vendor/v8/src/ in mustang-0.0.1 vs vendor/v8/src/ in mustang-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -46,12 +46,14 @@
#include <mach/task.h>
#include <mach/vm_statistics.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#undef MAP_TYPE
#include "v8.h"
@@ -86,18 +88,22 @@
return ceil(x);
+static Mutex* limit_mutex = NULL;
void OS::Setup() {
// Seed the random number generator.
// Convert the current time to a 64-bit integer first, before converting it
// to an unsigned. Going directly will cause an overflow and the seed to be
// set to all ones. The seed will be identical for different instances that
// call this setup code within the same millisecond.
uint64_t seed = static_cast<uint64_t>(TimeCurrentMillis());
srandom(static_cast<unsigned int>(seed));
+ limit_mutex = CreateMutex();
// We keep the lowest and highest addresses mapped as a quick way of
// determining that pointers are outside the heap (used mostly in assertions
@@ -107,10 +113,13 @@
static void* lowest_ever_allocated = reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1);
static void* highest_ever_allocated = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0);
static void UpdateAllocatedSpaceLimits(void* address, int size) {
+ ASSERT(limit_mutex != NULL);
+ ScopedLock lock(limit_mutex);
lowest_ever_allocated = Min(lowest_ever_allocated, address);
highest_ever_allocated =
reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(address) + size));
@@ -141,11 +150,11 @@
int prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | (is_executable ? PROT_EXEC : 0);
void* mbase = mmap(NULL, msize, prot,
kMmapFd, kMmapFdOffset);
if (mbase == MAP_FAILED) {
- LOG(StringEvent("OS::Allocate", "mmap failed"));
+ LOG(Isolate::Current(), StringEvent("OS::Allocate", "mmap failed"));
return NULL;
*allocated = msize;
UpdateAllocatedSpaceLimits(mbase, msize);
return mbase;
@@ -256,11 +265,12 @@
char* code_ptr = getsectdatafromheader(header, SEG_TEXT, SECT_TEXT, &size);
if (code_ptr == NULL) continue;
const uintptr_t slide = _dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide(i);
const uintptr_t start = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(code_ptr) + slide;
- LOG(SharedLibraryEvent(_dyld_get_image_name(i), start, start + size));
+ LOG(Isolate::Current(),
+ SharedLibraryEvent(_dyld_get_image_name(i), start, start + size));
@@ -422,25 +432,30 @@
bool ThreadHandle::IsValid() const {
return data_->thread_ != kNoThread;
-Thread::Thread() : ThreadHandle(ThreadHandle::INVALID) {
- set_name("v8:<unknown>");
+Thread::Thread(Isolate* isolate, const Options& options)
+ : ThreadHandle(ThreadHandle::INVALID),
+ isolate_(isolate),
+ stack_size_(options.stack_size) {
+ set_name(;
-Thread::Thread(const char* name) : ThreadHandle(ThreadHandle::INVALID) {
+Thread::Thread(Isolate* isolate, const char* name)
+ : ThreadHandle(ThreadHandle::INVALID),
+ isolate_(isolate),
+ stack_size_(0) {
Thread::~Thread() {
static void SetThreadName(const char* name) {
// pthread_setname_np is only available in 10.6 or later, so test
// for it at runtime.
int (*dynamic_pthread_setname_np)(const char*);
*reinterpret_cast<void**>(&dynamic_pthread_setname_np) =
@@ -462,10 +477,11 @@
// don't know which thread will run first (the original thread or the new
// one) so we initialize it here too.
thread->thread_handle_data()->thread_ = pthread_self();
+ Thread::SetThreadLocal(Isolate::isolate_key(), thread->isolate());
return NULL;
@@ -474,25 +490,100 @@
name_[sizeof(name_) - 1] = '\0';
void Thread::Start() {
- pthread_create(&thread_handle_data()->thread_, NULL, ThreadEntry, this);
+ pthread_attr_t* attr_ptr = NULL;
+ pthread_attr_t attr;
+ if (stack_size_ > 0) {
+ pthread_attr_init(&attr);
+ pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, static_cast<size_t>(stack_size_));
+ attr_ptr = &attr;
+ }
+ pthread_create(&thread_handle_data()->thread_, attr_ptr, ThreadEntry, this);
+ ASSERT(IsValid());
void Thread::Join() {
pthread_join(thread_handle_data()->thread_, NULL);
+static Atomic32 tls_base_offset_initialized = 0;
+intptr_t kMacTlsBaseOffset = 0;
+// It's safe to do the initialization more that once, but it has to be
+// done at least once.
+static void InitializeTlsBaseOffset() {
+ const size_t kBufferSize = 128;
+ char buffer[kBufferSize];
+ size_t buffer_size = kBufferSize;
+ int ctl_name[] = { CTL_KERN , KERN_OSRELEASE };
+ if (sysctl(ctl_name, 2, buffer, &buffer_size, NULL, 0) != 0) {
+ V8_Fatal(__FILE__, __LINE__, "V8 failed to get kernel version");
+ }
+ // The buffer now contains a string of the form XX.YY.ZZ, where
+ // XX is the major kernel version component.
+ // Make sure the buffer is 0-terminated.
+ buffer[kBufferSize - 1] = '\0';
+ char* period_pos = strchr(buffer, '.');
+ *period_pos = '\0';
+ int kernel_version_major =
+ static_cast<int>(strtol(buffer, NULL, 10)); // NOLINT
+ // The constants below are taken from pthreads.s from the XNU kernel
+ // sources archive at
+ if (kernel_version_major < 11) {
+ // 8.x.x (Tiger), 9.x.x (Leopard), 10.x.x (Snow Leopard) have the
+ // same offsets.
+#if defined(V8_HOST_ARCH_IA32)
+ kMacTlsBaseOffset = 0x48;
+ kMacTlsBaseOffset = 0x60;
+ } else {
+ // 11.x.x (Lion) changed the offset.
+ kMacTlsBaseOffset = 0;
+ }
+ Release_Store(&tls_base_offset_initialized, 1);
+static void CheckFastTls(Thread::LocalStorageKey key) {
+ void* expected = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0x1234CAFE);
+ Thread::SetThreadLocal(key, expected);
+ void* actual = Thread::GetExistingThreadLocal(key);
+ if (expected != actual) {
+ V8_Fatal(__FILE__, __LINE__,
+ "V8 failed to initialize fast TLS on current kernel");
+ }
+ Thread::SetThreadLocal(key, NULL);
Thread::LocalStorageKey Thread::CreateThreadLocalKey() {
+ bool check_fast_tls = false;
+ if (tls_base_offset_initialized == 0) {
+ check_fast_tls = true;
+ InitializeTlsBaseOffset();
+ }
pthread_key_t key;
int result = pthread_key_create(&key, NULL);
ASSERT(result == 0);
- return static_cast<LocalStorageKey>(key);
+ LocalStorageKey typed_key = static_cast<LocalStorageKey>(key);
+ // If we just initialized fast TLS support, make sure it works.
+ if (check_fast_tls) CheckFastTls(typed_key);
+ return typed_key;
void Thread::DeleteThreadLocalKey(LocalStorageKey key) {
pthread_key_t pthread_key = static_cast<pthread_key_t>(key);
@@ -593,139 +684,181 @@
class Sampler::PlatformData : public Malloced {
- explicit PlatformData(Sampler* sampler)
- : sampler_(sampler),
- task_self_(mach_task_self()),
- profiled_thread_(0),
- sampler_thread_(0) {
+ PlatformData() : profiled_thread_(mach_thread_self()) {}
+ ~PlatformData() {
+ // Deallocate Mach port for thread.
+ mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), profiled_thread_);
- Sampler* sampler_;
+ thread_act_t profiled_thread() { return profiled_thread_; }
+ private:
// Note: for profiled_thread_ Mach primitives are used instead of PThread's
// because the latter doesn't provide thread manipulation primitives required.
// For details, consult "Mac OS X Internals" book, Section 7.3.
- mach_port_t task_self_;
thread_act_t profiled_thread_;
- pthread_t sampler_thread_;
- RuntimeProfilerRateLimiter rate_limiter_;
- // Sampler thread handler.
- void Runner() {
- while (sampler_->IsActive()) {
- if (rate_limiter_.SuspendIfNecessary()) continue;
- Sample();
- OS::Sleep(sampler_->interval_);
+class SamplerThread : public Thread {
+ public:
+ explicit SamplerThread(int interval)
+ : Thread(NULL, "SamplerThread"),
+ interval_(interval) {}
+ static void AddActiveSampler(Sampler* sampler) {
+ ScopedLock lock(mutex_);
+ SamplerRegistry::AddActiveSampler(sampler);
+ if (instance_ == NULL) {
+ instance_ = new SamplerThread(sampler->interval());
+ instance_->Start();
+ } else {
+ ASSERT(instance_->interval_ == sampler->interval());
- void Sample() {
- if (sampler_->IsProfiling()) {
- TickSample sample_obj;
- TickSample* sample = CpuProfiler::TickSampleEvent();
- if (sample == NULL) sample = &sample_obj;
+ static void RemoveActiveSampler(Sampler* sampler) {
+ ScopedLock lock(mutex_);
+ SamplerRegistry::RemoveActiveSampler(sampler);
+ if (SamplerRegistry::GetState() == SamplerRegistry::HAS_NO_SAMPLERS) {
+ RuntimeProfiler::WakeUpRuntimeProfilerThreadBeforeShutdown();
+ instance_->Join();
+ delete instance_;
+ instance_ = NULL;
+ }
+ }
- if (KERN_SUCCESS != thread_suspend(profiled_thread_)) return;
+ // Implement Thread::Run().
+ virtual void Run() {
+ SamplerRegistry::State state;
+ while ((state = SamplerRegistry::GetState()) !=
+ SamplerRegistry::HAS_NO_SAMPLERS) {
+ bool cpu_profiling_enabled =
+ (state == SamplerRegistry::HAS_CPU_PROFILING_SAMPLERS);
+ bool runtime_profiler_enabled = RuntimeProfiler::IsEnabled();
+ // When CPU profiling is enabled both JavaScript and C++ code is
+ // profiled. We must not suspend.
+ if (!cpu_profiling_enabled) {
+ if (rate_limiter_.SuspendIfNecessary()) continue;
+ }
+ if (cpu_profiling_enabled) {
+ if (!SamplerRegistry::IterateActiveSamplers(&DoCpuProfile, this)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (runtime_profiler_enabled) {
+ if (!SamplerRegistry::IterateActiveSamplers(&DoRuntimeProfile, NULL)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ OS::Sleep(interval_);
+ }
+ }
+ static void DoCpuProfile(Sampler* sampler, void* raw_sampler_thread) {
+ if (!sampler->isolate()->IsInitialized()) return;
+ if (!sampler->IsProfiling()) return;
+ SamplerThread* sampler_thread =
+ reinterpret_cast<SamplerThread*>(raw_sampler_thread);
+ sampler_thread->SampleContext(sampler);
+ }
+ static void DoRuntimeProfile(Sampler* sampler, void* ignored) {
+ if (!sampler->isolate()->IsInitialized()) return;
+ sampler->isolate()->runtime_profiler()->NotifyTick();
+ }
+ void SampleContext(Sampler* sampler) {
+ thread_act_t profiled_thread = sampler->platform_data()->profiled_thread();
+ TickSample sample_obj;
+ TickSample* sample = CpuProfiler::TickSampleEvent(sampler->isolate());
+ if (sample == NULL) sample = &sample_obj;
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS != thread_suspend(profiled_thread)) return;
#if V8_HOST_ARCH_X64
- thread_state_flavor_t flavor = x86_THREAD_STATE64;
- x86_thread_state64_t state;
- mach_msg_type_number_t count = x86_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT;
+ thread_state_flavor_t flavor = x86_THREAD_STATE64;
+ x86_thread_state64_t state;
+ mach_msg_type_number_t count = x86_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT;
#define REGISTER_FIELD(name) __r ## name
#define REGISTER_FIELD(name) r ## name
#endif // __DARWIN_UNIX03
#elif V8_HOST_ARCH_IA32
- thread_state_flavor_t flavor = i386_THREAD_STATE;
- i386_thread_state_t state;
- mach_msg_type_number_t count = i386_THREAD_STATE_COUNT;
+ thread_state_flavor_t flavor = i386_THREAD_STATE;
+ i386_thread_state_t state;
+ mach_msg_type_number_t count = i386_THREAD_STATE_COUNT;
#define REGISTER_FIELD(name) __e ## name
#define REGISTER_FIELD(name) e ## name
#endif // __DARWIN_UNIX03
#error Unsupported Mac OS X host architecture.
#endif // V8_HOST_ARCH
- if (thread_get_state(profiled_thread_,
- flavor,
- reinterpret_cast<natural_t*>(&state),
- &count) == KERN_SUCCESS) {
- sample->state = Top::current_vm_state();
- sample->pc = reinterpret_cast<Address>(state.REGISTER_FIELD(ip));
- sample->sp = reinterpret_cast<Address>(state.REGISTER_FIELD(sp));
- sample->fp = reinterpret_cast<Address>(state.REGISTER_FIELD(bp));
- sampler_->SampleStack(sample);
- sampler_->Tick(sample);
- }
- thread_resume(profiled_thread_);
+ if (thread_get_state(profiled_thread,
+ flavor,
+ reinterpret_cast<natural_t*>(&state),
+ &count) == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ sample->state = sampler->isolate()->current_vm_state();
+ sample->pc = reinterpret_cast<Address>(state.REGISTER_FIELD(ip));
+ sample->sp = reinterpret_cast<Address>(state.REGISTER_FIELD(sp));
+ sample->fp = reinterpret_cast<Address>(state.REGISTER_FIELD(bp));
+ sampler->SampleStack(sample);
+ sampler->Tick(sample);
- if (RuntimeProfiler::IsEnabled()) RuntimeProfiler::NotifyTick();
+ thread_resume(profiled_thread);
+ const int interval_;
+ RuntimeProfilerRateLimiter rate_limiter_;
+ // Protects the process wide state below.
+ static Mutex* mutex_;
+ static SamplerThread* instance_;
-// Entry point for sampler thread.
-static void* SamplerEntry(void* arg) {
- Sampler::PlatformData* data =
- reinterpret_cast<Sampler::PlatformData*>(arg);
- data->Runner();
- return 0;
+Mutex* SamplerThread::mutex_ = OS::CreateMutex();
+SamplerThread* SamplerThread::instance_ = NULL;
-Sampler::Sampler(int interval)
- : interval_(interval),
+Sampler::Sampler(Isolate* isolate, int interval)
+ : isolate_(isolate),
+ interval_(interval),
samples_taken_(0) {
- data_ = new PlatformData(this);
+ data_ = new PlatformData;
Sampler::~Sampler() {
+ ASSERT(!IsActive());
delete data_;
void Sampler::Start() {
- // Do not start multiple threads for the same sampler.
- data_->profiled_thread_ = mach_thread_self();
- // Create sampler thread with high priority.
- // According to POSIX spec, when SCHED_FIFO policy is used, a thread
- // runs until it exits or blocks.
- pthread_attr_t sched_attr;
- sched_param fifo_param;
- pthread_attr_init(&sched_attr);
- pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&sched_attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
- pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&sched_attr, SCHED_FIFO);
- fifo_param.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO);
- pthread_attr_setschedparam(&sched_attr, &fifo_param);
- pthread_create(&data_->sampler_thread_, &sched_attr, SamplerEntry, data_);
+ SamplerThread::AddActiveSampler(this);
void Sampler::Stop() {
- // Seting active to false triggers termination of the sampler
- // thread.
+ ASSERT(IsActive());
+ SamplerThread::RemoveActiveSampler(this);
- // Wait for sampler thread to terminate.
- Top::WakeUpRuntimeProfilerThreadBeforeShutdown();
- pthread_join(data_->sampler_thread_, NULL);
- // Deallocate Mach port for thread.
- mach_port_deallocate(data_->task_self_, data_->profiled_thread_);
} } // namespace v8::internal