lib/mongoid/contexts/enumerable.rb in mongoid-pre-2.0.0.beta1 vs lib/mongoid/contexts/enumerable.rb in mongoid-pre-2.0.0.pre
- old
+ new
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
# encoding: utf-8
module Mongoid #:nodoc:
module Contexts #:nodoc:
class Enumerable
- include Ids, Paging
- attr_reader :criteria
+ include Paging
+ attr_reader :selector, :options, :documents
- delegate :blank?, :empty?, :first, :last, :to => :execute
- delegate :documents, :options, :selector, :to => :criteria
+ delegate :first, :last, :to => :execute
# Return aggregation counts of the grouped documents. This will count by
# the first field provided in the fields array.
# Returns:
@@ -18,80 +17,46 @@
counts = {}
group.each_pair { |key, value| counts[key] = value.size }
- # Get the average value for the supplied field.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # <tt>context.avg(:age)</tt>
- #
- # Returns:
- #
- # A numeric value that is the average.
- def avg(field)
- total = sum(field)
- total ? (total.to_f / count) : nil
- end
# Gets the number of documents in the array. Delegates to size.
def count
- @count ||= documents.size
+ @count ||= @documents.size
- # Gets an array of distinct values for the supplied field across the
- # entire array or the susbset given the criteria.
+ # Groups the documents by the first field supplied in the field options.
- # Example:
+ # Returns:
- # <tt>context.distinct(:title)</tt>
- def distinct(field)
- execute.collect { |doc| doc.send(field) }.uniq
+ # A +Hash+ with field values as keys, arrays of documents as values.
+ def group
+ field = @options[:fields].first
+ @documents.group_by { |doc| doc.send(field) }
# Enumerable implementation of execute. Returns matching documents for
# the selector, and adds options if supplied.
# Returns:
# An +Array+ of documents that matched the selector.
def execute(paginating = false)
- limit( { |document| document.matches?(selector) })
+ limit( { |document| document.matches?(@selector) })
- # Groups the documents by the first field supplied in the field options.
- #
- # Returns:
- #
- # A +Hash+ with field values as keys, arrays of documents as values.
- def group
- field = options[:fields].first
- documents.group_by { |doc| doc.send(field) }
- end
# Create the new enumerable context. This will need the selector and
# options from a +Criteria+ and a documents array that is the underlying
# array of embedded documents from a has many association.
# Example:
- # <tt></tt>
- def initialize(criteria)
- @criteria = criteria
+ # <tt>, options, docs)</tt>
+ def initialize(selector, options, documents)
+ @selector, @options, @documents = selector, options, documents
- # Iterate over each +Document+ in the results. This can take an optional
- # block to pass to each argument in the results.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # <tt>context.iterate { |doc| p doc }</tt>
- def iterate(&block)
- execute.each(&block)
- end
# Get the largest value for the field in all the documents.
# Returns:
# The numerical largest value.
@@ -119,31 +84,29 @@
# Returns:
# The numerical sum of all the document field values.
def sum(field)
- sum = documents.inject(nil) do |memo, doc|
+ sum = @documents.inject(nil) do |memo, doc|
value = doc.send(field)
memo ? memo += value : value
# If the field exists, perform the comparison and set if true.
def determine(field, operator)
- matching = documents.inject(nil) do |memo, doc|
+ matching = @documents.inject(nil) do |memo, doc|
value = doc.send(field)
(memo && memo.send(operator, value)) ? memo : value
# Limits the result set if skip and limit options.
def limit(documents)
- skip, limit = options[:skip], options[:limit]
+ skip, limit = @options[:skip], @options[:limit]
if skip && limit
return documents.slice(skip, limit)
- elsif limit
- return documents.first(limit)