spec/neoid/model_additions_spec.rb in neoid-0.0.2 vs spec/neoid/model_additions_spec.rb in neoid-0.0.5.alpha
- old
+ new
@@ -1,101 +1,29 @@
require 'spec_helper'
-class User < SuperModel::Base
- include ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks
- has_many :likes
- has_many :movies, through: :likes
- # _test_movies is here because SuperModel doesn't handle has_many queries
- # it simulates the database. see comments in each method to see a regular AR implementation
- def _test_movies
- @_test_movies ||= []
- end
- def likes?(movie)
- # likes.where(movie_id: movie.id).exists?
- _test_movies.any? { |it| it.movie_id == movie.id }
- end
- def like!(movie)
- # movies << movie unless likes?(movie)
- _test_movies << Like.create(user_id: self.id, movie_id: movie.id) unless likes?(movie)
- end
- def unlike!(movie)
- # likes.where(movie_id: movie.id, user_id: self.id).destroy_all
- _test_movies.delete_if { |it| it.destroy if it.movie_id == movie.id }
- end
- include Neoid::Node
- def to_neo
- neo_properties_to_hash(%w( name slug ))
- end
-class Movie < SuperModel::Base
- include ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks
- has_many :likes
- has_many :users, through: :likes
- include Neoid::Node
- def to_neo
- neo_properties_to_hash(%w( name slug year ))
- end
-class Like < SuperModel::Base
- include ActiveModel::Validations::Callbacks
- belongs_to :user
- belongs_to :movie
- include Neoid::Relationship
- neoidable start_node: :user, end_node: :movie, type: :likes
- def to_neo
- neo_properties_to_hash(%w( rate ))
- end
-require 'spec_helper'
require 'fileutils'
describe Neoid::ModelAdditions do
- before(:each) do
- [ User, Movie ].each { |klass|
- klass.instance_variable_set(:@_neo_subref_node, nil)
- }
- Neoid.ref_node = nil
- end
context "nodes" do
context "create graph nodes" do
it "should call neo_create on a neo_node for user" do
- User.create(name: "Elad Ossadon")
+ User.create!(name: "Elad Ossadon")
it "should create a neo_node for user" do
- user = User.create(name: "Elad Ossadon", slug: "elado")
+ user = User.create!(name: "Elad Ossadon", slug: "elado")
user.neo_node.should_not be_nil
user.neo_node.ar_id.should == user.id
user.neo_node.name.should == user.name
user.neo_node.slug.should == user.slug
it "should create a neo_node for movie" do
- movie = Movie.create(name: "Memento", slug: "memento-1999", year: 1999)
+ movie = Movie.create!(name: "Memento", slug: "memento-1999", year: 1999)
movie.neo_node.should_not be_nil
movie.neo_node.ar_id.should == movie.id
movie.neo_node.name.should == movie.name
@@ -103,11 +31,11 @@
context "find by id" do
it "should find a neo_node for user" do
- user = User.create(name: "Elad Ossadon", slug: "elado")
+ user = User.create!(name: "Elad Ossadon", slug: "elado")
user.neo_node.should_not be_nil
user.neo_find_by_id.should_not be_nil
@@ -130,17 +58,71 @@
like.neo_relationship.rel_type.should == 'likes'
it "should delete a relationship on deleting a record" do
user.like! movie
- like = user.likes.first
+ like = user.likes.last
relationship_neo_id = like.neo_relationship.neo_id
Neography::Relationship.load(relationship_neo_id).should_not be_nil
user.unlike! movie
- Neography::Relationship.load(relationship_neo_id).should be_nil
+ expect { Neography::Relationship.load(relationship_neo_id) }.to raise_error(Neography::RelationshipNotFoundException)
+ end
+ it "should update neo4j on manual set of a collection" do
+ movies = [
+ Movie.create(name: "Memento"),
+ Movie.create(name: "The Prestige"),
+ Movie.create(name: "The Dark Knight"),
+ Movie.create(name: "Spiderman")
+ ]
+ user.neo_node.outgoing(:likes).length.should == 0
+ expect {
+ user.movies = movies
+ }.to change{ user.neo_node.outgoing(:likes).length }.to(movies.length)
+ expect { expect {
+ user.movies -= movies[0..1]
+ }.to change{ user.movies.count }.by(-2)
+ }.to change{ user.neo_node.outgoing(:likes).length }.by(-2)
+ expect {
+ user.movies = []
+ }.to change{ user.neo_node.outgoing(:likes).length }.to(0)
+ expect {
+ user.movie_ids = movies[0...2].collect(&:id)
+ }.to change{ user.neo_node.outgoing(:likes).length }.to(2)
+ end
+ end
+ context "polymorphic relationship" do
+ let(:user) { User.create(name: "Elad Ossadon", slug: "elado") }
+ it "description" do
+ followed = [
+ User.create(name: "Some One", slug: "someone"),
+ Movie.create(name: "The Prestige"),
+ Movie.create(name: "The Dark Knight")
+ ]
+ expect {
+ followed.each do |item|
+ user.user_follows.create(item: item)
+ end
+ }.to change{ user.neo_node.outgoing(:follows).length }.to(followed.length)
+ expect {
+ user.user_follows = user.user_follows[0...1]
+ }.to change{ user.neo_node.outgoing(:follows).length }.to(1)
+ expect {
+ user.user_follows = []
+ }.to change{ user.neo_node.outgoing(:follows).length }.to(0)