bin/naf in naf-2.1.10 vs bin/naf in naf-2.1.11
- old
+ new
@@ -3,24 +3,38 @@
action, option = ARGV
if action == 'runner'
if option == 'up'
puts "Bringing up the runner(s)..."
- `screen -d -m bash -c 'source /root/.bash_profile && cd /root/current && a=\`uuidgen\` && script/rails runner --invocation-uuid $a 2>&1 |
+ `screen -d -m bash -c 'source /root/.bash_profile && cd /root/current && a=\`uuidgen\` &&
+ script/rails runner --invocation-uuid $a 2>&1 |
script/rails runner --invocation-uuid $a'`
elsif option == 'status'
num_runners = Integer(`ps -ef | grep | grep -v grep | grep -v uuidgen | wc -l`.strip)
hostname = `hostname`.strip
if num_runners == 0
- puts "down: #{hostname}"
+ puts "Runner down on host: #{hostname}"
elsif num_runners == 1
- puts "up: #{hostname}"
+ puts "Runner up on host: #{hostname}"
- puts "up/w: #{hostname} (#{num_runners})"
+ puts "1 runner up, #{num_runners - 1} runner(s) winding down on host: #{hostname}"
elsif option == 'down'
puts 'Bringing down runner(s)...'
`kill $(ps -ef | grep | grep -v grep | grep -v uuidgen | awk '{ print $2 }') | cat`
+ elsif option == '--?' || option == '--help'
+ puts "DESCRIPTION\n\tThe following options are available:\n\n" +
+ "\tup\t->\tBrings up new Runner and RunnerLog processes on the host.\n\n" +
+ "\tstatus\t->\tLists the status of the runner based on unix process status. The runner can be down, up, or up/winding down.\n\n" +
+ "\tdown\t->\tTakes down the runner by sending a kill signal to the processes specified by the pid operand."
+ else
+ puts "Sorry, option \'#{option}\' is not available. Available options: up, status, down, --?, --help"
+elsif action == '--?' || action == '--help'
+ puts "DESCRIPTION\n\tThe following actions are available:\n\n" +
+ "\trunner\t->\tControls the Naf runner."
+ puts "Sorry, action \'#{action}\' is not available. Available actions: runner, --?, --help"