lib/nin/command.rb in nin-0.7.0 vs lib/nin/command.rb in nin-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -10,41 +10,48 @@
def call
case @command
- when 'l'
+ when 'l', 'list'
- when 'a'
+ when 'a', 'add'
desc, date, tags =' ')).call
@todo.add(desc, date, tags)
- when 'e'
+ when 'e', 'edit'
desc, date, tags =[1..-1].join(' ')).call
@todo.edit(@args[0].to_i, desc, date, tags)
- when 'c'
+ when 'p', 'prioritize'
+ @todo.prioritize(@args[0].to_i, @args[1].to_i)
+ when 'c', 'complete'
- when 'ac'
+ when 'ac', 'archive'
- when 'd'
+ when 'd', 'delete'
- when 'gc'
+ when 'gc', 'garbage'
- when 'o'
- system("`echo $EDITOR` #{}")
- when 'i'
+ when 's', 'analyze'
+ @todo.analyze
+ when 'i', 'repl'
+ when 'o', 'open'
+ system("`echo $EDITOR` #{}")
puts "NAME:\n\tnin - a simple, full-featured command line todo app"
puts "\nUSAGE:\n\tnin COMMAND [arguments...]"
puts "\nCOMMANDS:"
- puts "\tl [a] List all unarchived todos. Pass optional argument `a` to list all todos"
- puts "\ta desc Add a todo. Prepend due date by a @. Prepend each tag by a \\#"
- puts "\te id desc Edit a todo. Prepend due date by a @. Prepend each tag by a \\#"
- puts "\tc id(s) Un/complete todo(s)"
- puts "\tac id(s) Un/archive todo(s)"
- puts "\td id(s) Delete todo(s)"
- puts "\tgc Delete all archived todos. Resets item ids as a side effect"
- puts "\to Open todo file in $EDITOR"
+ puts "\tl | list [a] List all unarchived todos. Pass optional argument `a` to list all todos"
+ puts "\ta | add desc Add a todo. Prepend due date by a @. Prepend each tag by a \\#"
+ puts "\te | edit id desc Edit a todo. Prepend due date by a @. Prepend each tag by a \\#"
+ puts "\tp | prioritize id step Prioritize a todo by either a positive or negative step within its date group"
+ puts "\tc | complete id(s) Un/complete todo(s)"
+ puts "\tac | archive id(s) Un/archive todo(s)"
+ puts "\td | delete id(s) Delete todo(s)"
+ puts "\tgc | garbage Delete all archived todos. Resets item ids as a side effect"
+ puts "\ts | analyze Analyze tasks and print statistics"
+ puts "\ti | repl Open nin in REPL mode"
+ puts "\to | open Open todo file in $EDITOR"