bin/nilac in nilac- vs bin/nilac in nilac-
- old
+ new
@@ -6,10 +6,11 @@
#Nila and Nilac are being crafted by Adhithya Rajasekaran and Sri Madhavi Rajasekaran
require 'slop'
require 'fileutils'
def compile(input_file_path,*output_file_name)
def read_file_line_by_line(input_path)
file_id = open(input_path)
@@ -3132,11 +3133,11 @@
return remaining_string[0...remaining_string.length-path_finder]
-nilac_version = ""
+nilac_version = ""
opts = Slop.parse do
on :c, :compile=, 'Compile Nila File', as:Array, delimiter:":"
on :h, :help, 'Help With Nilac' do
@@ -3170,22 +3171,64 @@
on :v, :version, 'Output Nilac Version No' do
puts nilac_version
on :r, :run=, 'Run Nila File', as:Array
- on :m, :buildmac, 'Build Nilac for Linux/Mac/Rubygems' do
+ on :b, :build, 'Build Nilac for Linux/Mac/Rubygems' do
file_path = Dir.pwd + "/src/nilac.rb"
- puts file_path
puts "Build Successful!"
+ end
+ on :u, :update, 'Check if Nilac is up to date.' do
+ outdated_gems = `gem outdated`
+ outdated_gems = outdated_gems.split("\n")
+ outdated = false
+ old_version = ""
+ new_version = ""
+ outdated_gems.each do |gem_name|
+ if gem_name.include?("nilac")
+ outdated = true
+ old_version = gem_name.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].split("<")[0].lstrip
+ new_version = gem_name.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].split("<")[1].lstrip.rstrip
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if outdated
+ exec = `gem update nilac`
+ puts "Your version of Nilac (#{old_version}) was outdated! We have automatically updated you to the latest version (#{new_version})."
+ else
+ puts "Your version of Nilac is up to date!"
+ end
opts = opts.to_hash