spec/mailgun/sender_spec.rb in multi_mail-0.0.2 vs spec/mailgun/sender_spec.rb in multi_mail-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,174 +1,349 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper')
+require 'multi_mail/mailgun/sender'
+describe MultiMail::Sender::Mailgun do
+ let :message do
+ Mail.new do
+ date Time.at(946702800)
+ from 'foo@example.com'
+ to 'bar@example.com'
+ subject 'test'
+ body 'hello'
+ end
+ end
+ let :message_without_from do
+ Mail.new do
+ date Time.at(946702800)
+ to 'bar@example.com'
+ subject 'test'
+ body 'hello'
+ end
+ end
+ let :message_without_to do
+ Mail.new do
+ date Time.at(946702800)
+ from 'foo@example.com'
+ subject 'test'
+ body 'hello'
+ end
+ end
+ let :message_without_subject do
+ Mail.new do
+ date Time.at(946702800)
+ from 'foo@example.com'
+ to 'bar@example.com'
+ body 'hello'
+ end
+ end
+ let :message_without_body do
+ Mail.new do
+ date Time.at(946702800)
+ from 'foo@example.com'
+ to 'bar@example.com'
+ subject 'test'
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#initialize' do
+ it 'should raise an error if :api_key is missing' do
+ expect{
+ message.delivery_method MultiMail::Sender::Mailgun, :domain => 'xxx'
+ message.deliver # request not sent
+ }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Missing required arguments: api_key")
+ end
+ it 'should raise an error if :domain is missing' do
+ expect{
+ message.delivery_method MultiMail::Sender::Mailgun, :api_key => 'xxx'
+ message.deliver # request not sent
+ }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Missing required arguments: domain")
+ end
+ it 'should raise an error if :api_key is nil' do
+ expect{
+ message.delivery_method MultiMail::Sender::Mailgun, :api_key => nil, :domain => 'xxx'
+ message.deliver # request not sent
+ }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Missing required arguments: api_key")
+ end
+ it 'should raise an error if :domain is nil' do
+ expect{
+ message.delivery_method MultiMail::Sender::Mailgun, :api_key => 'xxx', :domain => nil
+ message.deliver # request not sent
+ }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Missing required arguments: domain")
+ end
+ it 'should raise an error if :domain or :api_key are invalid' do
+ expect{
+ message.delivery_method MultiMail::Sender::Mailgun, :api_key => 'xxx', :domain => 'xxx'
+ message.deliver
+ }.to raise_error(MultiMail::InvalidAPIKey)
+ end
+ it 'should assign custom settings' do
+ sender = MultiMail::Sender::Mailgun.new(:api_key => 'xxx', :domain => 'xxx')
+ sender.api_key.should == 'xxx'
+ sender.domain.should == 'xxx'
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#parameters' do
+ it 'should allow "yes", "no" and "htmlonly" values' do
+ %w(yes no htmlonly).each do |value|
+ sender = MultiMail::Sender::Mailgun.new({
+ :api_key => 'xxx',
+ :domain => 'xxx',
+ :track => {
+ :clicks => value,
+ }
+ })
+ sender.parameters.should == {:'o:tracking-clicks' => value}
+ end
+ end
+ it 'should transform true and false values' do
+ sender = MultiMail::Sender::Mailgun.new({
+ :api_key => 'xxx',
+ :domain => 'xxx',
+ :track => {
+ :opens => false,
+ :clicks => true,
+ }
+ })
+ sender.parameters.should == {:'o:tracking-opens' => 'no', :'o:tracking-clicks' => 'yes'}
+ end
+ it 'should ignore nil values' do
+ sender = MultiMail::Sender::Mailgun.new({
+ :api_key => 'xxx',
+ :domain => 'xxx',
+ :track => {
+ :clicks => nil,
+ }
+ })
+ sender.parameters.should == {}
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#deliver' do
+ before :all do
+ Mail.defaults do
+ delivery_method MultiMail::Sender::Mailgun, :api_key => ENV['MAILGUN_API_KEY'], :domain => 'multimail.mailgun.org', 'o:testmode' => 'yes'
+ end
+ end
+ it 'should send a message' do
+ message.deliver.should == message
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#deliver!' do
+ before :all do
+ Mail.defaults do
+ delivery_method MultiMail::Sender::Mailgun, :api_key => ENV['MAILGUN_API_KEY'], :domain => 'multimail.mailgun.org', 'o:testmode' => 'yes', :return_response => true
+ end
+ end
+ it 'should send a message' do
+ result = message.deliver!
+ result.size.should == 2
+ result['message'].should == 'Queued. Thank you.'
+ result['id'].should match(/<\S+@\S+>/)
+ end
+ it 'should not send a message without a From header' do
+ expect{message_without_from.deliver!}.to raise_error(MultiMail::MissingSender, "'from' parameter is missing")
+ end
+ it 'should not send a message without a To header' do
+ expect{message_without_to.deliver!}.to raise_error(MultiMail::MissingRecipients, "'to' parameter is missing")
+ end
+ it 'should not send a message without a body' do
+ expect{message_without_body.deliver!}.to raise_error(MultiMail::MissingBody, "Need at least one of 'text' or 'html' parameters specified")
+ end
+ end