lib/ncursesw.rb in ncursesw- vs lib/ncursesw.rb in ncursesw-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
# ncurses-ruby is a ruby module for accessing the FSF's ncurses library
# (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 Tobias Peters <>
# (C) 2004 Simon Kaczor <>
-# (C) 2005 Tobias Herzke
+# (C) 2005 2011 Tobias Herzke
# This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
@@ -15,330 +16,9 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# $Id: ncurses.rb,v 1.8 2009/05/03 10:37:54 t-peters Exp $
+# $Id: ncursesw.rb,v 1.1 2011-05-30 23:05:51 t-peters Exp $
require ""
-# Ncurses constants with leading underscore
-def Ncurses._XOPEN_CURSES
-def Ncurses._SUBWIN
- Ncurses::SUBWIN
-def Ncurses._ENDLINE
- Ncurses::ENDLINE
-def Ncurses._FULLWIN
- Ncurses::FULLWIN
-def Ncurses._SCROLLWIN
- Ncurses::SCROLLWIN
-def Ncurses._ISPAD
- Ncurses::ISPAD
-def Ncurses._HASMOVED
- Ncurses::HASMOVED
-def Ncurses._WRAPPED
- Ncurses::WRAPPED
-def Ncurses._NOCHANGE
- Ncurses::NOCHANGE
-def Ncurses._NEWINDEX
- Ncurses::NEWINDEX
-module Ncurses
- module Destroy_checker; def destroyed?; @destroyed; end; end
- class WINDOW
- include Destroy_checker
- def method_missing(name, *args)
- name = name.to_s
- if (name[0,2] == "mv")
- test_name = name.dup
- test_name[2,0] = "w" # insert "w" after"mv"
- if (Ncurses.respond_to?(test_name))
- return Ncurses.send(test_name, self, *args)
- end
- end
- test_name = "w" + name
- if (Ncurses.respond_to?(test_name))
- return Ncurses.send(test_name, self, *args)
- end
- Ncurses.send(name, self, *args)
- end
- def respond_to?(name)
- name = name.to_s
- if (name[0,2] == "mv" && Ncurses.respond_to?("mvw" + name[2..-1]))
- return true
- end
- Ncurses.respond_to?("w" + name) || Ncurses.respond_to?(name)
- end
- def del
- Ncurses.delwin(self)
- end
- alias delete del
- def*args)
- Ncurses.newwin(*args)
- end
- end
- class SCREEN
- include Destroy_checker
- def del
- Ncurses.delscreen(self)
- end
- alias delete del
- end
- class MEVENT
- attr_accessor :id, :x,:y,:z, :bstate
- end
- module Panel
- class PANEL; end
- end
- module Form
- class FORM
- attr_reader :user_object
- # This placeholder replaces the form_userptr function in curses
- def user_object=(obj)
- @user_object = obj
- end
- end
- class FIELD
- attr_reader :user_object
- # This placeholder replaces the field_userptr function in curses
- def user_object=(obj)
- @user_object = obj
- end
- end
- end
- end
- module Menu
- class MENU
- attr_reader :user_object
- # This placeholder replaces the menu_userptr function in curses
- def user_object=(obj)
- @user_object = obj
- end
- end
- class ITEM
- attr_reader :user_object
- # This placeholder replaces the item_userptr function in curses
- def user_object=(obj)
- @user_object = obj
- end
- end
- end
-def Ncurses.inchnstr(str,n)
- Ncurses.winchnstr(Ncurses.stdscr, str, n)
-def Ncurses.inchstr(str)
- Ncurses.winchstr(Ncurses.stdscr, str)
-def Ncurses.mvinchnstr(y,x, str, n)
- Ncurses.mvwinchnstr(Ncurses.stdscr, y,x, str, n)
-def Ncurses.mvinchstr(y,x, str)
- Ncurses.mvwinchstr(Ncurses.stdscr, y,x, str)
-def Ncurses.mvwinchnstr(win, y,x, str, n)
- if (Ncurses.wmove(win,y,x) == Ncurses::ERR)
- Ncurses::ERR
- else
- Ncurses.winchnstr(win,str,n)
- end
-def Ncurses.mvwinchstr(win, y,x, str)
- maxy = []; maxx = []; getmaxyx(win, maxy,maxx)
- return Ncurses::ERR if (maxx[0] == Ncurses::ERR)
- Ncurses.mvwinchnstr(win, y,x, str, maxx[0]+1)
-def Ncurses.winchstr(win, str)
- maxy = []; maxx = []; getmaxyx(win, maxy,maxx)
- return Ncurses::ERR if (maxx[0] == Ncurses::ERR)
- Ncurses.winchnstr(win, str, maxx[0]+1)
-def Ncurses.getnstr(str,n)
- Ncurses.wgetnstr(Ncurses.stdscr, str, n)
-def Ncurses.mvgetnstr(y,x, str, n)
- Ncurses.mvwgetnstr(Ncurses.stdscr, y,x, str, n)
-def Ncurses.mvwgetnstr(win, y,x, str, n)
- if (Ncurses.wmove(win,y,x) == Ncurses::ERR)
- Ncurses::ERR
- else
- Ncurses.wgetnstr(win,str,n)
- end
-def Ncurses.innstr(str,n)
- Ncurses.winnstr(Ncurses.stdscr, str, n)
-def Ncurses.instr(str)
- Ncurses.winstr(Ncurses.stdscr, str)
-def Ncurses.mvinnstr(y,x, str, n)
- Ncurses.mvwinnstr(Ncurses.stdscr, y,x, str, n)
-def Ncurses.mvinstr(y,x, str)
- Ncurses.mvwinstr(Ncurses.stdscr, y,x, str)
-def Ncurses.mvwinnstr(win, y,x, str, n)
- if (Ncurses.wmove(win,y,x) == Ncurses::ERR)
- Ncurses::ERR
- else
- Ncurses.winnstr(win,str,n)
- end
-def Ncurses.mvwinstr(win, y,x, str)
- maxy = []; maxx = []; getmaxyx(win, maxy,maxx)
- return Ncurses::ERR if (maxx[0] == Ncurses::ERR)
- Ncurses.mvwinnstr(win, y,x, str, maxx[0]+1)
-def Ncurses.winstr(win, str)
- maxy = []; maxx = []; getmaxyx(win, maxy,maxx)
- return Ncurses::ERR if (maxx[0] == Ncurses::ERR)
- Ncurses.winnstr(win, str, maxx[0]+1)
-def Ncurses.mouse_trafo(pY, pX, to_screen)
- Ncurses.wmouse_trafo(Ncurses.stdscr, pY, pX, to_screen)
-def Ncurses.getcurx(win)
- x = []; y = []; Ncurses.getyx(win, y,x); x[0]
-def Ncurses.getcury(win)
- x = []; y = []; Ncurses.getyx(win, y,x); y[0]
-def Ncurses.getbegx(win)
- x = []; y = []; Ncurses.getbegyx(win, y,x); x[0]
-def Ncurses.getbegy(win)
- x = []; y = []; Ncurses.getbegyx(win, y,x); y[0]
-def Ncurses.getmaxx(win)
- x = []; y = []; Ncurses.getmaxyx(win, y,x); x[0]
-def Ncurses.getmaxy(win)
- x = []; y = []; Ncurses.getmaxyx(win, y,x); y[0]
-def Ncurses.getparx(win)
- x = []; y = []; Ncurses.getparyx(win, y,x); x[0]
-def Ncurses.getpary(win)
- x = []; y = []; Ncurses.getparyx(win, y,x); y[0]
-def Ncurses.erase
- Ncurses.werase(Ncurses.stdscr)
-def Ncurses.getstr(str)
- Ncurses.getnstr(str, Ncurses::GETSTR_LIMIT)
-def Ncurses.mvgetstr(y,x, str)
- Ncurses.mvgetnstr(y,x, str, Ncurses::GETSTR_LIMIT)
-def Ncurses.mvwgetstr(win, y,x, str)
- Ncurses.mvwgetnstr(win, y,x, str, Ncurses::GETSTR_LIMIT)
-def Ncurses.wgetstr(win, str)
- Ncurses.wgetnstr(win, str, Ncurses::GETSTR_LIMIT)
-def Ncurses.scanw(format, result)
- Ncurses.wscanw(Ncurses.stdscr, format, result)
-def Ncurses.mvscanw(y,x, format, result)
- Ncurses.mvwscanw(Ncurses.stdscr, y,x, format, result)
-def Ncurses.mvwscanw(win, y,x, format, result)
- if (Ncurses.wmove(win, y,x) == Ncurses::ERR)
- Ncurses::ERR
- else
- Ncurses.wscanw(win, format, result)
- end
-def Ncurses.wscanw(win, format, result)
- str = ""
- if (Ncurses.wgetstr(win, str) == Ncurses::ERR)
- Ncurses::ERR
- else
- require "scanf.rb" # Use ruby's implementation of scanf
- result.replace(str.scanf(format))
- end
-def Ncurses.mvprintw(*args)
- Ncurses.mvwprintw(Ncurses.stdscr, *args)
-def Ncurses.mvwprintw(win, y,x, *args)
- if (Ncurses.wmove(win,y,x) == Ncurses::ERR)
- Ncurses::ERR
- else
- wprintw(win, *args)
- end
-def Ncurses.printw(*args)
- Ncurses.wprintw(Ncurses.stdscr, *args)
-def Ncurses.touchline(win, start, count)
- Ncurses.wtouchln(win, start, count, 1)
-def Ncurses.touchwin(win)
- wtouchln(win, 0, getmaxy(win), 1)
-module Ncurses
- Ncurses = self # for accessing Ncurses from a Module that includes Ncurses
- # Some users like to include ncurses names despite namespace pollution
- # This module is for them
- module Namespace
- def self.append_features(target)
- # include constants
- unless target.ancestors.member?(Ncurses)
- target.__send__(:include, Ncurses)
- end
- # make methods available
- unless target.respond_to?(:pre_Ncurses_method_missing)
- target.module_eval{
- alias pre_Ncurses_method_missing method_missing
- def method_missing(name, *args)
- if Ncurses.respond_to?(name)
- Ncurses.send(name, *args)
- else
- pre_Ncurses_method_missing(name, *args)
- end
- end
- }
- end
- end
- def self.entend_object(object)
- class << object
- self
- end.__send__(:include, self)
- end
- end
+require "ncurses_sugar.rb"