lib/tasks/tests.rake in newrelic_rpm-9.5.0 vs lib/tasks/tests.rake in newrelic_rpm-9.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -9,18 +9,89 @@
require 'rake/testtask'
rescue LoadError
if defined? Rake::TestTask
+ def name_for_number(content, number)
+ (number - 1).downto(0).each do |i|
+ return Regexp.last_match(1) if content[i] =~ /^\s*def (test_.+)\s*$/
+ end
+ end
+ def info_from_test_var
+ return {} unless ENV['TEST'].to_s =~ /^(.+)((?::\d+)+)/
+ file = Regexp.last_match(1)
+ numbers = Regexp.last_match(2).split(':').reject(&:empty?)
+ abs = File.expand_path(File.join('../../..', file), __FILE__)
+ raise "File >>#{abs}<< does not exist!" unless File.exist?(abs)
+ content ="\n")
+ {file: file, numbers: numbers, content: content}
+ end
+ def test_names_from_test_file(info)
+ info[:numbers].each_with_object([]) do |number, names|
+ name = name_for_number(info[:content], number)
+ unless name
+ warn "Unable to determine a test name given line >>#{number}<< for file >>#{info[:file]}<<"
+ next
+ end
+ names << name
+ end
+ end
+ # Allow ENV['TEST'] to be set to a test file path with one or more
+ # `:<line number>` patterns on the end of it.
+ #
+ # For example:
+ # TEST=test/new_relic/agent/autostart_test.rb:57 bundle exec rake test
+ #
+ # The `autostart_test.rb` file will be read, and starting from line 57 and
+ # working upwards in the file (downwards by line number), a test definition
+ # will be searched for that matches `def test_<rest of the test name>`.
+ #
+ # Multiple line numbers can be specified like so:
+ # TEST=test/new_relic/agent/autostart_test.rb:57:26 bundle exec rake test
+ #
+ # For this multiple line number based example, both lines 57 and 26 will
+ # serve as separate starting points for the search for a test name.
+ #
+ # All test names that are discovered will be "ORed" into a regex pattern with
+ # pipes ('|') that is passed to Minitest via
+ # `TESTOPTS="--name='test_name1|test_name2'"`
+ #
+ # Once a line with one or more `:<line number>` values on the end of it has
+ # been found, replace the value of ENV['TEST'] with the path leading up to
+ # the first colon before invoking Minitest.
+ #
+ # Why refer to a test by line number instead of just supplying the name
+ # directly? The primary use case is text editor integration. A text editor
+ # can be taught to "run the single unit test containing the line the cursor is
+ # on" by building a string containing the path to the file, a colon, (':'),
+ # and the line number.
+ def process_line_numbers
+ info = info_from_test_var
+ return unless info.key?(:file)
+ test_names = test_names_from_test_file(info)
+ raise "Could not determine any test names for file >>#{abs}<< given numbers >>#{numbers}" if test_names.empty?
+ ENV['TESTOPTS'] = "#{ENV['TESTOPTS']} --name='#{ { |n| Regexp.escape(n) }.join('|')}'"
+ ENV['TEST'] = info[:file]
+ end
namespace :test do
tasks = Rake.application.top_level_tasks
ENV['TESTOPTS'] ||= ''
if tasks.any? { |t| t.include?('verbose') }
ENV['TESTOPTS'] += ' -v'
if seed = look_for_seed(tasks)
ENV['TESTOPTS'] += ' --' + seed
+ process_line_numbers
agent_home = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..')) do |t|
file_pattern = ENV['file']