javascripts/basepack.js in netzke-basepack-0.6.2 vs javascripts/basepack.js in netzke-basepack-0.6.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
Ext.apply(Ext.History, new Ext.util.Observable());
// A convenient passfield
@@ -36,94 +37,35 @@
this.on('specialkey', function(cb, event){
if (event.getKey() == 9 || event.getKey() == 13) {cb.setValue(cb.getRawValue());}
var parent = Ext.getCmp(this.parentId);
- // Is parent a grid?
- if (parent.getSelectionModel) {
- this.on('beforequery',function(qe) {
- delete qe.combo.lastQuery;
- },this);
- }
+ // Is parent a grid?
+ if (parent.getSelectionModel) {
+ this.on('beforequery',function(qe) {
+ delete qe.combo.lastQuery;
+ },this);
+ }
// A not-so-clean approach to submit the current record id
store.on('beforeload',function(store, options){
if (parent.getSelectionModel) {
var selected = parent.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
if (selected) = selected.get('id');
} else {
// TODO: also for the FormPanel
- },this)
+ }, this);
Ext.reg('combobox', Ext.netzke.ComboBox);
Ext.util.Format.mask = function(v){
return "********";
-// Implementation of totalProperty, successProperty and root configuration options for ArrayReader = Ext.extend(, {
- readRecords : function(o){
- var sid = this.meta ? : null;
- var recordType = this.recordType, fields = recordType.prototype.fields;
- var records = [];
- var root = o[this.meta.root] || o, totalRecords = o[this.meta.totalProperty], success = o[this.meta.successProperty];
- for(var i = 0; i < root.length; i++){
- var n = root[i];
- var values = {};
- var id = ((sid || sid === 0) && n[sid] !== undefined && n[sid] !== "" ? n[sid] : null);
- for(var j = 0, jlen = fields.length; j < jlen; j++){
- var f = fields.items[j];
- var k = f.mapping !== undefined && f.mapping !== null ? f.mapping : j;
- var v = n[k] !== undefined ? n[k] : f.defaultValue;
- v = f.convert(v, n);
- values[] = v;
- }
- var record = new recordType(values, id);
- record.json = n;
- records[records.length] = record;
- }
- return {
- records : records,
- totalRecords : totalRecords,
- success : success
- };
- }
- = Ext.extend(, {
- /**
- * Create a data block containing from an Array.
- * @param {Object} o An Array of row objects which represents the dataset.
- * @return {Object} data A data block which is used by an object as
- * a cache of
- */
- readRecord : function(o){
- var sid = this.meta ? : null;
- var recordType = this.recordType, fields = recordType.prototype.fields;
- var records = [];
- var root = o;
- var n = root;
- var values = {};
- var id = ((sid || sid === 0) && n[sid] !== undefined && n[sid] !== "" ? n[sid] : null);
- for(var j = 0, jlen = fields.length; j < jlen; j++){
- var f = fields.items[j];
- var k = f.mapping !== undefined && f.mapping !== null ? f.mapping : j;
- var v = n[k] !== undefined ? n[k] : f.defaultValue;
- v = f.convert(v, n);
- values[] = v;
- }
- var record = new recordType(values, id);
- record.json = n;
- return record;
- }
Ext.netzke.JsonField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TextField, {
validator: function(value) {
var d = Ext.decode(value);
return true;
@@ -792,187 +734,168 @@
return true;
return false;
-// Temporary fix for Ext 3.1 resize problem:
-Ext.override(Ext.Panel, {
+Ext.ux.form.TriCheckbox = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Checkbox, {
+ checked: null,
+ valueList: [null, false, true],
+ stateClassList: ['x-checkbox-undef', null, 'x-checkbox-checked'],
+ overClass: 'x-form-check-over',
+ clickClass: 'x-form-check-down',
+ triState: true,
+ defaultAutoCreate: {tag: 'input', type: 'hidden', autocomplete: 'off'},
+ initComponent: function() {
+ this.value = this.checked;
+ Ext.ux.form.TriCheckbox.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
+ // make a copy before modifying valueList and stateClassList arrays
+ this.vList = this.valueList.slice(0);
+ this.cList = this.stateClassList.slice(0);
+ if(this.triState !== true) {
+ // consider 'undefined' value and its class go first in arrays
+ this.vList.shift();
+ this.cList.shift();
+ }
+ if(this.overCls !== undefined) {
+ this.overClass = this.overCls;
+ delete this.overCls;
+ }
+ this.value = this.normalizeValue(this.value);
+ },
+ onRender : function(ct, position){
+, ct, position);
- // private
- onResize : function(w, h, rw, rh){
- if(Ext.isDefined(w) || Ext.isDefined(h)){
- if(!this.collapsed){
- // First, set the the Panel's body width.
- // If we have auto-widthed it, get the resulting full offset width so we can size the Toolbars to match
- // The Toolbars must not buffer this resize operation because we need to know their heights.
+ this.innerWrap = this.el.wrap({tag: 'span', cls: 'x-form-check-innerwrap'});
+ this.wrap = this.innerWrap.wrap({cls: 'x-form-check-wrap'});
- if(Ext.isNumber(w)){
- this.body.setWidth(w = this.adjustBodyWidth(w - this.getFrameWidth()));
- } else if (w == 'auto') {
- w = this.body.setWidth('auto').dom.offsetWidth;
- } else {
- w = this.body.dom.offsetWidth;
- }
+ this.currCls = this.getCls(this.value);
+ this.wrap.addClass(this.currCls);
+ if(this.clickClass && !this.disabled && !this.readOnly)
+ this.innerWrap.addClassOnClick(this.clickClass);
+ if(this.overClass && !this.disabled && !this.readOnly)
+ this.innerWrap.addClassOnOver(this.overClass);
- if(this.tbar){
- this.tbar.setWidth(w);
- if(this.topToolbar){
- this.topToolbar.setSize(w);
- }
- }
- if(this.bbar){
- this.bbar.setWidth(w);
- if(this.bottomToolbar){
- this.bottomToolbar.setSize(w);
- // The bbar does not move on resize without this.
- if (Ext.isIE) {
- this.bbar.setStyle('position', 'static');
- this.bbar.setStyle('position', '');
- }
- }
- }
- if(this.footer){
- this.footer.setWidth(w);
- if(this.fbar){
- this.fbar.setSize(Ext.isIE ? (w - this.footer.getFrameWidth('lr')) : 'auto');
- }
- }
+ this.imageEl = this.innerWrap.createChild({
+ tag: 'img',
+ cls: 'x-form-tscheckbox'
+ }, this.el);
+ if(this.fieldClass) this.imageEl.addClass(this.fieldClass);
- // At this point, the Toolbars must be layed out for getFrameHeight to find a result.
- if(Ext.isNumber(h)){
- h = Math.max(0, this.adjustBodyHeight(h - this.getFrameHeight()));
- this.body.setHeight(h);
- }else if(h == 'auto'){
- this.body.setHeight(h);
- }
+ if(this.boxLabel){
+ this.innerWrap.createChild({
+ tag: 'label',
+ htmlFor:,
+ cls: 'x-form-cb-label',
+ html: this.boxLabel
+ });
+ }
- if(this.disabled && this.el._mask){
- this.el._mask.setSize(this.el.dom.clientWidth, this.el.getHeight());
- }
- }else{
- this.queuedBodySize = {width: w, height: h};
- if(!this.queuedExpand && this.allowQueuedExpand !== false){
- this.queuedExpand = true;
- this.on('expand', function(){
- delete this.queuedExpand;
- this.onResize(this.queuedBodySize.width, this.queuedBodySize.height);
- }, this, {single:true});
- }
- }
- this.onBodyResize(w, h);
- }
- this.syncShadow();
-, w, h, rw, rh);
+ // Need to repaint for IE, otherwise positioning is broken
+ if(Ext.isIE){
+ this.wrap.repaint();
+ this.resizeEl = this.positionEl = this.wrap;
+ },
+ onResize : function(){
+ Ext.form.Checkbox.superclass.onResize.apply(this, arguments);
+ if(!this.boxLabel && !this.fieldLabel && this.imageEl){
+ this.imageEl.alignTo(this.wrap, 'c-c');
+ }
+ },
+ initEvents : function(){
+ this.mon(this.innerWrap, {
+ scope: this,
+ click: this.onClick
+ });
+ },
+ onClick : function(){
+ if (!this.disabled && !this.readOnly) {
+ this.setValue(this.vList[(this.vList.indexOf(this.value) + 1) % this.vList.length]);
+ }
+ },
+ getValue : function(){
+ return this.value;
+ },
+ setValue : function(v){
+ var value = this.value;
+ this.value = this.normalizeValue(v);
+ if(this.rendered) this.el.dom.value = this.value;
-Ext.ux.form.TriCheckbox = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Checkbox, {
- checked: null,
- valueList: [null, false, true],
- stateClassList: ['x-checkbox-undef', null, 'x-checkbox-checked'],
- overClass: 'x-form-check-over',
- clickClass: 'x-form-check-down',
- triState: true,
- defaultAutoCreate: {tag: 'input', type: 'hidden', autocomplete: 'off'},
- initComponent: function() {
- this.value = this.checked;
- Ext.ux.form.TriCheckbox.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
- // make a copy before modifying valueList and stateClassList arrays
- this.vList = this.valueList.slice(0);
- this.cList = this.stateClassList.slice(0);
- if(this.triState !== true) {
- // consider 'undefined' value and its class go first in arrays
- this.vList.shift();
- this.cList.shift();
- }
- if(this.overCls !== undefined) {
- this.overClass = this.overCls;
- delete this.overCls;
- }
- this.value = this.normalizeValue(this.value);
- },
- onRender : function(ct, position){
-, ct, position);
+ if(value !== this.value){
+ this.updateView();
+ this.fireEvent('check', this, this.value);
+ if(this.handler) || this, this, this.value);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ normalizeValue: function(v) {
+ return (v === null || v === undefined) && this.triState ? null :
+ (v === true || (['true', 'yes', 'on', '1']).indexOf(String(v).toLowerCase()) != -1);
+ },
+ getCls: function(v) {
+ var idx = this.vList.indexOf(this.value);
+ return idx > -1 ? this.cList[idx] : undefined;
+ },
+ updateView: function() {
+ var cls = this.getCls(this.value);
+ if (!this.wrap || cls === undefined) return;
- this.innerWrap = this.el.wrap({tag: 'span', cls: 'x-form-check-innerwrap'});
- this.wrap = this.innerWrap.wrap({cls: 'x-form-check-wrap'});
+ this.wrap.replaceClass(this.currCls, cls);
+ this.currCls = cls;
+ }
+Ext.reg('tricheckbox', Ext.ux.form.TriCheckbox);
- this.currCls = this.getCls(this.value);
- this.wrap.addClass(this.currCls);
- if(this.clickClass && !this.disabled && !this.readOnly)
- this.innerWrap.addClassOnClick(this.clickClass);
- if(this.overClass && !this.disabled && !this.readOnly)
- this.innerWrap.addClassOnOver(this.overClass);
- this.imageEl = this.innerWrap.createChild({
- tag: 'img',
- cls: 'x-form-tscheckbox'
- }, this.el);
- if(this.fieldClass) this.imageEl.addClass(this.fieldClass);
+// Enabling checkbox submission when unchecked
+(function() {
+ origCheckboxRender = Ext.form.Checkbox.prototype.onRender;
+ origCheckboxSetValue = Ext.form.Checkbox.prototype.setValue;
- if(this.boxLabel){
- this.innerWrap.createChild({
- tag: 'label',
- htmlFor:,
- cls: 'x-form-cb-label',
- html: this.boxLabel
- });
- }
+ Ext.override(Ext.form.Checkbox, {
+ onRender: function() {
+ // call the original onRender() function
+ origCheckboxRender.apply(this, arguments);
- // Need to repaint for IE, otherwise positioning is broken
- if(Ext.isIE){
- this.wrap.repaint();
- }
- this.resizeEl = this.positionEl = this.wrap;
- },
- onResize : function(){
- Ext.form.Checkbox.superclass.onResize.apply(this, arguments);
- if(!this.boxLabel && !this.fieldLabel && this.imageEl){
- this.imageEl.alignTo(this.wrap, 'c-c');
- }
- },
- initEvents : function(){
- this.mon(this.innerWrap, {
- scope: this,
- click: this.onClick
- });
- },
- onClick : function(){
- if (!this.disabled && !this.readOnly) {
- this.setValue(this.vList[(this.vList.indexOf(this.value) + 1) % this.vList.length]);
- }
- },
- getValue : function(){
- return this.value;
- },
- setValue : function(v){
- var value = this.value;
- this.value = this.normalizeValue(v);
- if(this.rendered) this.el.dom.value = this.value;
+ if (this.getXType() === 'radio') return;
- if(value !== this.value){
- this.updateView();
- this.fireEvent('check', this, this.value);
- if(this.handler) || this, this, this.value);
- }
- return this;
- },
- normalizeValue: function(v) {
- return (v === null || v === undefined) && this.triState ? null :
- (v === true || (['true', 'yes', 'on', '1']).indexOf(String(v).toLowerCase()) != -1);
- },
- getCls: function(v) {
- var idx = this.vList.indexOf(this.value);
- return idx > -1 ? this.cList[idx] : undefined;
- },
- updateView: function() {
- var cls = this.getCls(this.value);
- if (!this.wrap || cls === undefined) return;
+ // Handle initial case based on this.checked
+ if (this.checked == false) {
+ this.noValEl = Ext.DomHelper.insertAfter(this.el, {
+ tag: 'input',
+ type: 'hidden',
+ value: false,
+ name: this.getName()
+ }, true);
+ }
+ else {
+ this.noValEl = null;
+ }
+ },
+ setValue: function() {
+ // call original setValue() function
+ origCheckboxSetValue.apply(this, arguments);
- this.wrap.replaceClass(this.currCls, cls);
- this.currCls = cls;
- }
-Ext.reg('tricheckbox', Ext.ux.form.TriCheckbox);
\ No newline at end of file
+ if (this.getXType() === 'radio') return;
+ if (this.checked) {
+ if (this.noValEl != null) {
+ // Remove the extra hidden element
+ this.noValEl.remove();
+ this.noValEl = null;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Add our hidden element for (unchecked) value
+ if (this.noValEl == null) this.noValEl = Ext.DomHelper.insertAfter(this.el, {
+ tag: 'input',
+ type: 'hidden',
+ value: false,
+ name: this.getName()
+ }, true);
+ }
+ }
+ });