in ncs_mdes-0.7.0 vs in ncs_mdes-0.8.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
NCS Navigator MDES Module
This gem provides a consistent computable interface to the National
-Children's Study Master Data Element Specification. All of the data it
-exposes is derived at runtime from the documents provided by the
+Children's Study Master Data Element Specification. Most of the data
+it exposes is derived at runtime from the documents provided by the
National Children's Study Program Office, which are embedded in the
-distribution package.
+distribution package. The balance of the data is also derived from NCS
+PO documentation, but is preprocessed to reduce the footprint of this
require 'ncs_navigator/mdes'
require 'pp'
- mdes = NcsNavigator::Mdes('1.2')
+ mdes = NcsNavigator::Mdes('3.0')
pp mdes.transmission_tables.collect(&:name)
For more details see the API documentation, starting with
{NcsNavigator::Mdes::Specification}. (If you're not looking at this
document in the API documentation, try looking at [][].)
@@ -27,32 +29,32 @@
This gem includes a console for interactively analyzing and randomly
poking at the MDES. It is called `mdes-console`:
$ mdes-console
Documents are expected to be in the default location.
- $mdes12 is a Specification for 1.2
- $mdes20 is a Specification for 2.0
- ruby-1.8.7-p334 :001 >
+ $mdesNM is a Specification for N.M.
+ Available specifications are $mdes12, $mdes20, $mdes21, $mdes22, and $mdes30.
+ ruby-1.9.3-p125 :001 >
It is based on ruby's IRB. Use it to examine the loaded MDES data
without a lot of edit-save-run cycles:
- ruby-1.8.7-p334 :001 > $
+ ruby-1.9.3-p125 :001 > $
=> "study_center"
E.g., find all the variables of a particular XML schema type:
- ruby-1.8.7-p334 :002 > $mdes20.transmission_tables.collect { |t| t.variables } { |v| v.type.base_type == :decimal }.collect(&:name)
+ ruby-1.9.3-p125 :002 > $mdes20.transmission_tables.collect { |t| t.variables } { |v| v.type.base_type == :decimal }.collect(&:name)
=> ["correction_factor_temp", "current_temp", "maximum_temp", "minimum_temp", "precision_term_temp", "trh_temp", "salts_moist", "s_33rh_reading", "s_75rh_reading", "s_33rh_reading_calib", "s_75rh_reading_calib", "precision_term_temp", "rf_temp", "correction_factor_temp", "sample_receipt_temp"]
Or the labels for a particular code list:
- ruby-1.8.7-p334 :003 > $mdes20.types.find { |t| == 'confirm_type_cl7' }.code_list.collect(&:label)
+ ruby-1.9.3-p125 :003 > $mdes20.types.find { |t| == 'confirm_type_cl7' }.code_list.collect(&:label)
=> ["Yes", "No", "Refused", "Don't Know", "Legitimate Skip", "Missing in Error"]
Or the number of code lists that include "Yes" as an option:
- ruby-1.8.7-p334 :004 > $ { |t| t.code_list && t.code_list.collect(&:label).include?('Yes') }.size
+ ruby-1.9.3-p125 :004 > $ { |t| t.code_list && t.code_list.collect(&:label).include?('Yes') }.size
=> 23