README.rdoc in nestor-0.1.1 vs README.rdoc in nestor-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -6,18 +6,24 @@
== Getting Started
$ gem install nestor
$ cd railsapp
- $ nestor start
+ $ nestor
Nestor listens for file change events. When a file is changed, it will run the tests for that file only, and then verify your whole build. If a failure or error is found, Nestor will focus on the failing tests and files. Changing a file that is currently unfocused tells Nestor you've cast a wider net.
At this early stage, Nestor is pretty verbose regarding it's operations. You can also enable +--debug+ mode to let the excellent [ watchr] library give you even more information. If you want to report a bug, please include all appropriate logs.
== Continuous Testing Server
Yes, I mean server in the sense that Nestor will load +test/test_helper.rb+ and run your tests by forking. Changing +test/test_helper.rb+ or anything in +config/+ will abort Nestor. With some more work, Nestor will be able to restart itself. Nestor also knows about +db/schema.rb+ and will run +rake db:test:prepare+ in the advent your schema changes.
+=== Caveats / Warnings
+Nestor internally uses the [ Slave] gem to process results in a slave process. The processes communicate using DRb. Behavior is undefined if your own tests make use of DRb.
+Also, all the top-level constants that Nestor's dependencies declare will pollute your application's namespace: Watchr, Slave, StateMachine and Thor. Should this be a problem, it would be possible to run your tests in a sub-process fashion, similar to the original Autotest. Running in this mode, none of Nestor's constants would impact your process, except DRb, which Slave uses.
== Note on Patches/Pull Requests
* Fork the project.
* Make your feature addition or bug fix.