0].kind_of?(Hash)
- params = params[0]
- else
- begch,endch,autoch,rep,read = *params
- params = {:begin=>begch,:end=>endch,:suffix=>autoch,:nreps=>rep,:read=>read}
- end
- set! params
- end
- # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
- # and define the repeating decimals mode as with #rep()
- def Fmt.rep(*params)
- Fmt.default.rep(*params)
- end
- # Sets the justificaton width, mode and fill character
- #
- # The mode accepts these values:
- # [<tt>:right</tt>] (the default) justifies to the right (adds padding at the left)
- # [<tt>:left</tt>] justifies to the left (adds padding to the right)
- # [<tt>:internal</tt>] like :right, but the sign is kept to the left, outside the padding.
- # [<tt>:center</tt>] centers the number in the field
- def width(w,adj=nil,ch=nil)
- dup.width! w,adj,ch
- end
- # This is the mutator version of #width().
- def width!(w,adj=nil,ch=nil)
- set! :width=>w, :adjust=>adj, :fill_char=>ch
- end
- # Defines the justification (as #width()) with the given
- # width, internal mode and filling with zeros.
- #
- # Note that if you also use grouping separators, the filling 0s
- # will not be separated.
- def pad0s(w)
- dup.pad0s! w
- end
- # This is the mutator version of #pad0s().
- def pad0s!(w)
- width! w, :internal, '0'
- end
- # This is a shortcut to create a new Fmt object and define the width
- # parameters as with #widht()
- def Fmt.width(w,adj=nil,ch=nil)
- Fmt.default.width(w,adj,ch)
- end
- # This is a shortcut to create a new Fmt object and define numeric
- # padding as with #pad0s()
- def Fmt.pad0s(w)
- Fmt.default.pad0s(w)
- end
- # defines the numerical base; the second parameters forces the use
- # of uppercase letters for bases greater than 10.
- def base(b, uppercase=nil)
- dup.base! b, uppercase
- end
- # This is the mutator version of #base().
- def base!(b, uppercase=nil)
- set! :base_radix=>b, :base_uppercase=>uppercase
- end
- # This is a shortcut to create a new Fmt object and define the base
- def Fmt.base(b, uppercase=nil)
- Fmt.default.base(b, uppercase)
- end
- # returns the exponent char used with the specified base
- def get_exp_char(base) # :nodoc:
- base ||= @base_radix
- base<=10 ? 'E' : '^'
- end
- # returns the base
- def get_base # :nodoc:
- @base_radix
- end
- # returns the digit characters used for a base
- def get_base_digits(b=nil) # :nodoc:
- (b.nil? || b==@base_radix) ? @base_digits : DigitsDef.base(b,!@base_uppercase)
- end
- # returns true if uppercase digits are used
- def get_base_uppercase? # :nodoc:
- @base_uppercase
- end
- # returns the formatting mode
- def get_mode # :nodoc:
- @mode
- end
- # returns the precision (number of digits)
- def get_ndig # :nodoc:
- @ndig
- end
- # return the show_all_digits state
- def get_all_digits? # :nodoc:
- @all_digits
- end
- # returns the approximate mode
- def get_approx # :nodoc:
- @approx
- end
- # returns the rounding mode
- def get_round # :nodoc:
- @round
- end
- # Method used internally to format a neutral numeral
- def nio_write_formatted(neutral) # :nodoc:
- str = ''
- if neutral.special?
- str << neutral.sign
- case neutral.special
- when :inf
- str << @inf_txt
- when :nan
- str << @nan_txt
- end
- else
- zero = get_base_digits(neutral.base).digit_char(0).chr
- neutral = neutral.dup
- round! neutral
- if
- str << neutral.sign if neutral.sign=='-' # show - if number was <0 before rounding
- str << zero
- if @ndig.kind_of?(Numeric) && @ndig>0 && @mode==:fix
- str << @dec_sep << zero*@ndig
- end
- else
- neutral.trimLeadZeros
- actual_mode = @mode
- trim_trail_zeros = !@all_digits # false
- integral_digits = @sci_format
- if integral_digits == :eng
- integral_digits = 1
- while (neutral.dec_pos - integral_digits).modulo(3) != 0
- integral_digits += 1
- end
- elsif integral_digits==:all || integral_digits < 0
- if neutral.inexact? && @non_sig!='' && @ndig.kind_of?(Numeric)
- integral_digits = @ndig
- else
- integral_digits = neutral.digits.length
- end
- end
- exp = neutral.dec_pos - integral_digits
- case actual_mode
- when :gen # general (automatic)
- # @ndig means significant digits
- actual_mode = :sig
- actual_mode = :sci if use_scientific?(neutral, exp)
- trim_trail_zeros = !@all_digits # true
- end
- case actual_mode
- when :fix, :sig #, :gen
- str << neutral.sign if @show_plus || neutral.sign!='+'
- if @show_base && @base_prefix
- b_prefix = @base_indicators[neutral.base]
- str << b_prefix if b_prefix
- end
- if @ndig==:exact
- neutral.sign = '+'
- str << neutral.to_RepDec.getS(@rep_n, getRepDecOpt(neutral.base))
- else
- #zero = get_base_digits.digit_char(0).chr
- ns_digits = ''
- nd = neutral.digits.length
- if actual_mode==:fix
- nd -= neutral.dec_pos
- end
- if neutral.inexact? && @ndig>nd # assert no rep-dec.
- ns_digits = @non_sig*(@ndig-nd)
- end
- digits = neutral.digits + ns_digits
- if neutral.dec_pos<=0
- str << zero+@dec_sep+zero*(-neutral.dec_pos) + digits
- elsif neutral.dec_pos >= digits.length
- str << group(digits + zero*(neutral.dec_pos-digits.length))
- else
- str << group(digits[0...neutral.dec_pos]) + @dec_sep + digits[neutral.dec_pos..-1]
- end
- end
- #str = str.chomp(zero).chomp(@dec_sep) if trim_trail_zeros && str.include?(@dec_sep)
- if trim_trail_zeros && str.include?(@dec_sep) && str[-@rep_auto.size..-1]!=@rep_auto
- str.chop! while str[-1]==zero[0]
- str.chomp!(@dec_sep)
- #puts str
- end
- when :sci
- str << neutral.sign if @show_plus || neutral.sign!='+'
- if @show_base && @base_prefix
- b_prefix = @base_indicators[neutral.base]
- str << b_prefix if b_prefix
- end
- #zero = get_base_digits.digit_char(0).chr
- if @ndig==:exact
- neutral.sign = '+'
- neutral.dec_pos-=exp
- str << neutral.to_RepDec.getS(@rep_n, getRepDecOpt(neutral.base))
- else
- ns_digits = ''
- nd = neutral.digits.length
- if actual_mode==:fix
- nd -= neutral.dec_pos
- end
- if neutral.inexact? && @ndig>nd # assert no rep-dec.
- ns_digits = @non_sig*(@ndig-nd)
- end
- digits = neutral.digits + ns_digits
- str << ((integral_digits<1) ? zero : digits[0...integral_digits])
- str << @dec_sep
- str << digits[integral_digits...@ndig]
- pad_right =(@ndig+1-str.length)
- str << zero*pad_right if pad_right>0 && !neutral.inexact? # maybe we didn't have enought digits
- end
- #str = str.chomp(zero).chomp(@dec_sep) if trim_trail_zeros && str.include?(@dec_sep)
- if trim_trail_zeros && str.include?(@dec_sep) && str[-@rep_auto.size..-1]!=@rep_auto
- str.chop! while str[-1]==zero[0]
- str.chomp!(@dec_sep)
- #puts str
- end
- str << get_exp_char(neutral.base)
- str << exp.to_s
- end
- end
- end
- if @show_base && !@base_prefix
- b_prefix = @base_indicators[neutral.base]
- str << b_prefix if b_prefix
- end
- if @width>0 && @fill_char!=''
- l = @width - str.length
- if l>0
- case @adjust
- when :internal
- sign = ''
- if str[0,1]=='+' || str[0,1]=='-'
- sign = str[0,1]
- str = str[1...str.length]
- end
- str = sign + @fill_char*l + str
- when :center
- str = @fill_char*(l/2) + str + @fill_char*(l-l/2)
- when :right
- str = @fill_char*l + str
- when :left
- str = str + @fill_char*l
- end
- end
- end
- return str
- end
- # round a neutral numeral according to the format options
- def round!(neutral) # :nodoc:
- neutral.round! @ndig, @mode, @round
- end
- @@sci_fmt = nil
- def nio_read_formatted(txt) # :nodoc:
- txt = txt.dup
- num = nil
- base = nil
- base ||= get_base
- zero = get_base_digits(base).digit_char(0).chr
-!(@non_sig,zero) # we don't simply remove it because it may be before the radix point
- exp = 0
- x_char = get_exp_char(base)
- exp_i = txt.index(x_char)
- exp_i = txt.index(x_char.downcase) if exp_i===nil
- if exp_i!=nil
- exp = txt[exp_i+1...txt.length].to_i
- txt = txt[0...exp_i]
- end
- opt = getRepDecOpt(base)
- if @rep_in
- #raise InvalidFormat,"Invalid numerical base" if base!=10
- rd = # get_base not necessary: setS sets it from options
- rd.setS txt, opt
- num = rd.to_NeutralNum(opt.digits)
- else
- # to do: use RepDec.parse; then build NeutralNum directly
- opt.set_delim '',''
- opt.set_suffix ''
- rd = # get_base not necessary: setS sets it from options
- rd.setS txt, opt
- num = rd.to_NeutralNum(opt.digits)
- end
- num.rounding = get_round
- num.dec_pos += exp
- return num
- end
- @@fmts = {
- :def=>
- }
- # Returns the current default format.
- def self.default
- d = self[:def]
- if block_given?
- d = d.dup
- yield d
- end
- d
- end
- # Defines the current default format.
- def self.default=(fmt)
- self[:def] = fmt
- end
- # Assigns a format to a name in the formats repository.
- def self.[]=(tag,fmt_def)
- @@fmts[tag.to_sym]=fmt_def.freeze
- end
- # Retrieves a named format from the repository.
- def self.[](tag)
- @@fmts[tag.to_sym]
- end
- protected
- @@valid_properties = nil
- :show_all_digits=>:all_digits,
- :rounding_mode=>:round,
- :approx_mode=>:approx,
- :sci_digits=>:sci_format,
- :non_signitificative_digits=>:non_sig,
- :begin=>:rep_begin,
- :end=>:rep_end,
- :suffix=>:rep_auto,
- :nreps=>:rep_n,
- :read=>:rep_in
- }
- def set!(properties={}) # :nodoc:
- @@valid_properties ||= instance_variables.collect{|v| v[1..-1].to_sym}
- properties.each do |k,v|
- if al
- properties[al] = v
- properties.delete k
- elsif !@@valid_properties.include?(k)
- raise InvalidOption, "Invalid option: #{k}"
- end
- end
- if properties[:grp_sep].nil? && !properties[:dec_sep].nil? && properties[:dec_sep]!=@dec_sep && properties[:dec_sep]==@grp_sep
- properties[:grp_sep] = properties[:dec_sep]=='.' ? ',' : '.'
- end
- if properties[:all_digits].nil? && (properties[:ndig] || properties[:mode])
- ndig = properties[:ndig] || @ndig
- mode = properties[:mode] || @mode
- properties[:all_digits] = ndig!=:exact && mode!=:gen
- end
- if !properties[:all_digits].nil? && properties[:non_sig].nil?
- properties[:non_sig] = '' unless properties[:all_digits]
- elsif !properties[:non_sig].nil? && properties[:all_digits].nil?
- properties[:all_digits] = true if properties[:non_sig]!=''
- end
- if !properties[:base_radix].nil? || !properties[:base_uppercase].nil?
- base = properties[:base_radix] || @base_radix
- uppercase = properties[:base_uppercase] || @base_uppercase
- properties[:base_digits] = DigitsDef.base(base, !uppercase)
- end
- properties.each do |k,v|
- instance_variable_set "@#{k}", v unless v.nil?
- end
- self
- end
- def set(properties={}) # :nodoc:
- self.dup.set!(properties)
- end
- def use_scientific?(neutral,exp) # :nodoc:
- nd = @ndig.kind_of?(Numeric) ? @ndig : [neutral.digits.length,10].max
- if @@sci_fmt==:hp
- puts " #{nd} ndpos=#{neutral.dec_pos} ndlen=#{neutral.digits.length}"
- neutral.dec_pos>nd || ([neutral.digits.length,nd].min-neutral.dec_pos)>nd
- else
- exp<-4 || exp>=nd
- end
- end
- def getRepDecOpt(base=nil) # :nodoc:
- rd_opt =
- rd_opt.begin_rep = @rep_begin
- rd_opt.end_rep = @rep_end
- rd_opt.auto_rep = @rep_auto
- rd_opt.dec_sep = @dec_sep
- rd_opt.grp_sep = @grp_sep
- rd_opt.grp = @grp
- rd_opt.inf_txt = @inf_txt
- rd_opt.nan_txt = @nan_txt
- rd_opt.set_digits(get_base_digits(base))
- # if base && (base != get_base_digits.radix)
- # rd_opt.set_digits(get_base_digits(base))
- # else
- # rd_opt.set_digits get_base_digits
- # end
- return rd_opt
- end
- def group(digits) # :nodoc:
- RepDec.group_digits(digits, getRepDecOpt)
- end
- end
- # This is a mix-in module to add formatting capabilities no numerical classes.
- # A class that includes this module should provide the methods
- # nio_write_neutral(fmt):: an instance method to write the value to
- # a neutral numeral. The format is passed so that
- # the base, for example, is available.
- # nio_read_neutral(neutral):: a class method to create a value from a neutral
- # numeral.
- module Formattable
- # This is the method available in all formattable objects
- # to format the value into a text string according
- # to the optional format passed.
- def nio_write(fmt=Fmt.default)
- neutral = nio_write_neutral(fmt)
- fmt.nio_write_formatted(neutral)
- end
- module ClassMethods
- # This is the method available in all formattable clases
- # to read a formatted value from a text string into
- # a value the class, according to the optional format passed.
- def nio_read(txt,fmt=Fmt.default)
- neutral = fmt.nio_read_formatted(txt)
- nio_read_neutral neutral
- end
- end
- # Round a formattable object according to the rounding mode and
- # precision of a format.
- def nio_round(fmt=Fmt.default)
- neutral = nio_write_neutral(fmt)
- fmt.round! neutral
- self.class.nio_read_neutral neutral
- end
- def self.append_features(mod) # :nodoc:
- super
- mod.extend ClassMethods
- end
- end
- Fmt[:comma] = Fmt.sep(',','.')
- Fmt[:comma_th] = Fmt.sep(',','.',[3])
- Fmt[:dot] = Fmt.sep('.',',')
- Fmt[:dot_th] = Fmt.sep('.',',',[3])
- Fmt[:code] = # don't use :exact to avoid repeating numerals
- class Fmt
- # Intermediate conversion format for simplified conversion
- CONV_FMT = Fmt.prec(:exact).rep('<','>','...',0).approx_mode(:simplify)
- # Intermediate conversion format for exact conversion
- CONV_FMT_STRICT = Fmt.prec(:exact).rep('<','>','...',0).approx_mode(:exact)
- # Numerical conversion: converts the quantity +x+ to an object
- # of class +type+.
- #
- # The third parameter is the kind of conversion:
- # [<tt>:approx</tt>]
- # Tries to find an approximate simpler value if possible for inexact
- # numeric types. This is the default. This is slower in general and
- # may take some seconds in some cases.
- # [<tt>:exact</tt>]
- # Performs a conversion as exact as possible.
- # The third parameter is true for approximate
- # conversion (inexact values are simplified if possible) and false
- # for conversions as exact as possible.
- def Fmt.convert(x, type, mode=:approx)
- fmt = mode==:approx ? CONV_FMT : CONV_FMT_STRICT
- # return x.prec(type)
- if !(x.is_a?(type))
- # return type.nio_read(x.nio_write(fmt),fmt)
- x = x.nio_write_neutral(fmt)
- x = type.nio_read_neutral(x)
- end
- x
- end
- end
- module_function
- def nio_float_to_bigdecimal(x,prec) # :nodoc:
- if prec.nil?
- x = Nio.convert(x,BigDecimal,:approx)
- elsif prec==:exact
- x = Nio.convert(x,BigDecimal,:exact)
- else
- x = BigDecimal(x.nio_write(,:sig)))
- end
- x
- end
- module Clinger # :nodoc: all
- module_function
- def algM(f,e,round_mode,eb=10,beta=Float::RADIX,n=Float::MANT_DIG,min_e=Float::MIN_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG,max_e=Float::MAX_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG)
- if e<0
- u,v,k = f,eb**(-e),0
- else
- u,v,k = f*(eb**e),1,0
- end
- loop do
- x = u.div(v)
- # overflow if k>=max_e
- if (x>=beta**(n-1) && x<beta**n) || k==min_e || k==max_e
- return ratio_float(u,v,k,round_mode,beta,n)
- elsif x<beta**(n-1)
- u *= beta
- k -= 1
- elsif x>=beta**n
- v *= beta
- k += 1
- end
- end
- end
- def ratio_float(u,v,k,round_mode,beta=Float::RADIX,n=Float::MANT_DIG)
- q,r = u.divmod(v)
- v_r = v-r
- z = Math.ldexp(q,k)
- if r<v_r
- z
- elsif r>v_r
- nextfloat z
- elsif (round_mode==:even && q.even?) || (round_mode==:zero)
- z
- else
- nextfloat z
- end
- end
- # valid only for non-negative x
- def nextfloat(x)
- f,e = Math.frexp(x)
- e = Float::MIN_EXP if f==0
- e = [Float::MIN_EXP,e].max
- dx = Math.ldexp(1,e-Float::MANT_DIG) #Math.ldexp(Math.ldexp(1.0,-Float::MANT_DIG),e)
- if f==(1.0 - Math.ldexp(1,-Float::MANT_DIG))
- x + dx*2
- else
- x + dx
- end
- end
- # valid only for non-negative x
- def prevfloat(x)
- f,e = Math.frexp(x)
- e = Float::MIN_EXP if f==0
- e = [Float::MIN_EXP,e].max
- dx = Math.ldexp(1,e-Float::MANT_DIG) #Math.ldexp(Math.ldexp(1.0,-Float::MANT_DIG),e)
- if e==Float::MIN_EXP || f!=0.5 #0.5==Math.ldexp(2**(bits-1),-Float::MANT_DIG)
- x - dx
- else
- x - dx/2 # x - Math.ldexp(Math.ldexp(1.0,-Float::MANT_DIG),e-1)
- end
- end
- end
- module BurgerDybvig # :nodoc: all
- module_function
- def float_to_digits(v,f,e,round_mode,min_e,p,b,_B)
- case round_mode
- when :even
- roundl = roundh = f.even?
- when :inf
- roundl = true
- roundh = false
- when :zero
- roundl = false
- roundh = true
- else
- # here we don't assume any rounding in the floating point numbers
- # the result is valid for any rounding but may produce more digits
- # than stricly necessary for specifica rounding modes.
- roundl = false
- roundh = false
- end
- if e >= 0
- if f != exptt(b,p-1)
- be = exptt(b,e)
- r,s,m_p,m_m,k = scale(f*be*2,2,be,be,0,_B,roundl ,roundh,v)
- else
- be = exptt(b,e)
- be1 = be*b
- r,s,m_p,m_m,k = scale(f*be1*2,b*2,be1,be,0,_B,roundl ,roundh,v)
- end
- else
- if e==min_e or f != exptt(b,p-1)
- r,s,m_p,m_m,k = scale(f*2,exptt(b,-e)*2,1,1,0,_B,roundl ,roundh,v)
- else
- r,s,m_p,m_m,k = scale(f*b*2,exptt(b,1-e)*2,b,1,0,_B,roundl ,roundh,v)
- end
- end
- [k]+generate(r,s,m_p,m_m,_B,roundl ,roundh)
- end
- def scale(r,s,m_p,m_m,k,_B,low_ok ,high_ok,v)
- return scale2(r,s,m_p,m_m,k,_B,low_ok ,high_ok) if v==0
- est = (logB(_B,v)-1E-10).ceil.to_i
- if est>=0
- fixup(r,s*exptt(_B,est),m_p,m_m,est,_B,low_ok,high_ok)
- else
- sc = exptt(_B,-est)
- fixup(r*sc,s,m_p*sc,m_m*sc,est,_B,low_ok,high_ok)
- end
- end
- def fixup(r,s,m_p,m_m,k,_B,low_ok,high_ok)
- if (high_ok ? (r+m_p >= s) : (r+m_p > s)) # too low?
- [r,s*_B,m_p,m_m,k+1]
- else
- [r,s,m_p,m_m,k]
- end
- end
- def scale2(r,s,m_p,m_m,k,_B,low_ok ,high_ok)
- loop do
- if (high_ok ? (r+m_p >= s) : (r+m_p > s)) # k is too low
- s *= _B
- k += 1
- elsif (high_ok ? ((r+m_p)*_B<s) : ((r+m_p)*_B<=s)) # k is too high
- r *= _B
- m_p *= _B
- m_m *= _B
- k -= 1
- else
- break
- end
- end
- [r,s,m_p,m_m,k]
- end
- def generate(r,s,m_p,m_m,_B,low_ok ,high_ok)
- list = []
- loop do
- d,r = (r*_B).divmod(s)
- m_p *= _B
- m_m *= _B
- tc1 = low_ok ? (r<=m_m) : (r<m_m)
- tc2 = high_ok ? (r+m_p >= s) : (r+m_p > s)
- if not tc1
- if not tc2
- list << d
- else
- list << d+1
- break
- end
- else
- if not tc2
- list << d
- break
- else
- if r*2 < s
- list << d
- break
- else
- list << d+1
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- list
- end
- $exptt_table =
- (0...326).each{|i| $exptt_table[i]=10**i}
- def exptt(_B, k)
- if _B==10 && k>=0 && k<326
- $exptt_table[k]
- else
- _B**k
- end
- end
- $logB_table =
- (2...37).each{|b| $logB_table[b]=1.0/Math.log(b)}
- def logB(_B, x)
- if _B>=2 && _B<37
- Math.log(x)*$logB_table[_B]
- else
- Math.log(x)/Math.log(_B)
- end
- end
- def float_to_digits_max(v,f,e,round_mode,min_e,p,b,_B)
- case round_mode
- when :even
- roundl = roundh = f.even?
- when :inf
- roundl = true
- roundh = false
- when :zero
- roundl = false
- roundh = true
- else
- # here we don't assume any rounding in the floating point numbers
- # the result is valid for any rounding but may produce more digits
- # than stricly necessary for specifica rounding modes.
- roundl = false
- roundh = false
- end
- if e >= 0
- if f != exptt(b,p-1)
- be = exptt(b,e)
- r,s,m_p,m_m,k = scale(f*be*2,2,be,be,0,_B,roundl ,roundh,v)
- else
- be = exptt(b,e)
- be1 = be*b
- r,s,m_p,m_m,k = scale(f*be1*2,b*2,be1,be,0,_B,roundl ,roundh,v)
- end
- else
- if e==min_e or f != exptt(b,p-1)
- r,s,m_p,m_m,k = scale(f*2,exptt(b,-e)*2,1,1,0,_B,roundl ,roundh,v)
- else
- r,s,m_p,m_m,k = scale(f*b*2,exptt(b,1-e)*2,b,1,0,_B,roundl ,roundh,v)
- end
- end
- [k]+generate_max(r,s,m_p,m_m,_B,roundl ,roundh)
- end
- def generate_max(r,s,m_p,m_m,_B,low_ok ,high_ok)
- list = [false]
- loop do
- d,r = (r*_B).divmod(s)
- m_p *= _B
- m_m *= _B
- list << d
- tc1 = low_ok ? (r<=m_m) : (r<m_m)
- tc2 = high_ok ? (r+m_p >= s) : (r+m_p > s)
- if tc1 && tc2
- list[0] = true if r*2 >= s
- break
- end
- end
- list
- end
- end
-class Float
- include Nio::Formattable
- def self.nio_read_neutral(neutral)
- x = nil
- honor_rounding = true
- if neutral.special?
- case neutral.special
- when :nan
- x = 0.0/0.0
- when :inf
- x = (neutral.sign=='-' ? -1.0 : +1.0)/0.0
- end
- elsif neutral.rep_pos<neutral.digits.length
- x,y = neutral.to_RepDec.getQ
- x = Float(x)/y
- else
- nd = neutral.base==10 ? Float::DIG : ((Float::MANT_DIG-1)*Math.log(2)/Math.log(neutral.base)).floor
- k = neutral.dec_pos-neutral.digits.length
- if !honor_rounding && (neutral.digits.length<=nd && k.abs<=15)
- x = neutral.digits.to_i(neutral.base).to_f
- if k<0
- x /= Float(neutral.base**-k)
- else
- x *= Float(neutral.base**k)
- end
- x = -x if neutral.sign=='-'
- elsif !honor_rounding && (k>0 && (k+neutral.digits.length < 2*nd))
- j = k-neutral.digits.length
- x = neutral.digits.to_i(neutral.base).to_f * Float(neutral.base**(j))
- x *= Float(neutral.base**(k-j))
- x = -x if neutral.sign=='-'
- elsif neutral.base.modulo(Float::RADIX)==0
- f = neutral.digits.to_i(neutral.base)
- e = neutral.dec_pos-neutral.digits.length
- rounding = neutral.rounding
- x = Nio::Clinger::algM(f,e,rounding,neutral.base,Float::RADIX,Float::MANT_DIG,Float::MIN_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG,Float::MAX_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG)
- x = -x if neutral.sign=='-'
- else
- f = neutral.digits.to_i(neutral.base)
- e = neutral.dec_pos-neutral.digits.length
- rounding = neutral.rounding
- x = Nio::Clinger::algM(f,e,rounding,neutral.base,Float::RADIX,Float::MANT_DIG,Float::MIN_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG,Float::MAX_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG)
- x = -x if neutral.sign=='-'
- end
- end
- return x
- end
- def nio_write_neutral(fmt)
- neutral =
- x = self
- if x.nan?
- neutral.set_special(:nan)
- elsif x.infinite?
- neutral.set_special(:inf, x<0 ? '-' : '+')
- else
- converted = false
- if fmt.get_ndig==:exact && fmt.get_approx==:simplify
- if x!=0
- q = x.nio_r(Nio::Tolerance.decimals(Float::DIG,:sig))
- if q!=0
- neutral = q.nio_write_neutral(fmt)
- converted = true if neutral.digits.length<=Float::DIG
- end
- end
- elsif fmt.get_approx==:exact
- neutral = x.nio_xr.nio_write_neutral(fmt)
- converted = true
- end
- if !converted
- if fmt.get_base==10 && false
- txt = format "%.*e",Float::DECIMAL_DIG-1,x # note that spec. e output precision+1 significant digits
- sign = '+'
- if txt[0,1]=='-'
- sign = '-'
- txt = txt[1...txt.length]
- end
- exp = 0
- x_char = fmt.get_exp_char(fmt.get_base)
- exp_i = txt.index(x_char)
- exp_i = txt.index(x_char.downcase) if exp_i===nil
- if exp_i!=nil
- exp = txt[exp_i+1...txt.length].to_i
- txt = txt[0...exp_i]
- end
- dec_pos = txt.index '.'
- if dec_pos==nil
- dec_pos = txt.length
- else
- txt[dec_pos]=''
- end
- dec_pos += exp
- neutral.set sign, txt, dec_pos, nil, fmt.get_base_digits(10), true, fmt.get_round
- converted = true
- end
- end
- if !converted
- sign = x<0 ? '-' : '+'
- x = -x if sign=='-'
- f,e = Math.frexp(x)
- if e < Float::MIN_EXP
- # denormalized number
- f = Math.ldexp(f,e-Float::MIN_EXP+Float::MANT_DIG)
- e = Float::MIN_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG
- else
- # normalized number
- f = Math.ldexp(f,Float::MANT_DIG)
- e -= Float::MANT_DIG
- end
- f = f.to_i
- inexact = true
- rounding = fmt.get_round
- if fmt.get_all_digits?
- # use as many digits as possible
- dec_pos,r,*digits = Nio::BurgerDybvig::float_to_digits_max(x,f,e,rounding,Float::MIN_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG,Float::MANT_DIG,Float::RADIX,fmt.get_base)
- inexact = :roundup if r
- else
- # use as few digits as possible
- dec_pos,*digits = Nio::BurgerDybvig::float_to_digits(x,f,e,rounding,Float::MIN_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG,Float::MANT_DIG,Float::RADIX,fmt.get_base)
- end
- txt = ''
- digits.each{|d| txt << fmt.get_base_digits.digit_char(d)}
- neutral.set sign, txt, dec_pos, nil, fmt.get_base_digits, inexact, fmt.get_round
- end
- end
- return neutral
- end
-class Numeric
- unless method_defined?(:even?)
- def even?
- self.modulo(2)==0
- end
- end
- unless method_defined?(:odd?)
- def odd?
- self.modulo(2)!=0
- end
- end
-class Integer
- include Nio::Formattable
- def self.nio_read_neutral(neutral)
- x = nil
- if neutral.special?
- raise Nio::InvalidFormat,"Invalid integer numeral"
- elsif neutral.rep_pos<neutral.digits.length
- return Rational.nio_read_neutral(neutral).to_i
- else
- digits = neutral.digits
- if neutral.dec_pos <= 0
- digits = '0'
- elsif neutral.dec_pos <= digits.length
- digits = digits[0...neutral.dec_pos]
- else
- digits = digits + '0'*(neutral.dec_pos-digits.length)
- end
- x = digits.to_i(neutral.base)
- # this was formely needed because we didn't adust the digits
- # if neutral.dec_pos != neutral.digits.length
- # # with rational included, negative powers of ten are rational numbers
- # x = (x*((neutral.base)**(neutral.dec_pos-neutral.digits.length))).to_i
- # end
- x = -x if neutral.sign=='-'
- end
- return x
- end
- def nio_write_neutral(fmt)
- neutral =
- x = self
- sign = x<0 ? '-' : '+'
- txt = x.abs.to_s(fmt.get_base)
- dec_pos = rep_pos = txt.length
- neutral.set sign, txt, dec_pos, nil, fmt.get_base_digits, false ,fmt.get_round
- return neutral
- end
-class Rational
- include Nio::Formattable
- def self.nio_read_neutral(neutral)
- x = nil
- if neutral.special?
- case neutral.special
- when :nan
- x = Rational(0,0)
- when :inf
- x = Rational((neutral.sign=='-' ? -1 : +1),0)
- end
- else
- x = Rational(*neutral.to_RepDec.getQ)
- end
- return x
- end
- def nio_write_neutral(fmt)
- neutral =
- x = self
- if x.denominator==0
- if x.numerator>0
- neutral.set_special(:inf)
- elsif x.numerator<0
- neutral.set_special(:inf,'-')
- else
- neutral.set_special(:nan)
- end
- else
- if fmt.get_base==10
- rd =,x.denominator)
- else
- opt = Nio::RepDec::DEF_OPT.dup.set_digits(fmt.get_base_digits)
- rd =,x.denominator, opt)
- end
- neutral = rd.to_NeutralNum(fmt.get_base_digits)
- neutral.rounding = fmt.get_round
- end
- return neutral
- end
-if defined? BigDecimal
-class BigDecimal
- include Nio::Formattable
- def self.nio_read_neutral(neutral)
- x = nil
- if neutral.special?
- case neutral.special
- when :nan
- x = BigDecimal('NaN') # BigDecimal("0")/0
- when :inf
- x = BigDecimal(neutral.sign=='-' ? '-1.0' : '+1.0')/0
- end
- elsif neutral.rep_pos<neutral.digits.length
- x,y = neutral.to_RepDec.getQ
- x = BigDecimal(x.to_s)/y
- else
- if neutral.base==10
- #x = BigDecimal(neutral.digits)
- #x *= BigDecimal("1E#{(neutral.dec_pos-neutral.digits.length)}")
- #x = -x if neutral.sign=='-'
- str = neutral.sign
- str += neutral.digits
- str += "E#{(neutral.dec_pos-neutral.digits.length)}"
- x = BigDecimal(str)
- else
- x = BigDecimal(neutral.digits.to_i(neutral.base).to_s)
- x *= BigDecimal(neutral.base.to_s)**(neutral.dec_pos-neutral.digits.length)
- x = -x if neutral.sign=='-'
- end
- end
- return x
- end
- def nio_write_neutral(fmt)
- neutral =
- x = self
- if x.nan?
- neutral.set_special(:nan)
- elsif x.infinite?
- neutral.set_special(:inf, x<0 ? '-' : '+')
- else
- converted = false
- if fmt.get_ndig==:exact && fmt.get_approx==:simplify
- prc = [x.precs[0],20].max
- neutral = x.nio_r(Nio::BigTolerance.decimals(prc,:sig)).nio_write_neutral(fmt)
- converted = true if neutral.digits.length<prc
- elsif fmt.get_approx==:exact && fmt.get_base!=10
- neutral = x.nio_xr.nio_write_neutral(fmt)
- converted = true
- end
- if !converted
- if fmt.get_base==10
- txt = x.to_s
- sign = '+'
- if txt[0,1]=='-'
- sign = '-'
- txt = txt[1...txt.length]
- end
- exp = 0
- x_char = fmt.get_exp_char(fmt.get_base)
- exp_i = txt.index(x_char)
- exp_i = txt.index(x_char.downcase) if exp_i===nil
- if exp_i!=nil
- exp = txt[exp_i+1...txt.length].to_i
- txt = txt[0...exp_i]
- end
- dec_pos = txt.index '.'
- if dec_pos==nil
- dec_pos = txt.length
- else
- txt[dec_pos]=''
- end
- dec_pos += exp
- neutral.set sign, txt, dec_pos, nil, fmt.get_base_digits(10), true, fmt.get_round
- converted = true
- end
- end
- if !converted
- min_prec = 24
- min_exp = -1000
- s,f,b,e = x.split
- e -= f.size
- sign = s<0 ? '-' : '+'
- x = -x if sign=='-'
- f_i = f.to_i
- prc = [x.precs[0],min_prec].max
- f_i *= 10**(prc-f.size)
- e -= (prc-f.size)
- inexact = true
- rounding = fmt.get_round
- if fmt.get_all_digits?
- # use as many digits as possible
- dec_pos,r,*digits = Nio::BurgerDybvig::float_to_digits_max(x,f_i,e,rounding,[e,min_exp].min,prc,b,fmt.get_base)
- inexact = :roundup if r
- else
- # use as few digits as possible
- dec_pos,*digits = Nio::BurgerDybvig::float_to_digits(x,f_i,e,rounding,[e,min_exp].min,prc,b,fmt.get_base)
- end
- txt = ''
- digits.each{|d| txt << fmt.get_base_digits.digit_char(d)}
- neutral.set sign, txt, dec_pos, nil, fmt.get_base_digits, inexact, fmt.get_round
- end
- end
- return neutral
- end
+# Formatting numbers as text
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2005, Javier Goizueta <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+require 'nio/tools'
+require 'nio/repdec'
+require 'nio/rtnlzr'
+require 'rational'
+require 'bigdecimal'
+module Nio
+ # positional notation, unformatted numeric literal: used as intermediate form
+ class NeutralNum
+ include StateEquivalent
+ def initialize(s='',d='',p=nil,r=nil,dgs=DigitsDef.base(10), inexact=false, round=:inf)
+ set s,d,p,r,dgs,dgs, inexact, round
+ end
+ attr_reader :sign, :digits, :dec_pos, :rep_pos, :special, :inexact, :rounding
+ attr_writer :sign, :digits, :dec_pos, :rep_pos, :special, :inexact, :rounding
+ # set number
+ def set(s,d,p=nil,r=nil,dgs=DigitsDef.base(10),inexact=false,rounding=:inf,normalize=true)
+ @sign = s # sign: '+','-',''
+ @digits = d # digits string
+ @dec_pos = p==nil ? d.length : p # position of decimal point: 0=before first digit...
+ @rep_pos = r==nil ? d.length : r # first repeated digit (0=first digit...)
+ @dgs = dgs
+ @base = @dgs.radix
+ @inexact = inexact
+ @special = nil
+ @rounding = rounding
+ trimZeros unless inexact
+ self
+ end
+ # set infinite (:inf) and invalid (:nan) numbers
+ def set_special(s,sgn='') # :inf, :nan
+ @special = s
+ @sign = sgn
+ self
+ end
+ def base
+ @base
+ end
+ def base_digits
+ @dgs
+ end
+ def base_digits=(dd)
+ @dgs = dd
+ @base = @dgs.radix
+ end
+ def base=(b)
+ @dgs = DigitsDef.base(b)
+ @base=@dgs.radix
+ end
+ # check for special numbers (which have only special and sign attributes)
+ def special?
+ special != nil
+ end
+ # check for special numbers (which have only special and sign attributes)
+ def inexact?
+ @inexact
+ end
+ def dup
+ n =
+ if special?
+ n.set_special @special.dup, @sign.dup
+ else
+ #n.set @sign.dup, @digits.dup, @dec_pos.dup, @rep_pos.dup, @dgs.dup
+ # in Ruby 1.6.8 Float,BigNum,Fixnum doesn't respond to dup
+ n.set @sign.dup, @digits.dup, @dec_pos, @rep_pos, @dgs.dup, @inexact, @rounding
+ end
+ return n
+ end
+ def zero?
+ z = false
+ if !special
+ if digits==''
+ z = true
+ else
+ z = true
+ for i in (0...@digits.length)
+ if dig_value(i)!=0
+ z = false
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ z
+ end
+ def round!(n, mode=:fix, dir=nil)
+ dir ||= rounding
+ trimLeadZeros
+ if n==:exact
+ return unless @inexact
+ n = @digits.size
+ end
+ n += @dec_pos if mode==:fix
+ n = [n,@digits.size].min if @inexact
+ adj = 0
+ dv = :tie
+ if @inexact && n==@digits.size
+ dv = @inexact==:roundup ? :hi : :lo
+ else
+ v = dig_value(n)
+ v2 = 2*v
+ if v2 < @base # v<((@base+1)/2)
+ dv = :lo
+ elsif v2 > @base # v>(@base/2)
+ dv = :hi
+ else
+ (n+1...@digits.length).each do |i|
+ if dig_value(i)>0
+ dv = :hi
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ dv = :hi if dv==:tie && @rep_pos<=n
+ end
+ end
+ if dv==:hi
+ adj = +1
+ elsif dv==:tie
+ if dir==:inf # towards nearest +/-infinity
+ adj = +1
+ elsif dir==:even # to nearest even digit (IEEE unbiased rounding)
+ adj = +1 if (dig_value(n-1)%2)!=0
+ elsif dir==:zero # towards zero
+ adj=0
+ # elsif dir==:odd
+ # adj = +1 unless (dig_value(n-1)%2)!=0
+ end
+ end
+ if n>@digits.length
+ (@digits.length...n).each do |i|
+ @digits << dig_char(dig_value(i))
+ @rep_pos += 1
+ end
+ end
+ prefix = ''
+ i = n-1
+ while adj!=0
+ v = dig_value(i)
+ v += adj
+ adj = 0
+ if v<0
+ v += @base
+ adj = -1
+ elsif v>=@base
+ v -= @base
+ adj = +1
+ end
+ if i<0
+ prefix = dig_char(v)+prefix
+ elsif i<@digits.length
+ @digits[i] = dig_char(v)
+ end
+ i += -1
+ end
+ if n<0
+ @digits = ""
+ else
+ @digits = @digits[0...n]
+ end
+ @rep_pos = @digits.length
+ if prefix!=''
+ @digits = prefix + @digits
+ @dec_pos += prefix.length
+ @rep_pos += prefix.length
+ end
+ end
+ def round(n, mode=:fix, dir=nil)
+ dir ||= rounding
+ nn = dup
+ nn.round!(n,mode,dir)
+ return nn
+ end
+ def trimTrailZeros()
+ i = @digits.length
+ while i>0 && dig_value(i-1)==0
+ i -= 1
+ end
+ if @rep_pos>=i
+ @digits = @digits[0...i]
+ @rep_pos = i
+ end
+ if @digits==''
+ @digits = dig_char(0) # '0'
+ @rep_pos = 1
+ @dec_pos = 1
+ end
+ end
+ def trimLeadZeros()
+ i = 0
+ while i<@digits.length && dig_value(i)==0
+ i += 1
+ end
+ @digits = @digits[i...@digits.length]
+ @dec_pos -= i
+ @rep_pos -= i
+ if @digits==''
+ @digits = dig_char(0) # '0'
+ @rep_pos = 1
+ @dec_pos = 1
+ end
+ end
+ def trimZeros()
+ trimLeadZeros
+ trimTrailZeros
+ end
+ protected
+ def dig_value(i)
+ v = 0
+ if i>=@rep_pos
+ i -= @digits.length
+ i %= @digits.length - @rep_pos if @rep_pos<@digits.length
+ i += @rep_pos
+ end
+ if i>=0 && i<@digits.length
+ v = @dgs.digit_value(@digits[i]) #digcode_value(@digits[i])
+ end
+ return v>=0 && v<@base ? v : nil
+ end
+ #def digcode_value(c)
+ # v = c-?0
+ # if v>9
+ # v = 10 + c.chr.downcase[0] - ?a
+ # end
+ # v
+ # @dgs.digit_value(c)
+ #end
+ def dig_char(v)
+ c = ''
+ if v!=nil && v>=0 && v<@base
+ c = @dgs.digit_char(v).chr
+ end
+ c
+ end
+ end
+ class NeutralNum
+ public
+ def to_RepDec
+ n =
+ if special?
+ case special
+ when :nan
+ n.ip = :indeterminate
+ when :inf
+ if sign=='-'
+ n.ip = :posinfinity
+ else
+ n.ip :neginfinity
+ end
+ else
+ n = nil
+ end
+ else
+ if dec_pos<=0
+ n.ip = 0
+ n.d = text_to_digits(dig_char(0)*(-dec_pos) + digits)
+ elsif dec_pos >= digits.length
+ n.ip = digits.to_i(@base)
+ if rep_pos<dec_pos
+ i=0
+ (dec_pos-digits.length).times do
+ n.ip *= @base
+ n.ip += @dgs.digit_value(digits[rep_pos+i]) if rep_pos+i<digits.length
+ i += 1
+ i=0 if i>=digits.length-rep_pos
+ end
+ n.d = []
+ while i<digits.length-rep_pos
+ n.d << @dgs.digit_value(digits[rep_pos+i])
+ i += 1
+ end
+ new_rep_pos = n.d.size + dec_pos
+ n.d += text_to_digits(digits[rep_pos..-1])
+ self.rep_pos = new_rep_pos
+ else
+ n.ip *= @base**(dec_pos-digits.length)
+ n.d = []
+ end
+ else
+ n.ip = digits[0...dec_pos].to_i(@base)
+ n.d = text_to_digits(digits[dec_pos..-1])
+ if rep_pos<dec_pos
+ new_rep_pos = n.d.size + dec_pos
+ n.d += text_to_digits(digits[rep_pos..-1])
+ self.rep_pos = new_rep_pos
+ puts "--rep_pos=#{rep_pos}"
+ end
+ end
+ n.sign = -1 if sign=='-'
+ n.rep_i = rep_pos - dec_pos
+ end
+ n.normalize!(!inexact) # keep trailing zeros for inexact numbers
+ return n
+ end
+ protected
+ def text_to_digits(txt)
+ #txt.split('').collect{|c| @dgs.digit_value(c)}
+ ds = []
+ txt.each_byte{|b| ds << @dgs.digit_value(b)}
+ ds
+ end
+ end
+ class RepDec
+ public
+ def to_NeutralNum(base_dgs=nil)
+ num =
+ if !ip.is_a?(Integer)
+ case ip
+ when :indeterminate
+ num.set_special :nan
+ when :posinfinity
+ num.set_special :inf,'+'
+ when :neginfinity
+ num.set_special :inf,'-'
+ else
+ num = nil
+ end
+ else
+ base_dgs ||= DigitsDef.base(@radix)
+ # assert base_dgs.radix == @radix
+ signch = sign<0 ? '-' : '+'
+ decimals = ip.to_s(@radix)
+ dec_pos = decimals.length
+ d.each {|dig| decimals << base_dgs.digit_char(dig) }
+ rep_pos = rep_i==nil ? decimals.length : dec_pos + rep_i
+ num.set signch, decimals, dec_pos, rep_pos, base_dgs
+ end
+ return num
+ end
+ end
+ # A Fmt object defines a numeric format.
+ #
+ # The formatting aspects managed by Fmt are:
+ # * mode and precision
+ # - #mode() and #orec() set the main paramters
+ # - see also #show_all_digits(), #approx_mode(), #insignificant_digits(),
+ # #sci_digits(), #show_exp_plus() and #show_plus()
+ # * separators
+ # - see #sep() and #grouping()
+ # * field justfification
+ # - #width() and the shortcut #pad0s()
+ # * numerical base
+ # - #base()
+ # * repeating numerals
+ # - #rep()
+ #
+ # Note that for every aspect there are also corresponding _mutator_
+ # methos (its name ending with a bang) that modify an object in place,
+ # instead of returning an altered copy.
+ #
+ # This class also contains class methods for numeric conversion:
+ # * Fmt.convert
+ # and for default and other predefined formats:
+ # * Fmt.default / Fmt.default=
+ # * Fmt.[] / Fmt.[]=
+ #
+ # The actual formatted reading and writting if performed by
+ # * #nio_write() (Nio::Formattable#nio_write)
+ # * #nio_read() (Nio::Formattable::ClassMethods#nio_read)
+ # Finally numerical objects can be rounded according to a format:
+ # * #nio_round() (Nio::Formattable#nio_round)
+ class Fmt
+ include StateEquivalent
+ class Error < StandardError # :nodoc:
+ end
+ class InvalidOption < Error # :nodoc:
+ end
+ class InvalidFormat < Error # :nodoc:
+ end
+ @@default_rounding_mode = :even
+ def initialize()
+ @dec_sep = '.'
+ @grp_sep = ','
+ @grp = []
+ @ndig = :exact
+ @mode=:gen
+ @round=Fmt.default_rounding_mode
+ @all_digits = false
+ @approx = :only_sig
+ @non_sig = '' # marker for insignificant digits of inexact values e.g. '#','0'
+ @sci_format = 1 # number of integral digits in the mantissa: -1 for all
+ @show_plus = false
+ @show_exp_plus = false
+ @plus_symbol = nil
+ @minus_symbol = nil
+ @rep_begin = '<'
+ @rep_end = '>'
+ @rep_auto = '...'
+ @rep_n = 2
+ @rep_in = true
+ @width = 0
+ @fill_char = ' '
+ @adjust=:right
+ @base_radix = 10
+ @base_uppercase = true
+ @base_digits = DigitsDef.base(@base_radix, !@base_uppercase)
+ @show_base = false
+ @base_indicators = { 2=>'b', 8=>'o', 10=>'', 16=>'h', 0=>'r'} # 0: generic (used with radix)
+ @base_prefix = false
+ @nan_txt = 'NAN'
+ @inf_txt = 'Infinity'
+ yield self if block_given?
+ end
+ # Defines the separators used in numerals. This is relevant to
+ # both input and output.
+ #
+ # The first argument is the radix point separator (usually
+ # a point or a comma; by default it is a point.)
+ #
+ # The second argument is the group separator.
+ #
+ # Finally, the third argument is an array that defines the groups
+ # of digits to separate.
+ # By default it's [], which means that no grouping will be produced on output
+ # (but the group separator defined will be ignored in input.)
+ # To produce the common thousands separation a value of [3] must be passed,
+ # which means that groups of 3 digits are used.
+ def sep(dec_sep,grp_sep=nil,grp=nil)
+ dup.sep!(dec_sep,grp_sep,grp)
+ end
+ # This is the mutator version of #sep().
+ def sep!(dec_sep,grp_sep=nil,grp=nil)
+ set! :dec_sep=>dec_sep, :grp_sep=>grp_sep, :grp=>grp
+ end
+ # This defines the grouping of digits (which can also be defined in #sep()
+ def grouping(grp=[3],grp_sep=nil)
+ dup.grouping!(grp,grp_sep)
+ end
+ # This is the mutator version of #grouping().
+ def grouping!(grp=[3],grp_sep=nil)
+ set! :grp_sep=>grp_sep, :grp=>grp
+ end
+ # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
+ # and define the separators as with #sep().
+ def Fmt.sep(dec_sep,grp_sep=nil,grp=nil)
+ Fmt.default.sep(dec_sep,grp_sep,grp)
+ end
+ # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
+ # and define the grouping as with #grouping().
+ def Fmt.grouping(grp=[3],grp_sep=nil)
+ Fmt.default.grouping(grp,grp_sep)
+ end
+ # Define the formatting mode. There are two fixed parameters:
+ # - <tt>mode</tt> (only relevant for output)
+ # [<tt>:gen</tt>]
+ # (general) chooses automatically the shortes format
+ # [<tt>:fix</tt>]
+ # (fixed precision) is a simple format with a fixed number of digits
+ # after the point
+ # [<tt>:sig</tt>]
+ # (significance precision) is like :fix but using significant digits
+ # [<tt>:sci</tt>]
+ # (scientific) is the exponential form 1.234E2
+ # - <tt>precision</tt> (number of digits or :exact, only used for output)
+ # [<tt>exact</tt>]
+ # means that as many digits as necessary to unambiguosly define the
+ # value are used; this is the default.
+ #
+ # Other paramters can be passed in a hash after <tt>precision</tt>
+ # - <tt>:round</tt> rounding mode applied to conversions
+ # (this is relevant for both input and output). It must be one of:
+ # [<tt>:inf</tt>]
+ # rounds to nearest with ties toward infinite;
+ # 1.5 is rounded to 2, -1.5 to -2
+ # [<tt>:zero</tt>]
+ # rounds to nearest with ties toward zero;
+ # 1.5 is rounded to 1, -1.5 to 2
+ # [<tt>:even</tt>]
+ # rounds to the nearest with ties toward an even digit;
+ # 1.5 rounds to 2, 2.5 to 2
+ # - <tt>:approx</tt> approximate mode
+ # [<tt>:only_sig</tt>]
+ # (the default) treats the value as an approximation and only
+ # significant digits (those that cannot take an arbitrary value without
+ # changing the specified value) are shown.
+ # [<tt>:exact</tt>]
+ # the value is interpreted as exact, there's no distinction between
+ # significant and insignificant digits.
+ # [<tt>:simplify</tt>]
+ # the value is simplified, if possible to a simpler (rational) value.
+ # - <tt>:show_all_digits</tt> if true, this forces to show digits that
+ # would otherwise not be shown in the <tt>:gen</tt> format: trailing
+ # zeros of exact types or non-signficative digits of inexact types.
+ # - <tt>:nonsignficative_digits</tt> assigns a character to display
+ # insignificant digits, # by default
+ def mode(mode,precision=nil,options={})
+ dup.mode!(mode,precision,options)
+ end
+ # This is the mutator version of #mode().
+ def mode!(mode,precision=nil,options={})
+ set! options.merge(:mode=>mode, :ndig=>precision)
+ end
+ # Defines the formatting mode like #mode() but using a different
+ # order of the first two parameters parameters, which is useful
+ # to change the precision only. Refer to #mode().
+ def prec(precision,mode=nil, options={})
+ dup.prec! precision, mode, options
+ end
+ # This is the mutator version of #prec().
+ def prec!(precision,mode=:gen, options={})
+ set! options.merge(:mode=>mode, :ndig=>precision)
+ end
+ # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
+ # and define the formatting mode as with #mode()
+ def Fmt.mode(mode,ndig=nil,options={})
+ Fmt.default.mode(mode,ndig,options)
+ end
+ # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
+ # and define the formatting mode as with #prec()
+ def Fmt.prec(ndig,mode=nil,options={})
+ Fmt.default.prec(ndig,mode,options)
+ end
+ # Rounding mode used when not specified otherwise
+ def Fmt.default_rounding_mode
+ @@default_rounding_mode
+ end
+ # The default rounding can be changed here; it starts with the value :even.
+ # See the rounding modes available in the description of method #mode().
+ def Fmt.default_rounding_mode=(m)
+ @@default_rounding_mode=m
+ Fmt.default = Fmt.default.round(m)
+ end
+ # This controls the display of the digits that are not necessary
+ # to specify the value unambiguosly (e.g. trailing zeros).
+ #
+ # The true (default) value forces the display of the requested number of digits
+ # and false will display only necessary digits.
+ def show_all_digits(ad=true)
+ dup.show_all_digits! ad
+ end
+ # This is the mutator version of #show_all_digits().
+ def show_all_digits!(ad=true)
+ set! :all_digits=>ad
+ end
+ # This defines the approximate mode (:only_sig, :exact, :simplify)
+ # just like the last parameter of #mode()
+ def approx_mode(mode)
+ dup.approx_mode! mode
+ end
+ # This is the mutator version of #approx_mode().
+ def approx_mode!(mode)
+ set! :approx=>mode
+ end
+ # Defines a character to stand for insignificant digits when
+ # a specific number of digits has been requested greater than then
+ # number of significant digits (for approximate types).
+ def insignificant_digits(ch='#')
+ dup.insignificant_digits! ch
+ end
+ # This is the mutator version of #insignificant_digits().
+ def insignificant_digits!(ch='#')
+ ch ||= ''
+ set! :non_sig=>ch
+ end
+ # Defines the number of significan digits before the radix separator
+ # in scientific notation. A negative value will set all significant digits
+ # before the radix separator. The special value <tt>:eng</tt> activates
+ # _engineering_ mode, in which the exponents are multiples of 3.
+ #
+ # For example:
+ # 0.1234.nio_write(Fmt.mode(:sci,4).sci_digits(0) -> 0.1234E0
+ # 0.1234.nio_write(Fmt.mode(:sci,4).sci_digits(3) -> 123.4E-3
+ # 0.1234.nio_write(Fmt.mode(:sci,4).sci_digits(-1) -> 1234.E-4
+ # 0.1234.nio_write(Fmt.mode(:sci,4).sci_digits(:eng) -> 123.4E-3
+ def sci_digits(n=-1)
+ dup.sci_digits! n
+ end
+ # This is the mutator version of #sci_digits().
+ def sci_digits!(n=-1)
+ set! :sci_format=>n
+ end
+ # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
+ # and define show_all_digits
+ def Fmt.show_all_digits(v=true)
+ Fmt.default.show_all_digits(v)
+ end
+ # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
+ # and define approx_mode
+ def Fmt.approx_mode(v)
+ Fmt.default.approx_mode(v)
+ end
+ # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
+ # and define insignificant digits
+ def Fmt.insignificant_digits(v='#')
+ Fmt.default.insignificant_digits(v)
+ end
+ # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
+ # and define sci_digits
+ def Fmt.sci_digits(v=-1)
+ Fmt.default.sci_digits(v)
+ end
+ # Controls the display of the sign for positive numbers
+ def show_plus(sp=true)
+ dup.show_plus! sp
+ end
+ # This is the mutator version of #show_plus().
+ def show_plus!(sp=true)
+ set! :show_plus=>sp
+ set! :plus_symbol=>sp if sp.kind_of?(String)
+ self
+ end
+ # Controls the display of the sign for positive exponents
+ def show_exp_plus(sp=true)
+ dup.show_exp_plus! sp
+ end
+ # This is the mutator version of #show_plus().
+ def show_exp_plus!(sp=true)
+ set! :show_exp_plus=>sp
+ set! :plus_symbol=>sp if sp.kind_of?(String)
+ self
+ end
+ # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
+ # and define show_plus
+ def Fmt.show_plus(v=true)
+ Fmt.default.show_plus(v)
+ end
+ # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
+ # and define show_exp_plus
+ def Fmt.show_exp_plus(v=true)
+ Fmt.default.show_exp_plus(v)
+ end
+ # Defines the handling and notation for repeating numerals. The parameters
+ # can be passed in order or in a hash:
+ # [<tt>:begin</tt>] is the beginning delimiter of repeating section (<)
+ # [<tt>:end</tt>] is the ending delimiter of repeating section (<)
+ # [<tt>:suffix</tt>] is the suffix used to indicate a implicit repeating decimal
+ # [<tt>:rep</tt>]
+ # if this parameter is greater than zero, on output the repeating section
+ # is repeated the indicated number of times followed by the suffix;
+ # otherwise the delimited notation is used.
+ # [<tt>:read</tt>]
+ # (true/false) determines if repeating decimals are
+ # recognized on input (true)
+ def rep(*params)
+ dup.rep!(*params)
+ end
+ # This is the mutator version of #rep().
+ def rep!(*params)
+ params << {} if params.size==0
+ if params[0].kind_of?(Hash)
+ params = params[0]
+ else
+ begch,endch,autoch,rep,read = *params
+ params = {:begin=>begch,:end=>endch,:suffix=>autoch,:nreps=>rep,:read=>read}
+ end
+ set! params
+ end
+ # This is a shortcut to return a new default Fmt object
+ # and define the repeating decimals mode as with #rep()
+ def Fmt.rep(*params)
+ Fmt.default.rep(*params)
+ end
+ # Sets the justificaton width, mode and fill character
+ #
+ # The mode accepts these values:
+ # [<tt>:right</tt>] (the default) justifies to the right (adds padding at the left)
+ # [<tt>:left</tt>] justifies to the left (adds padding to the right)
+ # [<tt>:internal</tt>] like :right, but the sign is kept to the left, outside the padding.
+ # [<tt>:center</tt>] centers the number in the field
+ def width(w,adj=nil,ch=nil)
+ dup.width! w,adj,ch
+ end
+ # This is the mutator version of #width().
+ def width!(w,adj=nil,ch=nil)
+ set! :width=>w, :adjust=>adj, :fill_char=>ch
+ end
+ # Defines the justification (as #width()) with the given
+ # width, internal mode and filling with zeros.
+ #
+ # Note that if you also use grouping separators, the filling 0s
+ # will not be separated.
+ def pad0s(w)
+ dup.pad0s! w
+ end
+ # This is the mutator version of #pad0s().
+ def pad0s!(w)
+ width! w, :internal, '0'
+ end
+ # This is a shortcut to create a new Fmt object and define the width
+ # parameters as with #widht()
+ def Fmt.width(w,adj=nil,ch=nil)
+ Fmt.default.width(w,adj,ch)
+ end
+ # This is a shortcut to create a new Fmt object and define numeric
+ # padding as with #pad0s()
+ def Fmt.pad0s(w)
+ Fmt.default.pad0s(w)
+ end
+ # defines the numerical base; the second parameters forces the use
+ # of uppercase letters for bases greater than 10.
+ def base(b, uppercase=nil)
+ dup.base! b, uppercase
+ end
+ # This is the mutator version of #base().
+ def base!(b, uppercase=nil)
+ set! :base_radix=>b, :base_uppercase=>uppercase
+ end
+ # This is a shortcut to create a new Fmt object and define the base
+ def Fmt.base(b, uppercase=nil)
+ Fmt.default.base(b, uppercase)
+ end
+ # returns the exponent char used with the specified base
+ def get_exp_char(base) # :nodoc:
+ base ||= @base_radix
+ base<=10 ? 'E' : '^'
+ end
+ # returns the base
+ def get_base # :nodoc:
+ @base_radix
+ end
+ # returns the digit characters used for a base
+ def get_base_digits(b=nil) # :nodoc:
+ (b.nil? || b==@base_radix) ? @base_digits : DigitsDef.base(b,!@base_uppercase)
+ end
+ # returns true if uppercase digits are used
+ def get_base_uppercase? # :nodoc:
+ @base_uppercase
+ end
+ # returns the formatting mode
+ def get_mode # :nodoc:
+ @mode
+ end
+ # returns the precision (number of digits)
+ def get_ndig # :nodoc:
+ @ndig
+ end
+ # return the show_all_digits state
+ def get_all_digits? # :nodoc:
+ @all_digits
+ end
+ # returns the approximate mode
+ def get_approx # :nodoc:
+ @approx
+ end
+ # returns the rounding mode
+ def get_round # :nodoc:
+ @round
+ end
+ # Method used internally to format a neutral numeral
+ def nio_write_formatted(neutral) # :nodoc:
+ str = ''
+ if neutral.special?
+ str << neutral.sign
+ case neutral.special
+ when :inf
+ str << @inf_txt
+ when :nan
+ str << @nan_txt
+ end
+ else
+ zero = get_base_digits(neutral.base).digit_char(0).chr
+ neutral = neutral.dup
+ round! neutral
+ if
+ str << neutral.sign if neutral.sign=='-' # show - if number was <0 before rounding
+ str << zero
+ if @ndig.kind_of?(Numeric) && @ndig>0 && @mode==:fix
+ str << @dec_sep << zero*@ndig
+ end
+ else
+ neutral.trimLeadZeros
+ actual_mode = @mode
+ trim_trail_zeros = !@all_digits # false
+ integral_digits = @sci_format
+ if integral_digits == :eng
+ integral_digits = 1
+ while (neutral.dec_pos - integral_digits).modulo(3) != 0
+ integral_digits += 1
+ end
+ elsif integral_digits==:all || integral_digits < 0
+ if neutral.inexact? && @non_sig!='' && @ndig.kind_of?(Numeric)
+ integral_digits = @ndig
+ else
+ integral_digits = neutral.digits.length
+ end
+ end
+ exp = neutral.dec_pos - integral_digits
+ case actual_mode
+ when :gen # general (automatic)
+ # @ndig means significant digits
+ actual_mode = :sig
+ actual_mode = :sci if use_scientific?(neutral, exp)
+ trim_trail_zeros = !@all_digits # true
+ end
+ case actual_mode
+ when :fix, :sig #, :gen
+ if @show_plus || neutral.sign!='+'
+ str << ({'-'=>@minus_symbol, '+'=>@plus_symbol}[neutral.sign] || neutral.sign)
+ end
+ if @show_base && @base_prefix
+ b_prefix = @base_indicators[neutral.base]
+ str << b_prefix if b_prefix
+ end
+ if @ndig==:exact
+ neutral.sign = '+'
+ str << neutral.to_RepDec.getS(@rep_n, getRepDecOpt(neutral.base))
+ else
+ #zero = get_base_digits.digit_char(0).chr
+ ns_digits = ''
+ nd = neutral.digits.length
+ if actual_mode==:fix
+ nd -= neutral.dec_pos
+ end
+ if neutral.inexact? && @ndig>nd # assert no rep-dec.
+ ns_digits = @non_sig*(@ndig-nd)
+ end
+ digits = neutral.digits + ns_digits
+ if neutral.dec_pos<=0
+ str << zero+@dec_sep+zero*(-neutral.dec_pos) + digits
+ elsif neutral.dec_pos >= digits.length
+ str << group(digits + zero*(neutral.dec_pos-digits.length))
+ else
+ str << group(digits[0...neutral.dec_pos]) + @dec_sep + digits[neutral.dec_pos..-1]
+ end
+ end
+ #str = str.chomp(zero).chomp(@dec_sep) if trim_trail_zeros && str.include?(@dec_sep)
+ if trim_trail_zeros && str.include?(@dec_sep) && str[-@rep_auto.size..-1]!=@rep_auto
+ str.chop! while str[-1]==zero[0]
+ str.chomp!(@dec_sep)
+ #puts str
+ end
+ when :sci
+ if @show_plus || neutral.sign!='+'
+ str << ({'-'=>@minus_symbol, '+'=>@plus_symbol}[neutral.sign] || neutral.sign)
+ end
+ if @show_base && @base_prefix
+ b_prefix = @base_indicators[neutral.base]
+ str << b_prefix if b_prefix
+ end
+ #zero = get_base_digits.digit_char(0).chr
+ if @ndig==:exact
+ neutral.sign = '+'
+ neutral.dec_pos-=exp
+ str << neutral.to_RepDec.getS(@rep_n, getRepDecOpt(neutral.base))
+ else
+ ns_digits = ''
+ nd = neutral.digits.length
+ if actual_mode==:fix
+ nd -= neutral.dec_pos
+ end
+ if neutral.inexact? && @ndig>nd # assert no rep-dec.
+ ns_digits = @non_sig*(@ndig-nd)
+ end
+ digits = neutral.digits + ns_digits
+ str << ((integral_digits<1) ? zero : digits[0...integral_digits])
+ str << @dec_sep
+ str << digits[integral_digits...@ndig]
+ pad_right =(@ndig+1-str.length)
+ str << zero*pad_right if pad_right>0 && !neutral.inexact? # maybe we didn't have enought digits
+ end
+ #str = str.chomp(zero).chomp(@dec_sep) if trim_trail_zeros && str.include?(@dec_sep)
+ if trim_trail_zeros && str.include?(@dec_sep) && str[-@rep_auto.size..-1]!=@rep_auto
+ str.chop! while str[-1]==zero[0]
+ str.chomp!(@dec_sep)
+ #puts str
+ end
+ str << get_exp_char(neutral.base)
+ if @show_exp_plus || exp<0
+ str << (exp<0 ? (@minus_symbol || '-') : (@plus_symbol || '+'))
+ end
+ str << exp.abs.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if @show_base && !@base_prefix
+ b_prefix = @base_indicators[neutral.base]
+ str << b_prefix if b_prefix
+ end
+ if @width>0 && @fill_char!=''
+ l = @width - str.length
+ if l>0
+ case @adjust
+ when :internal
+ sign = ''
+ if str[0,1]=='+' || str[0,1]=='-'
+ sign = str[0,1]
+ str = str[1...str.length]
+ end
+ str = sign + @fill_char*l + str
+ when :center
+ str = @fill_char*(l/2) + str + @fill_char*(l-l/2)
+ when :right
+ str = @fill_char*l + str
+ when :left
+ str = str + @fill_char*l
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return str
+ end
+ # round a neutral numeral according to the format options
+ def round!(neutral) # :nodoc:
+ neutral.round! @ndig, @mode, @round
+ end
+ @@sci_fmt = nil
+ def nio_read_formatted(txt) # :nodoc:
+ txt = txt.dup
+ num = nil
+ base = nil
+ base ||= get_base
+ zero = get_base_digits(base).digit_char(0).chr
+!(@non_sig,zero) # we don't simply remove it because it may be before the radix point
+ exp = 0
+ x_char = get_exp_char(base)
+ exp_i = txt.index(x_char)
+ exp_i = txt.index(x_char.downcase) if exp_i===nil
+ if exp_i!=nil
+ exp = txt[exp_i+1...txt.length].to_i
+ txt = txt[0...exp_i]
+ end
+ opt = getRepDecOpt(base)
+ if @rep_in
+ #raise InvalidFormat,"Invalid numerical base" if base!=10
+ rd = # get_base not necessary: setS sets it from options
+ rd.setS txt, opt
+ num = rd.to_NeutralNum(opt.digits)
+ else
+ # to do: use RepDec.parse; then build NeutralNum directly
+ opt.set_delim '',''
+ opt.set_suffix ''
+ rd = # get_base not necessary: setS sets it from options
+ rd.setS txt, opt
+ num = rd.to_NeutralNum(opt.digits)
+ end
+ num.rounding = get_round
+ num.dec_pos += exp
+ return num
+ end
+ @@fmts = {
+ :def=>
+ }
+ # Returns the current default format.
+ def self.default
+ d = self[:def]
+ if block_given?
+ d = d.dup
+ yield d
+ end
+ d
+ end
+ # Defines the current default format.
+ def self.default=(fmt)
+ self[:def] = fmt
+ end
+ # Assigns a format to a name in the formats repository.
+ def self.[]=(tag,fmt_def)
+ @@fmts[tag.to_sym]=fmt_def.freeze
+ end
+ # Retrieves a named format from the repository.
+ def self.[](tag)
+ @@fmts[tag.to_sym]
+ end
+ protected
+ @@valid_properties = nil
+ :show_all_digits=>:all_digits,
+ :rounding_mode=>:round,
+ :approx_mode=>:approx,
+ :sci_digits=>:sci_format,
+ :non_signitificative_digits=>:non_sig,
+ :begin=>:rep_begin,
+ :end=>:rep_end,
+ :suffix=>:rep_auto,
+ :nreps=>:rep_n,
+ :read=>:rep_in
+ }
+ def set!(properties={}) # :nodoc:
+ @@valid_properties ||= instance_variables.collect{|v| v[1..-1].to_sym}
+ properties.each do |k,v|
+ if al
+ properties[al] = v
+ properties.delete k
+ elsif !@@valid_properties.include?(k)
+ raise InvalidOption, "Invalid option: #{k}"
+ end
+ end
+ if properties[:grp_sep].nil? && !properties[:dec_sep].nil? && properties[:dec_sep]!=@dec_sep && properties[:dec_sep]==@grp_sep
+ properties[:grp_sep] = properties[:dec_sep]=='.' ? ',' : '.'
+ end
+ if properties[:all_digits].nil? && (properties[:ndig] || properties[:mode])
+ ndig = properties[:ndig] || @ndig
+ mode = properties[:mode] || @mode
+ properties[:all_digits] = ndig!=:exact && mode!=:gen
+ end
+ if !properties[:all_digits].nil? && properties[:non_sig].nil?
+ properties[:non_sig] = '' unless properties[:all_digits]
+ elsif !properties[:non_sig].nil? && properties[:all_digits].nil?
+ properties[:all_digits] = true if properties[:non_sig]!=''
+ end
+ if !properties[:base_radix].nil? || !properties[:base_uppercase].nil?
+ base = properties[:base_radix] || @base_radix
+ uppercase = properties[:base_uppercase] || @base_uppercase
+ properties[:base_digits] = DigitsDef.base(base, !uppercase)
+ end
+ properties.each do |k,v|
+ instance_variable_set "@#{k}", v unless v.nil?
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def set(properties={}) # :nodoc:
+ self.dup.set!(properties)
+ end
+ def use_scientific?(neutral,exp) # :nodoc:
+ nd = @ndig.kind_of?(Numeric) ? @ndig : [neutral.digits.length,10].max
+ if @@sci_fmt==:hp
+ puts " #{nd} ndpos=#{neutral.dec_pos} ndlen=#{neutral.digits.length}"
+ neutral.dec_pos>nd || ([neutral.digits.length,nd].min-neutral.dec_pos)>nd
+ else
+ exp<-4 || exp>=nd
+ end
+ end
+ def getRepDecOpt(base=nil) # :nodoc:
+ rd_opt =
+ rd_opt.begin_rep = @rep_begin
+ rd_opt.end_rep = @rep_end
+ rd_opt.auto_rep = @rep_auto
+ rd_opt.dec_sep = @dec_sep
+ rd_opt.grp_sep = @grp_sep
+ rd_opt.grp = @grp
+ rd_opt.inf_txt = @inf_txt
+ rd_opt.nan_txt = @nan_txt
+ rd_opt.set_digits(get_base_digits(base))
+ # if base && (base != get_base_digits.radix)
+ # rd_opt.set_digits(get_base_digits(base))
+ # else
+ # rd_opt.set_digits get_base_digits
+ # end
+ return rd_opt
+ end
+ def group(digits) # :nodoc:
+ RepDec.group_digits(digits, getRepDecOpt)
+ end
+ end
+ # This is a mix-in module to add formatting capabilities no numerical classes.
+ # A class that includes this module should provide the methods
+ # nio_write_neutral(fmt):: an instance method to write the value to
+ # a neutral numeral. The format is passed so that
+ # the base, for example, is available.
+ # nio_read_neutral(neutral):: a class method to create a value from a neutral
+ # numeral.
+ module Formattable
+ # This is the method available in all formattable objects
+ # to format the value into a text string according
+ # to the optional format passed.
+ def nio_write(fmt=Fmt.default)
+ neutral = nio_write_neutral(fmt)
+ fmt.nio_write_formatted(neutral)
+ end
+ module ClassMethods
+ # This is the method available in all formattable clases
+ # to read a formatted value from a text string into
+ # a value the class, according to the optional format passed.
+ def nio_read(txt,fmt=Fmt.default)
+ neutral = fmt.nio_read_formatted(txt)
+ nio_read_neutral neutral
+ end
+ end
+ # Round a formattable object according to the rounding mode and
+ # precision of a format.
+ def nio_round(fmt=Fmt.default)
+ neutral = nio_write_neutral(fmt)
+ fmt.round! neutral
+ self.class.nio_read_neutral neutral
+ end
+ def self.append_features(mod) # :nodoc:
+ super
+ mod.extend ClassMethods
+ end
+ end
+ Fmt[:comma] = Fmt.sep(',','.')
+ Fmt[:comma_th] = Fmt.sep(',','.',[3])
+ Fmt[:dot] = Fmt.sep('.',',')
+ Fmt[:dot_th] = Fmt.sep('.',',',[3])
+ Fmt[:code] = # don't use :exact to avoid repeating numerals
+ class Fmt
+ # Intermediate conversion format for simplified conversion
+ CONV_FMT = Fmt.prec(:exact).rep('<','>','...',0).approx_mode(:simplify)
+ # Intermediate conversion format for exact conversion
+ CONV_FMT_STRICT = Fmt.prec(:exact).rep('<','>','...',0).approx_mode(:exact)
+ # Numerical conversion: converts the quantity +x+ to an object
+ # of class +type+.
+ #
+ # The third parameter is the kind of conversion:
+ # [<tt>:approx</tt>]
+ # Tries to find an approximate simpler value if possible for inexact
+ # numeric types. This is the default. This is slower in general and
+ # may take some seconds in some cases.
+ # [<tt>:exact</tt>]
+ # Performs a conversion as exact as possible.
+ # The third parameter is true for approximate
+ # conversion (inexact values are simplified if possible) and false
+ # for conversions as exact as possible.
+ def Fmt.convert(x, type, mode=:approx)
+ fmt = mode==:approx ? CONV_FMT : CONV_FMT_STRICT
+ # return x.prec(type)
+ if !(x.is_a?(type))
+ # return type.nio_read(x.nio_write(fmt),fmt)
+ x = x.nio_write_neutral(fmt)
+ x = type.nio_read_neutral(x)
+ end
+ x
+ end
+ end
+ module_function
+ def nio_float_to_bigdecimal(x,prec) # :nodoc:
+ if prec.nil?
+ x = Fmt.convert(x,BigDecimal,:approx)
+ elsif prec==:exact
+ x = Fmt.convert(x,BigDecimal,:exact)
+ else
+ x = BigDecimal(x.nio_write(,:sig)))
+ end
+ x
+ end
+ module Clinger # :nodoc: all
+ module_function
+ def algM(f,e,round_mode,eb=10,beta=Float::RADIX,n=Float::MANT_DIG,min_e=Float::MIN_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG,max_e=Float::MAX_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG)
+ if e<0
+ u,v,k = f,eb**(-e),0
+ else
+ u,v,k = f*(eb**e),1,0
+ end
+ loop do
+ x = u.div(v)
+ # overflow if k>=max_e
+ if (x>=beta**(n-1) && x<beta**n) || k==min_e || k==max_e
+ return ratio_float(u,v,k,round_mode,beta,n)
+ elsif x<beta**(n-1)
+ u *= beta
+ k -= 1
+ elsif x>=beta**n
+ v *= beta
+ k += 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def ratio_float(u,v,k,round_mode,beta=Float::RADIX,n=Float::MANT_DIG)
+ q,r = u.divmod(v)
+ v_r = v-r
+ z = Math.ldexp(q,k)
+ if r<v_r
+ z
+ elsif r>v_r
+ nextfloat z
+ elsif (round_mode==:even && q.even?) || (round_mode==:zero)
+ z
+ else
+ nextfloat z
+ end
+ end
+ # valid only for non-negative x
+ def nextfloat(x)
+ f,e = Math.frexp(x)
+ e = Float::MIN_EXP if f==0
+ e = [Float::MIN_EXP,e].max
+ dx = Math.ldexp(1,e-Float::MANT_DIG) #Math.ldexp(Math.ldexp(1.0,-Float::MANT_DIG),e)
+ if f==(1.0 - Math.ldexp(1,-Float::MANT_DIG))
+ x + dx*2
+ else
+ x + dx
+ end
+ end
+ # valid only for non-negative x
+ def prevfloat(x)
+ f,e = Math.frexp(x)
+ e = Float::MIN_EXP if f==0
+ e = [Float::MIN_EXP,e].max
+ dx = Math.ldexp(1,e-Float::MANT_DIG) #Math.ldexp(Math.ldexp(1.0,-Float::MANT_DIG),e)
+ if e==Float::MIN_EXP || f!=0.5 #0.5==Math.ldexp(2**(bits-1),-Float::MANT_DIG)
+ x - dx
+ else
+ x - dx/2 # x - Math.ldexp(Math.ldexp(1.0,-Float::MANT_DIG),e-1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module BurgerDybvig # :nodoc: all
+ module_function
+ def float_to_digits(v,f,e,round_mode,min_e,p,b,_B)
+ case round_mode
+ when :even
+ roundl = roundh = f.even?
+ when :inf
+ roundl = true
+ roundh = false
+ when :zero
+ roundl = false
+ roundh = true
+ else
+ # here we don't assume any rounding in the floating point numbers
+ # the result is valid for any rounding but may produce more digits
+ # than stricly necessary for specifica rounding modes.
+ roundl = false
+ roundh = false
+ end
+ if e >= 0
+ if f != exptt(b,p-1)
+ be = exptt(b,e)
+ r,s,m_p,m_m,k = scale(f*be*2,2,be,be,0,_B,roundl ,roundh,v)
+ else
+ be = exptt(b,e)
+ be1 = be*b
+ r,s,m_p,m_m,k = scale(f*be1*2,b*2,be1,be,0,_B,roundl ,roundh,v)
+ end
+ else
+ if e==min_e or f != exptt(b,p-1)
+ r,s,m_p,m_m,k = scale(f*2,exptt(b,-e)*2,1,1,0,_B,roundl ,roundh,v)
+ else
+ r,s,m_p,m_m,k = scale(f*b*2,exptt(b,1-e)*2,b,1,0,_B,roundl ,roundh,v)
+ end
+ end
+ [k]+generate(r,s,m_p,m_m,_B,roundl ,roundh)
+ end
+ def scale(r,s,m_p,m_m,k,_B,low_ok ,high_ok,v)
+ return scale2(r,s,m_p,m_m,k,_B,low_ok ,high_ok) if v==0
+ est = (logB(_B,v)-1E-10).ceil.to_i
+ if est>=0
+ fixup(r,s*exptt(_B,est),m_p,m_m,est,_B,low_ok,high_ok)
+ else
+ sc = exptt(_B,-est)
+ fixup(r*sc,s,m_p*sc,m_m*sc,est,_B,low_ok,high_ok)
+ end
+ end
+ def fixup(r,s,m_p,m_m,k,_B,low_ok,high_ok)
+ if (high_ok ? (r+m_p >= s) : (r+m_p > s)) # too low?
+ [r,s*_B,m_p,m_m,k+1]
+ else
+ [r,s,m_p,m_m,k]
+ end
+ end
+ def scale2(r,s,m_p,m_m,k,_B,low_ok ,high_ok)
+ loop do
+ if (high_ok ? (r+m_p >= s) : (r+m_p > s)) # k is too low
+ s *= _B
+ k += 1
+ elsif (high_ok ? ((r+m_p)*_B<s) : ((r+m_p)*_B<=s)) # k is too high
+ r *= _B
+ m_p *= _B
+ m_m *= _B
+ k -= 1
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ [r,s,m_p,m_m,k]
+ end
+ def generate(r,s,m_p,m_m,_B,low_ok ,high_ok)
+ list = []
+ loop do
+ d,r = (r*_B).divmod(s)
+ m_p *= _B
+ m_m *= _B
+ tc1 = low_ok ? (r<=m_m) : (r<m_m)
+ tc2 = high_ok ? (r+m_p >= s) : (r+m_p > s)
+ if not tc1
+ if not tc2
+ list << d
+ else
+ list << d+1
+ break
+ end
+ else
+ if not tc2
+ list << d
+ break
+ else
+ if r*2 < s
+ list << d
+ break
+ else
+ list << d+1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ list
+ end
+ $exptt_table =
+ (0...326).each{|i| $exptt_table[i]=10**i}
+ def exptt(_B, k)
+ if _B==10 && k>=0 && k<326
+ $exptt_table[k]
+ else
+ _B**k
+ end
+ end
+ $logB_table =
+ (2...37).each{|b| $logB_table[b]=1.0/Math.log(b)}
+ def logB(_B, x)
+ if _B>=2 && _B<37
+ Math.log(x)*$logB_table[_B]
+ else
+ Math.log(x)/Math.log(_B)
+ end
+ end
+ def float_to_digits_max(v,f,e,round_mode,min_e,p,b,_B)
+ case round_mode
+ when :even
+ roundl = roundh = f.even?
+ when :inf
+ roundl = true
+ roundh = false
+ when :zero
+ roundl = false
+ roundh = true
+ else
+ # here we don't assume any rounding in the floating point numbers
+ # the result is valid for any rounding but may produce more digits
+ # than stricly necessary for specifica rounding modes.
+ roundl = false
+ roundh = false
+ end
+ if e >= 0
+ if f != exptt(b,p-1)
+ be = exptt(b,e)
+ r,s,m_p,m_m,k = scale(f*be*2,2,be,be,0,_B,roundl ,roundh,v)
+ else
+ be = exptt(b,e)
+ be1 = be*b
+ r,s,m_p,m_m,k = scale(f*be1*2,b*2,be1,be,0,_B,roundl ,roundh,v)
+ end
+ else
+ if e==min_e or f != exptt(b,p-1)
+ r,s,m_p,m_m,k = scale(f*2,exptt(b,-e)*2,1,1,0,_B,roundl ,roundh,v)
+ else
+ r,s,m_p,m_m,k = scale(f*b*2,exptt(b,1-e)*2,b,1,0,_B,roundl ,roundh,v)
+ end
+ end
+ [k]+generate_max(r,s,m_p,m_m,_B,roundl ,roundh)
+ end
+ def generate_max(r,s,m_p,m_m,_B,low_ok ,high_ok)
+ list = [false]
+ loop do
+ d,r = (r*_B).divmod(s)
+ m_p *= _B
+ m_m *= _B
+ list << d
+ tc1 = low_ok ? (r<=m_m) : (r<m_m)
+ tc2 = high_ok ? (r+m_p >= s) : (r+m_p > s)
+ if tc1 && tc2
+ list[0] = true if r*2 >= s
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ list
+ end
+ end
+class Float
+ include Nio::Formattable
+ def self.nio_read_neutral(neutral)
+ x = nil
+ honor_rounding = true
+ if neutral.special?
+ case neutral.special
+ when :nan
+ x = 0.0/0.0
+ when :inf
+ x = (neutral.sign=='-' ? -1.0 : +1.0)/0.0
+ end
+ elsif neutral.rep_pos<neutral.digits.length
+ x,y = neutral.to_RepDec.getQ
+ x = Float(x)/y
+ else
+ nd = neutral.base==10 ? Float::DIG : ((Float::MANT_DIG-1)*Math.log(2)/Math.log(neutral.base)).floor
+ k = neutral.dec_pos-neutral.digits.length
+ if !honor_rounding && (neutral.digits.length<=nd && k.abs<=15)
+ x = neutral.digits.to_i(neutral.base).to_f
+ if k<0
+ x /= Float(neutral.base**-k)
+ else
+ x *= Float(neutral.base**k)
+ end
+ x = -x if neutral.sign=='-'
+ elsif !honor_rounding && (k>0 && (k+neutral.digits.length < 2*nd))
+ j = k-neutral.digits.length
+ x = neutral.digits.to_i(neutral.base).to_f * Float(neutral.base**(j))
+ x *= Float(neutral.base**(k-j))
+ x = -x if neutral.sign=='-'
+ elsif neutral.base.modulo(Float::RADIX)==0
+ f = neutral.digits.to_i(neutral.base)
+ e = neutral.dec_pos-neutral.digits.length
+ rounding = neutral.rounding
+ x = Nio::Clinger::algM(f,e,rounding,neutral.base,Float::RADIX,Float::MANT_DIG,Float::MIN_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG,Float::MAX_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG)
+ x = -x if neutral.sign=='-'
+ else
+ f = neutral.digits.to_i(neutral.base)
+ e = neutral.dec_pos-neutral.digits.length
+ rounding = neutral.rounding
+ x = Nio::Clinger::algM(f,e,rounding,neutral.base,Float::RADIX,Float::MANT_DIG,Float::MIN_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG,Float::MAX_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG)
+ x = -x if neutral.sign=='-'
+ end
+ end
+ return x
+ end
+ def nio_write_neutral(fmt)
+ neutral =
+ x = self
+ if x.nan?
+ neutral.set_special(:nan)
+ elsif x.infinite?
+ neutral.set_special(:inf, x<0 ? '-' : '+')
+ else
+ converted = false
+ if fmt.get_ndig==:exact && fmt.get_approx==:simplify
+ if x!=0
+ q = x.nio_r(Nio::Tolerance.decimals(Float::DIG,:sig))
+ if q!=0
+ neutral = q.nio_write_neutral(fmt)
+ converted = true if neutral.digits.length<=Float::DIG
+ end
+ end
+ elsif fmt.get_approx==:exact
+ neutral = x.nio_xr.nio_write_neutral(fmt)
+ converted = true
+ end
+ if !converted
+ if fmt.get_base==10 && false
+ txt = format "%.*e",Float::DECIMAL_DIG-1,x # note that spec. e output precision+1 significant digits
+ sign = '+'
+ if txt[0,1]=='-'
+ sign = '-'
+ txt = txt[1...txt.length]
+ end
+ exp = 0
+ x_char = fmt.get_exp_char(fmt.get_base)
+ exp_i = txt.index(x_char)
+ exp_i = txt.index(x_char.downcase) if exp_i===nil
+ if exp_i!=nil
+ exp = txt[exp_i+1...txt.length].to_i
+ txt = txt[0...exp_i]
+ end
+ dec_pos = txt.index '.'
+ if dec_pos==nil
+ dec_pos = txt.length
+ else
+ txt[dec_pos]=''
+ end
+ dec_pos += exp
+ neutral.set sign, txt, dec_pos, nil, fmt.get_base_digits(10), true, fmt.get_round
+ converted = true
+ end
+ end
+ if !converted
+ sign = x<0 ? '-' : '+'
+ x = -x if sign=='-'
+ f,e = Math.frexp(x)
+ if e < Float::MIN_EXP
+ # denormalized number
+ f = Math.ldexp(f,e-Float::MIN_EXP+Float::MANT_DIG)
+ e = Float::MIN_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG
+ else
+ # normalized number
+ f = Math.ldexp(f,Float::MANT_DIG)
+ e -= Float::MANT_DIG
+ end
+ f = f.to_i
+ inexact = true
+ rounding = fmt.get_round
+ if fmt.get_all_digits?
+ # use as many digits as possible
+ dec_pos,r,*digits = Nio::BurgerDybvig::float_to_digits_max(x,f,e,rounding,Float::MIN_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG,Float::MANT_DIG,Float::RADIX,fmt.get_base)
+ inexact = :roundup if r
+ else
+ # use as few digits as possible
+ dec_pos,*digits = Nio::BurgerDybvig::float_to_digits(x,f,e,rounding,Float::MIN_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG,Float::MANT_DIG,Float::RADIX,fmt.get_base)
+ end
+ txt = ''
+ digits.each{|d| txt << fmt.get_base_digits.digit_char(d)}
+ neutral.set sign, txt, dec_pos, nil, fmt.get_base_digits, inexact, fmt.get_round
+ end
+ end
+ return neutral
+ end
+class Numeric
+ unless method_defined?(:even?)
+ def even?
+ self.modulo(2)==0
+ end
+ end
+ unless method_defined?(:odd?)
+ def odd?
+ self.modulo(2)!=0
+ end
+ end
+class Integer
+ include Nio::Formattable
+ def self.nio_read_neutral(neutral)
+ x = nil
+ if neutral.special?
+ raise Nio::InvalidFormat,"Invalid integer numeral"
+ elsif neutral.rep_pos<neutral.digits.length
+ return Rational.nio_read_neutral(neutral).to_i
+ else
+ digits = neutral.digits
+ if neutral.dec_pos <= 0
+ digits = '0'
+ elsif neutral.dec_pos <= digits.length
+ digits = digits[0...neutral.dec_pos]
+ else
+ digits = digits + '0'*(neutral.dec_pos-digits.length)
+ end
+ x = digits.to_i(neutral.base)
+ # this was formely needed because we didn't adust the digits
+ # if neutral.dec_pos != neutral.digits.length
+ # # with rational included, negative powers of ten are rational numbers
+ # x = (x*((neutral.base)**(neutral.dec_pos-neutral.digits.length))).to_i
+ # end
+ x = -x if neutral.sign=='-'
+ end
+ return x
+ end
+ def nio_write_neutral(fmt)
+ neutral =
+ x = self
+ sign = x<0 ? '-' : '+'
+ txt = x.abs.to_s(fmt.get_base)
+ dec_pos = rep_pos = txt.length
+ neutral.set sign, txt, dec_pos, nil, fmt.get_base_digits, false ,fmt.get_round
+ return neutral
+ end
+class Rational
+ include Nio::Formattable
+ def self.nio_read_neutral(neutral)
+ x = nil
+ if neutral.special?
+ case neutral.special
+ when :nan
+ x = Rational(0,0)
+ when :inf
+ x = Rational((neutral.sign=='-' ? -1 : +1),0)
+ end
+ else
+ x = Rational(*neutral.to_RepDec.getQ)
+ end
+ return x
+ end
+ def nio_write_neutral(fmt)
+ neutral =
+ x = self
+ if x.denominator==0
+ if x.numerator>0
+ neutral.set_special(:inf)
+ elsif x.numerator<0
+ neutral.set_special(:inf,'-')
+ else
+ neutral.set_special(:nan)
+ end
+ else
+ if fmt.get_base==10
+ rd =,x.denominator)
+ else
+ opt = Nio::RepDec::DEF_OPT.dup.set_digits(fmt.get_base_digits)
+ rd =,x.denominator, opt)
+ end
+ neutral = rd.to_NeutralNum(fmt.get_base_digits)
+ neutral.rounding = fmt.get_round
+ end
+ return neutral
+ end
+if defined? BigDecimal
+class BigDecimal
+ include Nio::Formattable
+ def self.nio_read_neutral(neutral)
+ x = nil
+ if neutral.special?
+ case neutral.special
+ when :nan
+ x = BigDecimal('NaN') # BigDecimal("0")/0
+ when :inf
+ x = BigDecimal(neutral.sign=='-' ? '-1.0' : '+1.0')/0
+ end
+ elsif neutral.rep_pos<neutral.digits.length
+ x,y = neutral.to_RepDec.getQ
+ x = BigDecimal(x.to_s)/y
+ else
+ if neutral.base==10
+ #x = BigDecimal(neutral.digits)
+ #x *= BigDecimal("1E#{(neutral.dec_pos-neutral.digits.length)}")
+ #x = -x if neutral.sign=='-'
+ str = neutral.sign
+ str += neutral.digits
+ str += "E#{(neutral.dec_pos-neutral.digits.length)}"
+ x = BigDecimal(str)
+ else
+ x = BigDecimal(neutral.digits.to_i(neutral.base).to_s)
+ x *= BigDecimal(neutral.base.to_s)**(neutral.dec_pos-neutral.digits.length)
+ x = -x if neutral.sign=='-'
+ end
+ end
+ return x
+ end
+ def nio_write_neutral(fmt)
+ neutral =
+ x = self
+ if x.nan?
+ neutral.set_special(:nan)
+ elsif x.infinite?
+ neutral.set_special(:inf, x<0 ? '-' : '+')
+ else
+ converted = false
+ if fmt.get_ndig==:exact && fmt.get_approx==:simplify
+ prc = [x.precs[0],20].max
+ neutral = x.nio_r(Nio::BigTolerance.decimals(prc,:sig)).nio_write_neutral(fmt)
+ converted = true if neutral.digits.length<prc
+ elsif fmt.get_approx==:exact && fmt.get_base!=10
+ neutral = x.nio_xr.nio_write_neutral(fmt)
+ converted = true
+ end
+ if !converted
+ if fmt.get_base==10
+ txt = x.to_s
+ sign = '+'
+ if txt[0,1]=='-'
+ sign = '-'
+ txt = txt[1...txt.length]
+ end
+ exp = 0
+ x_char = fmt.get_exp_char(fmt.get_base)
+ exp_i = txt.index(x_char)
+ exp_i = txt.index(x_char.downcase) if exp_i===nil
+ if exp_i!=nil
+ exp = txt[exp_i+1...txt.length].to_i
+ txt = txt[0...exp_i]
+ end
+ dec_pos = txt.index '.'
+ if dec_pos==nil
+ dec_pos = txt.length
+ else
+ txt[dec_pos]=''
+ end
+ dec_pos += exp
+ neutral.set sign, txt, dec_pos, nil, fmt.get_base_digits(10), true, fmt.get_round
+ converted = true
+ end
+ end
+ if !converted
+ min_prec = 24
+ min_exp = -1000
+ s,f,b,e = x.split
+ e -= f.size
+ sign = s<0 ? '-' : '+'
+ x = -x if sign=='-'
+ f_i = f.to_i
+ prc = [x.precs[0],min_prec].max
+ f_i *= 10**(prc-f.size)
+ e -= (prc-f.size)
+ inexact = true
+ rounding = fmt.get_round
+ if fmt.get_all_digits?
+ # use as many digits as possible
+ dec_pos,r,*digits = Nio::BurgerDybvig::float_to_digits_max(x,f_i,e,rounding,[e,min_exp].min,prc,b,fmt.get_base)
+ inexact = :roundup if r
+ else
+ # use as few digits as possible
+ dec_pos,*digits = Nio::BurgerDybvig::float_to_digits(x,f_i,e,rounding,[e,min_exp].min,prc,b,fmt.get_base)
+ end
+ txt = ''
+ digits.each{|d| txt << fmt.get_base_digits.digit_char(d)}
+ neutral.set sign, txt, dec_pos, nil, fmt.get_base_digits, inexact, fmt.get_round
+ end
+ end
+ return neutral
+ end