lib/navi_client.rb in navi_client-0.1.4 vs lib/navi_client.rb in navi_client-0.1.5
- old
+ new
@@ -14,215 +14,6 @@
require "cloud/navi_cloud_client"
require "http_service/naviai"
module NaviClient
- def logger
- @logger
- end
- #
- # login
- #
- # login to the navi-cloud and get the authentication token
- #
- def login
- provider_url = "http://localhost:3008/oauth/token"
- @token =,
- body: {
- client_id: config["uid"], # get from sso_web application
- client_secret: config["secret_key"],
- grant_type: "client_credentials"
- }
- )['access_token']
- end
- #
- # imap_connection
- #
- # connect the app with imap server
- #
- def imap_connection(server, username, password)
- # connect to IMAP server
- imap = server, ssl: true, certs: nil, verify: false
- Net::IMAP.debug = @net_imap_debug
- #
- capabilities = imap.capability
- @logger.debug("imap capabilities: #{capabilities.join(',')}") if @debug
- unless capabilities.include? "IDLE"
- "'IDLE' IMAP capability not available in server: #{server}"
- imap.disconnect
- exit
- end
- # login
- imap.login username, password
- # return IMAP connection handler
- imap
- end
- #
- # retrieve_emails
- #
- # retrieve any mail from a folder, followin specified serach condition
- # for any mail retrieved call a specified block
- #
- def retrieve_emails(imap, search_condition, folder, &process_email_block)
- # select folder
- folder
- message_ids =
- if @debug
- if message_ids.empty?
- @logger.debug "\nno messages found.\n"
- return
- else
- @logger.debug "\nProcessing #{message_ids.count} mails.\n"
- end
- end
- message_ids.each_with_index do |message_id, i|
- # fetch all the email contents
- data = imap.fetch(message_id, "RFC822")
- data.each do |d|
- msg = d.attr['RFC822']
- # instantiate a Mail object to avoid further IMAP parameters nightmares
- mail = Mail.read_from_string msg
- # call the block with mail object as param
- start = (i == 0)
- last = (i == message_ids-1)
- mail, start, last
- # mark as read
- if @mark_as_read
-, "+FLAGS", [:Seen])
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #
- # idle_loop
- #
- # check for any further mail with "real-time" responsiveness.
- # retrieve any mail from a folder, following specified search condition
- # for any mail retrieved call a specified block
- #
- def idle_loop(imap, search_condition, folder, server, username, password)
- "\nwaiting new mails (IDLE loop)..."
- loop do
- begin
- folder
- imap.idle do |resp|
- # You'll get all the things from the server. For new emails (EXISTS)
- if resp.kind_of?(Net::IMAP::UntaggedResponse) and == "EXISTS"
- @logger.debug resp.inspect if @debug
- # Got something. Send DONE. This breaks you out of the blocking call
- imap.idle_done
- end
- end
- # We're out, which means there are some emails ready for us.
- # Go do a search for UNSEEN and fetch them.
- retrieve_emails(imap, search_condition, folder) { |mail| process_email mail }
- @logger.debug "Process Completed." if @debug
- rescue SignalException => e
- #
- "Signal received at #{time_now}: #{e.class}. #{e.message}"
- shutdown imap
- rescue Net::IMAP::Error => e
- @logger.error "Net::IMAP::Error at #{time_now}: #{e.class}. #{e.message}"
- # timeout ? reopen connection
- imap = imap_connection(server, username, password) #if e.message == 'connection closed'
- "reconnected to server: #{server}"
- rescue Exception => e
- @logger.error "Something went wrong at #{time_now}: #{e.class}. #{e.message}"
- imap = imap_connection(server, username, password)
- "reconnected to server: #{server}"
- end
- end
- end
- def process_email(mail, start, last)
- meta =
- custom_uid = ( * 1000).to_s + "_" + mail.__id__.to_s
- meta["from"] = mail.from.first
- meta["to"] =";") unless
- meta["cc"] =";") unless
- meta["subject"] = mail.subject
- meta["date"] =
- if mail.multipart?
- for i in
- m = @local_flag ? download_local(mail, custom_uid) : download_s3(mail, custom_uid)
- meta.merge!(m) unless m.nil?
- end
- else
- m = @local_flag ? download_local(mail, custom_uid) : download_s3(mail, custom_uid)
- meta.merge!(m) unless m.nil?
- end
- meta_file_path = save(meta, "meta/#{custom_uid}")
- pid = Process.spawn(@cmd+" -f=#{meta_file_path} -t=#{@token}")
- HTTPService::NaviAI.start(start, last)
- end
- private
- def save(data={}, filename)
- download_path = config['download_path']
- filepath = download_path + filename + ".yml"
- mkdir_if_not_exist(filepath)
- File.write(filepath, data.to_yaml)
- return filepath
- end
- def encrypt(data)
- Base64.encode64(data)
- end
- def mkdir_if_not_exist(filepath)
- dirname = File.dirname(filepath)
- unless
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(dirname)
- end
- end
- def time_now
- end
- def shutdown(imap)
- imap.idle_done
- imap.logout unless imap.disconnected?
- imap.disconnect
- "#{$0} has ended (crowd applauds)"
- exit 0
- end
- def config
- YAML.load_file('/var/navi/config.yml')
- end