spec/integration/smoke_test.rb in mousetrap-0.4.4 vs spec/integration/smoke_test.rb in mousetrap-0.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -135,9 +135,85 @@
+ describe ".update" do
+ describe "Given a customer" do
+ before :all do
+ @customer = Factory :new_customer
+ @api_customer = nil
+ # TODO: figure out why multiple records are being created even though
+ # we use "before :all". Until then, here's the kludge...
+ if Mousetrap::Customer.all.size == 1
+ @api_customer = Mousetrap::Customer.all.first
+ @customer = @api_customer
+ else
+ @customer.save
+ @api_customer = Mousetrap::Customer[@customer.code]
+ end
+ end
+ describe "When I update the customer, with only customer attributes" do
+ before :all do
+ @api_customer = Mousetrap::Customer[@customer.code]
+ updated_attributes = {
+ :first_name => 'new_first',
+ :last_name => 'new_last',
+ :email => 'new_email@example.com',
+ :company => 'new_company'
+ }
+ @customer = Mousetrap::Customer.new updated_attributes
+ @customer.code = @api_customer.code
+ @customer.id = @api_customer.id
+ Mousetrap::Customer.update(@api_customer.code, updated_attributes)
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like "a Customer record from CheddarGetter"
+ end
+ describe "When I update the customer, with customer and subscription attributes" do
+ before :all do
+ @api_customer = Mousetrap::Customer[@customer.code]
+ updated_attributes = {
+ :first_name => 'new_first',
+ :last_name => 'new_last',
+ :email => 'new_email@example.com',
+ :company => 'new_company',
+ :subscription_attributes => {
+ :plan_code => 'TEST',
+ :billing_first_name => 'new_billing_first',
+ :billing_last_name => 'new_billing_last',
+ :credit_card_number => '5555555555554444',
+ :credit_card_expiration_month => '01',
+ :credit_card_expiration_year => '2013',
+ :billing_zip_code => '12345'
+ }
+ }
+ @credit_card_type = 'mc'
+ @customer = Mousetrap::Customer.new updated_attributes
+ # set up our test comparison objects as if they came from API gets
+ @customer.code = @api_customer.code
+ @customer.id = @api_customer.id
+ @customer.subscription.send(:id=, @api_customer.subscription.id)
+ Mousetrap::Customer.update(@api_customer.code, updated_attributes)
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like "a Customer record from CheddarGetter"
+ it_should_behave_like "an active Subscription record from CheddarGetter"
+ end
+ end
+ end
describe "#cancel" do
describe "Given a customer" do
before :all do
@customer = Factory :new_customer
@api_customer = nil