in mspire-0.8.2 vs in mspire-0.8.3
- old
+ new
@@ -35,22 +35,123 @@
* molecular formulas: can do arithmetic with formulas
* calculates q-values
## Examples
+mzml_file = "yourfile.mzML"
### mzml
- require 'ms/mzml'
+See Mspire::Mzml, Mspire::CV::Paramable, Mspire::Mzml::Spectrum and other
+objects associated with Mzml files.
-"somefile.mzml") do |mzml|
- spectrum = mzml[0] # the first spectrum ( same as mzml.spectrum(0) )
- spectrum = mzml["controllerType=0 controllerNumber=1 scan=2"] # query by id string
- mzml.spectrum_from_scan_num(23) # raises ScanNumbersNotFound or ScanNumbersNotUnique errors if problems
- end
+#### reading
- require 'ms/mass/aa'
+require 'mspire/mzml'
- MS::Mass::AA::MONO['A'] # or access by symbol do |mzml|
+ # random access by index or id (even if file wasn't indexed)
+ spectrum = mzml[0]
+ spectrum = mzml["controllerType=0 controllerNumber=1 scan=2"]
+ spectrum.mzs
+ spectrum.intensities
+ # first 5 peaks
+ spectrum.peaks[0,5].each do |mz, intensity|
+ puts "#{mz} #{intensity}"
+ end
+ # true if key exists and no value, the value if present, or false
+ if spectrum.fetch_by_acc('MS:1000128')
+ puts "this is a profile spectrum!"
+ end
+ if spectrum.ms_level == 2
+ low_mz = spectrum.scan_list.first.scan_windows.first.fetch_by_acc("MS:1000501").to_i
+ puts "begin scan at #{low_mz} m/z"
+ end
+#### normalize spectra and write new mzML
+See Mspire::Mzml for complete example building all objects from scratch.
+require 'mspire/mzml'
+ do |mzml|
+ # MS:1000584 -> an mzML file
+ mzml.file_description.source_files << Mspire::Mzml::SourceFile[mzml_file].describe!('MS:1000584')
+ mspire =
+ mzml.software_list.push(mspire).uniq_by(&:id)
+ normalize_processing ="ms1_normalization") do |dp|
+ # 'MS:1001484' -> intensity normalization
+ dp.processing_methods <<!('MS:1001484')
+ end
+ mzml.data_processing_list << normalize_processing
+ spectra = do |spectrum|
+ normalizer = 100.0 / spectrum.intensities.max
+! {|i| i * normalizer }
+ spectrum
+ end
+ =, spectra)
+ mzml.write(outfile)
+### Masses
+# very high precision NIST masses
+aa_to_mass = Mspire::Mass::AA::MONO # a hash with residue masses
+aa_to_mass['A'] # or access by symbol - Alanine
+# elements
+Mspire::Mass::MONO[:c] # carbon
+Mspire::Mass::MONO[:e] # electron (includes other useful symbols)
+### Isotopes and molecular formulas
+require 'mspire/isotope'
+isotopes = Mspire::Isotope::ISOTOPES # 288 isotopes
+hydrogen_isotopes = {|iso| iso.element == :h }
+c12 = Mspire::Isotope::BY_ELEMENT[:c].first
+c12.atomic_number # also: mass_number atomic_mass relative_abundance average_mass
+c12.mono # => true (this is the monoisotopic isotope)
+require 'mspire/molecular_formula' # requires fftw gem
+propane = Mspire::MolecularFormula['C3H8']
+butane = propane + Mspire::MolecularFormula['CH2']
+puts butane # => C4H10
+require 'mspire/isotope/distribution' # requires fftw gem
+puts butane.isotope_distribution # :total, :max, :first as arg to normalize
+### Digestion
+require 'mspire/digester'
+trypsin = Mspire::Digester[:trypsin].
+trypsin.digest("AACCKDDEERFFKPGG") # => ["AACCK", "DDEER", "FFKPGG"]
+## TODO
+* write the mzml index onto a file (along with correct SHA-1)
+* implement spectrum unpack into an nmatrix or narray
+* do a proper copy over of meta-data from mzml into imzml
+* consider implementing params as a hash and formalizing more complete implementation agnostic params api
## Acronym
<i>M</i>ass <i>SP</i>ectrometry <i>I</i>n <i>R</i>uby. Mspire originally stood for <i>M</i>ass <i>S</i>pectrometry <i>P</i>roteomics <i>I</i>n <i>R</i>uby but the library has since proven useful for all kinds of mass spectrometry projects, hence the more inclusive form. The <i>e</i> was originally included for aesthetic reasons, but it also provides the user/developer the ability to attach whatever <i>E</i>xclamation or <i>E</i>pithet they choose to the acronym (the best ones will begin with <i>e</i> of course).