lib/new_relic/agent/agent.rb in newrelic_rpm-2.9.3 vs lib/new_relic/agent/agent.rb in newrelic_rpm-2.9.4
- old
+ new
@@ -200,11 +200,11 @@
# successfully connected
at_exit { shutdown }
control.log! "New Relic RPM Agent #{NewRelic::VERSION::STRING} Initialized: pid = #{$$}"
- control.log! "Agent Log found in #{NewRelic::Control.instance.log_file}"
+ control.log! "Agent Log found in #{NewRelic::Control.instance.log_file}" if NewRelic::Control.instance.log_file
def collector
@collector ||= control.server
@@ -320,14 +320,14 @@
# there's a bad license key.
def connect
# wait a few seconds for the web server to boot, necessary in development
connect_retry_period = 5
connect_attempts = 0
+ @agent_id = nil
sleep connect_retry_period.to_i
- @agent_id = invoke_remote :start, @local_host, {
+ @agent_id ||= invoke_remote :start, @local_host, {
:pid => $$,
:launch_time => @launch_time.to_f,
:agent_version => NewRelic::VERSION::STRING,
:environment => control.local_env.snapshot,
:settings => control.settings }
@@ -373,20 +373,18 @@
log.debug e.backtrace.join("\n")
# retry logic
connect_attempts += 1
case connect_attempts
- when 1..5
- connect_retry_period, period_msg = 5, nil
- when 6..10 then
- connect_retry_period, period_msg = 30, nil
- when 11..20 then
+ when 1..2
connect_retry_period, period_msg = 60, "1 minute"
+ when 3..5 then
+ connect_retry_period, period_msg = 60 * 2, "2 minutes"
connect_retry_period, period_msg = 10*60, "10 minutes"
- "Will re-attempt in #{period_msg}" if period_msg
+ "Will re-attempt in #{period_msg}"
def determine_host
@@ -443,19 +441,28 @@
@traces = @transaction_sampler.harvest(@traces, @slowest_transaction_threshold)
unless @traces.empty?
now =
log.debug "Sending (#{@traces.length}) transaction traces"
+ begin
+ # take the traces and prepare them for sending across the
+ # wire. This includes gathering SQL explanations, stripping
+ # out stack traces, and normalizing SQL. note that we
+ # explain only the sql statements whose segments' execution
+ # times exceed our threshold (to avoid unnecessary overhead
+ # of running explains on fast queries.)
+ traces = @traces.collect {|trace| trace.prepare_to_send(:explain_sql => @explain_threshold, :record_sql => @record_sql, :keep_backtraces => true, :explain_enabled => @explain_enabled)}
+ invoke_remote :transaction_sample_data, @agent_id, traces
+ rescue PostTooBigException
+ # we tried to send too much data, drop the first trace and
+ # try again
+ @traces.shift
+ retry
+ end
- # take the traces and prepare them for sending across the wire. This includes
- # gathering SQL explanations, stripping out stack traces, and normalizing SQL.
- # note that we explain only the sql statements whose segments' execution times exceed
- # our threshold (to avoid unnecessary overhead of running explains on fast queries.)
- traces = @traces.collect {|trace| trace.prepare_to_send(:explain_sql => @explain_threshold, :record_sql => @record_sql, :keep_backtraces => true, :explain_enabled => @explain_enabled)}
- invoke_remote :transaction_sample_data, @agent_id, traces
log.debug "#{now}: sent slowest sample (#{@agent_id}) in #{ - now} seconds"
# if we succeed sending this sample, then we don't need to keep
# the slowest sample around - it has been sent already and we
@@ -470,71 +477,112 @@
def harvest_and_send_errors
@unsent_errors = @error_collector.harvest_errors(@unsent_errors)
if @unsent_errors && @unsent_errors.length > 0
log.debug "Sending #{@unsent_errors.length} errors"
- invoke_remote :error_data, @agent_id, @unsent_errors
- # if the remote invocation fails, then we never clear @unsent_errors,
- # and therefore we can re-attempt to send on the next heartbeat. Note
- # the error collector maxes out at 20 instances to prevent leakage
+ begin
+ invoke_remote :error_data, @agent_id, @unsent_errors
+ rescue PostTooBigException
+ @unsent_errors.shift
+ retry
+ end
+ # if the remote invocation fails, then we never clear
+ # @unsent_errors, and therefore we can re-attempt to send on
+ # the next heartbeat. Note the error collector maxes out at
+ # 20 instances to prevent leakage
@unsent_errors = []
- # send a message via post
- def invoke_remote(method, *args)
- # we currently optimize for CPU here since we get roughly a 10x reduction in
- # message size with this, and CPU overhead is at a premium. If we wanted
- # to go for higher compression instead, we could use Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION and
- # pay a little more CPU.
- data = Marshal.dump(args)
- encoding = data.size > 2000 ? 'deflate' : 'identity' # don't compress small payloads
- post_data = encoding == 'deflate' ? Zlib::Deflate.deflate(data, Zlib::BEST_SPEED) : data
- http = control.http_connection(collector)
+ def compress_data(object)
+ dump = Marshal.dump(object)
- uri = "/agent_listener/#{PROTOCOL_VERSION}/#{control.license_key}/#{method}"
- uri += "?run_id=#{@agent_id}" if @agent_id
+ # we currently optimize for CPU here since we get roughly a 10x
+ # reduction in message size with this, and CPU overhead is at a
+ # premium. For extra-large posts, we use the higher compression
+ # since otherwise it actually errors out.
- request =, 'CONTENT-ENCODING' => encoding, 'ACCEPT-ENCODING' => 'gzip', 'HOST' =>
+ dump_size = dump.size
+ # small payloads don't need compression
+ return [dump, 'identity'] if dump_size < 2000
+ # medium payloads get fast compression, to save CPU
+ # big payloads get all the compression possible, to stay under
+ # the 2,000,000 byte post threshold
+ compression = dump_size < 2000000 ? Zlib::BEST_SPEED : Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION
+ [Zlib::Deflate.deflate(dump, compression), 'deflate']
+ end
+ def check_post_size(post_string)
+ # TODO: define this as a config option on the server side
+ return if post_string.size < 2000000
+ log.warn "Tried to send too much data, retrying with less: #{post_string.size} bytes"
+ raise PostTooBigException
+ end
+ def send_request(opts)
+ request =[:uri], 'CONTENT-ENCODING' => opts[:encoding], 'ACCEPT-ENCODING' => 'gzip', 'HOST' => opts[:collector].name)
request.content_type = "application/octet-stream"
- request.body = post_data
+ request.body = opts[:data]
- log.debug "connect to #{collector}#{uri}"
+ log.debug "connect to #{opts[:collector]}#{opts[:uri]}"
response = nil
+ http = control.http_connection(collector)
timeout(@request_timeout) do
response = http.request(request)
rescue Timeout::Error
log.warn "Timed out trying to post data to RPM (timeout = #{@request_timeout} seconds)" unless @request_timeout < 30
raise IgnoreSilentlyException
- if response.is_a? Net::HTTPSuccess
- body = nil
- if response['content-encoding'] == 'gzip'
- log.debug "Decompressing return value"
- i =
- body =
- else
- log.debug "Uncompressed content returned"
- body = response.body
- end
- return_value = Marshal.load(body)
- if return_value.is_a? Exception
- raise return_value
- else
- return return_value
- end
- else
+ if !(response.is_a? Net::HTTPSuccess)
log.debug "Unexpected response from server: #{response.code}: #{response.message}"
raise IgnoreSilentlyException
- end
+ end
+ response
+ end
+ def decompress_response(response)
+ if response['content-encoding'] != 'gzip'
+ log.debug "Uncompressed content returned"
+ return response.body
+ end
+ log.debug "Decompressing return value"
+ i =
+ end
+ def check_for_exception(response)
+ dump = decompress_response(response)
+ value = Marshal.load(dump)
+ raise value if value.is_a? Exception
+ value
+ end
+ def remote_method_uri(method)
+ uri = "/agent_listener/#{PROTOCOL_VERSION}/#{control.license_key}/#{method}"
+ uri << "?run_id=#{@agent_id}" if @agent_id
+ uri
+ end
+ # send a message via post
+ def invoke_remote(method, *args)
+ #determines whether to zip the data or send plain
+ post_data, encoding = compress_data(args)
+ # this checks to make sure mongrel won't choke on big uploads
+ check_post_size(post_data)
+ response = send_request({:uri => remote_method_uri(method), :encoding => encoding, :collector => collector, :data => post_data})
+ # raises the right exception if the remote server tells it to die
+ return check_for_exception(response)
rescue ForceDisconnectException => e
log.error "RPM forced this agent to disconnect (#{e.message})\n" \
"Restart this process to resume monitoring via"
# when a disconnect is requested, stop the current thread, which
# is the worker thread that gathers data and talks to the
@@ -560,10 +608,10 @@
log.debug "Graceful shutdown complete"
rescue Timeout::Error, StandardError
- log.debug "Bypassing graceful shutdown - agent in development mode"
+ log.debug "Bypassing graceful shutdown - agent not connected"