lib/mt_tool/commands.rb in mt_tool-0.1.3 vs lib/mt_tool/commands.rb in mt_tool-0.1.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,243 +1,50 @@
-require 'colored2'
require 'thor'
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'psych'
-require 'yaml'
-require 'mt_tool/analyze'
+require 'mt_tool/module/module'
+require 'mt_tool/oc_model/oc_model'
module MtTool
class CLI < Thor
include Thor::Actions
- CONFIG_FILE = '.MTModuleFilesConfig.yml'.freeze
desc 'generate <Path> <Module Name> <Language> <Prefix - 前缀> <Author - 作者>', '直接生成项目 例子: yk_command generate . HomeModule oc MT Tom.Liu '
method_option :generate, aliases: '-g'
def generate(path = nil, name, lang, class_prefix, author)
- @name = name
- @module = @name
- @lang = lang
- @class_prefix = class_prefix
- @final_path = "#{path}/#{@name}"
- @author = author
- @prefixed_module = @class_prefix + @module
- say "generating file in path:#{@final_path}", :green
- if File.exist?(@final_path.to_s)
- say "#{@final_path} 已存在:", :red
- else
- prepare_folder
- if File.exist?("#{@final_path}/configure")
- system("#{@final_path}/configure", @name, @lang, @class_prefix, *@additional_args)
- else
- say 'Template does not have a configure file', :red
- end
- yk_module_folders
- yk_template_files
- end
+ .args,self .options).generate(path, name, lang, class_prefix, author)
desc 'create <Path>', '在某个路径下交互式生成项目'
method_option :create, aliases: '-c'
def create(path = nil)
- path = Dir.pwd if path.nil?
+ .args,self .options ).create(path)
- say '模块名:', :green
- config_file_path = "#{path}/#{CONFIG_FILE}"
- config = File.exist?(config_file_path) ? YAML.load_file(config_file_path) : {}
- input_name = ask("Project name [#{config[:project]}] ?")
+ end
- if input_name != ''
- @name = input_name
- config[:project] = input_name if input_name != config[:project]
- else
- @name = config[:project]
- end
-, 'w') do |f|
- f.write config.to_yaml
- end
+ desc 'vmod <module name > <author> <path> ', '生成viper模块文件'
+ method_option :vmod, aliases: '-v'
+ def generateViperModule(name,author, path )
+ .args,self .options).create_viper_module(path, name, "swift","", author)
+ end
- @final_path = "#{path}/#{@name}"
+ desc 'model_class <prefix> <class name > <json file path> <output path>', '根据json文件生成模型类'
+ method_option :create, aliases: '-c'
+ def model_class(prefix,name, path ,output_path)
+ .args,self .options ).create(prefix,name ,path,output_path)
- if File.exist?(@final_path.to_s)
- say "#{@final_path} 已存在:", :red
- else
- prepare_folder
- read_config(path)
- if File.exist?("#{@final_path}/configure")
- system("#{@final_path}/configure", @name, @lang, @class_prefix, *@additional_args)
- else
- say 'Template does not have a configure file', :red
- end
- yk_module_folders
- yk_template_files
- end
- no_commands do
- def read_config(path)
- config_file_path = "#{path}/#{CONFIG_FILE}"
- config = File.exist?(config_file_path) ? YAML.load_file(config_file_path) : {}
+ desc 'qt_model_class <prefix> <class name > <json file path> <output path>', '使用quicktype根据json文件生成模型类'
+ method_option :create, aliases: '-c'
+ def qt_model_class(prefix,name, path ,output_path)
+ .args,self .options ).qt_create(prefix,name ,path,output_path)
- project = @name
- say '语言:', :green
- language = ask("Project language [#{config[:language]}] ?", limited_to: ['objc', 'swift', ''])
- say '类名前缀:', :green
- class_prefix = ask("Class prefix [#{config[:class_prefix]}] ?")
- say '文件作者:', :green
- author = ask("Author [#{config[:author]}] ?")
- config[:project] = project.empty? ? config[:project] || '' : project
- config[:language] = language.empty? ? config[:language] || 'objc' : language
- config[:class_prefix] = class_prefix.empty? ? config[:class_prefix] || '' : class_prefix
- config[:author] = author.empty? ? config[:author] || '' : author
-, 'w') do |f|
- f.write config.to_yaml
- # f.write YAML.to_yaml(config)
- end
- @module = @name
- @class_prefix = config[:class_prefix]
- @prefixed_module = config[:class_prefix] + @module
- @project = config[:project]
- @author = config[:author]
- @date ='%d/%m/%y')
- @lang = config[:language]
- end
- def prepare_folder
- template_repo_url = ''
- system("git clone #{template_repo_url} #{@final_path}")
- # FileUtils.remove_dir(@final_path, true)
- # FileUtils.cp_r('/Users/imacn24/Documents/dev/YKProjectTemplate', @final_path)
- # FileUtils.remove_dir("#{@final_path}/.git", true)
- end
- def yk_module_folders
- class_folder_path = "#{@final_path}/#{@name}/Classes"
- first_level_folders = %w[Public Private]
- # public_level_folders = ['Register']
- # public_level_folders.each do |folder|
- # path = "#{class_folder_path}/Public/#{folder}"
- # empty_directory path
- # end
- private_level_folders = %w[Business Category Vendor Tools]
- first_level_folders.each do |folder|
- path = "#{class_folder_path}/#{folder}"
- empty_directory path
- end
- private_level_folders.each do |folder|
- path = "#{class_folder_path}/Private/#{folder}"
- empty_directory path
- end
- end
- CLI.source_root(File.dirname(__FILE__))
- def yk_template_files
- register_path = "#{@final_path}/#{@name}/Classes/Private/Register"
- registger = {
- 'RouterRegister.h' => 'RouterRegister',
- 'RouterRegister.m' => 'RouterRegister',
- 'ServiceRegister.h' => 'ServiceRegister',
- 'ServiceRegister.m' => 'ServiceRegister'
- }
- registger.each do |file_name, _folder|
- final_file = "#{register_path}/#{@prefixed_module}#{file_name}"
- template "#{__dir__}/template/objc/#{file_name}", final_file
- end
- public_folder_path = "#{@final_path}/#{@name}/Classes/Public"
- template_code_filename = ['ServiceProtocol.h', 'RouterDefine.h']
- template_code_filename.each do |file_name|
- final_file = "#{public_folder_path}/#{@prefixed_module}#{file_name}"
- source = "#{__dir__}/template/objc/#{file_name}"
- template source, final_file
- end
- swift_template_code_filename = ['RouterDefine.swift']
- swift_template_code_filename.each do |file_name|
- final_file = "#{public_folder_path}/#{@prefixed_module}_Swift_#{file_name}"
- source = "#{__dir__}/template/swift/#{file_name}"
- template source, final_file
- end
- private_folder_path = "#{@final_path}/#{@name}/Classes/Private"
- #pch file
- # pch_file_name = "PrefixHeader.pch"
- # final_file = "#{private_folder_path}/#{@prefixed_module}#{pch_file_name}"
- # source = "#{__dir__}/template/objc/#{pch_file_name}"
- # template source, final_file
- private_level_folder_files = {
- 'PrefixHeader.pch' => 'Business',
- 'CategoryHeader.h' => 'Category',
- 'ToolsHeader.h' => 'Tools',
- 'vendorHeader.h' => 'Vendor'
- }
- private_level_folder_files.each do |file_name, folder|
- final_prefix = @prefixed_module
- if file_name == 'PrefixHeader.pch'
- final_prefix = @module
- end
- final_file = "#{private_folder_path}/#{folder}/#{final_prefix}#{file_name}"
- source = "#{__dir__}/template/objc/#{file_name}"
- template source, final_file
- end
- tools_files_path = "#{@final_path}/#{@name}/Classes/Private/Tools"
- tool_files = ['Bundle.h','Bundle.m']
- tool_files.each do |file_name|
- final_file = "#{tools_files_path}/#{@prefixed_module}#{file_name}"
- source = "#{__dir__}/template/objc/#{file_name}"
- template source, final_file
- end
- business_demo_path = "#{@final_path}/#{@name}/Classes/Private/Business"
- demo_replace_file = ['DemoViewController.h', 'DemoViewController.m', 'DemoViewModel.h', 'DemoViewModel.m']
- demo_replace_file.each do |file_name|
- final_file = "#{business_demo_path}/Demo/#{@prefixed_module}#{file_name}"
- source = "#{__dir__}/template/objc/demo/#{file_name}"
- template source, final_file
- end
- Dir.chdir("#{@final_path}/Example") do
- system 'pod install'
- system "open './#{@name}.xcworkspace'"
- end
- end
- desc 'dependency <Podfile.lock Path>', '解析Podfile.lock'
- method_option :dependency, aliases: '-d'
- def dependency(path = nil)
- say 'start resolve dependency', :green
- analyzer =
- result = analyzer.analyze(path)
- pp result
- end