lib/nanoc/base/source_data/item.rb in nanoc-4.0.0b3 vs lib/nanoc/base/source_data/item.rb in nanoc-4.0.0b4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,252 +1,62 @@
module Nanoc::Int
- # Represents a compileable item in a site. It has content and attributes, as
- # well as an identifier (which starts and ends with a slash). It can also
- # store the modification time to speed up compilation.
- #
# @api private
- class Item
- extend Nanoc::Int::Memoization
- # @return [Hash] This item's attributes
- attr_accessor :attributes
- # @return [Nanoc::Identifier] This item's identifier
- attr_accessor :identifier
+ class Item < ::Nanoc::Int::Document
# @return [Array<Nanoc::Int::ItemRep>] This item’s list of item reps
attr_reader :reps
- # @return [String] This item's raw, uncompiled content of this item (only
- # available for textual items)
- attr_reader :raw_content
- # @return [String] The filename pointing to the file containing this
- # item’s content
- attr_reader :raw_filename
- # @return [Nanoc::Int::Site] The site this item belongs to
- attr_accessor :site
# @return [Nanoc::Int::Item, nil] The parent item of this item. This can be
# nil even for non-root items.
attr_accessor :parent
# @return [Array<Nanoc::Int::Item>] The child items of this item
attr_accessor :children
- # Creates a new item with the given content or filename, attributes and
- # identifier.
- #
- # @param [String] raw_content_or_raw_filename The uncompiled item content
- # (if it is a textual item) or the path to the filename containing the
- # content (if it is a binary item).
- #
- # @param [Hash] attributes A hash containing this item's attributes.
- #
- # @param [String] identifier This item's identifier.
- #
- # @param [Hash] params Extra parameters.
- #
- # @option params [Symbol, nil] :binary (true) Whether or not this item is
- # binary
- def initialize(raw_content_or_raw_filename, attributes, identifier, params = {})
- # Parse params
- params = params.merge(binary: false) unless params.key?(:binary)
+ # @see Document#initialize
+ def initialize(content, attributes, identifier)
+ super
- if raw_content_or_raw_filename.nil?
- raise "attempted to create an item with no content/filename (identifier #{identifier})"
- end
- # Get type and raw content or raw filename
- @is_binary = params[:binary]
- if @is_binary
- @raw_filename = raw_content_or_raw_filename
- else
- @raw_filename = attributes[:content_filename]
- @raw_content = raw_content_or_raw_filename
- end
- # Get rest of params
- @attributes = attributes.__nanoc_symbolize_keys_recursively
- @identifier = Nanoc::Identifier.from(identifier)
- # Set mtime
- @attributes.merge!(mtime: params[:mtime]) if params[:mtime]
- @parent = nil
- @children = []
- @reps = []
+ @parent = nil
+ @children = []
+ @reps = []
+ @forced_outdated_status =
- # Returns the rep with the given name.
- #
- # @param [Symbol] rep_name The name of the representation to return
- #
- # @return [Nanoc::Int::ItemRep] The representation with the given name
- def rep_named(rep_name)
- @reps.find { |r| == rep_name }
+ def freeze
+ super
+ @children.freeze
- # Returns the compiled content from a given representation and a given
- # snapshot. This is a convenience method that makes fetching compiled
- # content easier.
- #
- # @option params [String] :rep (:default) The name of the representation
- # from which the compiled content should be fetched. By default, the
- # compiled content will be fetched from the default representation.
- #
- # @option params [String] :snapshot The name of the snapshot from which to
- # fetch the compiled content. By default, the returned compiled content
- # will be the content compiled right before the first layout call (if
- # any).
- #
- # @return [String] The compiled content of the given rep (or the default
- # rep if no rep is specified) at the given snapshot (or the default
- # snapshot if no snapshot is specified)
- #
- # @see ItemRep#compiled_content
- def compiled_content(params = {})
- # Get rep
- rep_name = params[:rep] || :default
- rep = reps.find { |r| == rep_name }
- if rep.nil?
- raise Nanoc::Int::Errors::Generic,
- "No rep named #{rep_name.inspect} was found."
- end
- # Get rep's content
- rep.compiled_content(params)
- end
- # Returns the path from a given representation. This is a convenience
- # method that makes fetching the path of a rep easier.
- #
- # @option params [String] :rep (:default) The name of the representation
- # from which the path should be fetched. By default, the path will be
- # fetched from the default representation.
- #
- # @return [String] The path of the given rep ( or the default rep if no
- # rep is specified)
- def path(params = {})
- rep_name = params[:rep] || :default
- # Get rep
- rep = reps.find { |r| == rep_name }
- if rep.nil?
- raise Nanoc::Int::Errors::Generic,
- "No rep named #{rep_name.inspect} was found."
- end
- # Get rep's path
- rep.path
- end
- # Requests the attribute with the given key.
- #
- # @param [Symbol] key The name of the attribute to fetch
- #
- # @return [Object] The value of the requested attribute
- def [](key)
-, self)
-, self)
- @attributes[key]
- end
- # Sets the attribute with the given key to the given value.
- #
- # @param [Symbol] key The name of the attribute to set
- #
- # @param [Object] value The value of the attribute to set
- def []=(key, value)
- @attributes[key] = value
- end
- # @return [Boolean] True if the item is binary; false if it is not
- def binary?
- @is_binary
- end
- # Returns the type of this object. Will always return `:item`, because
- # this is an item. For layouts, this method returns `:layout`.
- #
- # @api private
- #
- # @return [Symbol] :item
- def type
- :item
- end
# Returns an object that can be used for uniquely identifying objects.
# @api private
# @return [Object] An unique reference to this object
def reference
- [type, identifier.to_s]
+ [:item, identifier.to_s]
- # Prevents all further modifications to its attributes.
+ # Hack to allow a frozen item to still have modifiable frozen status.
- # @return [void]
- def freeze
- attributes.__nanoc_freeze_recursively
- children.freeze
- identifier.freeze
- raw_filename.freeze if raw_filename
- raw_content.freeze if raw_content
- end
+ # FIXME: Remove this.
+ class ForcedOutdatedStatus
+ attr_accessor :bool
- def inspect
- "<#{self.class} identifier=\"#{identifier}\" binary?=#{self.binary?}>"
- end
+ def initialize
+ @bool = false
+ end
- # @return [String] The checksum for this object. If its contents change,
- # the checksum will change as well.
- def __nanoc_checksum
- Nanoc::Int::Checksummer.calc(self)
+ def freeze
+ end
- memoize :__nanoc_checksum
- def hash
- self.class.hash ^ identifier.hash
- end
- def eql?(other)
- self.class == other.class && identifier == other.identifier
- end
- def ==(other)
- self.eql?(other)
- end
- def marshal_dump
- [
- @is_binary,
- @raw_filename,
- @raw_content,
- @attributes,
- @identifier
- ]
- end
- def marshal_load(source)
- @is_binary,
- @raw_filename,
- @raw_content,
- @attributes,
- @identifier = *source
- end
# @api private
def forced_outdated=(bool)
- @forced_outdated = bool
+ @forced_outdated_status.bool = bool
# @api private
def forced_outdated?
- @forced_outdated || false
+ @forced_outdated_status.bool