spec/mongoid/fulltext_spec.rb in mongoid_fulltext-0.4.5 vs spec/mongoid/fulltext_spec.rb in mongoid_fulltext-0.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -389,11 +389,11 @@
art_basel_only.should == [ artist_1, artist_2 ].sort_by{ |x| x.exhibitions.length }
PartitionedArtist.fulltext_search('foobar', :exhibitions => [ "Art Basel 2011", "Armory NY" ]).should == [ artist_2 ]
context "using search options" do
let!(:patterns) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Flower Patterns') }
let!(:flowers) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Flowers') }
it "returns max_results" do
@@ -406,9 +406,49 @@
first_result.is_a?(Array).should be_true
first_result.size.should == 2
first_result[0].should == flowers
first_result[1].is_a?(Float).should be_true
+ end
+ context "returning scores" do
+ # Since we return scores, let's make some weak guarantees about what they actually mean
+ let!(:mao_yan) { ExternalArtist.create(:full_name => "Mao Yan") }
+ let!(:mao) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => "Mao by Andy Warhol") }
+ let!(:maox) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => "Maox by Randy Morehall") }
+ let!(:somao) { ExternalArtwork.create(:title => "Somao by Randy Morehall") }
+ it "returns basic matches that don't match a whole word and aren't prefixes with score < 1" do
+ ['paox', 'porehall'].each do |query|
+ results = ExternalArtist.fulltext_search(query, { :return_scores => true })
+ results.length.should > 0
+ results.map{ |result| result[-1] }.inject(true){ |accum, item| accum &= (item < 1) }.should be_true
+ end
+ end
+ it "returns prefix matches with a score >= 1 but < 2" do
+ ['warho', 'rand'].each do |query|
+ results = ExternalArtist.fulltext_search(query, { :return_scores => true })
+ results.length.should > 0
+ results.map{ |result| result[-1] if result[0].to_s.starts_with?(query)}
+ .compact
+ .inject(true){ |accum, item| accum &= (item >= 1 and item < 2) }
+ .should be_true
+ end
+ end
+ it "returns full-word matches with a score >= 2" do
+ ['andy', 'warhol', 'mao'].each do |query|
+ results = ExternalArtist.fulltext_search(query, { :return_scores => true })
+ results.length.should > 0
+ results.map{ |result| result[-1] if result[0].to_s.split(' ').member?(query) }
+ .compact
+ .inject(true){ |accum, item| accum &= (item >= 2) }
+ .should be_true
+ end
+ end
context "remove_from_ngram_index" do
let!(:flowers1) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Flowers 1') }
let!(:flowers2) { BasicArtwork.create(:title => 'Flowers 1') }