bin/nilac in nilac- vs bin/nilac in nilac-
- old
+ new
@@ -750,10 +750,12 @@
input_file_contents = input_file_contents.collect { |element| element.gsub("/=", "divequal") }
input_file_contents = input_file_contents.collect { |element| element.gsub("%=", "modequal") }
+ input_file_contents = input_file_contents.collect { |element| element.gsub("=~", "matchequal") }
for x in 0...input_file_contents.length
current_row = input_file_contents[x]
if current_row.include?("=") and !current_row.include?("def")
@@ -814,10 +816,12 @@
line_by_line_contents = line_by_line_contents.collect { |element| element.gsub("equalequal", "==") }
line_by_line_contents = line_by_line_contents.collect { |element| element.gsub("notequal", "!=") }
+ line_by_line_contents = line_by_line_contents.collect { |element| element.gsub("matchequal", "=~") }
return variables.uniq, line_by_line_contents
def remove_question_marks(input_file_contents, variable_list, temporary_nila_file)
@@ -1136,10 +1140,112 @@
return input_file_contents
+ def compile_hashes(input_file_contents,temporary_nila_file)
+ def compile_multiline_hashes(input_file_contents,temporary_nila_file)
+ possible_hashes = input_file_contents.reject { |element| !element.include?("{") }
+ possible_multiline_hashes = possible_hashes.reject { |element| element.include?("}") }
+ multiline_hashes = []
+ possible_multiline_hashes.each do |starting_line|
+ index = input_file_contents.index(starting_line)
+ line = starting_line
+ until line.include?("}")
+ index += 1
+ line = input_file_contents[index]
+ end
+ multiline_hashes << input_file_contents[input_file_contents.index(starting_line)..index]
+ end
+ joined_file_contents = input_file_contents.join
+ multiline_hashes.each do |hash|
+ modified_hash = hash.join
+ hash_extract = modified_hash[modified_hash.index("{")..modified_hash.index("}")]
+ hash_contents = hash_extract.split("{")[1].split("}")[0].lstrip.rstrip.split(",").collect { |element| element.lstrip.rstrip }
+ hash_contents = "{" + hash_contents.join(",") + "}"
+ joined_file_contents = joined_file_contents.sub(hash_extract, hash_contents)
+ end
+ file_id = open(temporary_nila_file, 'w')
+ file_id.write(joined_file_contents)
+ file_id.close()
+ line_by_line_contents = read_file_line_by_line(temporary_nila_file)
+ return line_by_line_contents
+ end
+ def compile_inline_hashes(input_file_contents)
+ modified_file_contents = input_file_contents.clone.collect {|element| element.gsub(/(#|%)\w?\{/,"innerrii0opol115")}
+ possible_inline_hashes = modified_file_contents.reject {|element| !element.include?("{")}
+ possible_inline_hashes.each do |hash|
+ hash_extract = hash[hash.index("{")..hash.index("}")]
+ contents = hash_extract[1...-1].split(",")
+ hash_contents = []
+ contents.each do |items|
+ items = items.lstrip.sub(":","") if items.lstrip[0] == ":"
+ key, value = items.split("=>").collect {|element| element.lstrip.rstrip} if items.include?("=>")
+ key, value = items.split(":").collect {|element| element.lstrip.rstrip} if items.include?(":")
+ key = key.gsub("'","").gsub("\"","")
+ hash_contents << " #{key}: #{value},"
+ end
+ replacement_string = "{\n" + hash_contents.join("\n") + "\n};\n"
+ input_file_contents[input_file_contents.index(hash)] = input_file_contents[input_file_contents.index(hash)].sub(hash_extract,replacement_string)
+ end
+ return input_file_contents
+ end
+ file_contents = compile_multiline_hashes(input_file_contents,temporary_nila_file)
+ file_contents = compile_inline_hashes(file_contents)
+ return file_contents
+ end
def compile_strings(input_file_contents)
def compile_small_q_syntax(input_file_contents)
possible_syntax_usage = input_file_contents.reject { |element| !element.include?("%q") }
@@ -1837,10 +1943,12 @@
unless_commands.each do |command|
junk, condition = command.split("unless ")
+ condition = condition.gsub(" and "," && ").gsub(" or "," || ").gsub(" not "," !")
replacement_string = "if !(#{condition.lstrip.rstrip})\n"
modified_file_contents[modified_file_contents.index(command)] = replacement_string
@@ -1851,10 +1959,12 @@
until_commands.each do |command|
junk, condition = command.split("until ")
+ condition = condition.gsub(" and "," && ").gsub(" or "," || ").gsub(" not "," !")
replacement_string = "while !(#{condition.lstrip.rstrip})\n"
modified_file_contents[modified_file_contents.index(command)] = replacement_string
@@ -1879,25 +1989,29 @@
matching_lines.each do |line|
line_split = line.split(plain_conditionals[index])
+ condition = line_split[1]
+ condition = condition.gsub(" and "," && ").gsub(" or "," || ").gsub(" not "," !")
if index == 0
- output_statement = "if (#{line_split[1].lstrip.rstrip.gsub("?", "")}) {\n\n#{line_split[0]}\n}\n"
+ output_statement = "if (#{condition.lstrip.rstrip.gsub("?", "")}) {\n\n#{line_split[0]}\n}\n"
elsif index == 1
- output_statement = "while (#{line_split[1].lstrip.rstrip.gsub("?", "")}) {\n\n#{line_split[0]}\n}\n"
+ output_statement = "while (#{condition.lstrip.rstrip.gsub("?", "")}) {\n\n#{line_split[0]}\n}\n"
elsif index == 2
- output_statement = "if (!(#{line_split[1].lstrip.rstrip.gsub("?", "")})) {\n\n#{line_split[0]}\n}\n"
+ output_statement = "if (!(#{condition.lstrip.rstrip.gsub("?", "")})) {\n\n#{line_split[0]}\n}\n"
elsif index == 3
- output_statement = "while (!(#{line_split[1].lstrip.rstrip.gsub("?", "")})) {\n\n#{line_split[0]}\n}\n"
+ output_statement = "while (!(#{condition.lstrip.rstrip.gsub("?", "")})) {\n\n#{line_split[0]}\n}\n"
joined_file_contents = joined_file_contents.sub(line, output_statement)
@@ -2059,20 +2173,24 @@
starting_line = starting_line + "\n" if starting_line.lstrip == starting_line
junk, condition = starting_line.split("if")
+ condition = condition.gsub(" and "," && ").gsub(" or "," || ").gsub(" not "," !")
input_block[0] = "Euuf (#{condition.lstrip.rstrip.gsub("?", "")}) {\n"
input_block[-1] = input_block[-1].lstrip.sub("end", "}")
elsif_statements = input_block.reject { |element| !element.include?("elsuf") }
elsif_statements.each do |statement|
junk, condition = statement.split("elsuf")
+ condition = condition.gsub(" and "," && ").gsub(" or "," || ").gsub(" not "," !")
input_block[input_block.index(statement)] = "} elsuf (#{condition.lstrip.rstrip.gsub("?", "")}) {\n"
else_statements = input_block.reject { |element| !element.include?("else") }
@@ -2479,10 +2597,278 @@
return line_by_line_contents
+ def compile_loop_keyword(input_file_contents,temporary_nila_file)
+ def convert_string_to_array(input_string, temporary_nila_file)
+ file_id = open(temporary_nila_file, 'w')
+ file_id.write(input_string)
+ file_id.close()
+ line_by_line_contents = read_file_line_by_line(temporary_nila_file)
+ return line_by_line_contents
+ end
+ def extract_loop_blocks(loop_statement_indexes, input_file_contents)
+ possible_loop_blocks = []
+ loop_block_counter = 0
+ extracted_blocks = []
+ controlregexp = /(if |while |def |loop )/
+ rejectionregexp = /( if | while )/
+ for x in 0...loop_statement_indexes.length-1
+ possible_loop_blocks << input_file_contents[loop_statement_indexes[x]..loop_statement_indexes[x+1]]
+ end
+ end_counter = 0
+ end_index = []
+ current_block = []
+ possible_loop_blocks.each_with_index do |block|
+ current_block += block
+ current_block.each_with_index do |line, index|
+ if line.strip.eql? "end"
+ end_counter += 1
+ end_index << index
+ end
+ end
+ if end_counter > 0
+ until end_index.empty?
+ array_extract = current_block[0..end_index[0]].reverse
+ index_counter = 0
+ array_extract.each_with_index do |line|
+ break if (line.lstrip.index(controlregexp) != nil and line.lstrip.index(rejectionregexp).nil?)
+ index_counter += 1
+ end
+ block_extract = array_extract[0..index_counter].reverse
+ extracted_blocks << block_extract
+ block_start = current_block.index(block_extract[0])
+ block_end = current_block.index(block_extract[-1])
+ current_block[block_start..block_end] = "--loopblock#{loop_block_counter}"
+ loop_block_counter += 1
+ end_counter = 0
+ end_index = []
+ current_block.each_with_index do |line, index|
+ if line.strip.eql? "end"
+ end_counter += 1
+ end_index << index
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return current_block, extracted_blocks
+ end
+ def compile_loop_syntax(input_block)
+ modified_input_block = input_block.dup
+ strings = []
+ string_counter = 0
+ input_block.each_with_index do |line, index|
+ if line.include?("\"")
+ opening_quotes = line.index("\"")
+ string_extract = line[opening_quotes..line.index("\"", opening_quotes+1)]
+ strings << string_extract
+ modified_input_block[index] = modified_input_block[index].sub(string_extract, "--string{#{string_counter}}")
+ string_counter += 1
+ end
+ end
+ input_block = modified_input_block
+ starting_line = input_block[0]
+ starting_line = starting_line + "\n" if starting_line.lstrip == starting_line
+ input_block[0] = "whaaleskey (true) {\n"
+ input_block[-1] = input_block[-1].lstrip.sub("end", "}")
+ modified_input_block = input_block.dup
+ input_block.each_with_index do |line, index|
+ if line.include?("--string{")
+ junk, remains = line.split("--string{")
+ string_index, junk = remains.split("}")
+ modified_input_block[index] = modified_input_block[index].sub("--string{#{string_index.strip}}", strings[string_index.strip.to_i])
+ end
+ end
+ return modified_input_block
+ end
+ possible_loop_statements = input_file_contents.reject { |element| !element.include?("loop") }
+ if !possible_loop_statements.empty?
+ loop_statement_indexes = []
+ possible_loop_statements.each do |statement|
+ loop_statement_indexes << { |index| input_file_contents[index] == statement }
+ end
+ loop_statement_indexes = [0] + loop_statement_indexes.flatten + [-1]
+ controlregexp = /(if |def )/
+ modified_input_contents, extracted_statements = extract_loop_blocks(loop_statement_indexes, input_file_contents.clone)
+ joined_blocks = extracted_statements.collect { |element| element.join }
+ loop_statements = joined_blocks.reject { |element| element.index(controlregexp) != nil }
+ rejected_elements = joined_blocks - loop_statements
+ rejected_elements_index = []
+ rejected_elements.each do |element|
+ rejected_elements_index << { |index| joined_blocks[index] == element }
+ end
+ loop_blocks_index = (0...extracted_statements.length).to_a
+ rejected_elements_index = rejected_elements_index.flatten
+ loop_blocks_index -= rejected_elements_index
+ modified_loop_statements = loop_statements.collect { |string| convert_string_to_array(string, temporary_nila_file) }
+ modified_loop_statements = modified_loop_statements.collect { |block| compile_loop_syntax(block) }.reverse
+ loop_blocks_index = loop_blocks_index.collect { |element| "--loopblock#{element}" }.reverse
+ rejected_elements_index = rejected_elements_index.collect { |element| "--loopblock#{element}" }.reverse
+ rejected_elements = rejected_elements.reverse
+ joined_file_contents = modified_input_contents.join
+ until loop_blocks_index.empty? and rejected_elements_index.empty?
+ if !loop_blocks_index.empty?
+ if joined_file_contents.include?(loop_blocks_index[0])
+ joined_file_contents = joined_file_contents.sub(loop_blocks_index[0], modified_loop_statements[0].join)
+ loop_blocks_index.delete_at(0)
+ modified_loop_statements.delete_at(0)
+ else
+ joined_file_contents = joined_file_contents.sub(rejected_elements_index[0], rejected_elements[0].join)
+ rejected_elements_index.delete_at(0)
+ rejected_elements.delete_at(0)
+ end
+ else
+ joined_file_contents = joined_file_contents.sub(rejected_elements_index[0], rejected_elements[0].join)
+ rejected_elements_index.delete_at(0)
+ rejected_elements.delete_at(0)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ joined_file_contents = input_file_contents.join
+ end
+ file_id = open(temporary_nila_file, 'w')
+ file_id.write(joined_file_contents)
+ file_id.close()
+ line_by_line_contents = read_file_line_by_line(temporary_nila_file)
+ return line_by_line_contents
+ end
def ignore_statement_modifiers(input_block)
modified_input_block = input_block.dup
rejectionregexp = /( if | while )/
@@ -2555,10 +2941,12 @@
file_contents = compile_regular_if(file_contents, temporary_nila_file)
file_contents = compile_regular_while(file_contents, temporary_nila_file)
+ file_contents = compile_loop_keyword(file_contents,temporary_nila_file)
file_contents = replace_statement_modifiers(file_contents, rejected_lines)
file_contents = compile_inline_conditionals(file_contents, temporary_nila_file)
return file_contents
@@ -2585,13 +2973,13 @@
reject_regexp = /(function |Euuf |if |else|elsuf|switch |case|while |whaaleskey |for )/
- modified_file_contents = []
+ modified_file_contents = input_file_contents.dup
- input_file_contents.each do |line|
+ input_file_contents.each_with_index do |line,index|
if line.index(reject_regexp) == nil
if !comment(line)
@@ -2599,40 +2987,24 @@
if !line.lstrip.eql?("}\n")
if !line.lstrip.eql?("}\n\n")
- modified_file_contents << line.rstrip + ";\n\n"
+ if line.rstrip[-1] != "[" and line.rstrip[-1] != "{" and line.rstrip[-1] != "," and line.rstrip[-1] != ";"
- else
+ modified_file_contents[index] = line.rstrip + ";\n\n"
- modified_file_contents << line
+ end
- else
- modified_file_contents << line
- else
- modified_file_contents << line
- else
- modified_file_contents << line
- else
- modified_file_contents << line
@@ -2779,11 +3151,11 @@
def fix_newlines(file_contents)
def extract_blocks(file_contents)
- javascript_regexp = /(if |while |function |function\()/
+ javascript_regexp = /(if |while |function |function\(|((=|:)\s+\{))/
block_starting_lines = file_contents.dup.reject { |element| element.index(javascript_regexp).nil? }[1..-1]
block_starting_lines = block_starting_lines.reject { |element| element.include?(" ") }
@@ -2795,11 +3167,11 @@
starting_line_indices << file_contents.index(line)
- block_ending_lines = { |index| file_contents[index].eql? " }\n" }
+ block_ending_lines = { |index| (file_contents[index].eql? " }\n" or file_contents[index].eql? " };\n")}
modified_file_contents = file_contents.dup
code_blocks = []
@@ -2825,11 +3197,11 @@
starting_line_indices << modified_file_contents.index(line)
- block_ending_lines = { |index| modified_file_contents[index].eql? " }\n" }
+ block_ending_lines = { |index| (modified_file_contents[index].eql? " }\n" or modified_file_contents[index].eql? " };\n") }
starting_index = starting_line_indices[0]
@@ -2880,11 +3252,11 @@
def roll_blocks(input_file_contents, code_block_starting_locations)
if !code_block_starting_locations.empty?
- controlregexp = /(if |while |function |function\()/
+ controlregexp = /(if |while |function |function\(|((=|:)\s+\{))/
code_block_starting_locations = [0, code_block_starting_locations, -1].flatten
possible_blocks = []
@@ -2908,11 +3280,11 @@
current_block += block
current_block.each_with_index do |line, index|
- if line.lstrip.eql? "}\n"
+ if line.lstrip.eql? "}\n" or line.lstrip.eql?("};\n")
end_counter += 1
end_index << index
@@ -3010,11 +3382,11 @@
return input_string
- javascript_regexp = /(if |while |function |function\()/
+ javascript_regexp = /(if |while |function |function\(|((=|:)\s+\{))/
javascript_file_contents = javascript_file_contents.collect { |element| element.sub("Euuf", "if") }
javascript_file_contents = javascript_file_contents.collect { |element| element.sub("whaaleskey", "while") }
@@ -3176,22 +3548,64 @@
return input_string
- input_file_contents = input_file_contents.collect { |element| element.sub(" and ", " && ") }
+ def compile_match_operator(input_string)
- input_file_contents = input_file_contents.collect { |element| element.sub(" or ", " || ") }
+ rejection_exp = /( aannddy | orriioo |nnoottyy )/
+ if input_string.include?("=~")
+ input_string = input_string.gsub(" && "," aannddy ").gsub(" || "," orriioo ").gsub("!","nnoottyy")
+ left, right = input_string.split("=~")
+ if left.index(rejection_exp) != nil
+ left = left[left.index(rejection_exp)..-1]
+ elsif left.index(/\(/)
+ left = left[left.index(/\(/)+1..-1]
+ end
+ if right.index(rejection_exp) != nil
+ right = right[0...right.index(rejection_exp)]
+ elsif right.index(/\)/)
+ right = right[0...right.index(/\)/)]
+ end
+ original_string = "#{left}=~#{right}"
+ replacement_string = "#{left.rstrip} = #{left.rstrip}.match(#{right.lstrip.rstrip})"
+ input_string = input_string.sub(original_string,replacement_string)
+ input_string = input_string.gsub(" aannddy "," && ").gsub(" orriioo "," || ").gsub("nnoottyy","!")
+ end
+ return input_string
+ end
input_file_contents = input_file_contents.collect { |element| element.sub("==", "===") }
input_file_contents = input_file_contents.collect { |element| element.sub("!=", "!==") }
input_file_contents = input_file_contents.collect { |element| element.sub("elsuf", "else if") }
input_file_contents = input_file_contents.collect { |element| compile_power_operator(element) }
+ input_file_contents = input_file_contents.collect {|element| compile_match_operator(element)}
return input_file_contents
def pretty_print_nila(input_file_contents, temporary_nila_file)
@@ -3227,10 +3641,12 @@
file_contents = compile_heredocs(file_contents, temp_file)
file_contents = compile_interpolated_strings(file_contents)
+ file_contents = compile_hashes(file_contents,temp_file)
file_contents = compile_conditional_structures(file_contents, temp_file)
file_contents = compile_arrays(file_contents, temp_file)
file_contents = compile_strings(file_contents)
@@ -3327,11 +3743,11 @@
return remaining_string[0...remaining_string.length-path_finder]
-nilac_version = ""
+nilac_version = ""
opts = Slop.parse do
on :c, :compile=, 'Compile Nila File', as:Array, delimiter:":"
on :h, :help, 'Help With Nilac' do
@@ -3379,9 +3795,27 @@
create_mac_executable(file_path)"#{file_path[0...-3]}", "#{Dir.pwd}/bin/nilac")
puts "Build Successful!"
+ end
+ on :release, 'Build and Release Nilac for Rubygems' do
+ file_path = Dir.pwd + "/src/nilac.rb"
+ create_mac_executable(file_path)
+"#{file_path[0...-3]}", "#{Dir.pwd}/bin/nilac")
+ `git commit -am "Updated Executable to #{nilac_version}"`
+ output = `rake release`
+ puts "Build Successful!"
+ puts output
on :u, :update, 'Check if Nilac is up to date.' do