lib/flotilla.rb in mountain-goat-0.0.12 vs lib/flotilla.rb in mountain-goat-0.0.13
- old
+ new
@@ -2,65 +2,48 @@
require 'json'
rescue LoadError
p "Flotilla will not work without the 'json' gem"
-module ActionView
+module Flotilla
module Helpers
- module ScriptaculousHelper
- # Insert a flot chart into the page. <tt>placeholder</tt> should be the
- # name of the div that will hold the chart, <tt>collections</tt> is a hash
- # of legends (as strings) and datasets with options as hashes, <tt>options</tt>
- # contains graph-wide options.
- #
- # Example usage:
- #
- # chart("graph_div", {
- # "January" => { :collection => @january, :x => :day, :y => :sales, :options => { :lines => {:show =>true}} },
- # "February" => { :collection => @february, :x => :day, :y => :sales, :options => { :points => {:show =>true} } },
- # :grid => { :backgroundColor => "#fffaff" })
- #
- # Options:
- # :js_includes - includes flot library inline
- # :js_tags - wraps resulting javascript in javascript tags if true. Defaults to true.
- # :placeholder_tag - appends a placeholder div for graph
- # :placeholder_size - specifys the size of the placeholder div
- def chart(placeholder, series, options = {}, html_options = {})
- html_options.reverse_merge!({ :js_includes => true, :js_tags => true, :placeholder_tag => true, :placeholder_size => "800x300", :pie_hover => false, :pie_hover_absolute => false })
- width, height = html_options[:placeholder_size].split("x") if html_options[:placeholder_size].respond_to?(:split)
- additional_js = get_additional_js(placeholder, html_options)
- data, x_is_date, y_is_date = series_to_json(series)
- if x_is_date
- options[:xaxis] ||= {}
- options[:xaxis].merge!({ :mode => 'time' })
- end
- if y_is_date
- options[:yaxis] ||= {}
- options[:yaxis].merge!({ :mode => 'time' })
- end
+ # Insert a flot chart into the page. <tt>placeholder</tt> should be the
+ # name of the div that will hold the chart, <tt>collections</tt> is a hash
+ # of legends (as strings) and datasets with options as hashes, <tt>options</tt>
+ # contains graph-wide options.
+ #
+ # Example usage:
+ #
+ # chart("graph_div", {
+ # "January" => { :collection => @january, :x => :day, :y => :sales, :options => { :lines => {:show =>true}} },
+ # "February" => { :collection => @february, :x => :day, :y => :sales, :options => { :points => {:show =>true} } },
+ # :grid => { :backgroundColor => "#fffaff" })
+ #
+ # Options:
+ # :js_includes - includes flot library inline
+ # :js_tags - wraps resulting javascript in javascript tags if true. Defaults to true.
+ # :placeholder_tag - appends a placeholder div for graph
+ # :placeholder_size - specifys the size of the placeholder div
+ def chart(placeholder, series, options = {}, html_options = {})
+ html_options.reverse_merge!({ :js_includes => true, :js_tags => true, :placeholder_tag => true, :placeholder_size => "800x300", :pie_hover => false, :pie_hover_absolute => false })
+ width, height = html_options[:placeholder_size].split("x") if html_options[:placeholder_size].respond_to?(:split)
+ additional_js = get_additional_js(placeholder, html_options)
+ data, x_is_date, y_is_date = series_to_json(series)
+ if x_is_date
+ options[:xaxis] ||= {}
+ options[:xaxis].merge!({ :mode => 'time' })
+ end
+ if y_is_date
+ options[:yaxis] ||= {}
+ options[:yaxis].merge!({ :mode => 'time' })
+ end
- if html_options[:js_includes]
- chart_js = <<-EOF
- <script type="text/javascript">
- (function () {
- if (typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined') {
- alert("Please include jQuery to view flot");
- } else {
- if (typeof(jQuery.plot) == 'undefined') {
- $('##{placeholder}').html("<span class='flot-error'>Please include jQuery.plot to view flot</span>");
- } else {
- var plot = jQuery.plot($('##{placeholder}'), #{data}, #{options.to_json});
- #{additional_js}
- }
- }
- })();
- </script>
- else
- chart_js = <<-EOF
+ if html_options[:js_includes]
+ chart_js = <<-EOF
+ <script type="text/javascript">
(function () {
if (typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined') {
alert("Please include jQuery to view flot");
} else {
if (typeof(jQuery.plot) == 'undefined') {
@@ -69,101 +52,119 @@
var plot = jQuery.plot($('##{placeholder}'), #{data}, #{options.to_json});
- end
- html_options[:js_tags] ? javascript_tag(chart_js) : chart_js
- output = html_options[:placeholder_tag] ? content_tag(:div, nil, :id => placeholder, :style => "width:#{width}px;height:#{height}px;", :class => "chart") + chart_js : chart_js
- output.html_safe
- end
+ </script>
+ else
+ chart_js = <<-EOF
+ (function () {
+ if (typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined') {
+ alert("Please include jQuery to view flot");
+ } else {
+ if (typeof(jQuery.plot) == 'undefined') {
+ $('##{placeholder}').html("<span class='flot-error'>Please include jQuery.plot to view flot</span>");
+ } else {
+ var plot = jQuery.plot($('##{placeholder}'), #{data}, #{options.to_json});
+ #{additional_js}
+ }
+ }
+ })();
+ end
+ html_options[:js_tags] ? javascript_tag(chart_js) : chart_js
+ output = html_options[:placeholder_tag] ? content_tag(:div, nil, :id => placeholder, :style => "width:#{width}px;height:#{height}px;", :class => "chart") + chart_js : chart_js
+ output.html_safe
+ end
- private
- def series_to_json(series)
- data_sets = []
- x_is_date, y_is_date = false, false
- series.each do |name, values|
- set, data = {}, []
- set[:label] = name
- first = values[:collection].first
- logger.warn "Collection is: #{values[:collection].inspect}"
- if first #&& !values[:collection].is_a?(Array)
- if first.is_a?(Hash)
- x_is_date = first[values[:x]].acts_like?(:date) || first[values[:x]].acts_like?(:time)
- y_is_date = first[values[:y]].acts_like?(:date) || first[values[:y]].acts_like?(:time)
- else
- x_is_date = first.send(values[:x]).acts_like?(:date) || first.send(values[:x]).acts_like?(:time)
- y_is_date = first.send(values[:y]).acts_like?(:date) || first.send(values[:y]).acts_like?(:time)
- end
+ private
+ def series_to_json(series)
+ data_sets = []
+ x_is_date, y_is_date = false, false
+ series.each do |name, values|
+ set, data = {}, []
+ set[:label] = name
+ first = values[:collection].first
+ logger.warn "Collection is: #{values[:collection].inspect}"
+ if first #&& !values[:collection].is_a?(Array)
+ if first.is_a?(Hash)
+ x_is_date = first[values[:x]].acts_like?(:date) || first[values[:x]].acts_like?(:time)
+ y_is_date = first[values[:y]].acts_like?(:date) || first[values[:y]].acts_like?(:time)
+ else
+ x_is_date = first.send(values[:x]).acts_like?(:date) || first.send(values[:x]).acts_like?(:time)
+ y_is_date = first.send(values[:y]).acts_like?(:date) || first.send(values[:y]).acts_like?(:time)
- values[:collection].each do |object|
- if values[:collection].is_a?(Hash) || object.is_a?(Hash)
- x_value, y_value = object[values[:x]], object[values[:y]]
- #logger.warn "A: Object is: #{object}, x,y: #{[x_value, y_value]} from #{[values[:x], values[:y]]}"
- else
- x_value, y_value = object.send(values[:x]), object.send(values[:y])
- #logger.warn "B: Object is: #{object}, x,y: #{[x_value, y_value]}"
- end
- x = x_is_date ? x_value.to_time.to_i * 1000 : x_value.to_f
- y = y_is_date ? y_value.to_time.to_i * 1000 : y_value.to_f
- #logger.warn "Tally x,y: #{[x, y]}"
- data << [x,y]
+ end
+ values[:collection].each do |object|
+ if values[:collection].is_a?(Hash) || object.is_a?(Hash)
+ x_value, y_value = object[values[:x]], object[values[:y]]
+ #logger.warn "A: Object is: #{object}, x,y: #{[x_value, y_value]} from #{[values[:x], values[:y]]}"
+ else
+ x_value, y_value = object.send(values[:x]), object.send(values[:y])
+ #logger.warn "B: Object is: #{object}, x,y: #{[x_value, y_value]}"
- set[:data] = data
- values[:options].each {|option, parameters| set[option] = parameters } if values[:options]
- data_sets << set
+ x = x_is_date ? x_value.to_time.to_i * 1000 : x_value.to_f
+ y = y_is_date ? y_value.to_time.to_i * 1000 : y_value.to_f
+ #logger.warn "Tally x,y: #{[x, y]}"
+ data << [x,y]
- return data_sets.to_json, x_is_date, y_is_date
+ set[:data] = data
+ values[:options].each {|option, parameters| set[option] = parameters } if values[:options]
+ data_sets << set
+ return data_sets.to_json, x_is_date, y_is_date
+ end
- def get_additional_js(placeholder, options)
- res = ""
- if options[:pie_hover]
- res << <<-EOF
- function showTooltip(x, y, contents) {
- $('<div id="tooltip">' + contents + '</div>').css( {
- position: 'absolute',
- //display: 'none',
- top: y + 5,
- left: x + 5,
- border: '1px solid #fdd',
- padding: '2px',
- 'background-color': '#fee',
- opacity: 0.80
- }).appendTo("body");//.fadeIn(200);
- }
- var previousPoint = null;
- $('##{placeholder}').bind('mouseout', function() {
- plot.unhighlight();
- $("#tooltip").remove();
- $(this).data('previous-post', -1);
- });
- $('##{placeholder}').bind('plothover', function(event, pos, item) {
- if (item) {
- if ($(this).data('previous-post') != item.seriesIndex) {
- plot.unhighlight();
- plot.highlight(item.series, item.datapoint);
- $(this).data('previous-post', item.seriesIndex);
- }
- $("#tooltip").remove();
- #{ options[:line_hover_absolute] ? "y = 'on ' + (new Date(item.datapoint[0])).toDateString() + ': ' + item.datapoint[1] + ' #{options[:item_title] || ''}'" : !options[:pie_hover_absolute] ? "y = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(0) + '%';" : "y = item.datapoint[1][0][1] + ' #{options[:item_title] || ''}'" }
- showTooltip(pos.pageX, pos.pageY, item.series.label + " " + y);
- } else {
- //console.log('unhighlight (3)');
+ def get_additional_js(placeholder, options)
+ res = ""
+ if options[:pie_hover]
+ res << <<-EOF
+ function showTooltip(x, y, contents) {
+ $('<div id="tooltip">' + contents + '</div>').css( {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ //display: 'none',
+ top: y + 5,
+ left: x + 5,
+ border: '1px solid #fdd',
+ padding: '2px',
+ 'background-color': '#fee',
+ opacity: 0.80
+ }).appendTo("body");//.fadeIn(200);
+ }
+ var previousPoint = null;
+ $('##{placeholder}').bind('mouseout', function() {
+ plot.unhighlight();
+ $("#tooltip").remove();
+ $(this).data('previous-post', -1);
+ });
+ $('##{placeholder}').bind('plothover', function(event, pos, item) {
+ if (item) {
+ if ($(this).data('previous-post') != item.seriesIndex) {
- $("#tooltip").remove();
- previousPost = $(this).data('previous-post', -1);
+ plot.highlight(item.series, item.datapoint);
+ $(this).data('previous-post', item.seriesIndex);
- });
- end
- res
+ $("#tooltip").remove();
+ #{ options[:line_hover_absolute] ? "y = 'on ' + (new Date(item.datapoint[0])).toDateString() + ': ' + item.datapoint[1] + ' #{options[:item_title] || ''}'" : !options[:pie_hover_absolute] ? "y = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(0) + '%';" : "y = item.datapoint[1][0][1] + ' #{options[:item_title] || ''}'" }
+ showTooltip(pos.pageX, pos.pageY, item.series.label + " " + y);
+ } else {
+ //console.log('unhighlight (3)');
+ plot.unhighlight();
+ $("#tooltip").remove();
+ previousPost = $(this).data('previous-post', -1);
+ }
+ });
+ res
+class ActionView::Base
+ include Flotilla::Helpers