lib/neo4j/active_node/labels.rb in neo4j-3.0.0.alpha.7 vs lib/neo4j/active_node/labels.rb in neo4j-3.0.0.alpha.8
- old
+ new
@@ -6,10 +6,11 @@
module Labels
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
class InvalidQueryError < StandardError; end
+ class RecordNotFound < StandardError; end
# @return the labels
# @see Neo4j-core
def labels
@@ -57,42 +58,50 @@
module ClassMethods
- # Find all nodes/objects of this class, with given search criteria
- # @param [Hash, nil] args the search critera or nil if finding all
- # @param [Neo4j::Session] session defaults to the model's session
- def all(args = nil, session = self.neo4j_session)
- if args
- find_by_hash(args, session)
- else
- Neo4j::Label.find_all_nodes(mapped_label_name, session)
- end
+ # Find all nodes/objects of this class
+ def all
+ self.query_as(:n).pluck(:n)
+ def first
+ self.query_as(:n).limit(1).order('n.neo_id').pluck(:n).first
+ end
+ def last
+ count = self.count
+ final_count = count == 0 ? 0 : count - 1
+ self.query_as(:n).order('n.neo_id').skip(final_count).limit(1).pluck(:n).first
+ end
# @return [Fixnum] number of nodes of this class
- def count(session = self.neo4j_session)
- q = session.query(label: mapped_label_name, return: "count(n) AS count", map_return: :value)
- q.to_a[0]
+ def count
+ self.query_as(:n).return("count(n) AS count").first.count
- # Same as #all but return only one object
- # If given a String or Fixnum it will return the object with that neo4j id.
- # @param [Hash,String,Fixnum] args search criteria
- def find(args, session = self.neo4j_session)
- case args
- when Hash
- find_by_hash(args, session).first
- when String, Fixnum
- Neo4j::Node.load(args.to_i)
- else
- raise "Unknown argument #{args.class} in find method"
- end
+ # Returns the object with the specified neo4j id.
+ # @param [String,Fixnum] neo_id of node to find
+ def find(id)
+ raise "Unknown argument #{id.class} in find method" if not [String, Fixnum].include?(id.class)
+ Neo4j::Node.load(id.to_i)
+ # Finds the first record matching the specified conditions. There is no implied ordering so if order matters, you should specify it yourself.
+ # @param [Hash] hash of arguments to find
+ def find_by(*args)
+ self.query_as(:n).where(n: eval(args.join)).limit(1).pluck(:n).first
+ end
+ # Like find_by, except that if no record is found, raises a RecordNotFound error.
+ def find_by!(*args)
+ a = eval(args.join)
+ find_by(args) or raise RecordNotFound, "#{self.query_as(:n).where(n: a).limit(1).to_cypher} returned no results"
+ end
# Destroy all nodes an connected relationships
def destroy_all
self.neo4j_session._query("MATCH (n:`#{mapped_label_name}`)-[r]-() DELETE n,r")
self.neo4j_session._query("MATCH (n:`#{mapped_label_name}`) DELETE n")
@@ -126,57 +135,9 @@
def indexed_labels
- def find_by_hash(query, session)
- validate_query!(query)
- extract_relationship_conditions!(query)
- session.query(query.merge(label: mapped_label_name))
- end
- # Raises an error if query is malformed
- def validate_query!(query)
- invalid_query_keys = - [:conditions, :order, :limit, :skip]
- raise InvalidQueryError, "Invalid query keys: #{invalid_query_keys.join(', ')}" if not invalid_query_keys.empty?
- end
- # Takes out :conditions query keys for associations and creates corresponding :conditions and :match keys
- # example:
- # class Person
- # property :name
- # has_n :friend
- # end
- #
- # :conditions => {name: 'Fred', friend: person}
- # should result in:
- # :conditions => {name => 'Fred', 'id(n1)' =>}, :match => 'n--n1'
- #
- def extract_relationship_conditions!(query)
- node_num = 1
- if query[:conditions]
- query[:conditions].dup.each do |key, value|
- if has_one_relationship?(key)
- neo_id = value.try(:neo_id) || value
- raise InvalidQueryError, "Invalid value for '#{key}' condition" if not neo_id.is_a?(Integer)
- query[:match] ||= []
- n_string = "n#{node_num}"
- dir = relationship_dir(key)
- match = dir == :outgoing ? "n-->(#{n_string})" : "n<--(#{n_string})"
- query[:match] << match
- query[:conditions]["id(#{n_string})"] = neo_id.to_i
- query[:conditions].delete(key)
- node_num += 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
def _index(property)
mapped_labels.each do |label|
# make sure the property is not indexed twice
existing = label.indexes[:property_keys]