vendor/v8/src/factory.h in mustang-0.0.1 vs vendor/v8/src/factory.h in mustang-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -27,45 +27,46 @@
#ifndef V8_FACTORY_H_
#define V8_FACTORY_H_
#include "globals.h"
+#include "handles.h"
#include "heap.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// Interface for handle based allocation.
-class Factory : public AllStatic {
+class Factory {
// Allocate a new fixed array with undefined entries.
- static Handle<FixedArray> NewFixedArray(
+ Handle<FixedArray> NewFixedArray(
int size,
PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
// Allocate a new fixed array with non-existing entries (the hole).
- static Handle<FixedArray> NewFixedArrayWithHoles(
+ Handle<FixedArray> NewFixedArrayWithHoles(
int size,
PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
- static Handle<NumberDictionary> NewNumberDictionary(int at_least_space_for);
+ Handle<NumberDictionary> NewNumberDictionary(int at_least_space_for);
- static Handle<StringDictionary> NewStringDictionary(int at_least_space_for);
+ Handle<StringDictionary> NewStringDictionary(int at_least_space_for);
- static Handle<DescriptorArray> NewDescriptorArray(int number_of_descriptors);
- static Handle<DeoptimizationInputData> NewDeoptimizationInputData(
+ Handle<DescriptorArray> NewDescriptorArray(int number_of_descriptors);
+ Handle<DeoptimizationInputData> NewDeoptimizationInputData(
int deopt_entry_count,
PretenureFlag pretenure);
- static Handle<DeoptimizationOutputData> NewDeoptimizationOutputData(
+ Handle<DeoptimizationOutputData> NewDeoptimizationOutputData(
int deopt_entry_count,
PretenureFlag pretenure);
- static Handle<String> LookupSymbol(Vector<const char> str);
- static Handle<String> LookupAsciiSymbol(Vector<const char> str);
- static Handle<String> LookupTwoByteSymbol(Vector<const uc16> str);
- static Handle<String> LookupAsciiSymbol(const char* str) {
+ Handle<String> LookupSymbol(Vector<const char> str);
+ Handle<String> LookupAsciiSymbol(Vector<const char> str);
+ Handle<String> LookupTwoByteSymbol(Vector<const uc16> str);
+ Handle<String> LookupAsciiSymbol(const char* str) {
return LookupSymbol(CStrVector(str));
// String creation functions. Most of the string creation functions take
@@ -88,343 +89,346 @@
// byte encoded. If the characters are all single-byte characters,
// the result will be converted to ASCII, otherwise it will be left as
// two byte.
// ASCII strings are pretenured when used as keys in the SourceCodeCache.
- static Handle<String> NewStringFromAscii(
+ Handle<String> NewStringFromAscii(
Vector<const char> str,
PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
// UTF8 strings are pretenured when used for regexp literal patterns and
// flags in the parser.
- static Handle<String> NewStringFromUtf8(
+ Handle<String> NewStringFromUtf8(
Vector<const char> str,
PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
- static Handle<String> NewStringFromTwoByte(
+ Handle<String> NewStringFromTwoByte(
Vector<const uc16> str,
PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
// Allocates and partially initializes an ASCII or TwoByte String. The
// characters of the string are uninitialized. Currently used in regexp code
// only, where they are pretenured.
- static Handle<String> NewRawAsciiString(
+ Handle<String> NewRawAsciiString(
int length,
PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
- static Handle<String> NewRawTwoByteString(
+ Handle<String> NewRawTwoByteString(
int length,
PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
// Create a new cons string object which consists of a pair of strings.
- static Handle<String> NewConsString(Handle<String> first,
- Handle<String> second);
+ Handle<String> NewConsString(Handle<String> first,
+ Handle<String> second);
// Create a new string object which holds a substring of a string.
- static Handle<String> NewSubString(Handle<String> str,
- int begin,
- int end);
+ Handle<String> NewSubString(Handle<String> str,
+ int begin,
+ int end);
// Creates a new external String object. There are two String encodings
// in the system: ASCII and two byte. Unlike other String types, it does
// not make sense to have a UTF-8 factory function for external strings,
// because we cannot change the underlying buffer.
- static Handle<String> NewExternalStringFromAscii(
+ Handle<String> NewExternalStringFromAscii(
ExternalAsciiString::Resource* resource);
- static Handle<String> NewExternalStringFromTwoByte(
+ Handle<String> NewExternalStringFromTwoByte(
ExternalTwoByteString::Resource* resource);
// Create a global (but otherwise uninitialized) context.
- static Handle<Context> NewGlobalContext();
+ Handle<Context> NewGlobalContext();
// Create a function context.
- static Handle<Context> NewFunctionContext(int length,
- Handle<JSFunction> closure);
+ Handle<Context> NewFunctionContext(int length,
+ Handle<JSFunction> closure);
// Create a 'with' context.
- static Handle<Context> NewWithContext(Handle<Context> previous,
- Handle<JSObject> extension,
- bool is_catch_context);
+ Handle<Context> NewWithContext(Handle<Context> previous,
+ Handle<JSObject> extension,
+ bool is_catch_context);
// Return the Symbol matching the passed in string.
- static Handle<String> SymbolFromString(Handle<String> value);
+ Handle<String> SymbolFromString(Handle<String> value);
// Allocate a new struct. The struct is pretenured (allocated directly in
// the old generation).
- static Handle<Struct> NewStruct(InstanceType type);
+ Handle<Struct> NewStruct(InstanceType type);
- static Handle<AccessorInfo> NewAccessorInfo();
+ Handle<AccessorInfo> NewAccessorInfo();
- static Handle<Script> NewScript(Handle<String> source);
+ Handle<Script> NewScript(Handle<String> source);
// Proxies are pretenured when allocated by the bootstrapper.
- static Handle<Proxy> NewProxy(Address addr,
- PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
+ Handle<Proxy> NewProxy(Address addr,
+ PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
// Allocate a new proxy. The proxy is pretenured (allocated directly in
// the old generation).
- static Handle<Proxy> NewProxy(const AccessorDescriptor* proxy);
+ Handle<Proxy> NewProxy(const AccessorDescriptor* proxy);
- static Handle<ByteArray> NewByteArray(int length,
- PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
+ Handle<ByteArray> NewByteArray(int length,
+ PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
- static Handle<PixelArray> NewPixelArray(
+ Handle<ExternalArray> NewExternalArray(
int length,
- uint8_t* external_pointer,
- PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
- static Handle<ExternalArray> NewExternalArray(
- int length,
ExternalArrayType array_type,
void* external_pointer,
PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
- static Handle<JSGlobalPropertyCell> NewJSGlobalPropertyCell(
+ Handle<JSGlobalPropertyCell> NewJSGlobalPropertyCell(
Handle<Object> value);
- static Handle<Map> NewMap(InstanceType type, int instance_size);
+ Handle<Map> NewMap(InstanceType type, int instance_size);
- static Handle<JSObject> NewFunctionPrototype(Handle<JSFunction> function);
+ Handle<JSObject> NewFunctionPrototype(Handle<JSFunction> function);
- static Handle<Map> CopyMapDropDescriptors(Handle<Map> map);
+ Handle<Map> CopyMapDropDescriptors(Handle<Map> map);
// Copy the map adding more inobject properties if possible without
// overflowing the instance size.
- static Handle<Map> CopyMap(Handle<Map> map, int extra_inobject_props);
+ Handle<Map> CopyMap(Handle<Map> map, int extra_inobject_props);
- static Handle<Map> CopyMapDropTransitions(Handle<Map> map);
+ Handle<Map> CopyMapDropTransitions(Handle<Map> map);
- static Handle<Map> GetFastElementsMap(Handle<Map> map);
+ Handle<Map> GetFastElementsMap(Handle<Map> map);
- static Handle<Map> GetSlowElementsMap(Handle<Map> map);
+ Handle<Map> GetSlowElementsMap(Handle<Map> map);
- static Handle<Map> GetPixelArrayElementsMap(Handle<Map> map);
+ Handle<Map> GetExternalArrayElementsMap(Handle<Map> map,
+ ExternalArrayType array_type,
+ bool safe_to_add_transition);
- static Handle<FixedArray> CopyFixedArray(Handle<FixedArray> array);
+ Handle<FixedArray> CopyFixedArray(Handle<FixedArray> array);
// Numbers (eg, literals) are pretenured by the parser.
- static Handle<Object> NewNumber(double value,
- PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
+ Handle<Object> NewNumber(double value,
+ PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
- static Handle<Object> NewNumberFromInt(int value);
- static Handle<Object> NewNumberFromUint(uint32_t value);
+ Handle<Object> NewNumberFromInt(int value);
+ Handle<Object> NewNumberFromUint(uint32_t value);
// These objects are used by the api to create env-independent data
// structures in the heap.
- static Handle<JSObject> NewNeanderObject();
+ Handle<JSObject> NewNeanderObject();
- static Handle<JSObject> NewArgumentsObject(Handle<Object> callee, int length);
+ Handle<JSObject> NewArgumentsObject(Handle<Object> callee, int length);
// JS objects are pretenured when allocated by the bootstrapper and
// runtime.
- static Handle<JSObject> NewJSObject(Handle<JSFunction> constructor,
- PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
+ Handle<JSObject> NewJSObject(Handle<JSFunction> constructor,
+ PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
// Global objects are pretenured.
- static Handle<GlobalObject> NewGlobalObject(Handle<JSFunction> constructor);
+ Handle<GlobalObject> NewGlobalObject(Handle<JSFunction> constructor);
// JS objects are pretenured when allocated by the bootstrapper and
// runtime.
- static Handle<JSObject> NewJSObjectFromMap(Handle<Map> map);
+ Handle<JSObject> NewJSObjectFromMap(Handle<Map> map);
// JS arrays are pretenured when allocated by the parser.
- static Handle<JSArray> NewJSArray(int init_length,
- PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
+ Handle<JSArray> NewJSArray(int capacity,
+ PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
- static Handle<JSArray> NewJSArrayWithElements(
+ Handle<JSArray> NewJSArrayWithElements(
Handle<FixedArray> elements,
PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
- static Handle<JSFunction> NewFunction(Handle<String> name,
- Handle<Object> prototype);
+ Handle<JSFunction> NewFunction(Handle<String> name,
+ Handle<Object> prototype);
- static Handle<JSFunction> NewFunctionWithoutPrototype(Handle<String> name);
+ Handle<JSFunction> NewFunctionWithoutPrototype(
+ Handle<String> name,
+ StrictModeFlag strict_mode);
- static Handle<JSFunction> NewFunction(Handle<Object> super, bool is_global);
+ Handle<JSFunction> NewFunction(Handle<Object> super, bool is_global);
- static Handle<JSFunction> BaseNewFunctionFromSharedFunctionInfo(
+ Handle<JSFunction> BaseNewFunctionFromSharedFunctionInfo(
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info,
Handle<Map> function_map,
PretenureFlag pretenure);
- static Handle<JSFunction> NewFunctionFromSharedFunctionInfo(
+ Handle<JSFunction> NewFunctionFromSharedFunctionInfo(
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info,
Handle<Context> context,
PretenureFlag pretenure = TENURED);
- static Handle<Code> NewCode(const CodeDesc& desc,
- Code::Flags flags,
- Handle<Object> self_reference);
+ Handle<Code> NewCode(const CodeDesc& desc,
+ Code::Flags flags,
+ Handle<Object> self_reference,
+ bool immovable = false);
- static Handle<Code> CopyCode(Handle<Code> code);
+ Handle<Code> CopyCode(Handle<Code> code);
- static Handle<Code> CopyCode(Handle<Code> code, Vector<byte> reloc_info);
+ Handle<Code> CopyCode(Handle<Code> code, Vector<byte> reloc_info);
- static Handle<Object> ToObject(Handle<Object> object);
- static Handle<Object> ToObject(Handle<Object> object,
- Handle<Context> global_context);
+ Handle<Object> ToObject(Handle<Object> object);
+ Handle<Object> ToObject(Handle<Object> object,
+ Handle<Context> global_context);
// Interface for creating error objects.
- static Handle<Object> NewError(const char* maker, const char* type,
- Handle<JSArray> args);
- static Handle<Object> NewError(const char* maker, const char* type,
- Vector< Handle<Object> > args);
- static Handle<Object> NewError(const char* type,
- Vector< Handle<Object> > args);
- static Handle<Object> NewError(Handle<String> message);
- static Handle<Object> NewError(const char* constructor,
- Handle<String> message);
+ Handle<Object> NewError(const char* maker, const char* type,
+ Handle<JSArray> args);
+ Handle<Object> NewError(const char* maker, const char* type,
+ Vector< Handle<Object> > args);
+ Handle<Object> NewError(const char* type,
+ Vector< Handle<Object> > args);
+ Handle<Object> NewError(Handle<String> message);
+ Handle<Object> NewError(const char* constructor,
+ Handle<String> message);
- static Handle<Object> NewTypeError(const char* type,
- Vector< Handle<Object> > args);
- static Handle<Object> NewTypeError(Handle<String> message);
+ Handle<Object> NewTypeError(const char* type,
+ Vector< Handle<Object> > args);
+ Handle<Object> NewTypeError(Handle<String> message);
- static Handle<Object> NewRangeError(const char* type,
- Vector< Handle<Object> > args);
- static Handle<Object> NewRangeError(Handle<String> message);
+ Handle<Object> NewRangeError(const char* type,
+ Vector< Handle<Object> > args);
+ Handle<Object> NewRangeError(Handle<String> message);
- static Handle<Object> NewSyntaxError(const char* type, Handle<JSArray> args);
- static Handle<Object> NewSyntaxError(Handle<String> message);
+ Handle<Object> NewSyntaxError(const char* type, Handle<JSArray> args);
+ Handle<Object> NewSyntaxError(Handle<String> message);
- static Handle<Object> NewReferenceError(const char* type,
- Vector< Handle<Object> > args);
- static Handle<Object> NewReferenceError(Handle<String> message);
+ Handle<Object> NewReferenceError(const char* type,
+ Vector< Handle<Object> > args);
+ Handle<Object> NewReferenceError(Handle<String> message);
- static Handle<Object> NewEvalError(const char* type,
- Vector< Handle<Object> > args);
+ Handle<Object> NewEvalError(const char* type,
+ Vector< Handle<Object> > args);
- static Handle<JSFunction> NewFunction(Handle<String> name,
- InstanceType type,
- int instance_size,
- Handle<Code> code,
- bool force_initial_map);
+ Handle<JSFunction> NewFunction(Handle<String> name,
+ InstanceType type,
+ int instance_size,
+ Handle<Code> code,
+ bool force_initial_map);
- static Handle<JSFunction> NewFunction(Handle<Map> function_map,
+ Handle<JSFunction> NewFunction(Handle<Map> function_map,
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared, Handle<Object> prototype);
- static Handle<JSFunction> NewFunctionWithPrototype(Handle<String> name,
- InstanceType type,
- int instance_size,
- Handle<JSObject> prototype,
- Handle<Code> code,
- bool force_initial_map);
+ Handle<JSFunction> NewFunctionWithPrototype(Handle<String> name,
+ InstanceType type,
+ int instance_size,
+ Handle<JSObject> prototype,
+ Handle<Code> code,
+ bool force_initial_map);
- static Handle<JSFunction> NewFunctionWithoutPrototype(Handle<String> name,
- Handle<Code> code);
+ Handle<JSFunction> NewFunctionWithoutPrototype(Handle<String> name,
+ Handle<Code> code);
- static Handle<DescriptorArray> CopyAppendProxyDescriptor(
+ Handle<DescriptorArray> CopyAppendProxyDescriptor(
Handle<DescriptorArray> array,
Handle<String> key,
Handle<Object> value,
PropertyAttributes attributes);
- static Handle<String> NumberToString(Handle<Object> number);
+ Handle<String> NumberToString(Handle<Object> number);
enum ApiInstanceType {
- static Handle<JSFunction> CreateApiFunction(
+ Handle<JSFunction> CreateApiFunction(
Handle<FunctionTemplateInfo> data,
ApiInstanceType type = JavaScriptObject);
- static Handle<JSFunction> InstallMembers(Handle<JSFunction> function);
+ Handle<JSFunction> InstallMembers(Handle<JSFunction> function);
// Installs interceptors on the instance. 'desc' is a function template,
// and instance is an object instance created by the function of this
// function template.
- static void ConfigureInstance(Handle<FunctionTemplateInfo> desc,
- Handle<JSObject> instance,
- bool* pending_exception);
+ void ConfigureInstance(Handle<FunctionTemplateInfo> desc,
+ Handle<JSObject> instance,
+ bool* pending_exception);
#define ROOT_ACCESSOR(type, name, camel_name) \
- static inline Handle<type> name() { \
+ inline Handle<type> name() { \
return Handle<type>(BitCast<type**>( \
- &Heap::roots_[Heap::k##camel_name##RootIndex])); \
+ &isolate()->heap()->roots_[Heap::k##camel_name##RootIndex])); \
-#define SYMBOL_ACCESSOR(name, str) \
- static inline Handle<String> name() { \
+#define SYMBOL_ACCESSOR(name, str) \
+ inline Handle<String> name() { \
return Handle<String>(BitCast<String**>( \
- &Heap::roots_[Heap::k##name##RootIndex])); \
+ &isolate()->heap()->roots_[Heap::k##name##RootIndex])); \
- static Handle<String> hidden_symbol() {
- return Handle<String>(&Heap::hidden_symbol_);
+ Handle<String> hidden_symbol() {
+ return Handle<String>(&isolate()->heap()->hidden_symbol_);
- static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> NewSharedFunctionInfo(
+ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> NewSharedFunctionInfo(
Handle<String> name,
int number_of_literals,
Handle<Code> code,
Handle<SerializedScopeInfo> scope_info);
- static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> NewSharedFunctionInfo(Handle<String> name);
+ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> NewSharedFunctionInfo(Handle<String> name);
- static Handle<JSMessageObject> NewJSMessageObject(
+ Handle<JSMessageObject> NewJSMessageObject(
Handle<String> type,
Handle<JSArray> arguments,
int start_position,
int end_position,
Handle<Object> script,
Handle<Object> stack_trace,
Handle<Object> stack_frames);
- static Handle<NumberDictionary> DictionaryAtNumberPut(
+ Handle<NumberDictionary> DictionaryAtNumberPut(
uint32_t key,
Handle<Object> value);
- static Handle<DebugInfo> NewDebugInfo(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared);
+ Handle<DebugInfo> NewDebugInfo(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared);
// Return a map using the map cache in the global context.
// The key the an ordered set of property names.
- static Handle<Map> ObjectLiteralMapFromCache(Handle<Context> context,
- Handle<FixedArray> keys);
+ Handle<Map> ObjectLiteralMapFromCache(Handle<Context> context,
+ Handle<FixedArray> keys);
// Creates a new FixedArray that holds the data associated with the
// atom regexp and stores it in the regexp.
- static void SetRegExpAtomData(Handle<JSRegExp> regexp,
- JSRegExp::Type type,
- Handle<String> source,
- JSRegExp::Flags flags,
- Handle<Object> match_pattern);
+ void SetRegExpAtomData(Handle<JSRegExp> regexp,
+ JSRegExp::Type type,
+ Handle<String> source,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags,
+ Handle<Object> match_pattern);
// Creates a new FixedArray that holds the data associated with the
// irregexp regexp and stores it in the regexp.
- static void SetRegExpIrregexpData(Handle<JSRegExp> regexp,
- JSRegExp::Type type,
- Handle<String> source,
- JSRegExp::Flags flags,
- int capture_count);
+ void SetRegExpIrregexpData(Handle<JSRegExp> regexp,
+ JSRegExp::Type type,
+ Handle<String> source,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags,
+ int capture_count);
- static Handle<JSFunction> NewFunctionHelper(Handle<String> name,
- Handle<Object> prototype);
+ Isolate* isolate() { return reinterpret_cast<Isolate*>(this); }
- static Handle<JSFunction> NewFunctionWithoutPrototypeHelper(
- Handle<String> name);
+ Handle<JSFunction> NewFunctionHelper(Handle<String> name,
+ Handle<Object> prototype);
- static Handle<DescriptorArray> CopyAppendCallbackDescriptors(
+ Handle<JSFunction> NewFunctionWithoutPrototypeHelper(
+ Handle<String> name,
+ StrictModeFlag strict_mode);
+ Handle<DescriptorArray> CopyAppendCallbackDescriptors(
Handle<DescriptorArray> array,
Handle<Object> descriptors);
// Create a new map cache.
- static Handle<MapCache> NewMapCache(int at_least_space_for);
+ Handle<MapCache> NewMapCache(int at_least_space_for);
// Update the map cache in the global context with (keys, map)
- static Handle<MapCache> AddToMapCache(Handle<Context> context,
- Handle<FixedArray> keys,
- Handle<Map> map);
+ Handle<MapCache> AddToMapCache(Handle<Context> context,
+ Handle<FixedArray> keys,
+ Handle<Map> map);
} } // namespace v8::internal