in mpower-1.0.2 vs in mpower-1.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# MpowerRuby
-TODO: Write a gem description
+MPower Payments Ruby Client Library
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
@@ -16,14 +16,75 @@
$ gem install mpower
## Usage
-TODO: Write usage instructions here
+## Setup your API Keys
+If you are using rails you may create an file under `RAILS_ROOT/config/initializers` and put these setting there.
+ MPower::Setup.master_key = "YOUR_API_MASTER_KEY"
+ MPower::Setup.public_key = "YOUR_API_PUBLIC_KEY"
+ MPower::Setup.private_key = "YOUR_API_PRIVATE_KEY"
+ MPower::Setup.mode = "test|live"
+ MPower::Setup.token = "YOUR_API_TOKEN"
+## Setup your checkout store information
+Configurations for checkout store are all optional. You may however want to set your Store Name and Tagline :)
+ MPower::Checkout::Store.tagline = "STORE'S TAGLINE"
+ MPower::Checkout::Store.postal_address = "STORE POSTAL ADDRESS"
+ MPower::Checkout::Store.phone_number = "STORE CONTACT NUMBER"
+ MPower::Checkout::Store.website_url = "STORE WEBSITE URL"
+ MPower::Checkout::Store.logo_url = "LOGO URL"
+Customer will be redirected back to this URL when he cancels the checkout on MPower website
+ MPower::Checkout::Store.cancel_url = "CHECKOUT CANCEL URL"
+MPower will automatically redirect customer to this URL after successfull payment.
+This setup is optional and highly recommended you dont set it, unless you want to customize the payment experience of your customers.
+When a returnURL is not set, MPower will redirect the customer to the receipt page.
+ MPower::Checkout::Store.return_url = "CHECKOUT RETURN URL"
+## Create your Checkout Invoice
+ co =
+Params for addItem function `add_item(name_of_item,quantity,unit_price,total_price)`
+ co.add_item("13' Apple Retina 500 HDD",1,999.99,999.99)
+ co.add_item("Case Logic laptop Bag",2,100.50,201)
+ co.add_item("Mordecai's Bag",2,100.50,400)
+## Set the total amount to be charged ! Important
+ co.total_amount = 1200.99
+## Setup Tax Information (Optional)
+ co.add_tax("VAT (15)",50);
+ co.add_tax("NHIL (10)",50);
+## You can add custom data to your invoice which can be called back later
+ co.custom_data["Firstname"] = "Alfred"
+ co.custom_data["Lastname"] = "Rowe"
+ co.custom_data["CartId"] = 929292872
+## Redirecting to your checkout invoice page
+ if co.create
+ redirect_to co.invoice_url
+ else
+ @message = co.response_text
+ end
## Contributing
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request