Rakefile in newgem-1.4.1 vs Rakefile in newgem-1.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,60 +1,28 @@
-require 'rubygems' unless ENV['NO_RUBYGEMS']
-%w[rake rake/clean fileutils rubigen].each { |f| require f }
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib/newgem'
+gem 'hoe', '>= 2.3.0'
+require 'hoe'
+%w[fileutils rubigen].each { |f| require f }
+$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib")
+Hoe.plugin :newgem
+Hoe.plugin :website
+Hoe.plugin :cucumberfeatures
# Generate all the Rake tasks
# Run 'rake -T' to see list of generated tasks (from gem root directory)
-$hoe = Hoe.new('newgem', Newgem::VERSION) do |p|
- p.developer('Dr Nic Williams', 'drnicwilliams@gmail.com')
- p.changes = p.paragraphs_of('History.txt', 0..1).join("\n\n")
- p.post_install_message = 'PostInstall.txt'
- p.extra_deps = [
+$hoe = Hoe.spec 'newgem' do
+ developer 'Dr Nic Williams', 'drnicwilliams@gmail.com'
+ self.post_install_message = 'PostInstall.txt'
+ self.extra_deps = [
['activesupport','>= 2.0.2'],
['rubigen',">= #{RubiGen::VERSION}"],
['hoe', ">= #{Hoe::VERSION}"],
- ['RedCloth','>= 4.0.0'], # for website generation
+ ['RedCloth','= 4.1.1'], # for website generation
['syntax','>= 1.0.0']
- p.extra_dev_deps = [
- ['cucumber', ">= 0.1.8"]
- ]
- p.clean_globs |= %w[**/.DS_Store tmp *.log]
- path = (p.rubyforge_name == p.name) ? p.rubyforge_name : "\#{p.rubyforge_name}/\#{p.name}"
- p.remote_rdoc_dir = File.join(path.gsub(/^#{p.rubyforge_name}\/?/,''), 'rdoc')
- p.rsync_args = '-av --delete --ignore-errors'
+ extra_dev_deps << ['cucumber', ">= 0.3.11"]
-require 'newgem/tasks' # load /tasks/*.rake
-namespace :hoe do
- desc "Applies patch files to the hoe.rb in latest hoe rubygem and stores in lib/hoe-patched.rb"
- task :patch do
- gem 'hoe'
- hoe_lib = $LOAD_PATH.grep(/hoe.*\/lib/)
- hoe_rb = File.join(hoe_lib, 'hoe.rb')
- FileUtils.cp hoe_rb, File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib/hoe.rb"
- patches = Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/patches/hoe/*.patch"].sort
- patches.each do |patch|
- puts "Applying patch #{File.basename patch}"
- sh %{ cat #{patch} | patch -p1 }
- end
- patched_hoe = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib/hoe-patched.rb"
- FileUtils.mv File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib/hoe.rb", patched_hoe
- help_msg = <<-EOS.gsub(/^\s+/,'')
- # Patched version of Hoe to allow any README.* file
- # Pending acceptance of ticket with this feature
- # File created by 'rake hoe:patch' in newgem
- # from patch files in patches/hoe/*.patch
- contents = File.read(patched_hoe)
- File.open(patched_hoe, "w") do |f|
- f << help_msg + "\n"
- f << contents
- end
- end
+require 'newgem/tasks'
remove_task :default
task :default => :features