Rakefile in neuro-0.4.2 vs Rakefile in neuro-0.4.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,119 +1,37 @@
# vim: set filetype=ruby et sw=2 ts=2:
- require 'rake/gempackagetask'
-rescue LoadError
+require 'gem_hadar'
-require 'rbconfig'
-include Config
-require 'rake/clean'
-CLEAN.include 'doc', 'coverage', FileList["**/*.dump"],
- FileList["ext/*.{o,so,#{CONFIG['DLEXT']}}"], 'lib/*.so',
- 'ext/Makefile'
-MAKE = ENV['MAKE'] || %w[gmake make].find { |c| system(c, '-v') }
-PKG_NAME = 'neuro'
-PKG_VERSION = File.read('VERSION').chomp
-PKG_FILES = FileList["**/*"].exclude(/CVS|pkg|doc|tmp|coverage|(\.dump\Z)/).to_a
-task :default => :test
-desc "Run unit tests"
-task :test => :compile_ext do
- sh 'testrb -Iext:lib ./tests/test_*.rb'
-desc "Creating documentation"
-task :doc do
- sh 'rdoc -t "neuro - Neural Network Extension for Ruby" -m doc-main.txt -o doc doc-main.txt ext/neuro.c lib/neuro/version.rb' # lib/neuro/display.rb'
-desc "Compiling library"
-task :compile_ext do
- cd 'ext' do
- ruby 'extconf.rb'
- sh MAKE
- end
-desc "Installing library"
-task :install => :test do
- src = "ext/neuro.#{CONFIG['DLEXT']}"
- filename = File.basename(src)
- dst = File.join(CONFIG["sitelibdir"], filename)
- install(src, dst, :verbose => true, :mode => 0644)
- src = 'lib/neuro/display.rb'
- filename = File.basename(src)
- dst_dir = File.join(CONFIG["sitelibdir"], 'neuro')
- mkdir_p dst_dir
- dst = File.join(dst_dir, filename)
- install(src, dst, :verbose => true, :mode => 0644)
-if defined?(Gem) and defined?(Rake::GemPackageTask)
- spec_src = <<-GEM
- Gem::Specification.new do |s|
- s.name = '#{PKG_NAME}'
- s.version = '#{PKG_VERSION}'
- s.summary = "Neural Network Extension for Ruby"
- s.description = <<EOF
+GemHadar do
+ name 'neuro'
+ author 'Florian Frank'
+ email 'flori@ping.de'
+ homepage "http://flori.github.com/#{name}"
+ summary 'Neural Network Extension for Ruby'
+ description <<EOT
A Ruby extension that provides a 2-Layer Back Propagation Neural Network, which
can be used to categorize datasets of arbitrary size.
+ test_dir 'tests'
+ ignore '.*.sw[pon]', 'pkg', 'Gemfile.lock'
+ clean '*.dump'
+ title "#{name.camelize} - #{summary}"
+ readme 'README.rdoc'
+ require_paths %w[lib ext]
+ development_dependency 'test-unit', '~>2.4'
- s.files = #{PKG_FILES.to_a.sort.inspect}
- s.extensions = "ext/extconf.rb"
- s.require_paths << 'ext' << 'lib'
- s.has_rdoc = true
- s.extra_rdoc_files << 'doc-main.txt'
- s.rdoc_options << '--main' << 'doc-main.txt' << '--title' << 'Neural Network Extension for Ruby'
- s.test_files.concat #{Dir['tests/test_*.rb'].to_a.sort.inspect}
- s.author = "Florian Frank"
- s.email = "flori@ping.de"
- s.homepage = "http://flori.github.com/#{PKG_NAME}"
- s.rubyforge_project = '#{PKG_NAME}'
+ install_library do
+ src = "ext/neuro.#{CONFIG['DLEXT']}"
+ filename = File.basename(src)
+ dst = File.join(CONFIG["sitelibdir"], filename)
+ install(src, dst, :verbose => true, :mode => 0644)
+ dst_dir = File.join(CONFIG["sitelibdir"], 'neuro')
+ mkdir_p dst_dir
+ cd 'lib/neuro' do
+ for src in Dir['*.rb']
+ dst = File.join(dst_dir, src)
+ install(src, dst, :verbose => true, :mode => 0644)
+ end
- desc 'Create a gemspec file'
- task :gemspec do
- File.open("#{PKG_NAME}.gemspec", 'w') do |f|
- f.puts spec_src
- end
- spec = eval(spec_src)
- Rake::GemPackageTask.new(spec) do |pkg|
- pkg.need_tar = true
- pkg.package_files = PKG_FILES
- end
-desc m = "Writing version information for #{PKG_VERSION}"
-task :version do
- puts m
- File.open(File.join('lib', 'neuro', 'version.rb'), 'w') do |v|
- v.puts <<EOT
-module Neuro
- # Neuro version
- VERSION_ARRAY = VERSION.split(/\\./).map { |x| x.to_i } # :nodoc:
- end
-task :default => [ :version, :gemspec, :test ]
-desc "Build all gems and archives for a new release."
-task :release => [ :clean, :version, :gemspec, :package]