javascripts/basepack.js in netzke-basepack-0.7.7 vs javascripts/basepack.js in netzke-basepack-0.8.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,144 +1,14 @@
-Ext.apply(Ext.History, new Ext.util.Observable());
-// A convenient passfield
-// Ext.netzke.PassField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TextField, {
-// inputType: 'password'
-// });
-// Ext.reg('passfield', Ext.netzke.PassField);
-// Ext.override(Ext.ux.form.DateTimeField, {
-// format: "Y-m-d",
-// timeFormat: "g:i:s",
-// picker: {
-// minIncremenet: 15
-// }
-// });
-// ComboBox that gets options from the server (used in both grids and panels)
-Ext.define('Ext.netzke.ComboBox', {
- extend : 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox',
- alias : 'widget.netzkeremotecombo',
- valueField : 'value',
- displayField : 'text',
- triggerAction : 'all',
- // WIP: Breaking - should not be 'true' if combobox is not editable
- // typeAhead : true,
- // getDisplayValue: function() {
- // return this.getValue() == 0 ? this.emptyText : this.callOverridden();
- // },
- initComponent : function(){
- var modelName = this.parentId + "_" +;
- if (this.blankLine == undefined) this.blankLine = "---";
- Ext.define(modelName, {
- extend: '',
- fields: ['value', 'text']
- });
- var store = new{
- model: modelName,
- proxy: {
- type: 'direct',
- directFn: Netzke.providers[this.parentId].getComboboxOptions,
- reader: {
- type: 'array',
- root: 'data'
- }
- }
- });
- store.on('beforeload', function(self, params) {
- params.params.column =;
- },this);
- // insert a selectable "blank line" which allows to remove the associated record
- if (this.blankLine) {
- store.on('load', function(self, params) {
- // append a selectable "empty line" which will allow remove the association
- self.add(Ext.create(modelName, {value: -1, text: this.blankLine}));
- }, this);
- }
- // If inline data was passed (TODO: is this actually working?)
- if ( store.loadData({data:});
- = store;
- this.callParent();
- },
Ext.util.Format.mask = function(v){
return "********";
-// Ext.netzke.JsonField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TextField, {
-// validator: function(value) {
-// try{
-// var d = Ext.decode(value);
-// return true;
-// } catch(e) {
-// return "Invalid JSON"
-// }
-// }
-// ,setValue: function(value) {
-// this.setRawValue(Ext.encode(value));
-// }
-// });
-// Ext.reg('jsonfield', Ext.netzke.JsonField);
-// WIP: todo - rewrite Ext.lib calls below
-// Ext.grid.HeaderDropZone.prototype.onNodeDrop = function(n, dd, e, data){
-// var h = data.header;
-// if(h != n){
-// var cm = this.grid.colModel;
-// var x = Ext.lib.Event.getPageX(e);
-// var r = Ext.lib.Dom.getRegion(n.firstChild);
-// var pt = (r.right - x) <= ((r.right-r.left)/2) ? "after" : "before";
-// var oldIndex = this.view.getCellIndex(h);
-// var newIndex = this.view.getCellIndex(n);
-// if(pt == "after"){
-// newIndex++;
-// }
-// if(oldIndex < newIndex){
-// newIndex--;
-// }
-// cm.moveColumn(oldIndex, newIndex);
-// return true;
-// }
-// return false;
-// };
-// Ext.ns('Ext.ux.form');
Ext.define('Ext.ux.form.TriCheckbox', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox',
alias: 'widget.tricheckbox',
store: [[true, "Yes"], [false, "No"]],
forceSelection: true
-// Enabling checkbox submission when unchecked
-// TODO: it would be nice to standardize return values
-// because currently checkboxes return "on", if checked,
-// and boolean 'false' otherwise. It's not nice
-// MAV
-// TODO: maybe we should simply initialize 'uncheckedValue' somewhere else,
-// instead
-Ext.override( Ext.form.field.Checkbox, {
- getSubmitValue: function() {
- return this.callOverridden() || false; // 'off';
- }