in motion-kit-0.13.0 vs in motion-kit-0.14.0
- old
+ new
@@ -107,11 +107,11 @@
font UIFont.fontWithName('Comic Sans', size: 24)
# note: there are better ways to set the center, see the frame helpers below
center [CGRectGetMidX(superview.bounds), CGRectGetMidY(superview.bounds)]
- text_alignment UITextAlignmentCenter
+ text_alignment NSTextAlignmentCenter
text_color UIColor.whiteColor
# if you prefer to use shorthands from another gem, you certainly can!
background_color rmq.color.white # from RMQ
background_color :white.uicolor # from SugarCube
@@ -704,10 +704,51 @@
width.equals(nth(:foo, 5))
+One common use case is to use a child layout to create many instances of the
+same layout that repeat, for instance a "row" of content. In this case you will
+probably have many views with the same id, and you will not know the index of
+the container view that you want to add constraints to. In this situation, use
+the `nearest`, `previous` or `next` method to find a container, sibling, or
+child view.
+`previous` and `next` are easy; they just search for a sibling view. No
+superviews or subviews are searched.
+`nearest` will search child views, siblings, and superviews, in that order. The
+"distance" is calculated as such:
+- the current view
+- subviews
+- siblings
+- superview
+- superview's siblings, or a child of the sibling (depth-first search)
+- continue up the tree
+See the AutoLayout sample app for an example of this usage.
+items.each do |item|
+ add UIView, :row do
+ add UIImageView, :avatar
+ add UILabel, :title
+ end
+def title_style
+ constraints do
+ # center the view vertically
+ center.equals(nearest(:row))
+ # and place it to the right of the :avatar
+ left.equals(nearest(:avatar), :right).plus(8)
+ right.equals(nearest(:row)).minus(8)
+ end
One pain point in working with constraints is determining when to add them to
your views. We tried really hard to figure out a way to automatically add them,
but it's just an untenable problem (Teacup suffers from a similar conundrum).
Essentially, the problem comes down to this: you will often want to set
@@ -729,11 +770,13 @@
- # this method will be called from `UIViewController#updateViewConstraints`
+ # You should call this method from `UIViewController#updateViewConstraints`
+ # and pass in your controller
def add_constraints(controller)
+ # guard against adding these constraints more than once
unless @layout_constraints_added
@layout_constraints_added = true
constraints(:label) do