lib/net/ber.rb in net-ldap-0.0.5 vs lib/net/ber.rb in net-ldap-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-# $Id$
# Mixes ASN.1/BER convenience methods into several standard classes.
# Also provides BER parsing functionality.
@@ -23,535 +21,75 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
module Net
module BER
- class BerError < StandardError; end
- class BerIdentifiedString < String
- attr_accessor :ber_identifier
- def initialize args
- super args
- end
- end
- class BerIdentifiedArray < Array
- attr_accessor :ber_identifier
- def initialize
- super
- end
- end
- class BerIdentifiedNull
- attr_accessor :ber_identifier
- def to_ber
- "\005\000"
- end
- end
- class BerIdentifiedOid
- attr_accessor :ber_identifier
- def initialize oid
- if oid.is_a?(String)
- oid = oid.split(/\./).map {|s| s.to_i }
- end
- @value = oid
- end
- def to_ber
- # Provisional implementation.
- # We ASSUME that our incoming value is an array, and we
- # use the Array#to_ber_oid method defined below.
- # We probably should obsolete that method, actually, in
- # and move the code here.
- # This implementation currently hardcodes 6, the universal OID tag.
- ary = @value.dup
- first = ary.shift
- raise" invalid OID" ) unless [0,1,2].include?(first)
- first = first * 40 + ary.shift
- ary.unshift first
- oid = ary.pack("w*")
- [6, oid.length].pack("CC") + oid
- end
- end
- #--
- # This condenses our nicely self-documenting ASN hashes down
- # to an array for fast lookups.
- # Scoped to be called as a module method, but not intended for
- # user code to call.
- #
- def self.compile_syntax syn
- out = [nil] * 256
- syn.each {|tclass,tclasses|
- tagclass = {:universal=>0, :application=>64, :context_specific=>128, :private=>192} [tclass]
- tclasses.each {|codingtype,codings|
- encoding = {:primitive=>0, :constructed=>32} [codingtype]
- codings.each {|tag,objtype|
- out[tagclass + encoding + tag] = objtype
- }
- }
- }
- out
- end
- # This module is for mixing into IO and IO-like objects.
- module BERParser
- # The order of these follows the class-codes in BER.
- # Maybe this should have been a hash.
- TagClasses = [:universal, :application, :context_specific, :private]
- BuiltinSyntax = BER.compile_syntax( {
- :universal => {
- :primitive => {
- 1 => :boolean,
- 2 => :integer,
- 4 => :string,
- 5 => :null,
- 6 => :oid,
- 10 => :integer,
- 13 => :string # (relative OID)
- },
- :constructed => {
- 16 => :array,
- 17 => :array
- }
- },
- :context_specific => {
- :primitive => {
- 10 => :integer
- }
- }
- })
- #
- # read_ber
- # TODO: clean this up so it works properly with partial
- # packets coming from streams that don't block when
- # we ask for more data (like StringIOs). At it is,
- # this can throw TypeErrors and other nasties.
+ VERSION = '0.1.0'
- # BEWARE, this violates DRY and is largely equal in functionality to
- # read_ber_from_string. Eventually that method may subsume the functionality
- # of this one.
- #
- def read_ber syntax=nil
- # don't bother with this line, since IO#getbyte by definition returns nil on eof.
- #return nil if eof?
- id = getbyte or return nil # don't trash this value, we'll use it later
- #tag = id & 31
- #tag < 31 or raise "unsupported tag encoding: #{id}" )
- #tagclass = TagClasses[ id >> 6 ]
- #encoding = (id & 0x20 != 0) ? :constructed : :primitive
- n = getbyte
- lengthlength,contentlength = if n <= 127
- [1,n]
- else
- # Replaced the inject because it profiles hot.
- #j = (0...(n & 127)).inject(0) {|mem,x| mem = (mem << 8) + getbyte}
- j = 0
- read( n & 127 ).each_byte {|n1| j = (j << 8) + n1}
- [1 + (n & 127), j]
- end
- newobj = read contentlength
- # This exceptionally clever and clear bit of code is verrrry slow.
- objtype = (syntax && syntax[id]) || BuiltinSyntax[id]
- # == is expensive so sort this if/else so the common cases are at the top.
- obj = if objtype == :string
- #(newobj || "").dup
- s = newobj || "" )
- s.ber_identifier = id
- s
- elsif objtype == :integer
- j = 0
- newobj.each_byte {|b| j = (j << 8) + b}
- j
- elsif objtype == :oid
- # cf X.690 pgh 8.19 for an explanation of this algorithm.
- # Potentially not good enough. We may need a BerIdentifiedOid
- # as a subclass of BerIdentifiedArray, to get the ber identifier
- # and also a to_s method that produces the familiar dotted notation.
- oid = newobj.unpack("w*")
- f = oid.shift
- g = if f < 40
- [0, f]
- elsif f < 80
- [1, f-40]
- else
- [2, f-80] # f-80 can easily be > 80. What a weird optimization.
- end
- oid.unshift g.last
- oid.unshift g.first
- oid
- elsif objtype == :array
- #seq = []
- seq =
- seq.ber_identifier = id
- sio = newobj || "" )
- # Interpret the subobject, but note how the loop
- # is built: nil ends the loop, but false (a valid
- # BER value) does not!
- while (e = sio.read_ber(syntax)) != nil
- seq << e
+ # This condenses our nicely self-documenting ASN hashes down
+ # to an array for fast lookups.
+ # Scoped to be called as a module method, but not intended for
+ # user code to call.
+ #
+ def self.compile_syntax(syn)
+ out = [nil] * 256
+ syn.each do |tclass, tclasses|
+ tagclass = {:universal=>0, :application=>64, :context_specific=>128, :private=>192} [tclass]
+ tclasses.each do |codingtype,codings|
+ encoding = {:primitive=>0, :constructed=>32} [codingtype]
+ codings.each {|tag, objtype| out[tagclass + encoding + tag] = objtype }
- seq
- elsif objtype == :boolean
- newobj != "\000"
- elsif objtype == :null
- n =
- n.ber_identifier = id
- n
- else
- #raise "unsupported object type: class=#{tagclass}, encoding=#{encoding}, tag=#{tag}" )
- raise "unsupported object type: id=#{id}" )
- # Add the identifier bits into the object if it's a String or an Array.
- # We can't add extra stuff to Fixnums and booleans, not that it makes much sense anyway.
- # Replaced this mechanism with subclasses because the instance_eval profiled too hot.
- #obj and ([String,Array].include? obj.class) and obj.instance_eval "def ber_identifier; #{id}; end"
- #obj.ber_identifier = id if obj.respond_to?(:ber_identifier)
- obj
+ out
- #--
- # Violates DRY! This replicates the functionality of #read_ber.
- # Eventually this method may replace that one.
- # This version of #read_ber behaves properly in the face of incomplete
- # data packets. If a full BER object is detected, we return an array containing
- # the detected object and the number of bytes consumed from the string.
- # If we don't detect a complete packet, return nil.
- #
- # Observe that weirdly we recursively call the original #read_ber in here.
- # That needs to be fixed if we ever obsolete the original method in favor of this one.
- def read_ber_from_string str, syntax=nil
- id = str[0] or return nil
- n = str[1] or return nil
- n_consumed = 2
- lengthlength,contentlength = if n <= 127
- [1,n]
- else
- n1 = n & 127
- return nil unless str.length >= (n_consumed + n1)
- j = 0
- n1.times {
- j = (j << 8) + str[n_consumed]
- n_consumed += 1
- }
- [1 + (n1), j]
- end
- return nil unless str.length >= (n_consumed + contentlength)
- newobj = str[n_consumed...(n_consumed + contentlength)]
- n_consumed += contentlength
- objtype = (syntax && syntax[id]) || BuiltinSyntax[id]
- # == is expensive so sort this if/else so the common cases are at the top.
- obj = if objtype == :array
- seq =
- seq.ber_identifier = id
- sio = newobj || "" )
- # Interpret the subobject, but note how the loop
- # is built: nil ends the loop, but false (a valid
- # BER value) does not!
- # Also, we can use the standard read_ber method because
- # we know for sure we have enough data. (Although this
- # might be faster than the standard method.)
- while (e = sio.read_ber(syntax)) != nil
- seq << e
- end
- seq
- elsif objtype == :string
- s = newobj || "" )
- s.ber_identifier = id
- s
- elsif objtype == :integer
- j = 0
- newobj.each_byte {|b| j = (j << 8) + b}
- j
- elsif objtype == :oid
- # cf X.690 pgh 8.19 for an explanation of this algorithm.
- # Potentially not good enough. We may need a BerIdentifiedOid
- # as a subclass of BerIdentifiedArray, to get the ber identifier
- # and also a to_s method that produces the familiar dotted notation.
- oid = newobj.unpack("w*")
- f = oid.shift
- g = if f < 40
- [0,f]
- elsif f < 80
- [1, f-40]
- else
- [2, f-80] # f-80 can easily be > 80. What a weird optimization.
- end
- oid.unshift g.last
- oid.unshift g.first
- oid
- elsif objtype == :boolean
- newobj != "\000"
- elsif objtype == :null
- n =
- n.ber_identifier = id
- n
- else
- raise "unsupported object type: id=#{id}" )
- end
- [obj, n_consumed]
- end
- end # module BERParser
- end # module BER
-end # module Net
-class IO
- include Net::BER::BERParser
-require "stringio"
-class StringIO
- include Net::BER::BERParser
- require 'openssl'
- class OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket
- include Net::BER::BERParser
- end
-rescue LoadError
-# Ignore LoadError.
-# DON'T ignore NameError, which means the SSLSocket class
-# is somehow unavailable on this implementation of Ruby's openssl.
-# This may be WRONG, however, because we don't yet know how Ruby's
-# openssl behaves on machines with no OpenSSL library. I suppose
-# it's possible they do not fail to require 'openssl' but do not
-# create the classes. So this code is provisional.
-# Also, you might think that OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket inherits from
-# IO so we'd pick it up above. But you'd be wrong.
-class String
- include Net::BER::BERParser
- def read_ber syntax=nil
+ def to_ber
+ # Provisional implementation.
+ # We ASSUME that our incoming value is an array, and we
+ # use the Array#to_ber_oid method defined below.
+ # We probably should obsolete that method, actually, in
+ # and move the code here.
+ # This implementation currently hardcodes 6, the universal OID tag.
+ ary = @value.dup
+ first = ary.shift
+ raise" invalid OID" ) unless [0,1,2].include?(first)
+ first = first * 40 + ary.shift
+ ary.unshift first
+ oid = ary.pack("w*")
+ [6, oid.length].pack("CC") + oid
- def read_ber! syntax=nil
- obj,n_consumed = read_ber_from_string(self, syntax)
- if n_consumed
- self.slice!(0...n_consumed)
- obj
- else
- nil
- end
- end
-class FalseClass
- #
- # to_ber
- #
- def to_ber
- "\001\001\000"
-class TrueClass
- #
- # to_ber
- #
- def to_ber
- "\001\001\001"
- end
-class Fixnum
- #
- # to_ber
- #
- def to_ber
- "\002" + to_ber_internal
- end
- #
- # to_ber_enumerated
- #
- def to_ber_enumerated
- "\012" + to_ber_internal
- end
- #
- # to_ber_length_encoding
- #
- def to_ber_length_encoding
- if self <= 127
- [self].pack('C')
- else
- i = [self].pack('N').sub(/^[\0]+/,"")
- [0x80 + i.length].pack('C') + i
+module Net
+ module BER
+ class BerError < StandardError; end
+ class BerIdentifiedString < String
+ attr_accessor :ber_identifier
+ def initialize args
+ super args
+ end
- end
- # Generate a BER-encoding for an application-defined INTEGER.
- # Example: SNMP's Counter, Gauge, and TimeTick types.
- #
- def to_ber_application tag
- [0x40 + tag].pack("C") + to_ber_internal
- end
- #--
- # Called internally to BER-encode the length and content bytes of a Fixnum.
- # The caller will prepend the tag byte.
- def to_ber_internal
- # PLEASE optimize this code path. It's awfully ugly and probably slow.
- # It also doesn't understand negative numbers yet.
- raise "range error in fixnum" ) unless self >= 0
- z = [self].pack("N")
- zlen = if self < 0x80
- 1
- elsif self < 0x8000
- 2
- elsif self < 0x800000
- 3
- else
- 4
+ class BerIdentifiedArray < Array
+ attr_accessor :ber_identifier
+ def initialize(*args)
+ super
+ end
- [zlen].pack("C") + z[0-zlen,zlen]
- end
- private :to_ber_internal
-end # class Fixnum
-class Bignum
- def to_ber
- #i = [self].pack('w')
- #i.length > 126 and raise "range error in bignum" )
- #[2, i.length].pack("CC") + i
- # Ruby represents Bignums as two's-complement numbers so we may actually be
- # good as far as representing negatives goes.
- # I'm sure this implementation can be improved performance-wise if necessary.
- # Ruby's Bignum#size returns the number of bytes in the internal representation
- # of the number, but it can and will include leading zero bytes on at least
- # some implementations. Evidently Ruby stores these as sets of quadbytes.
- # It's not illegal in BER to encode all of the leading zeroes but let's strip
- # them out anyway.
- #
- sz = self.size
- out = "\000" * sz
- (sz*8).times {|bit|
- if self[bit] == 1
- out[bit/8] += (1 << (bit % 8))
- end
- }
- while out.length > 1 and out[-1] == 0
- out.slice!(-1,1)
+ class BerIdentifiedNull
+ attr_accessor :ber_identifier
+ def to_ber
+ "\005\000"
+ end
- [2, out.length].pack("CC") + out.reverse
-class String
- #
- # to_ber
- # A universal octet-string is tag number 4,
- # but others are possible depending on the context, so we
- # let the caller give us one.
- # The preferred way to do this in user code is via to_ber_application_sring
- # and to_ber_contextspecific.
- #
- def to_ber code = 4
- [code].pack('C') + length.to_ber_length_encoding + self
- end
- #
- # to_ber_application_string
- #
- def to_ber_application_string code
- to_ber( 0x40 + code )
- end
- #
- # to_ber_contextspecific
- #
- def to_ber_contextspecific code
- to_ber( 0x80 + code )
- end
-end # class String
-class Array
- #
- # to_ber_appsequence
- # An application-specific sequence usually gets assigned
- # a tag that is meaningful to the particular protocol being used.
- # This is different from the universal sequence, which usually
- # gets a tag value of 16.
- # Now here's an interesting thing: We're adding the X.690
- # "application constructed" code at the top of the tag byte (0x60),
- # but some clients, notably ldapsearch, send "context-specific
- # constructed" (0xA0). The latter would appear to violate RFC-1777,
- # but what do I know? We may need to change this.
- #
- def to_ber id = 0; to_ber_seq_internal( 0x30 + id ); end
- def to_ber_set id = 0; to_ber_seq_internal( 0x31 + id ); end
- def to_ber_sequence id = 0; to_ber_seq_internal( 0x30 + id ); end
- def to_ber_appsequence id = 0; to_ber_seq_internal( 0x60 + id ); end
- def to_ber_contextspecific id = 0; to_ber_seq_internal( 0xA0 + id ); end
- def to_ber_oid
- ary = self.dup
- first = ary.shift
- raise "invalid OID" ) unless [0,1,2].include?(first)
- first = first * 40 + ary.shift
- ary.unshift first
- oid = ary.pack("w*")
- [6, oid.length].pack("CC") + oid
- end
- private
- def to_ber_seq_internal code
- s = ''
- self.each{|x| s = s + x}
- [code].pack('C') + s.length.to_ber_length_encoding + s
- end
-end # class Array
+require 'net/ber/ber_parser'