vendor/assets/javascripts/multi-select.js in multi-select-rails- vs vendor/assets/javascripts/multi-select.js in multi-select-rails-0.9.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,334 +1,398 @@
-* MultiSelect v0.8
+* MultiSelect v0.9.1
* Copyright (c) 2012 Louis Cuny
* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
* the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
* To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
* for more details.
- var msMethods = {
- 'init' : function(options){
- this.settings = {
- disabledClass : 'disabled',
- selectCallbackOnInit: false,
- keepOrder : false,
- dblClick : false
- };
- if(options) {
- this.settings = $.extend(this.settings, options);
- }
- var multiSelects = this;
- multiSelects.css('position', 'absolute').css('left', '-9999px');
- return multiSelects.each(function(){
- var ms = $(this);
+!function ($) {
- if ('.ms-container').length == 0){
- ms.attr('id', ms.attr('id') ? ms.attr('id') : 'ms-'+Math.ceil(Math.random()*1000));
- var container = $('<div id="ms-'+ms.attr('id')+'" class="ms-container"></div>'),
- selectableContainer = $('<div class="ms-selectable"></div>'),
- selectedContainer = $('<div class="ms-selection"></div>'),
- selectableUl = $('<ul class="ms-list"></ul>'),
- selectedUl = $('<ul class="ms-list"></ul>');
+ "use strict"; // jshint ;_;
-'settings', multiSelects.settings);
- var optgroupLabel = null,
- optgroupId = null,
- optgroupCpt = 0,
- scroll = 0;
- ms.find('optgroup,option').each(function(){
- if ($(this).is('optgroup')){
- optgroupLabel = $(this).attr('label');
- optgroupId = 'ms-'+ms.attr('id')+'-optgroup-'+optgroupCpt;
- selectableUl.append($('<li class="ms-optgroup-container" id="'+
- optgroupId+'"><ul class="ms-optgroup"><li class="ms-optgroup-label">'+
- optgroupLabel+'</li></ul></li>'));
- optgroupCpt++;
- } else {
- var klass = $(this).attr('class') ? ' '+$(this).attr('class') : '';
- var selectableLi = $('<li class="ms-elem-selectable'+klass+'" ms-value="'+$(this).val()+'">'+$(this).text()+'</li>');
+ * ====================== */
- if ($(this).attr('title'))
- selectableLi.attr('title', $(this).attr('title'));
- if ($(this).attr('disabled') || ms.attr('disabled')){
- selectableLi.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
- selectableLi.addClass(multiSelects.settings.disabledClass);
+ var MultiSelect = function (element, options) {
+ this.options = options;
+ this.$element = $(element);
+ this.$container = $('<div id="ms-'+this.$element.attr('id')+'" class="ms-container"></div>');
+ this.$selectableContainer = $('<div class="ms-selectable"></div>');
+ this.$selectionContainer = $('<div class="ms-selection"></div>');
+ this.$selectableUl = $('<ul class="ms-list"></ul>');
+ this.$selectionUl = $('<ul class="ms-list"></ul>');
+ this.scrollTo = 0;
+ }
+ MultiSelect.prototype = {
+ constructor: MultiSelect,
+ init: function(){
+ var that = this,
+ ms = this.$element;
+ if ('.ms-container').length == 0){
+ ms.css({ position: 'absolute', left: '-9999px' });
+ ms.attr('id', ms.attr('id') ? ms.attr('id') : 'ms-'+Math.ceil(Math.random()*1000));
+ var optgroupLabel = null,
+ optgroupId = null,
+ optgroupCpt = 0,
+ scroll = 0;
+ ms.find('optgroup, option').each(function(){
+ if ($(this).is('optgroup')){
+ optgroupLabel = $(this).attr('label');
+ optgroupId = 'ms-'+ms.attr('id')+'-optgroup-'+optgroupCpt;
+ that.$selectableUl.append(
+ '<li class="ms-optgroup-container" id="'+optgroupId+'-selectable">\
+ <ul class="ms-optgroup">\
+ <li class="ms-optgroup-label"><span>'+optgroupLabel+'</span></li>\
+ </ul>\
+ </li>');
+ that.$selectionUl.append(
+ '<li class="ms-optgroup-container" id="'+optgroupId+'-selection">\
+ <ul class="ms-optgroup">\
+ <li class="ms-optgroup-label"><span>'+optgroupLabel+'</span></li>\
+ </ul>\
+ </li>');
+ optgroupCpt++;
+ } else {
+ var attributes = "";
+ for (var cpt = 0; cpt < this.attributes.length; cpt++){
+ var attr = this.attributes[cpt];
+ if(that.isDomNode({
+ attributes +='="'+attr.value+'" ';
- if(multiSelects.settings.dblClick) {
- selectableLi.dblclick(function(){
- ms.multiSelect('select', $(this).attr('ms-value'));
- });
- } else {
- ms.multiSelect('select', $(this).attr('ms-value'));
- });
- }
- var container = optgroupId ? selectableUl.children('#'+optgroupId).find('ul').first() : selectableUl;
- container.append(selectableLi);
- });
- if (multiSelects.settings.selectableHeader){
- selectableContainer.append(multiSelects.settings.selectableHeader);
+ var selectableLi = $('<li '+attributes+'><span>'+$(this).text()+'</span></li>'),
+ selectedLi = selectableLi.clone();
+ var value = $(this).val();
+ selectableLi.addClass('ms-elem-selectable').attr('id', value+'-selectable');
+ selectedLi.addClass('ms-elem-selection').attr('id', value+'-selection').hide();
+ that.$selectionUl.find('.ms-optgroup-label').hide();
+ if ($(this).prop('disabled') || ms.prop('disabled')){
+ selectableLi.prop('disabled', true);
+ selectableLi.addClass(that.options.disabledClass);
+ }
+ if (optgroupId){
+ that.$selectableUl.children('#'+optgroupId+'-selectable').find('ul').first().append(selectableLi);
+ that.$selectionUl.children('#'+optgroupId+'-selection').find('ul').first().append(selectedLi);
+ } else {
+ that.$selectableUl.append(selectableLi);
+ that.$selectionUl.append(selectedLi);
+ }
- selectableContainer.append(selectableUl);
- if (multiSelects.settings.selectedHeader){
- selectedContainer.append(multiSelects.settings.selectedHeader);
- }
- selectedContainer.append(selectedUl);
- container.append(selectableContainer);
- container.append(selectedContainer);
- ms.after(container);
- ms.find('option:selected').each(function(){
- ms.multiSelect('select', $(this).val(), 'init');
- });
+ });
- $('.ms-elem-selectable', selectableUl).on('mouseenter', function(){
- $('li', container).removeClass('ms-hover');
- $(this).addClass('ms-hover');
- }).on('mouseout', function(){
- $('li', container).removeClass('ms-hover');
+ if (that.options.selectableHeader){
+ that.$selectableContainer.append(that.options.selectableHeader);
+ }
+ that.$selectableContainer.append(that.$selectableUl);
+ if (that.options.selectionHeader){
+ that.$selectionContainer.append(that.options.selectionHeader);
+ }
+ this.$selectionContainer.append(that.$selectionUl);
+ that.$container.append(that.$selectableContainer);
+ that.$container.append(that.$selectionContainer);
+ ms.after(that.$container);
+ that.$selectableUl.on('mouseenter', '.ms-elem-selectable', function(){
+ $('li', that.$container).removeClass('ms-hover');
+ $(this).addClass('ms-hover');
+ }).on('mouseleave', function(){
+ $('li', that.$container).removeClass('ms-hover');
+ });
+ if(that.options.dblClick) {
+ that.$selectableUl.on('dblclick', '.ms-elem-selectable', function(){
+$(this).attr('id').replace(/-selectable/, ''));
+ that.$selectionUl.on('dblclick', '.ms-elem-selection', function(){
+ that.deselect($(this).attr('id').replace(/-selection/, ''));
+ });
+ } else {
+ that.$selectableUl.on('click', '.ms-elem-selectable', function(){
+$(this).attr('id').replace(/-selectable/, ''));
+ });
+ that.$selectionUl.on('click', '.ms-elem-selection', function(){
+ that.deselect($(this).attr('id').replace(/-selection/, ''));
+ });
+ }
+ that.$selectionUl.on('mouseenter', '.ms-elem-selection', function(){
+ $('li', that.$selectionUl).removeClass('ms-hover');
+ $(this).addClass('ms-hover');
+ }).on('mouseleave', function(){
+ $('li', that.$selectionUl).removeClass('ms-hover');
+ });
- selectableUl.on('focusin', function(){
- $(this).addClass('ms-focus');
- selectedUl.focusout();
- }).on('focusout', function(){
- $(this).removeClass('ms-focus');
- $('li', container).removeClass('ms-hover');
- });
+ that.$selectableUl.on('focusin', function(){
+ $(this).addClass('ms-focus');
+ that.$selectionUl.focusout();
+ }).on('focusout', function(){
+ $(this).removeClass('ms-focus');
+ $('li', that.$container).removeClass('ms-hover');
+ });
- selectedUl.on('focusin', function(){
- $(this).addClass('ms-focus');
- }).on('focusout', function(){
- $(this).removeClass('ms-focus');
- $('li', container).removeClass('ms-hover');
- });
+ that.$selectionUl.on('focusin', function(){
+ $(this).addClass('ms-focus');
+ }).on('focusout', function(){
+ $(this).removeClass('ms-focus');
+ $('li', that.$container).removeClass('ms-hover');
+ });
- ms.on('focusin', function(){
- selectableUl.focus();
- }).on('focusout', function(){
- selectableUl.removeClass('ms-focus');
- selectedUl.removeClass('ms-focus');
- });
+ ms.on('focusin', function(){
+ ms.focusout();
+ that.$selectableUl.focusin();
+ }).on('focusout', function(){
+ that.$selectableUl.removeClass('ms-focus');
+ that.$selectionUl.removeClass('ms-focus');
+ });
- ms.onKeyDown = function(e, keyContainer){
- var selectables = $('.'+keyContainer+' li:visible:not(.ms-optgroup-label, .ms-optgroup-container)', container),
- selectablesLength = selectables.length,
- selectableFocused = $('.'+keyContainer+'', container),
- selectableFocusedIndex = $('.'+keyContainer+' li:visible:not(.ms-optgroup-label, .ms-optgroup-container)', container).index(selectableFocused),
- liHeight = selectables.first().outerHeight(),
- numberOfItemsDisplayed = Math.ceil(container.outerHeight()/liHeight),
- scrollStart = Math.ceil(numberOfItemsDisplayed/4);
+ ms.onKeyDown = function(e, keyContainer){
+ var ul = that.$container.find('.'+keyContainer).find('.ms-list'),
+ lis = ul.find('li:visible:not(.ms-optgroup-label, .ms-optgroup-container)'),
+ lisNumber = lis.length,
+ liFocused = ul.find(''),
+ liFocusedIndex = liFocused.length > 0 ? lis.index(liFocused) : -1,
+ ulHeight = ul.innerHeight(),
+ liHeight = lis.first().outerHeight(true),
+ numberOfLisDisplayed = Math.floor(ulHeight / liHeight);
- selectables.removeClass('ms-hover');
- if (e.keyCode == 32){ // space
+ if (e.keyCode == 32){ // space
+ if (liFocused.length >0){
var method = keyContainer == 'ms-selectable' ? 'select' : 'deselect';
- ms.multiSelect(method, selectableFocused.first().attr('ms-value'));
+ if (keyContainer == 'ms-selectable'){
+'id').replace('-selectable', ''));
+ } else {
+ that.deselect(liFocused.attr('id').replace('-selection', ''));
+ }
+ lis.removeClass('ms-hover');
+ that.scrollTo = 0;
+ ul.scrollTop(that.scrollTo);
+ }
+ } else if (e.keyCode == 40){ // Down
+ if (lis.length > 0){
+ var nextLiIndex = liFocusedIndex+1,
+ nextLi = (lisNumber != nextLiIndex) ? lis.eq(nextLiIndex) : lis.first(),
+ ulPosition = ul.position().top,
+ nextLiPosition = nextLi.position().top;
- } else if (e.keyCode == 40){ // Down
- var nextIndex = (selectableFocusedIndex+1 != selectablesLength) ? selectableFocusedIndex+1 : 0,
- nextSelectableLi = selectables.eq(nextIndex);
+ lis.removeClass('ms-hover');
+ nextLi.addClass('ms-hover');
- nextSelectableLi.addClass('ms-hover');
- if (nextIndex > scrollStart){
- scroll += liHeight;
- } else if (nextIndex == 0){
- scroll = 0;
+ if (lisNumber == nextLiIndex){
+ that.scrollTo = 0;
+ } else if (nextLiPosition >= (ulPosition + (numberOfLisDisplayed * liHeight))){
+ that.scrollTo += liHeight;
- $('.'+keyContainer+' ul', container).scrollTop(scroll);
- } else if (e.keyCode == 38){ // Up
- var prevIndex = (selectableFocusedIndex-1 >= 0) ? selectableFocusedIndex-1 : selectablesLength-1,
- prevSelectableLi = selectables.eq(prevIndex);
- selectables.removeClass('ms-hover');
- prevSelectableLi.addClass('ms-hover');
- if (selectablesLength-prevIndex+1 < scrollStart){
- scroll = liHeight*(selectablesLength-scrollStart);
- } else {
- scroll -= liHeight;
- }
- $('.'+keyContainer+' ul', container).scrollTop(scroll);
- } else if (e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 39){ // Right and Left
- if (selectableUl.hasClass('ms-focus')){
- selectableUl.focusout();
- selectedUl.focusin();
- } else {
- selectableUl.focusin();
- selectedUl.focusout();
- }
+ ul.scrollTop(that.scrollTo);
- }
+ } else if (e.keyCode == 38){ // Up
+ if (lis.length > 0){
+ var prevLiIndex = Math.max(liFocusedIndex-1, -1),
+ prevLi = lis.eq(prevLiIndex),
+ ulPosition = ul.position().top,
+ prevLiPosition = prevLi.position().top;
- ms.on('keydown', function(e){
- if (':focus')){
- var keyContainer = selectableUl.hasClass('ms-focus') ? 'ms-selectable' : 'ms-selection';
- ms.onKeyDown(e, keyContainer);
+ lis.removeClass('ms-hover');
+ prevLi.addClass('ms-hover');
+ if (prevLiPosition <= ulPosition){
+ that.scrollTo -= liHeight;
+ } else if (prevLiIndex < 0){
+ that.scrollTo = (lisNumber - numberOfLisDisplayed) * liHeight;
+ }
+ ul.scrollTop(that.scrollTo);
- });
+ } else if (e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 39){
+ if (that.$selectableUl.hasClass('ms-focus')){
+ that.$selectableUl.focusout();
+ that.$selectionUl.focusin();
+ } else {
+ that.$selectableUl.focusin();
+ that.$selectionUl.focusout();
+ }
+ }
- });
+ ms.on('keydown', function(e){
+ if (':focus')){
+ var keyContainer = that.$selectableUl.hasClass('ms-focus') ? 'ms-selectable' : 'ms-selection';
+ ms.onKeyDown(e, keyContainer);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ var selectedValues = ms.find('option:selected').map(function(){ return $(this).val() }).get();
+, 'init')
+ if (typeof that.options.afterInit == 'function') {
+, this.$container);
+ }
'refresh' : function() {
- $("#ms-"+$(this).attr("id")).remove();
- $(this).multiSelect("init", $(this).data("settings"));
+ $("#ms-"+this.$element.attr("id")).remove();
+ this.init(this.options);
'select' : function(value, method){
- var ms = this,
- selectedOption = ms.find('option[value="'+value +'"]'),
- text = selectedOption.text(),
- klass = selectedOption.attr('class'),
- titleAttr = selectedOption.attr('title');
+ if (typeof value == 'string')
+ value = [value]
+ var that = this,
+ ms = this.$element,
+ selectables = this.$selectableUl.find('#' + value.join('-selectable, #')+'-selectable').filter(':not(.'+that.options.disabledClass+')'),
+ selections = this.$selectionUl.find('#' + value.join('-selection, #') + '-selection'),
+ options = ms.find('option').filter(function(index){ return($.inArray(this.value, value) > -1) });
- var selectedLi = $('<li class="ms-elem-selected'+(klass ? ' '+klass : '')+'" ms-value="'+value+'">'+text+'</li>'),
- selectableUl = $('#ms-'+ms.attr('id')+' .ms-selectable ul'),
- selectedUl = $('#ms-'+ms.attr('id')+' .ms-selection ul'),
- selectableLi = selectableUl.children('li[ms-value="'+value+'"]'),
- haveToSelect = null;
+ if (selectables.length > 0){
+ selectables.addClass('ms-selected').hide();
+ selections.addClass('ms-selected').show();
+ options.prop('selected', true);
- if (method == 'init'){
- haveToSelect = !selectableLi.hasClass('settings').disabledClass) && selectedOption.prop('selected');
- } else {
- haveToSelect = !selectableLi.hasClass('settings').disabledClass);
- ms.focus();
- }
- if (haveToSelect && selectedUl.children('li[ms-value="'+value+'"]').length == 0){
- var parentOptgroup = selectableLi.parent('.ms-optgroup');
- if (parentOptgroup.length > 0)
- if (parentOptgroup.children('.ms-elem-selectable:not(:hidden)').length == 1)
- parentOptgroup.children('.ms-optgroup-label').hide();
- selectableLi.addClass('ms-selected');
- selectableLi.hide();
- selectedOption.prop('selected', true);
- if(titleAttr){
- selectedLi.attr('title', titleAttr)
- }
- if (selectableLi.hasClass('settings').disabledClass)){
- selectedLi.addClass('settings').disabledClass);
- } else {
- if('settings').dblClick) {
- selectedLi.dblclick(function(){
- ms.multiSelect('deselect', $(this).attr('ms-value'));
- });
- } else {
- ms.multiSelect('deselect', $(this).attr('ms-value'));
- });
- }
- }
+ var selectableOptgroups = that.$selectableUl.children('.ms-optgroup-container');
+ if (selectableOptgroups.length > 0){
+ selectableOptgroups.each(function(){
+ var selectablesLi = $(this).find('.ms-elem-selectable');
+ if (selectablesLi.length == selectablesLi.filter('.ms-selected').length){
+ $(this).find('.ms-optgroup-label').hide();
+ }
+ });
- var selectedUlLis = selectedUl.children('.ms-elem-selected');
- if (method != 'init' &&'settings').keepOrder && selectedUlLis.length > 0) {
- var getIndexOf = function(value) {
- elems = selectableUl.children('.ms-elem-selectable');
- return(elems.index(elems.closest('[ms-value="'+value+'"]')));
- }
- var index = getIndexOf(selectedLi.attr('ms-value'));
- if (index == 0)
- selectedUl.prepend(selectedLi);
- else {
- for (i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- if (selectedUlLis[i] && getIndexOf($(selectedUlLis[i]).attr('ms-value')) < index) {
- $(selectedUlLis[i]).after(selectedLi);
- break;
- } else if (i == 0) {
- $(selectedUlLis[i]).before(selectedLi);
- }
+ var selectionOptgroups = that.$selectionUl.children('.ms-optgroup-container');
+ selectionOptgroups.each(function(){
+ var selectionsLi = $(this).find('.ms-elem-selection');
+ if (selectionsLi.filter('.ms-selected').length > 0){
+ $(this).find('.ms-optgroup-label').show();
- }
- } else {
- selectedUl.append(selectedLi);
+ });
- selectedLi.on('mouseenter', function(){
- $('li', selectedUl).removeClass('ms-hover');
- $(this).addClass('ms-hover');
- }).on('mouseout', function(){
- $('li', selectedUl).removeClass('ms-hover');
- });
- if (method == "select_all" && parentOptgroup.children('.ms-elem-selectable').length > 0){
- parentOptgroup.children('.ms-optgroup-label').hide();
- }
- if(method != 'init' ||'settings').selectCallbackOnInit){
+ if (method != 'init'){
+ that.$selectionUl.focusout();
+ that.$selectableUl.focusin();
- selectedUl.trigger('change');
- selectableUl.trigger('change');
- if (typeof'settings').afterSelect == 'function' &&
- (method != 'init' ||'settings').selectCallbackOnInit)) {
-'settings'), value, text);
+ if (typeof that.options.afterSelect == 'function') {
+, value);
'deselect' : function(value){
- var ms = this,
- selectedUl = $('#ms-'+ms.attr('id')+' .ms-selection ul'),
- selectedOption = ms.find('option[value="'+value +'"]'),
- selectedLi = selectedUl.children('li[ms-value="'+value+'"]');
+ if (typeof value == 'string')
+ value = [value]
+ var that = this,
+ ms = this.$element,
+ selectables = this.$selectableUl.find('#' + value.join('-selectable, #')+'-selectable'),
+ selections = this.$selectionUl.find('#' + value.join('-selection, #')+'-selection').filter('.ms-selected'),
+ options = ms.find('option').filter(function(index){ return($.inArray(this.value, value) > -1) });
- if(selectedLi){
- selectedUl.focusin();
- var selectableUl = $('#ms-'+ms.attr('id')+' .ms-selectable ul'),
- selectedUl = $('#ms-'+ms.attr('id')+' .ms-selection ul'),
- selectableLi = selectableUl.children('li[ms-value="'+value+'"]'),
- selectedLi = selectedUl.children('li[ms-value="'+value+'"]');
+ if (selections.length > 0){
+ selectables.removeClass('ms-selected').show();
+ selections.removeClass('ms-selected').hide();
+ options.prop('selected', false);
- var parentOptgroup = selectableLi.parent('.ms-optgroup');
- if (parentOptgroup.length > 0){
- parentOptgroup.children('.ms-optgroup-label').addClass('ms-collapse').show();
- parentOptgroup.children('.ms-elem-selectable:not(.ms-selected)').show();
+ var selectableOptgroups = that.$selectableUl.children('.ms-optgroup-container');
+ if (selectableOptgroups.length > 0){
+ selectableOptgroups.each(function(){
+ var selectablesLi = $(this).find('.ms-elem-selectable');
+ if (selectablesLi.filter(':not(.ms-selected)').length > 0){
+ $(this).find('.ms-optgroup-label').show();
+ }
+ });
+ var selectionOptgroups = that.$selectionUl.children('.ms-optgroup-container');
+ selectionOptgroups.each(function(){
+ var selectionsLi = $(this).find('.ms-elem-selection');
+ if (selectionsLi.filter('.ms-selected').length == 0){
+ $(this).find('.ms-optgroup-label').hide();
+ }
+ });
- selectedOption.prop('selected', false);
- selectableLi.removeClass('ms-selected');
- selectedLi.remove();
- selectedUl.trigger('change');
- selectableUl.trigger('change');
+ this.$selectableUl.focusout();
+ this.$selectionUl.focusin();
- if (typeof'settings').afterDeselect == 'function') {
-'settings'), value, selectedLi.text());
+ if (typeof that.options.afterDeselect == 'function') {
+, value);
- 'select_all' : function(visible){
- var ms = this,
- selectableUl = $('#ms-'+ms.attr('id')+' .ms-selectable ul');
+ 'select_all' : function(){
+ var ms = this.$element;
- ms.find("option:not(:selected)").each(function(){
- var value = $(this).val();
- if (visible){
- var selectableLi = selectableUl.children('li[ms-value="'+value+'"]');
- if (selectableLi.filter(':visible').length > 0){
- ms.multiSelect('select', value, 'select_all');
- }
- } else {
- ms.multiSelect('select', value, 'select_all');
- }
- });
+ ms.find('option').prop('selected', true);
+ this.$selectableUl.find('.ms-elem-selectable').addClass('ms-selected').hide();
+ this.$selectionUl.find('.ms-optgroup-label').show();
+ this.$selectableUl.find('.ms-optgroup-label').hide();
+ this.$selectionUl.find('.ms-elem-selection').addClass('ms-selected').show();
+ this.$selectionUl.focusin();
+ this.$selectableUl.focusout();
+ ms.trigger('change');
'deselect_all' : function(){
- var ms = this,
- selectedUl = $('#ms-'+ms.attr('id')+' .ms-selection ul');
+ var ms = this.$element;
- ms.find("option:selected").each(function(){
- ms.multiSelect('deselect', $(this).val(), 'deselect_all');
- });
+ ms.find('option').prop('selected', false);
+ this.$selectableUl.find('.ms-elem-selectable').removeClass('ms-selected').show();
+ this.$selectionUl.find('.ms-optgroup-label').hide();
+ this.$selectableUl.find('.ms-optgroup-label').show();
+ this.$selectionUl.find('.ms-elem-selection').removeClass('ms-selected').hide();
+ this.$selectableUl.focusin();
+ this.$selectionUl.focusout();
+ ms.trigger('change');
+ },
+ isDomNode: function (attr){
+ return (
+ attr &&
+ typeof attr === "object" &&
+ typeof attr.nodeType === "number" &&
+ typeof attr.nodeName === "string"
+ );
- };
+ }
- $.fn.multiSelect = function(method){
- if ( msMethods[method] ) {
- return msMethods[method].apply( this, arguments, 1 ));
- } else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {
- return msMethods.init.apply( this, arguments );
- } else {
- if(console.log) console.log( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jquery.multiSelect' );
- }
- return false;
- };
+ * ======================= */
+ $.fn.multiSelect = function () {
+ var option = arguments[0],
+ args = arguments;
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this),
+ data = $'multiselect'),
+ options = $.extend({}, $.fn.multiSelect.defaults, $, typeof option == 'object' && option);
+ if (!data) $'multiselect', (data = new MultiSelect(this, options)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string'){
+ data[option](args[1])
+ } else {
+ data.init();
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ $.fn.multiSelect.defaults = {
+ disabledClass : 'disabled',
+ dblClick : false
+ }
+ $.fn.multiSelect.Constructor = MultiSelect
\ No newline at end of file