in n1_loader-1.5.1 vs in n1_loader-1.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -147,9 +147,20 @@
- Loader can be optimized for [single cases](examples/single_case.rb)
- Loader support [arguments](examples/arguments_support.rb)
- Has [integration](examples/active_record_integration.rb) with [ActiveRecord][5] which makes it brilliant
- Has [integration](examples/ar_lazy_integration.rb) with [ArLazyPreload][6] which makes it excellent
+### Feature killer for [ArLazyPreload][6] integration with isolated loaders
+In [version 1.6.0]( isolated loaders were integrated with [ArLazyPreload][6] context.
+This means, it isn't required to inject `N1Loader` into your [ActiveRecord][5] models to avoid N+1 issues out of the box.
+It is especially great as many engineers are trying to avoid extra coupling between their models/services when it's possible.
+And this feature was designed exactly for this without losing an out of a box solution for N+1.
+Without further ado, please have a look at the [example](examples/ar_lazy_integration_with_isolated_loader.rb).
+_Spoiler:_ as soon as you have your loader defined, it will be as simple as `Loader.for(element)` to get your data efficiently and without N+1.
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