bin/nilac in nilac- vs bin/nilac in nilac-
- old
+ new
@@ -331,10 +331,12 @@
until closed_curly_brace_index.empty?
test_string = string_extract[0..closed_curly_brace_index[0]]
+ puts test_string
original_string = test_string.dup
if test_string.include?("{")
test_string = test_string.reverse.sub("{", "$#{index_counter}$").reverse
@@ -604,10 +606,54 @@
def compile_parallel_assignment(input_file_contents, temporary_nila_file)
+ def arrayify_right_side(input_string)
+ javascript_regexp = /(if |while |for |function |function\()/
+ if input_string.include?("=") and input_string.index(javascript_regexp) == nil and input_string.strip[0..3] != "_ref" and !input_string.split("=")[1].include?("[")
+ modified_input_string = input_string.dup
+ right_side = input_string.split("=")[1]
+ if right_side.include?(",")
+ splits = right_side.split(",")
+ replacement_string = []
+ splits.each do |str|
+ unless str.include?(")") and !str.include?("(")
+ replacement_string << str
+ else
+ replacement_string[-1] = replacement_string[-1]+ "," +str
+ end
+ end
+ replacement_string = " [#{replacement_string.join(",").strip}]\n"
+ input_string = input_string.sub(right_side,replacement_string)
+ end
+ end
+ return input_string
+ end
+ input_file_contents = input_file_contents.collect {|element| arrayify_right_side(element)}
possible_variable_lines = input_file_contents.reject { |element| !element.include? "=" }
possible_parallel_assignment = possible_variable_lines.reject { |element| !element.split("=")[0].include? "," }
parallel_assignment_index = []
@@ -796,12 +842,28 @@
line_by_line_contents = read_file_line_by_line(temporary_nila_file)
+ for_loop_variables = []
+ for_loop_statements = line_by_line_contents.reject {|line| !line.include?("for")}
+ for_loop_statements.each do |statement|
+ varis = statement.split("for (")[1].split(";",2)[0].split(",")
+ for_loop_variables << varis.collect {|vari| vari.strip.split("=")[0].strip}
+ for_loop_variables = for_loop_variables.flatten
+ end
variables += loop_variables
+ variables += for_loop_variables
variables = variables.flatten
if variables.length > 0
variable_declaration_string = "var " + variables.uniq.sort.join(", ") + "\n\n"
@@ -1898,11 +1960,12 @@
"puts" => "console.log",
"p" => "console.log",
- "print" => "process.stdout.write"
+ "print" => "process.stdout.write",
function_map = function_map_replacements.keys
modified_file_contents = input_file_contents.dup
@@ -1923,10 +1986,50 @@
return modified_file_contents, function_map_replacements.values
+ def compile_ruby_methods(input_file_contents)
+ # These are some interesting methods that we really miss in Javascript.
+ # So we have made these methods available
+ method_map_replacement = {
+ ".split" => ".split(\" \")",
+ ".strip" => ".replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'')",
+ ".lstrip" => ".replace(/^\s+/g,\"\")",
+ ".rstrip" => ".replace(/\s+$/g,\"\")"
+ }
+ method_map = method_map_replacement.keys
+ method_map_regex = method_map.collect {|name| name.gsub(".","\\.")}
+ method_map_regex ="|"))
+ modified_file_contents = input_file_contents.clone
+ input_file_contents.each_with_index do |line, index|
+ if line.match(method_map_regex)
+ unless method_match.include?(line+"(")
+ puts line
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
def compile_whitespace_delimited_functions(input_file_contents, function_names, temporary_nila_file)
def extract(input_string, pattern_start, pattern_end)
def find_all_matching_indices(input_string, pattern)
@@ -2711,10 +2814,326 @@
return line_by_line_contents
+ def compile_regular_for(input_file_contents, temporary_nila_file)
+ def convert_string_to_array(input_string, temporary_nila_file)
+ file_id = open(temporary_nila_file, 'w')
+ file_id.write(input_string)
+ file_id.close()
+ line_by_line_contents = read_file_line_by_line(temporary_nila_file)
+ return line_by_line_contents
+ end
+ def extract_for_blocks(for_statement_indexes, input_file_contents)
+ possible_for_blocks = []
+ for_block_counter = 0
+ extracted_blocks = []
+ controlregexp = /(if |while |def |for )/
+ rejectionregexp = /( if | while )/
+ for x in 0...for_statement_indexes.length-1
+ possible_for_blocks << input_file_contents[for_statement_indexes[x]..for_statement_indexes[x+1]]
+ end
+ end_counter = 0
+ end_index = []
+ current_block = []
+ possible_for_blocks.each_with_index do |block|
+ current_block += block
+ current_block.each_with_index do |line, index|
+ if line.strip.eql? "end"
+ end_counter += 1
+ end_index << index
+ end
+ end
+ if end_counter > 0
+ until end_index.empty?
+ array_extract = current_block[0..end_index[0]].reverse
+ index_counter = 0
+ array_extract.each_with_index do |line|
+ break if (line.lstrip.index(controlregexp) != nil and line.lstrip.index(rejectionregexp).nil?)
+ index_counter += 1
+ end
+ block_extract = array_extract[0..index_counter].reverse
+ extracted_blocks << block_extract
+ block_start = current_block.index(block_extract[0])
+ block_end = current_block.index(block_extract[-1])
+ current_block[block_start..block_end] = "--forblock#{for_block_counter}"
+ for_block_counter += 1
+ end_counter = 0
+ end_index = []
+ current_block.each_with_index do |line, index|
+ if line.strip.eql? "end"
+ end_counter += 1
+ end_index << index
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return current_block, extracted_blocks
+ end
+ def compile_for_syntax(input_block)
+ def compile_condition(input_condition, input_block)
+ variable,array_name = input_condition.split("in")
+ if array_name.strip.include?("[") and array_name.strip.include?("]")
+ replacement_array = "_ref1 = #{array_name.strip}\n\n"
+ replacement_string = "#{variable.strip} = _ref1[_i];\n\n"
+ input_block = [replacement_array] + input_block.insert(1,replacement_string)
+ input_block[1] = "for (_i = 0, _j = _ref1.length; _i < _j; _i += 1) {\n\n"
+ elsif array_name.strip.include?("..")
+ array_type = if array_name.strip.include?("...") then 0 else 1 end
+ if array_type == 0
+ num1,num2 = array_name.strip.split("...")
+ input_block[0] = "for (#{variable.strip} = #{num1}, _j = #{num2}; #{variable.strip} <= _j; #{variable.strip} += 1) {\n\n"
+ else
+ num1,num2 = array_name.strip.split("..")
+ input_block[0] = "for (#{variable.strip} = #{num1}, _j = #{num2}; #{variable.strip} < _j; #{variable.strip} += 1) {\n\n"
+ end
+ else
+ input_block[0] = "for (_i = 0, _j = #{array_name.strip}.length; _i < _j; _i += 1) {\n\n"
+ input_block = input_block.insert(1,"#{variable.strip} = #{array_name.strip}[_i];\n\n")
+ end
+ return input_block
+ end
+ modified_input_block = input_block.dup
+ strings = []
+ string_counter = 0
+ input_block.each_with_index do |line, index|
+ if line.include?("\"")
+ opening_quotes = line.index("\"")
+ string_extract = line[opening_quotes..line.index("\"", opening_quotes+1)]
+ strings << string_extract
+ modified_input_block[index] = modified_input_block[index].sub(string_extract, "--string{#{string_counter}}")
+ string_counter += 1
+ end
+ end
+ input_block = modified_input_block
+ starting_line = input_block[0]
+ starting_line = starting_line + "\n" if starting_line.lstrip == starting_line
+ junk, condition = starting_line.split("for")
+ input_block[-1] = input_block[-1].lstrip.sub("end", "}")
+ input_block = compile_condition(condition,input_block)
+ modified_input_block = input_block.dup
+ input_block.each_with_index do |line, index|
+ if line.include?("--string{")
+ junk, remains = line.split("--string{")
+ string_index, junk = remains.split("}")
+ modified_input_block[index] = modified_input_block[index].sub("--string{#{string_index.strip}}", strings[string_index.strip.to_i])
+ end
+ end
+ return modified_input_block
+ end
+ possible_for_statements = input_file_contents.reject { |element| !element.include?("for") }
+ possible_for_statements = possible_for_statements.reject {|element| element.include?("for (")}
+ if !possible_for_statements.empty?
+ for_statement_indexes = []
+ possible_for_statements.each do |statement|
+ for_statement_indexes << { |index| input_file_contents[index] == statement }
+ end
+ for_statement_indexes = [0] + for_statement_indexes.flatten + [-1]
+ controlregexp = /(if |def |while )/
+ modified_input_contents, extracted_statements = extract_for_blocks(for_statement_indexes, input_file_contents.clone)
+ joined_blocks = extracted_statements.collect { |element| element.join }
+ for_statements = joined_blocks.reject { |element| element.index(controlregexp) != nil }
+ rejected_elements = joined_blocks - for_statements
+ rejected_elements_index = []
+ rejected_elements.each do |element|
+ rejected_elements_index << { |index| joined_blocks[index] == element }
+ end
+ for_blocks_index = (0...extracted_statements.length).to_a
+ rejected_elements_index = rejected_elements_index.flatten
+ for_blocks_index -= rejected_elements_index
+ modified_for_statements = for_statements.collect { |string| convert_string_to_array(string, temporary_nila_file) }
+ modified_for_statements = modified_for_statements.collect { |block| compile_for_syntax(block) }.reverse
+ for_blocks_index = for_blocks_index.collect { |element| "--forblock#{element}" }.reverse
+ rejected_elements_index = rejected_elements_index.collect { |element| "--forblock#{element}" }.reverse
+ rejected_elements = rejected_elements.reverse
+ joined_file_contents = modified_input_contents.join
+ until for_blocks_index.empty? and rejected_elements_index.empty?
+ if !for_blocks_index.empty?
+ if joined_file_contents.include?(for_blocks_index[0])
+ joined_file_contents = joined_file_contents.sub(for_blocks_index[0], modified_for_statements[0].join)
+ for_blocks_index.delete_at(0)
+ modified_for_statements.delete_at(0)
+ else
+ joined_file_contents = joined_file_contents.sub(rejected_elements_index[0], rejected_elements[0].join)
+ rejected_elements_index.delete_at(0)
+ rejected_elements.delete_at(0)
+ end
+ else
+ joined_file_contents = joined_file_contents.sub(rejected_elements_index[0], rejected_elements[0].join)
+ rejected_elements_index.delete_at(0)
+ rejected_elements.delete_at(0)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ joined_file_contents = input_file_contents.join
+ end
+ file_id = open(temporary_nila_file, 'w')
+ file_id.write(joined_file_contents)
+ file_id.close()
+ line_by_line_contents = read_file_line_by_line(temporary_nila_file)
+ return line_by_line_contents
+ end
def compile_loop_keyword(input_file_contents,temporary_nila_file)
def convert_string_to_array(input_string, temporary_nila_file)
file_id = open(temporary_nila_file, 'w')
@@ -3049,16 +3468,20 @@
file_contents = compile_ternary_if(input_file_contents)
+ puts file_contents
file_contents, rejected_lines = ignore_statement_modifiers(file_contents)
file_contents = replace_unless_until(file_contents)
file_contents = compile_regular_if(file_contents, temporary_nila_file)
+ file_contents = compile_regular_for(file_contents, temporary_nila_file)
file_contents = compile_regular_while(file_contents, temporary_nila_file)
file_contents = compile_loop_keyword(file_contents,temporary_nila_file)
file_contents = replace_statement_modifiers(file_contents, rejected_lines)
@@ -3081,11 +3504,11 @@
return compiled_block
- def extract_variable_names(input_file_contents, temporary_nila_file)
+ def extract_variable_names(input_file_contents)
variables = []
input_file_contents = input_file_contents.collect { |element| element.gsub("==", "equalequal") }
@@ -3167,13 +3590,13 @@
loop_extract = input_file_contents[starting_counter..index_counter]
file_extract = input_file_contents[0..index_counter]
- file_variables = extract_variable_names(file_extract,temporary_nila_file)
+ file_variables = extract_variable_names(file_extract)
- block_variables = extract_variable_names(loop_extract,temporary_nila_file)
+ block_variables = extract_variable_names(loop_extract)
var_need_of_declaration = file_variables-block_variables-["_i","_j"]
loop_condition, block = loop_extract.join.split(" do ")
@@ -3985,30 +4408,32 @@
file_contents = compile_hashes(file_contents,temp_file)
file_contents = compile_conditional_structures(file_contents, temp_file)
- file_contents = compile_arrays(file_contents, temp_file)
- file_contents = compile_strings(file_contents)
file_contents = compile_integers(file_contents)
file_contents = compile_default_values(file_contents, temp_file)
file_contents, named_functions, nested_functions = replace_named_functions(file_contents, temp_file)
comments = [singleline_comments, multiline_comments]
file_contents = compile_parallel_assignment(file_contents, temp_file)
+ file_contents = compile_arrays(file_contents, temp_file)
+ file_contents = compile_strings(file_contents)
file_contents, function_names = compile_named_functions(file_contents, named_functions, nested_functions, temp_file)
list_of_variables, file_contents = get_variables(file_contents, temp_file,loop_vars)
file_contents, ruby_functions = compile_custom_function_map(file_contents)
+ #compile_ruby_methods(file_contents)
function_names << ruby_functions
list_of_variables += loop_vars
file_contents = compile_whitespace_delimited_functions(file_contents, function_names, temp_file)
@@ -4087,10 +4512,10 @@
return remaining_string[0...remaining_string.length-path_finder]
-nilac_version = ""
+nilac_version = ""
opts = Slop.parse do
on :c, :compile=, 'Compile Nila File', as:Array, delimiter:":"
on :h, :help, 'Help With Nilac' do