bin/nilac in nilac- vs bin/nilac in nilac-
- old
+ new
@@ -6,11 +6,25 @@
#Nila and Nilac are being crafted by Adhithya Rajasekaran and Sri Madhavi Rajasekaran
require 'slop'
require 'fileutils'
+# The following are error classes used by Nilac to give you detailed error information
+class ParseError < RuntimeError
+ def initialize(message)
+ puts "ParseError: " + message
+ abort
+ end
def compile(input_file_path, *output_file_name)
def read_file_line_by_line(input_path)
file_id = open(input_path)
@@ -782,36 +796,73 @@
# def fill(container = "cup",liquid = "coffee")
# puts "Filling the #{container} with #{liquid}"
# end
+ def errorFree(function_params)
+ # This method checks for use cases in complex arguments where a default argument is used
+ # after an optional argument. This will result in erroneous output. So this method will
+ # stop it from happening.
+ # Example:
+ # def method_name(a,b,*c,d = 1,c,e)
+ optional_param = function_params.reject {|element| !replace_strings(element).include?("*")}[0]
+ unless optional_param.nil?
+ after_splat = function_params[function_params.index(optional_param)+1..-1]
+ if after_splat.reject {|element| !element.include?("=")}.empty?
+ true
+ else
+"You cannot have default argument after an optional argument! Change the following usage!\n#{function_params.join(",")}")
+ end
+ else
+ true
+ end
+ end
def parse_default_values(input_function_definition)
split1, split2 = input_function_definition.split("(")
split2, split3 = split2.split(")")
function_parameters = split2.split(",")
- default_value_parameters = function_parameters.reject { |element| !element.include? "=" }
+ if errorFree(function_parameters)
- replacement_parameters = []
+ default_value_parameters = function_parameters.reject { |element| !element.include? "=" }
- replacement_string = ""
+ replacement_parameters = []
- default_value_parameters.each do |paramvalue|
+ replacement_string = ""
- param, value = paramvalue.split("=")
+ default_value_parameters.each do |paramvalue|
- replacement_parameters << param.lstrip.rstrip
+ param, value = paramvalue.split("=")
- replacement_string = replacement_string + "\n" + "if (#{param.lstrip.rstrip} equequ null) {\n #{paramvalue.lstrip.rstrip}\n}\n" +"\n"
+ replacement_parameters << param.lstrip.rstrip
- end
+ replacement_string = replacement_string + "\n" + "if (#{param.lstrip.rstrip} equequ null) {\n #{paramvalue.lstrip.rstrip}\n}\n" +"\n"
- return replacement_string, default_value_parameters, replacement_parameters
+ end
+ return replacement_string, default_value_parameters, replacement_parameters
+ end
reject_regexp = /(function |Euuf |if |else|elsuf|switch |case|while |whaaleskey |for )/
input_file_contents = input_file_contents.collect { |element| element.gsub("==", "equalequal") }
@@ -856,11 +907,11 @@
input_file_contents[current_line_index] = modified_line
- input_file_contents[current_line_index + 1] = replacement_string
+ input_file_contents.insert(current_line_index+1,replacement_string)
@@ -1838,11 +1889,11 @@
return []
- return variables.uniq
+ return variables.uniq.sort
@@ -1880,10 +1931,12 @@
if !joined_array.include?("return ")
rejected_array = reversed_input_array.reject { |content| content.lstrip.eql?("") }
+ rejected_array = rejected_array.reject {|content| content.strip.eql?("")}
rejected_array = rejected_array[1..-1]
if !rejected_array[0].strip.eql?("}")
if !rejected_array[0].strip.eql?("end") and !rejected_array[0].strip.include?("--single_line_comment")
@@ -2104,10 +2157,20 @@
modified_input_array[-1] = input_array[-1].sub "end", "};\n"
modified_input_array = compile_parallel_assignment(modified_input_array, temporary_nila_file)
+ modified_input_array = compile_multiple_ruby_func_calls(modified_input_array)
+ modified_input_array = add_auto_return_statement(modified_input_array)
+ modified_input_array = compile_multiple_return(modified_input_array)
+ modified_input_array = coffee_type_function(modified_input_array)
+ modified_input_array = compile_splats(modified_input_array)
variables = lexical_scoped_variables(modified_input_array)
if !variables.empty?
variable_string = "\nvar " + variables.join(", ") + "\n"
@@ -2116,16 +2179,10 @@
modified_input_array = remove_question_marks(modified_input_array, variables, temporary_nila_file)
- modified_input_array = add_auto_return_statement(modified_input_array)
- modified_input_array = compile_multiple_return(modified_input_array)
- modified_input_array = coffee_type_function(modified_input_array)
return modified_input_array
def extract_function_name(input_code_block)
@@ -2146,10 +2203,241 @@
return function_name
+ def compile_splats(input_function_block)
+ def strToArray(input_string)
+ file_id ='hello.nila','w')
+ file_id.write(input_string)
+ file_id.close()
+ line_by_line_contents = read_file_line_by_line('hello.nila')
+ File.delete(file_id)
+ return line_by_line_contents
+ end
+ def errorFree(function_params,optional_param)
+ # This method checks for use cases in complex arguments where a default argument is used
+ # after an optional argument. This will result in erroneous output. So this method will
+ # stop it from happening.
+ # Example:
+ # def method_name(a,b,*c,d = 1,c,e)
+ after_splat = function_params[function_params.index(optional_param)+1..-1]
+ if after_splat.reject {|element| !element.include?("=")}.empty?
+ true
+ else
+ raise "You cannot have a default argument after an optional argument!"
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ function_params = input_function_block[0].split("function(")[1].split(")")[0].split(",")
+ unless function_params.reject{|element| !replace_strings(element).include?("*")}.empty?
+ mod_function_params = function_params.reject {|element| replace_strings(element).include?("*")}
+ opt_index = 0
+ # If there are multiple optional params declared by mistake, only the first optional param is used.
+ optional_param = function_params.reject {|element| !replace_strings(element).include?("*")}[0]
+ if function_params.index(optional_param).eql?(function_params.length-1)
+ mod_function_params.each_with_index do |param,index|
+ input_function_block.insert(index+1,"#{param} = arguments[#{index}]\n\n")
+ opt_index = index + 1
+ end
+ replacement_string = "#{optional_param.gsub("*","")} = []\n\n"
+ replacement_string += "for (var i=#{opt_index};i<arguments.length;i++) {\n #{optional_param.gsub("*","")}.push(arguments[i]); \n}\n\n"
+ input_function_block.insert(opt_index+1,replacement_string)
+ input_function_block[0] = input_function_block[0].sub(function_params.join(","),"")
+ else
+ before_splat = function_params[0...function_params.index(optional_param)]
+ after_splat = function_params[function_params.index(optional_param)+1..-1]
+ cont_index = 0
+ if errorFree(function_params,optional_param)
+ before_splat.each_with_index do |param,index|
+ input_function_block.insert(index+1,"#{param} = arguments[#{index}]\n\n")
+ cont_index = index + 1
+ end
+ after_splat.each_with_index do |param,index|
+ input_function_block.insert(cont_index+1,"#{param} = arguments[arguments.length-#{after_splat.length - index}]\n\n")
+ cont_index = cont_index + 1
+ end
+ replacement_string = "#{optional_param.gsub("*","")} = []\n\n"
+ replacement_string += "for (var i=#{function_params.index(optional_param)};i < arguments.length-#{after_splat.length};i++) {\n #{optional_param.gsub("*","")}.push(arguments[i]); \n}\n\n"
+ input_function_block.insert(cont_index+1,replacement_string)
+ input_function_block[0] = input_function_block[0].sub(function_params.join(","),"")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return strToArray(input_function_block.join)
+ end
+ def compile_multiple_ruby_func_calls(input_file_contents)
+ def strToArray(input_string)
+ file_id ='hello.nila','w')
+ file_id.write(input_string)
+ file_id.close()
+ line_by_line_contents = read_file_line_by_line('hello.nila')
+ File.delete(file_id)
+ return line_by_line_contents
+ end
+ def replace_strings(input_string)
+ string_counter = 0
+ if input_string.count("\"") % 2 == 0
+ while input_string.include?("\"")
+ string_extract = input_string[input_string.index("\"")..input_string.index("\"",input_string.index("\"")+1)]
+ input_string = input_string.sub(string_extract,"--repstring#{string_counter}")
+ string_counter += 1
+ end
+ end
+ if input_string.count("'") % 2 == 0
+ while input_string.include?("'")
+ string_extract = input_string[input_string.index("'")..input_string.index("'",input_string.index("'")+1)]
+ input_string = input_string.sub(string_extract,"--repstring#{string_counter}")
+ string_counter += 1
+ end
+ end
+ input_string = input_string.gsub(/\((\w{0,},)*\w{0,}\)/,"--$k$")
+ return input_string
+ end
+ function_calls = []
+ replacement_calls = []
+ function_map = %w{puts p print}
+ javascript_regexp = /(if |for |while |\(function\(|= function\(|((=|:)\s+\{))/
+ stringified_input = input_file_contents.collect {|element| replace_strings(element)}
+ function_map.each do |func|
+ func_calls = input_file_contents.reject {|line| !(line.include?(func+"(") or line.include?(func+" ") and line.index(javascript_regexp) == nil)}
+ modified_func_calls = func_calls.collect {|element| replace_strings(element)}
+ modified_func_calls = modified_func_calls.reject {|element| !element.include?(",")}
+ call_collector = []
+ modified_func_calls.each_with_index do |ele|
+ call_collector << input_file_contents[stringified_input.index(ele)]
+ end
+ function_calls << modified_func_calls
+ rep_calls = []
+ call_collector.each do |fcall|
+ multiple_call = fcall.split(func)[1].split(",")
+ multiple_call = multiple_call.collect {|element| "\n#{func} " + element.strip + "\n\n"}
+ rep_calls << multiple_call.join
+ end
+ replacement_calls << rep_calls
+ end
+ replacement_calls = replacement_calls.flatten
+ function_calls = function_calls.flatten
+ function_calls.each_with_index do |fcall,index|
+ input_file_contents[stringified_input.index(fcall)] = replacement_calls[index]
+ end
+ return strToArray(input_file_contents.join)
+ end
joined_file_contents = input_file_contents.join
unless named_code_blocks.empty?
codeblock_counter = 1
@@ -2188,11 +2476,11 @@
- line_by_line_contents = read_file_line_by_line(temporary_nila_file)
+ line_by_line_contents = compile_multiple_ruby_func_calls(read_file_line_by_line(temporary_nila_file))
return line_by_line_contents, function_names
@@ -2443,9 +2731,11 @@
modified_string = string.dup
modified_string = modified_string.rstrip + modified_string.split(modified_string.rstrip)[1].gsub(" ", "")
modified_string = modified_string.sub(function+" ", function+"(")
+ modified_string = modified_string.split("#{function}(")[0] + "#{function}(" + modified_string.split("#{function}(")[1].lstrip
modified_string = modified_string.sub("\n", ")\n")
joined_file_contents = joined_file_contents.sub(string, modified_string)