in monzo-0.2.0 vs in monzo-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -61,9 +61,35 @@
# Find all Monzo Pots
+# Find a pot with the given pot id.
+# Move money into a pot
+account_id = # The account to withdraw from
+pot = Monzo::Pot.all.first # Get the first pot
+pot.balance #=> eg. 5000
+pot.deposit!(100, account_id)
+pot.balance #=> eg. 5100
+# Move money out of a pot
+account_id =
+pot = Monzo::Pot.all.first
+pot.balance #=> eg. 5000
+pot.withdraw!(100, account_id)
+pot.balance #=> eg. 4900
+The `deposit!` and `withdrawl!` methods accept an optional `dedupe_id` parameter. It's used to prevent duplicate transactions and should remain static between retries to ensure only one deposit/withdrawl is created. If you don't provide one, a random string will be generated for each deposit/withdrawl. You should **always** provide this if there is a chance the transaction will be retried.
+dedupe_id = 'SomeniqueDeDuplicationString' # Store this and use it for retries.
+pot.deposit!(100, account_id, dedupe_id)
### Balance
Retrieve information about an account’s balance. [Docs](