lib/neo4j/node.rb in neo4j-1.0.0.beta.13 vs lib/neo4j/node.rb in neo4j-1.0.0.beta.14
- old
+ new
@@ -40,20 +40,56 @@
+ # A node in the graph with properties and relationships to other entities.
+ # Along with relationships, nodes are the core building blocks of the Neo4j data representation model.
+ # Node has three major groups of operations: operations that deal with relationships, operations that deal with properties and operations that traverse the node space.
+ # The property operations give access to the key-value property pairs.
+ # Property keys are always strings. Valid property value types are the primitives(<tt>String</tt>, <tt>Fixnum</tt>, <tt>Float</tt>, <tt>Boolean</tt>), and arrays of those primitives.
+ #
+ # === Instance Methods form Included Mixins
+ # * Neo4j::Property - methods that deal with properties
+ # * Neo4j::NodeRelationship methods for relationship
+ # * Neo4j::Equal equality operators: <tt>eql?</tt>, <tt>equal</tt>, <tt>==</tt>
+ # * Neo4j::Index lucene index methods, like indexing a node
+ #
+ # === Class Methods from Included Mixins
+ # * Neo4j::Index::ClassMethods lucene index class methods, like find
+ # * Neo4j::Load - methods for loading a node
+ #
+ # See also the Neo4j::NodeMixin if you want to wrap a node with your own Ruby class.
+ #
class Node
extend Neo4j::Index::ClassMethods
+ extend Neo4j::Load
self.node_indexer self
class << self
- include Neo4j::Load
- # Creates a new node using the default db instance when given no args
- # Same as Neo4j::Node#create
+ # Returns a new neo4j Node.
+ # The return node is actually an Java obejct of type org.neo4j.graphdb.Node java object
+ # which has been extended (see the included mixins for Neo4j::Node).
+ #
+ # The created node will have a unique id - Neo4j::Property#neo_id
+ #
+ # ==== Parameters
+ # *args :: a hash of properties to initialize the node with or nil
+ #
+ # ==== Returns
+ # org.neo4j.graphdb.Node java object
+ #
+ # ==== Examples
+ #
+ # do
+ #
+ # :name => 'foo', :age => 100
+ # end
+ #
+ #
def new(*args)
# the first argument can be an hash of properties to set
props = args[0].respond_to?(:each_pair) && args[0]
# a db instance can be given, is the first argument if that was not a hash, or otherwise the second
@@ -65,17 +101,30 @@
# create is the same as new
alias_method :create, :new
+ # Loads a node or wrapped node given a native java node or an id.
+ # If there is a Ruby wrapper for the node then it will create a Ruby object that will
+ # wrap the java node (see Neo4j::NodeMixin).
+ #
+ # If the node does not exist it will return nil
+ #
def load(node_id, db = Neo4j.started_db)
- wrapper(db.graph.get_node_by_id(node_id.to_i))
+ node = _load(node_id, db)
+ return nil if node.nil?
+ node.wrapper
+ end
+ # Same as load but does not return the node as a wrapped Ruby object.
+ #
+ def _load(node_id, db)
+ db.graph.get_node_by_id(node_id.to_i)
rescue java.lang.IllegalStateException
nil # the node has been deleted
rescue org.neo4j.graphdb.NotFoundException