vendor/v8/src/compilation-cache.h in mustang-0.0.1 vs vendor/v8/src/compilation-cache.h in mustang-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -29,82 +29,257 @@
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
+class HashMap;
+// The compilation cache consists of several generational sub-caches which uses
+// this class as a base class. A sub-cache contains a compilation cache tables
+// for each generation of the sub-cache. Since the same source code string has
+// different compiled code for scripts and evals, we use separate sub-caches
+// for different compilation modes, to avoid retrieving the wrong result.
+class CompilationSubCache {
+ public:
+ CompilationSubCache(Isolate* isolate, int generations)
+ : isolate_(isolate),
+ generations_(generations) {
+ tables_ = NewArray<Object*>(generations);
+ }
+ ~CompilationSubCache() { DeleteArray(tables_); }
+ // Index for the first generation in the cache.
+ static const int kFirstGeneration = 0;
+ // Get the compilation cache tables for a specific generation.
+ Handle<CompilationCacheTable> GetTable(int generation);
+ // Accessors for first generation.
+ Handle<CompilationCacheTable> GetFirstTable() {
+ return GetTable(kFirstGeneration);
+ }
+ void SetFirstTable(Handle<CompilationCacheTable> value) {
+ ASSERT(kFirstGeneration < generations_);
+ tables_[kFirstGeneration] = *value;
+ }
+ // Age the sub-cache by evicting the oldest generation and creating a new
+ // young generation.
+ void Age();
+ // GC support.
+ void Iterate(ObjectVisitor* v);
+ void IterateFunctions(ObjectVisitor* v);
+ // Clear this sub-cache evicting all its content.
+ void Clear();
+ // Remove given shared function info from sub-cache.
+ void Remove(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info);
+ // Number of generations in this sub-cache.
+ inline int generations() { return generations_; }
+ protected:
+ Isolate* isolate() { return isolate_; }
+ private:
+ Isolate* isolate_;
+ int generations_; // Number of generations.
+ Object** tables_; // Compilation cache tables - one for each generation.
+// Sub-cache for scripts.
+class CompilationCacheScript : public CompilationSubCache {
+ public:
+ CompilationCacheScript(Isolate* isolate, int generations);
+ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> Lookup(Handle<String> source,
+ Handle<Object> name,
+ int line_offset,
+ int column_offset);
+ void Put(Handle<String> source, Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info);
+ private:
+ MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeObject* TryTablePut(
+ Handle<String> source, Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info);
+ // Note: Returns a new hash table if operation results in expansion.
+ Handle<CompilationCacheTable> TablePut(
+ Handle<String> source, Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info);
+ bool HasOrigin(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info,
+ Handle<Object> name,
+ int line_offset,
+ int column_offset);
+ void* script_histogram_;
+ bool script_histogram_initialized_;
+// Sub-cache for eval scripts.
+class CompilationCacheEval: public CompilationSubCache {
+ public:
+ CompilationCacheEval(Isolate* isolate, int generations)
+ : CompilationSubCache(isolate, generations) { }
+ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> Lookup(Handle<String> source,
+ Handle<Context> context,
+ StrictModeFlag strict_mode);
+ void Put(Handle<String> source,
+ Handle<Context> context,
+ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info);
+ private:
+ MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeObject* TryTablePut(
+ Handle<String> source,
+ Handle<Context> context,
+ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info);
+ // Note: Returns a new hash table if operation results in expansion.
+ Handle<CompilationCacheTable> TablePut(
+ Handle<String> source,
+ Handle<Context> context,
+ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info);
+// Sub-cache for regular expressions.
+class CompilationCacheRegExp: public CompilationSubCache {
+ public:
+ CompilationCacheRegExp(Isolate* isolate, int generations)
+ : CompilationSubCache(isolate, generations) { }
+ Handle<FixedArray> Lookup(Handle<String> source, JSRegExp::Flags flags);
+ void Put(Handle<String> source,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags,
+ Handle<FixedArray> data);
+ private:
+ MUST_USE_RESULT MaybeObject* TryTablePut(Handle<String> source,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags,
+ Handle<FixedArray> data);
+ // Note: Returns a new hash table if operation results in expansion.
+ Handle<CompilationCacheTable> TablePut(Handle<String> source,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags,
+ Handle<FixedArray> data);
// The compilation cache keeps shared function infos for compiled
// scripts and evals. The shared function infos are looked up using
// the source string as the key. For regular expressions the
// compilation data is cached.
class CompilationCache {
// Finds the script shared function info for a source
// string. Returns an empty handle if the cache doesn't contain a
// script for the given source string with the right origin.
- static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> LookupScript(Handle<String> source,
- Handle<Object> name,
- int line_offset,
- int column_offset);
+ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> LookupScript(Handle<String> source,
+ Handle<Object> name,
+ int line_offset,
+ int column_offset);
// Finds the shared function info for a source string for eval in a
// given context. Returns an empty handle if the cache doesn't
// contain a script for the given source string.
- static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> LookupEval(Handle<String> source,
- Handle<Context> context,
- bool is_global,
- StrictModeFlag strict_mode);
+ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> LookupEval(Handle<String> source,
+ Handle<Context> context,
+ bool is_global,
+ StrictModeFlag strict_mode);
// Returns the regexp data associated with the given regexp if it
// is in cache, otherwise an empty handle.
- static Handle<FixedArray> LookupRegExp(Handle<String> source,
- JSRegExp::Flags flags);
+ Handle<FixedArray> LookupRegExp(Handle<String> source,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags);
// Associate the (source, kind) pair to the shared function
// info. This may overwrite an existing mapping.
- static void PutScript(Handle<String> source,
- Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info);
+ void PutScript(Handle<String> source,
+ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info);
// Associate the (source, context->closure()->shared(), kind) triple
// with the shared function info. This may overwrite an existing mapping.
- static void PutEval(Handle<String> source,
- Handle<Context> context,
- bool is_global,
- Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info);
+ void PutEval(Handle<String> source,
+ Handle<Context> context,
+ bool is_global,
+ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info);
// Associate the (source, flags) pair to the given regexp data.
// This may overwrite an existing mapping.
- static void PutRegExp(Handle<String> source,
- JSRegExp::Flags flags,
- Handle<FixedArray> data);
+ void PutRegExp(Handle<String> source,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags,
+ Handle<FixedArray> data);
// Support for eager optimization tracking.
- static bool ShouldOptimizeEagerly(Handle<JSFunction> function);
- static void MarkForEagerOptimizing(Handle<JSFunction> function);
- static void MarkForLazyOptimizing(Handle<JSFunction> function);
+ bool ShouldOptimizeEagerly(Handle<JSFunction> function);
+ void MarkForEagerOptimizing(Handle<JSFunction> function);
+ void MarkForLazyOptimizing(Handle<JSFunction> function);
// Reset the eager optimization tracking data.
- static void ResetEagerOptimizingData();
+ void ResetEagerOptimizingData();
// Clear the cache - also used to initialize the cache at startup.
- static void Clear();
+ void Clear();
// Remove given shared function info from all caches.
- static void Remove(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info);
+ void Remove(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info);
// GC support.
- static void Iterate(ObjectVisitor* v);
- static void IterateFunctions(ObjectVisitor* v);
+ void Iterate(ObjectVisitor* v);
+ void IterateFunctions(ObjectVisitor* v);
// Notify the cache that a mark-sweep garbage collection is about to
// take place. This is used to retire entries from the cache to
// avoid keeping them alive too long without using them.
- static void MarkCompactPrologue();
+ void MarkCompactPrologue();
// Enable/disable compilation cache. Used by debugger to disable compilation
// cache during debugging to make sure new scripts are always compiled.
- static void Enable();
- static void Disable();
+ void Enable();
+ void Disable();
+ private:
+ explicit CompilationCache(Isolate* isolate);
+ ~CompilationCache();
+ HashMap* EagerOptimizingSet();
+ // The number of sub caches covering the different types to cache.
+ static const int kSubCacheCount = 4;
+ bool IsEnabled() { return FLAG_compilation_cache && enabled_; }
+ Isolate* isolate() { return isolate_; }
+ Isolate* isolate_;
+ CompilationCacheScript script_;
+ CompilationCacheEval eval_global_;
+ CompilationCacheEval eval_contextual_;
+ CompilationCacheRegExp reg_exp_;
+ CompilationSubCache* subcaches_[kSubCacheCount];
+ // Current enable state of the compilation cache.
+ bool enabled_;
+ HashMap* eager_optimizing_set_;
+ friend class Isolate;
} } // namespace v8::internal