lib/nginxtra/error.rb in nginxtra- vs lib/nginxtra/error.rb in nginxtra-
- old
+ new
@@ -6,33 +6,115 @@
@options = options
def output(thor)
- options = @options || { :header => message }
+ options = @options || { header: message }
Nginxtra::Error.print_error thor, options
# Raised if config conversion fails.
class ConvertFailed < Nginxtra::Error::Base; end
+ # Raised if /etc/init.d/nginx is missing.
+ class NginxInitScriptMissing < Nginxtra::Error::ConvertFailed
+ HEADER = "Cannot find nginx binary!".freeze
+ MESSAGE = "Either point to it via --nginx-bin or ignore the binary with --ignore-nginx-bin".freeze
+ def initialize
+ super("Cannot find nginx binary", header: HEADER, message: MESSAGE)
+ end
+ end
+ # Raised if the nginx binary cannot be determined from the
+ # /etc/init.d/nginx init script.
+ class UndeterminedNginxBinary < Nginxtra::Error::ConvertFailed
+ HEADER = "Cannot find nginx binary!".freeze
+ MESSAGE = "The binary location of nginx cannot be determined from /etc/init.d/nginx. Either point to it via --nginx-bin or ignore the binary with --ignore-nginx-bin".freeze
+ def initialize
+ super("Cannot determine nginx binary", header: HEADER, message: MESSAGE)
+ end
+ end
# Raised when something is in an illegal state, such as when
# running nginxtra_rails from a directory other than a rails root
# directory.
class IllegalState < Nginxtra::Error::Base; end
# Raised when an invalid configuration is specified, such as the
# --prefix compile option.
class InvalidConfig < Nginxtra::Error::Base; end
+ # Subclass of InvalidConfig that indicates an option was provided
+ # that is not allowed.
+ class InvalidCompilationOption < Nginxtra::Error::InvalidConfig
+ "prefix" => "The --prefix compile option is not allowed with nginxtra. It is reserved so nginxtra can control where nginx is compiled and run from.",
+ "sbin-path" => "The --sbin-path compile option is not allowed with nginxtra. It is reserved so nginxtra can control what binary is used to run nginx.",
+ "conf-path" => "The --conf-path compile option is not allowed with nginxtra. It is reserved so nginxtra can control the configuration entirely via #{Nginxtra::Config::FILENAME}.",
+ "pid-path" => "The --pid-path compile option is not allowed with nginxtra. It is reserved so nginxtra can control where the pid file is created."
+ }.freeze
+ def initialize(parameter)
+ super("Invalid compilation option --#{parameter}", header: "Invalid compilation option --#{parameter}", message: MESSAGES[parameter])
+ end
+ end
+ # Raised when the nginxtra config is missing
+ class MissingNginxConfig < Nginxtra::Error::InvalidConfig
+ HEADER = "Missing definition for nginx.conf!".freeze
+ MESSAGE = "You must define your nginx.conf configuration in your nginxtra.conf.rb file.".freeze
+ def initialize
+ super("Missing definition for nginx.conf", header: HEADER, message: MESSAGE)
+ end
+ end
+ # Raised if a partial is called with anything but no arguments or
+ # a single Hash.
+ class InvalidPartialArguments < Nginxtra::Error::InvalidConfig
+ HEADER = "Invalid partial arguments!".freeze
+ MESSAGE = "You can only pass 0 arguments or 1 hash to a partial!".freeze
+ def initialize
+ super("Invalid partial arguments", header: HEADER, message: MESSAGE)
+ end
+ end
+ # Raised if you reference passenger without the passenger gem.
+ class MissingPassengerGem < Nginxtra::Error::InvalidConfig
+ HEADER = "Missing passenger gem!".freeze
+ MESSAGE = "You cannot reference passenger unless the passenger gem is installed!".freeze
+ def initialize
+ super("Missing passenger gem", header: HEADER, message: MESSAGE)
+ end
+ end
+ # Raise when a config file doesn't actually specify the config
+ class NoConfigSpecified < Nginxtra::Error::InvalidConfig
+ def initialize(config_path)
+ super("No configuration is specified in #{config_path}!")
+ end
+ end
# Raised when the config file cannot be found.
class MissingConfig < Nginxtra::Error::Base; end
# Raised when installing and nginx is detected to be installed.
- class NginxDetected < Nginxtra::Error::Base; end
+ class NginxDetected < Nginxtra::Error::Base
+ HEADER = "It appears nginx is already installed!".freeze
+ MESSAGE = "Since /etc/init.d/nginx exists, you might have an existing nginx installation that will conflict with nginxtra. " \
+ "If you want to install nginxtra alongside nginx (at your own risk), please include the --ignore-nginx-check option to bypass this check.".freeze
+ def initialize
+ super("Uninstall nginx before installing nginxtra", header: HEADER, message: MESSAGE)
+ end
+ end
# Raised when a run command fails.
class RunFailed < Nginxtra::Error::Base; end
class << self
def print_error(thor, options)
@@ -40,18 +122,16 @@
text << "\n\n" << thor.set_color(options[:message], :red, false) if options[:message]
thor.print_wrapped text
def protect(thor)
- begin
- yield
- rescue Nginxtra::Error::Base => e
- e.output thor
- raise if thor.options["trace"]
- rescue => e
- print_error thor, :header => "An unexpected error occurred!"
- raise if thor.options["trace"]
- end
+ yield
+ rescue Nginxtra::Error::Base => e
+ e.output thor
+ raise if thor.options["trace"]
+ rescue
+ print_error thor, header: "An unexpected error occurred!"
+ raise if thor.options["trace"]