lib/niceql.rb in niceql-0.5.1 vs lib/niceql.rb in niceql-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,46 +1,69 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
require "niceql/version"
+require "securerandom"
+require "forwardable"
module Niceql
module StringColorize
- def self.colorize_verb( str)
+ def self.colorize_keyword(str)
# yellow ANSI color
def self.colorize_str(str)
# cyan ANSI color
def self.colorize_err(err)
# red ANSI color
+ def self.colorize_comment(comment)
+ # bright black bold ANSI color
+ "\e[0;90;1;49m#{comment}\e[0m"
+ end
module Prettifier
+ # ?= -- should be present but without being added to MatchData
+ AFTER_KEYWORD_SPACE = '(?=\s{1})'
+ JOIN_KEYWORDS = '(RIGHT\s+|LEFT\s+){0,1}(INNER\s+|OUTER\s+){0,1}JOIN(\s+LATERAL){0,1}'
- STRINGS = /("[^"]+")|('[^']+')/
+ # ?: -- will not match partial enclosed by (..)
+ MULTILINE_INDENTABLE_LITERAL = /(?:'[^']+'\s*\n+\s*)+(?:'[^']+')+/
+ # STRINGS matched both kind of strings the multiline solid
+ # and single quoted multiline strings with \s*\n+\s* separation
+ STRINGS = /("[^"]+")|((?:'[^']+'\s*\n+\s*)*(?:'[^']+')+)/
BRACKETS = '[\(\)]'
- SQL_COMMENTS = /(\s*?--.+\s*)|(\s*?\/\*[^\/\*]*\*\/\s*)/
- # only newlined comments will be matched
- SQL_COMMENTS_CLEARED = /(\s*?--.+\s{1})|(\s*$\s*\/\*[^\/\*]*\*\/\s{1})/
+ # will match all /* single line and multiline comments */ and -- based comments
+ # the last will be matched as single block whenever comment lines followed each other.
+ # For instance:
+ # SELECT * -- comment 1
+ # -- comment 2
+ # all comments will be matched as a single block
+ SQL_COMMENTS = %r{(\s*?--[^\n]+\n*)+|(\s*?/\*[^/\*]*\*/\s*)}m
COMMENT_CONTENT = /[\S]+[\s\S]*[\S]+/
+ NAMED_DOLLAR_QUOTED_STRINGS_REGEX = /[^\$](\$[^\$]+\$)[^\$]/
+ DOLLAR_QUOTED_STRINGS = /(\$\$.*\$\$)/
class << self
def config
def prettify_err(err, original_sql_query = nil)
- prettify_pg_err( err.to_s, original_sql_query )
+ prettify_pg_err(err.to_s, original_sql_query)
# Postgres error output:
# ERROR: VALUES in FROM must have an alias
# LINE 2: FROM ( VALUES(1), (2) );
# ^
# HINT: For example, FROM (VALUES ...) [AS] foo.
@@ -52,18 +75,19 @@
# ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid will add original SQL query to the bottom like this:
# ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column "usr" does not exist
# LINE 1: SELECT usr FROM users ORDER BY 1
# ^
- #: SELECT usr FROM users ORDER BY 1
+ # : SELECT usr FROM users ORDER BY 1
# prettify_pg_err parses ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid string,
# but you may use it without ActiveRecord either way:
# prettify_pg_err( err + "\n" + sql ) OR prettify_pg_err( err, sql )
# don't mess with original sql query, or prettify_pg_err will deliver incorrect results
def prettify_pg_err(err, original_sql_query = nil)
return err if err[/LINE \d+/].nil?
# LINE 2: ... -> err_line_num = 2
err_line_num = err.match(/LINE (\d+):/)[1].to_i
# LINE 1: SELECT usr FROM users ORDER BY 1
err_address_line = err.lines[1]
@@ -78,135 +102,340 @@
# this is an SQL line with an error.
# we need err_line to properly align the caret in the caret line
# and to apply a full red colorizing schema on an SQL line with error
err_line = sql_body_lines[err_line_num - 1]
- #colorizing verbs, strings and error line
- err_body = { |ln| ln == err_line ? StringColorize.colorize_err( ln ) : colorize_err_line(ln) }
+ # colorizing keywords, strings and error line
+ err_body = do |ln|
+ ln == err_line ? StringColorize.colorize_err(ln) : colorize_err_line(ln)
+ end
- err_caret_line = extract_err_caret_line( err_address_line, err_line, sql_body_lines, err )
- err_body.insert( err_line_num, StringColorize.colorize_err( err_caret_line ) )
+ err_caret_line = extract_err_caret_line(err_address_line, err_line, sql_body_lines, err)
+ err_body.insert(err_line_num, StringColorize.colorize_err(err_caret_line))
- err.lines[0..sql_start_line_num-1].join + err_body.join
+ err.lines[0..sql_start_line_num - 1].join + err_body.join
- def prettify_sql( sql, colorize = true )
- indent = 0
- parentness = []
+ def prettify_sql(sql, colorize = true)
+, colorize).prettified_sql
+ end
- sql = sql.split( SQL_COMMENTS ).each_slice(2).map{ | sql_part, comment |
- # remove additional formatting for sql_parts but leave comment intact
- [sql_part.gsub(/[\s]+/, ' '),
- # comment.match?(/\A\s*$/) - SQL_COMMENTS gets all comment content + all whitespaced chars around
- # so this sql_part.length == 0 || comment.match?(/\A\s*$/) checks does the comment starts from new line
- comment && ( sql_part.length == 0 || comment.match?(/\A\s*$/) ? "\n#{comment[COMMENT_CONTENT]}\n" : comment[COMMENT_CONTENT] ) ]
- }.flatten.join(' ')
+ def prettify_multiple(sql_multi, colorize = true)
+ sql_multi.split(/(?>#{SQL_COMMENTS})|(\;)/).each_with_object([""]) do |pattern, queries|
+ queries[-1] += pattern
+ queries << "" if pattern == ";"
+! do |sql|
+ # we were splitting by comments and ';', so if next sql start with comment we've got a misplaced \n\n
+ sql.match?(/\A\s+\z/) ? nil : prettify_sql(sql, colorize)
+ end.compact.join("\n")
+ end
- sql.gsub!(/ \n/, "\n")
+ private
- sql.gsub!(STRINGS){ |str| StringColorize.colorize_str(str) } if colorize
+ def colorize_err_line(line)
+ line.gsub(/#{KEYWORDS}/) { |keyword| StringColorize.colorize_keyword(keyword) }
+ .gsub(STRINGS) { |str| StringColorize.colorize_str(str) }
+ end
- first_verb = true
- prev_was_comment = false
+ def extract_err_caret_line(err_address_line, err_line, sql_body, err)
+ # LINE could be quoted ( both sides and sometimes only from one ):
+ # "LINE 1: ...t_id\" = $13 AND \"products\".\"carrier_id\" = $14 AND \"product_t...\n",
+ err_quote = (err_address_line.match(/\.\.\.(.+)\.\.\./) || err_address_line.match(/\.\.\.(.+)/))&.send(:[], 1)
- sql.gsub!( /(#{VERBS}|#{BRACKETS}|#{SQL_COMMENTS_CLEARED})/) do |verb|
- if 'SELECT' == verb
- indent += config.indentation_base if !config.open_bracket_is_newliner || parentness.last.nil? || parentness.last[:nested]
- parentness.last[:nested] = true if parentness.last
- add_new_line = !first_verb
- elsif verb == '('
- next_closing_bracket = Regexp.last_match.post_match.index(')')
+ # line[2] is original err caret line i.e.: ' ^'
+ # err_address_line[/LINE \d+:/].length+1..-1 - is a position from error quote begin
+ err_caret_line = err.lines[2][err_address_line[/LINE \d+:/].length + 1..-1]
+ # when err line is too long postgres quotes it in double '...'
+ # so we need to reposition caret against original line
+ if err_quote
+ err_quote_caret_offset = err_caret_line.length - err_address_line.index("...").to_i + 3
+ err_caret_line = " " * (err_line.index(err_quote) + err_quote_caret_offset) + "^\n"
+ end
+ # older versions of ActiveRecord were adding ': ' before an original query :(
+ err_caret_line.prepend(" ") if sql_body[0].start_with?(": ")
+ # if mistake is on last string than err_line.last != \n then we need to prepend \n to caret line
+ err_caret_line.prepend("\n") unless err_line[-1] == "\n"
+ err_caret_line
+ end
+ end
+ # The normalizing and formatting logic:
+ # 1. Split the original query onto the query part + literals + comments
+ # a. find all potential dollar-signed separators
+ # b. prepare full literal extractor regex
+ # 2. Find and separate all literals and comments into mutable/format-able types and immutable ( see the typing and formatting rules below )
+ # 3. Replace all literals and comments with uniq ids on the original query to get the parametrized query
+ # 4. Format parametrized query alongside with mutable/format-able comments and literals
+ # a. clear space characters: replace all \s+ to \s, remove all "\n" e.t.c
+ # b. split in lines -> indent -> colorize
+ # 5. Restore literals and comments with their values
+ class QueryNormalizer
+ extend Forwardable
+ def_delegator :Niceql, :config
+ # Literals content should not be indented, only string parts separated by new lines can be indented
+ # indentable_string:
+ # UPDATE docs SET body = 'First line'
+ # 'Second line'
+ # 'Third line', ...
+ #
+ # SQL standard allow such multiline separation.
+ # newline_end_comments:
+ # SELECT * -- get all column
+ # SELECT * /* get all column */
+ #
+ # SELECT * -- get all column
+ # -- we need all columns for this request
+ # SELECT * /* get all column
+ # we need all columns for this request */
+ #
+ # rare case newline_start_comments:
+ # SELECT *
+ # /* get all column
+ # we need all columns for this request */ FROM table
+ #
+ # newline_wrapped_comments:
+ # SELECT *
+ # /* get all column
+ # we need all columns for this request */
+ # FROM table
+ #
+ # SELECT *
+ # -- get all column
+ # -- we need all columns for this request
+ # FROM ...
+ # Potentially we could prettify different type of comments and strings a little bit differently,
+ # but right now there is no difference between the
+ # newline_wrapped_comment, newline_start_comment, newline_end_comment, they all will be wrapped in newlines
+ COMMENT_AND_LITERAL_TYPES = [:immutable_string, :indentable_string, :inline_comment, :newline_wrapped_comment,
+ :newline_start_comment, :newline_end_comment]
+ attr_reader :parametrized_sql, :initial_sql, :string_regex, :literals_and_comments_types, :colorize
+ def initialize(sql, colorize)
+ @initial_sql = sql
+ @colorize = colorize
+ @parametrized_sql = ""
+ @guids_to_content = {}
+ @literals_and_comments_types = {}
+ @counter =
+ init_strings_regex
+ prepare_parametrized_sql
+ prettify_parametrized_sql
+ end
+ def prettified_sql
+ @parametrized_sql % @guids_to_content.transform_keys(&:to_sym)
+ end
+ private
+ def prettify_parametrized_sql
+ indent = 0
+ brackets = []
+ first_keyword = true
+ parametrized_sql.gsub!(query_split_regex) do |matched_part|
+ if inline_piece?(matched_part)
+ first_keyword = false
+ next matched_part
+ end
+ post_match_str = Regexp.last_match.post_match
+ if ["SELECT", "UPDATE", "INSERT"].include?(matched_part)
+ indent += config.indentation_base if !config.open_bracket_is_newliner || brackets.last.nil? || brackets.last[:nested]
+ brackets.last[:nested] = true if brackets.last
+ add_new_line = !first_keyword
+ elsif matched_part == "("
+ next_closing_bracket = post_match_str.index(")")
# check if brackets contains SELECT statement
- add_new_line = !!Regexp.last_match.post_match[0..next_closing_bracket][/SELECT/] && config.open_bracket_is_newliner
- parentness << { nested: add_new_line }
- elsif verb == ')'
+ add_new_line = !!post_match_str[0..next_closing_bracket][/SELECT/] && config.open_bracket_is_newliner
+ brackets << { nested: add_new_line }
+ elsif matched_part == ")"
# this also covers case when right bracket is used without corresponding left one
- add_new_line = parentness.last.nil? || parentness.last[:nested]
- indent -= ( parentness.last.nil? ? 2 * config.indentation_base : (parentness.last[:nested] ? config.indentation_base : 0) )
+ add_new_line = brackets.last.nil? || brackets.last[:nested]
+ indent -= (brackets.last.nil? && 2 || brackets.last[:nested] && 1 || 0) * config.indentation_base
indent = 0 if indent < 0
- parentness.pop
- elsif verb[POSSIBLE_INLINER]
+ brackets.pop
+ elsif matched_part[POSSIBLE_INLINER]
# in postgres ORDER BY can be used in aggregation function this will keep it
# inline with its agg function
- add_new_line = parentness.last.nil? || parentness.last[:nested]
+ add_new_line = brackets.last.nil? || brackets.last[:nested]
- add_new_line = verb[/(#{INLINE_VERBS})/].nil?
+ # since we are matching KEYWORD without space on the end
+ # IN will be present in JOIN, DISTINCT e.t.c, so we need to exclude it explicitly
+ add_new_line = matched_part.match?(/(#{NEW_LINE_KEYWORDS})/)
- # !add_new_line && previous_was_comment means we had newlined comment, and now even
- # if verb is inline verb we will need to add new line with indentation BUT all
- # inliners match with a space before so we need to strip it
- verb.lstrip! if !add_new_line && prev_was_comment
+ # do not indent first keyword in query, and indent everytime we started new line
+ add_indent_to_keyword = !first_keyword && add_new_line
- add_new_line = prev_was_comment unless add_new_line
- add_indent = !first_verb && add_new_line
- verb = verb[COMMENT_CONTENT]
- prev_was_comment = true
+ if literals_and_comments_types[matched_part]
+ # this is a case when comment followed by ordinary SQL part not by any keyword
+ # this means that it will not be gsubed and no indent will be added before this part, while needed
+ last_comment_followed_by_keyword = post_match_str.match?(/\A\}\s{0,1}(?:#{KEYWORDS})/)
+ indent_parametrized_part(matched_part, indent, !last_comment_followed_by_keyword, !first_keyword)
+ matched_part
- first_verb = false
- prev_was_comment = false
+ first_keyword = false
+ indented_sql = (add_indent_to_keyword ? indent_multiline(matched_part, indent) : matched_part)
+ add_new_line ? "\n" + indented_sql : indented_sql
+ end
- verb = StringColorize.colorize_verb(verb) if !%w[( )].include?(verb) && colorize
+ parametrized_sql.gsub!(" \n", "\n") # moved keywords could keep space before it, we can crop it anyway
- subs = ( add_indent ? indent_multiline(verb, indent) : verb)
- !first_verb && add_new_line ? "\n" + subs : subs
+ clear_extra_newline_after_comments
+ colorize_query if colorize
+ end
+ def add_string_or_comment(string_or_comment)
+ # when we splitting original SQL, it could and could not end with literal/comment
+ # hence we could try to add nil...
+ return if string_or_comment.nil?
+ type = get_placeholder_type(string_or_comment)
+ # will be formatted to comment_1_guid
+ typed_id = new_placeholder_name(type)
+ @guids_to_content[typed_id] = string_or_comment
+ @counter[type] += 1
+ @literals_and_comments_types[typed_id] = type
+ "%{#{typed_id}}"
+ end
+ def literal_and_comments_placeholders_regex
+ /(#{@literals_and_comments_types.keys.join("|")})/
+ end
+ def inline_piece?(comment_or_string)
+ [:immutable_string, :inline_comment].include?(literals_and_comments_types[comment_or_string])
+ end
+ def prepare_parametrized_sql
+ @parametrized_sql = @initial_sql.split(/#{SQL_COMMENTS}|#{string_regex}/)
+ .each_slice(2).map do |sql_part, comment_or_string|
+ # remove additional formatting for sql_parts and replace comment and strings with a guids
+ [sql_part.gsub(/[\s]+/, " "), add_string_or_comment(comment_or_string)]
+ end.flatten.compact.join("")
+ end
+ def query_split_regex(with_brackets = true)
+ if with_brackets
+ /(#{KEYWORDS}|#{BRACKETS}|#{literal_and_comments_placeholders_regex})/
+ else
+ /(#{KEYWORDS}|#{literal_and_comments_placeholders_regex})/
+ end
- # clear all spaces before newlines, and all whitespaces before strings endings
- sql.tap{ |slf| slf.gsub!( /\s+\n/, "\n" ) }.tap{ |slf| slf.gsub!(/\s+\z/, '') }
+ # when comment ending with newline followed by a keyword we should remove double newlines
+ def clear_extra_newline_after_comments
+ newlined_comments = { |k,| new_line_ending_comment?(k) }
+ parametrized_sql.gsub!(/(#{newlined_comments.keys.join("}\n|")}}\n)/, &:chop)
- def prettify_multiple( sql_multi, colorize = true )
- sql_multi.split( /(?>#{SQL_COMMENTS})|(\;)/ ).inject(['']) { |queries, pattern|
- queries.last << pattern
- queries << '' if pattern == ';'
- queries
- }.map!{ |sql|
- # we were splitting by comments and ;, so if next sql start with comment we've got a misplaced \n\n
- sql.match?(/\A\s+\z/) ? nil : prettify_sql( sql, colorize )
- }.compact.join("\n\n")
+ def colorize_query
+ parametrized_sql.gsub!(query_split_regex(false)) do |matched_part|
+ if literals_and_comments_types[matched_part]
+ colorize_comment_or_literal(matched_part)
+ matched_part
+ else
+ StringColorize.colorize_keyword(matched_part)
+ end
+ end
- private_class_method
- def indent_multiline( verb, indent )
- if verb.match?(/.\s*\n\s*./)
-!{|ln| ln.prepend(' ' * indent)}.join("\n")
+ def indent_parametrized_part(matched_typed_id, indent, indent_after_comment, start_with_newline = true)
+ case @literals_and_comments_types[matched_typed_id]
+ # technically we will not get here, since this types of literals/comments are not indentable
+ when :inline_comment, :immutable_string
+ when :indentable_string
+ lines = @guids_to_content[matched_typed_id].lines
+ @guids_to_content[matched_typed_id] = lines[0] +
+ lines[1..-1].map! { |ln| indent_multiline(ln[/'[^']+'/], indent) }.join("\n")
- verb.prepend(' ' * indent)
+ content = @guids_to_content[matched_typed_id][COMMENT_CONTENT]
+ @guids_to_content[matched_typed_id] = (start_with_newline ? "\n" : "") +
+ "#{indent_multiline(content, indent)}\n" +
+ (indent_after_comment ? indent_multiline("", indent) : "")
- def colorize_err_line( line )
- line.gsub(/#{VERBS}/ ) { |verb| StringColorize.colorize_verb(verb) }
- .gsub(STRINGS) { |str| StringColorize.colorize_str(str) }
+ def colorize_comment_or_literal(matched_typed_id)
+ @guids_to_content[matched_typed_id] = if comment?(@literals_and_comments_types[matched_typed_id])
+ StringColorize.colorize_comment(@guids_to_content[matched_typed_id])
+ else
+ StringColorize.colorize_str(@guids_to_content[matched_typed_id])
+ end
- def extract_err_caret_line( err_address_line, err_line, sql_body, err )
- # LINE could be quoted ( both sides and sometimes only from one ):
- # "LINE 1: ...t_id\" = $13 AND \"products\".\"carrier_id\" = $14 AND \"product_t...\n",
- err_quote = (err_address_line.match(/\.\.\.(.+)\.\.\./) || err_address_line.match(/\.\.\.(.+)/) )&.send(:[], 1)
+ def get_placeholder_type(comment_or_string)
+ if SQL_COMMENTS.match?(comment_or_string)
+ get_comment_type(comment_or_string)
+ else
+ get_string_type(comment_or_string)
+ end
+ end
- # line[2] is original err caret line i.e.: ' ^'
- # err_address_line[/LINE \d+:/].length+1..-1 - is a position from error quote begin
- err_caret_line = err.lines[2][err_address_line[/LINE \d+:/].length+1..-1]
+ def get_comment_type(comment)
+ case comment
+ when /\s*\n+\s*.+\s*\n+\s*/ then :newline_wrapped_comment
+ when /\s*\n+\s*.+/ then :newline_start_comment
+ when /.+\s*\n+\s*/ then :newline_end_comment
+ else :inline_comment
+ end
+ end
- # when err line is too long postgres quotes it in double '...'
- # so we need to reposition caret against original line
- if err_quote
- err_quote_caret_offset = err_caret_line.length - err_address_line.index( '...' ).to_i + 3
- err_caret_line = ' ' * ( err_line.index( err_quote ) + err_quote_caret_offset ) + "^\n"
+ def get_string_type(string)
+ MULTILINE_INDENTABLE_LITERAL.match?(string) ? :indentable_string : :immutable_string
+ end
+ def new_placeholder_name(placeholder_type)
+ "#{placeholder_type}_#{@counter[placeholder_type]}_#{SecureRandom.uuid}"
+ end
+ def get_sql_named_strs(sql)
+ freq =
+ sql.scan(NAMED_DOLLAR_QUOTED_STRINGS_REGEX).select do |str|
+ freq[str] += 1
+ freq[str] == 2
+ .flatten
+ .map { |str| str.gsub!("$", '\$') }
+ end
- # older versions of ActiveRecord were adding ': ' before an original query :(
- err_caret_line.prepend(' ') if sql_body[0].start_with?(': ')
- # if mistake is on last string than err_line.last != \n then we need to prepend \n to caret line
- err_caret_line.prepend("\n") unless err_line[-1] == "\n"
- err_caret_line
+ def init_strings_regex
+ # /($STR$.+$STR$|$$[^$]$$|'[^']'|"[^"]")/
+ strs = get_sql_named_strs(initial_sql).map { |dq_str| "#{dq_str}.+#{dq_str}" }
+ strs = ["(#{strs.join("|")})"] if strs != []
+ @string_regex ||= /#{[*strs, DOLLAR_QUOTED_STRINGS, STRINGS].join("|")}/m
+ def comment?(piece_type)
+ !literal?(piece_type)
+ end
+ def literal?(piece_type)
+ [:indentable_string, :immutable_string].include?(piece_type)
+ end
+ def new_line_ending_comment?(comment_or_literal)
+ [:newline_wrapped_comment, :newline_end_comment, :newline_start_comment]
+ .include?(@literals_and_comments_types[comment_or_literal])
+ end
+ def indent_multiline(keyword, indent)
+ if keyword.match?(/.\s*\n\s*./)
+! { |ln| " " * indent + ln }.join("")
+ else
+ " " * indent + keyword
+ end
+ end
class NiceQLConfig
attr_accessor :indentation_base, :open_bracket_is_newliner
@@ -215,10 +444,13 @@
self.indentation_base = 2
self.open_bracket_is_newliner = false
- def self.configure; yield( config ) end
+ def self.configure
+ yield(config)
+ end
- def self.config; @config ||= end
+ def self.config
+ @config ||=
+ end