spec/parsing/convenience_methods_spec.rb in music-transcription-0.17.1 vs spec/parsing/convenience_methods_spec.rb in music-transcription-0.19.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,100 +1,99 @@
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper')
-dur_stuff = ['should parse as single duration',
+class_cases = { Duration => {
'/2' => "1/2".to_r,
'5/29' => "5/29".to_r,
'200/' => "200/1".to_r,
'66' => "66/1".to_r
+ },
+ Note => {
+ '/2' => Note::half,
+ '99/10C2' => Note.new('99/10'.to_r, [C2]),
+ '5/2.Db4,Eb5' => Note.new('5/2'.to_r, [Db4,Eb5], articulation:STACCATO)
+ },
+ Pitch => {
+ 'C2' => C2,
+ 'Db4' => Db4,
+ 'A#9' => Bb9
+ },
+ Meter => {
+ '2/2' => Meter.new(2,"1/2".to_r),
+ "4/4" => Meter.new(4,"1/4".to_r),
+ "6/8" => Meter.new(6,"1/8".to_r),
+ "12/3" => Meter.new(12,"1/3".to_r),
+ "133/55" => Meter.new(133,"1/55".to_r),
+ },
+ Segment => {
+ }
-durs_stuff = ['should parse as whitespace-separated durations',
- '/2 5/29 200/ 66' => ["1/2".to_r,"5/29".to_r,"200/1".to_r,"66/1".to_r],
- "/2\t5/29\n200/ \t\n 66" => ["1/2".to_r,"5/29".to_r,"200/1".to_r,"66/1".to_r],
+class_cases.each do |klass,cases|
+ describe("#{klass}.parse") do
+ it "should produce a single #{klass}" do
+ cases.each do |str,tgt|
+ klass.parse(str).should eq(tgt)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe("#{klass}.split_parse") do
+ context 'joined with whitespace, using default pattern' do
+ it "should produce multiple of #{klass}" do
+ str = cases.keys.join(" ")
+ klass.split_parse(str).should eq(cases.values)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'joined by custom separator, using matching pattern' do
+ it "should raise produce multiple of #{klass}" do
+ str = cases.keys.join(";")
+ klass.split_parse(str,";").should eq(cases.values)
+ end
+ end
+ end
-pitch_stuff = ['should parse as single pitch',
- 'C2' => C2,
- 'Db4' => Db4,
- 'A#9' => Bb9
-pitches_stuff = ['should parse as whitespace-separated pitches',
- 'C2 C2 D2 C2' => [C2,C2,D2,C2],
- "Bb2\tF5 \n Gb7" => [Bb2,F5,Gb7],
-note_stuff = ['should parse as a single note',
- '/2' => Note::half,
- '99/10C2' => Note.new('99/10'.to_r, [C2]),
- '5/2.Db4,Eb5' => Note.new('5/2'.to_r, [Db4,Eb5], articulation:STACCATO)
-notes_stuff = ['should parse as whitespace-separated notes',
- '/2 /2 /4' => [Note::half,Note::half,Note::quarter],
- "/4C4 \t /4D4" => [Note::quarter([C4]),Note::quarter([D4])],
- "/2Db2\t/2C2 \n /2C2" => [Note::half([Db2]), Note::half([C2]), Note::half([C2])]
-meter_stuff = ['should parse as meter',
- '2/2' => Meter.new(2,"1/2".to_r),
- "4/4" => Meter.new(4,"1/4".to_r),
- "6/8" => Meter.new(6,"1/8".to_r),
- "12/3" => Meter.new(12,"1/3".to_r),
- "133/55" => Meter.new(133,"1/55".to_r),
- :duration => dur_stuff,
- :dur => dur_stuff,
- :durations => durs_stuff,
- :durs => durs_stuff,
- :pitch => pitch_stuff,
- :pitches => pitches_stuff,
- :note => note_stuff,
- :notes => notes_stuff,
- :meter => meter_stuff
-}.each do |mod_fun,descr_cases|
- describe("Parsing::" + mod_fun.to_s) do
- descr, cases = descr_cases
- it descr do
- cases.each do |s,tgt|
- Parsing.send(mod_fun,s).should eq tgt
+ Duration => [:to_d, :to_dur, :to_duration],
+ Pitch => [:to_p, :to_pitch],
+ Note => [:to_n, :to_note],
+ Meter => [:to_meter],
+}.each do |klass,str_parse_methods|
+ describe 'String' do
+ str_parse_methods.each do |method|
+ describe "\##{method}" do
+ it "should return a #{klass}" do
+ class_cases[klass].each do |str,tgt|
+ str.send(method).should eq(tgt)
+ end
+ end
- :to_d => dur_stuff,
- :to_dur => dur_stuff,
- :to_duration => dur_stuff,
- :to_ds => durs_stuff,
- :to_durs => durs_stuff,
- :to_durations => durs_stuff,
- :to_p => pitch_stuff,
- :to_pitch => pitch_stuff,
- :to_ps=> pitches_stuff,
- :to_pitches => pitches_stuff,
- :to_n => note_stuff,
- :to_note => note_stuff,
- :to_ns => notes_stuff,
- :to_notes => notes_stuff,
- :to_meter => meter_stuff,
-}.each do |inst_meth,descr_cases|
- describe("String#" + inst_meth.to_s) do
- descr, cases = descr_cases
- it descr do
- cases.each do |s,tgt|
- s.send(inst_meth).should eq tgt
+ Duration => [:to_ds, :to_durs, :to_durations],
+ Pitch => [:to_ps, :to_pitches],
+ Note => [:to_ns, :to_notes],
+}.each do |klass,str_parse_methods|
+ describe 'String' do
+ str_parse_methods.each do |method|
+ describe "\##{method}" do
+ context 'joined with whitespace' do
+ it "should return multiple of #{klass}" do
+ str = class_cases[klass].keys.join(" ")
+ str.send(method).should eq(class_cases[klass].values)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'joined by custom separator, using matching pattern' do
+ it "should raise produce multiple of #{klass}" do
+ str = class_cases[klass].keys.join(";")
+ str.send(method,";").should eq(class_cases[klass].values)
+ end
+ end