lib/mutant/reporter/cli/printer.rb in mutant-0.5.26 vs lib/mutant/reporter/cli/printer.rb in mutant-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
module Mutant
class Reporter
class CLI
# CLI runner status printer base class
class Printer
include AbstractType, Delegator, Adamantium::Flat,, :object)
NL = "\n".freeze
@@ -16,13 +15,11 @@
# @return [self]
# @api private
def, object)
- handler = lookup(object.class)
-, object).run
- self
+ new(output, object).run
# Run printer
# @return [self]
@@ -43,30 +40,34 @@
success? ? Color::GREEN : Color::RED
# Visit a collection of objects
+ # @return [Class::Printer] printer
# @return [Enumerable<Object>] collection
# @return [undefined]
# @api private
- def visit_collection(collection)
- collection.each(&method(:visit))
+ def visit_collection(printer, collection)
+ collection.each do |object|
+ visit(printer, object)
+ end
# Visit object
+ # @param [Class::Printer] printer
# @param [Object] object
# @return [undefined]
# @api private
- def visit(object)
-, object)
+ def visit(printer, object)
+, object)
# Print an info line to output
# @return [undefined]
@@ -91,11 +92,11 @@
# @return [undefined]
# @api private
- def puts(string = NL)
+ def puts(string)
# Test if runner was successful
@@ -105,20 +106,10 @@
def success?
- # Test if output can be colored
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- #
- # @api private
- #
- def color?
- tty?
- end
# Colorize message
# @param [Color] color
# @param [String] message
@@ -131,20 +122,409 @@
def colorize(color, message)
color = Color::NONE unless tty?
- # Test for output to tty
+ # Test if output is a tty
# @return [Boolean]
# @api private
def tty?
- output.respond_to?(:tty?) && output.tty?
+ output.tty?
- memoize :tty?
+ # Test if output can be colored
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ alias_method :color?, :tty?
+ # Printer for run collector
+ class Collector < self
+ # Print progress for collector
+ #
+ # @return [self]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def run
+ visit(EnvProgress, object.result)
+ active_subject_results = object.active_subject_results
+ info('Active subjects: %d', active_subject_results.length)
+ visit_collection(SubjectProgress, active_subject_results)
+ self
+ end
+ end # Collector
+ # Progress printer for configuration
+ class Config < self
+ # Report configuration
+ #
+ # @param [Mutant::Config] config
+ #
+ # @return [self]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def run
+ info 'Mutant configuration:'
+ info 'Matcher: %s', object.matcher_config.inspect
+ info 'Integration: %s',
+ info 'Expect Coverage: %0.2f%%', object.expected_coverage.inspect
+ info 'Processes: %d', object.processes
+ info 'Includes: %s', object.includes.inspect
+ info 'Requires: %s', object.requires.inspect
+ self
+ end
+ end # Config
+ # Env progress printer
+ class EnvProgress < self
+ delegate(
+ :coverage,
+ :amount_subjects,
+ :amount_mutations,
+ :amount_mutations_alive,
+ :amount_mutations_killed,
+ :runtime,
+ :killtime,
+ :overhead,
+ :env
+ )
+ # Run printer
+ #
+ # @return [self]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def run
+ visit(Config, env.config)
+ info 'Available Subjects: %s', amount_subjects
+ info 'Subjects: %s', amount_subjects
+ info 'Mutations: %s', amount_mutations
+ info 'Kills: %s', amount_mutations_killed
+ info 'Alive: %s', amount_mutations_alive
+ info 'Runtime: %0.2fs', runtime
+ info 'Killtime: %0.2fs', killtime
+ info 'Overhead: %0.2f%%', overhead_percent
+ status 'Coverage: %0.2f%%', coverage_percent
+ status 'Expected: %0.2f%%', env.config.expected_coverage
+ self
+ end
+ private
+ # Return coverage percent
+ #
+ # @return [Float]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def coverage_percent
+ coverage * 100
+ end
+ # Return overhead percent
+ #
+ # @return [Float]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def overhead_percent
+ (overhead / killtime) * 100
+ end
+ end # EnvProgress
+ # Full env result reporter
+ class EnvResult < self
+ delegate(:failed_subject_results)
+ # Run printer
+ #
+ # @return [self]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def run
+ visit_collection(SubjectResult, failed_subject_results)
+ visit(EnvProgress, object)
+ self
+ end
+ end # EnvResult
+ # Subject report printer
+ class SubjectResult < self
+ delegate :subject, :failed_mutations
+ # Run report printer
+ #
+ # @return [self]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def run
+ status(subject.identification)
+ subject.tests.each do |test|
+ puts("- #{test.identification}")
+ end
+ visit_collection(MutationResult, object.alive_mutation_results)
+ self
+ end
+ end # Subject
+ # Printer for mutation progress results
+ class MutationProgressResult < self
+ SUCCESS = '.'.freeze
+ FAILURE = 'F'.freeze
+ # Run printer
+ #
+ # @return [self]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def run
+ char(success? ? SUCCESS : FAILURE)
+ end
+ private
+ # Write colorized char
+ #
+ # @param [String] char
+ #
+ # @return [undefined]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def char(char)
+ output.write(colorize(status_color, char))
+ end
+ end # MutationProgressResult
+ # Reporter for subject progress
+ class SubjectProgress < self
+ FORMAT = '(%02d/%02d) %3d%% - killtime: %0.02fs runtime: %0.02fs overhead: %0.02fs'.freeze
+ delegate(
+ :subject,
+ :coverage,
+ :runtime,
+ :amount_mutations_killed,
+ :amount_mutations,
+ :amount_mutation_results,
+ :killtime,
+ :overhead
+ )
+ # Run printer
+ #
+ # @return [self]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def run
+ puts("#{subject.identification} mutations: #{amount_mutations}")
+ print_tests
+ print_mutation_results
+ print_progress_bar_finish
+ print_stats
+ self
+ end
+ private
+ # Print stats
+ #
+ # @return [undefined]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def print_stats
+ status(
+ amount_mutations_killed,
+ amount_mutations,
+ coverage * 100,
+ killtime,
+ runtime,
+ overhead
+ )
+ end
+ # Print tests
+ #
+ # @return [undefined]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def print_tests
+ subject.tests.each do |test|
+ puts "- #{test.identification}"
+ end
+ end
+ # Print progress bar finish
+ #
+ # @return [undefined]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def print_progress_bar_finish
+ puts(NL) unless
+ end
+ # Print mutation results
+ #
+ # @return [undefined]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def print_mutation_results
+ visit_collection(MutationProgressResult, object.mutation_results)
+ end
+ end # Subject
+ # Reporter for mutation results
+ class MutationResult < self
+ delegate :mutation, :failed_test_results
+ DIFF_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'BUG: Mutation NOT resulted in exactly one diff. Please report a reproduction!'.freeze
+ MAP = {
+ Mutant::Mutation::Evil => :evil_details,
+ Mutant::Mutation::Neutral => :neutral_details,
+ Mutant::Mutation::Noop => :noop_details
+ }.freeze
+ "--- Neutral failure ---\n" \
+ "Original code was inserted unmutated. And the test did NOT PASS.\n" \
+ "Your tests do not pass initially or you found a bug in mutant / unparser.\n" \
+ "Subject AST:\n" \
+ "%s\n" \
+ "Unparsed Source:\n" \
+ "%s\n" \
+ "Test Reports: %d\n"
+ "---- Noop failure -----\n" \
+ "No code was inserted. And the test did NOT PASS.\n" \
+ "This is typically a problem of your specs not passing unmutated.\n" \
+ "Test Reports: %d\n"
+ FOOTER = '-----------------------'.freeze
+ # Run report printer
+ #
+ # @return [self]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def run
+ puts(mutation.identification)
+ print_details
+ puts(FOOTER)
+ self
+ end
+ private
+ # Return details
+ #
+ # @return [undefined]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def print_details
+ send(MAP.fetch(mutation.class))
+ end
+ # Return evil details
+ #
+ # @return [String]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def evil_details
+ original, current = mutation.original_source, mutation.source
+ diff =, current)
+ diff = color? ? diff.colorized_diff : diff.diff
+ puts(diff || ['Original source:', original, 'Mutated Source:', current, DIFF_ERROR_MESSAGE])
+ end
+ # Noop details
+ #
+ # @return [String]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def noop_details
+ info(NOOP_MESSAGE, failed_test_results.length)
+ visit_failed_test_results
+ end
+ # Neutral details
+ #
+ # @return [String]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def neutral_details
+ info(NEUTRAL_MESSAGE, mutation.subject.node.inspect, mutation.source, failed_test_results.length)
+ visit_failed_test_results
+ end
+ # Visit failed test results
+ #
+ # @return [undefined]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def visit_failed_test_results
+ visit_collection(TestResult, failed_test_results)
+ end
+ end # MutationResult
+ # Test result reporter
+ class TestResult < self
+ delegate :test, :runtime
+ # Run test result reporter
+ #
+ # @return [self]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ #
+ def run
+ status('- %s / runtime: %s', test.identification, object.runtime)
+ puts('Test Output:')
+ puts(object.output)
+ end
+ end # TestResult
end # Printer
end # CLI
end # Reporter
end # Mutant