lib/mongoid/locker/wrapper.rb in mongoid-locker-1.0.1 vs lib/mongoid/locker/wrapper.rb in mongoid-locker-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,3 +1,121 @@
-raise "Incompatible Mongoid #{version} version" unless %w[4 5 6 7].include?(version = Mongoid::VERSION.split('.')[0])
+# frozen_string_literal: true
-require "mongoid/locker/wrapper#{version}"
+module Mongoid
+ module Locker
+ # Set of methods to interact with the database.
+ module Wrapper
+ # Finds provided document with provided options, locks (sets +locking_name_field+ and +locked_at_field+ fields), and returns the fields.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # Mongoid::Locker::Wrapper.find_and_lock(document, opts)
+ # #=> {"locked_at"=>2019-03-19 07:51:24 UTC, "locking_name"=>nil}
+ #
+ # @example
+ # Mongoid::Locker::Wrapper.find_and_lock(document, opts)
+ # # => nil
+ #
+ # @param doc [Mongoid::Document]
+ # @param opts [Hash] (see #with_lock)
+ # @return [Hash] with +locking_name_field+ and +locked_at_field+ fields
+ # @return [nil] if the document was not found, was already locked
+ def self.find_and_lock(doc, opts)
+ model = doc.class
+ filter = {
+ _id:,
+ '$or': [
+ {
+ '$or': [
+ { model.locking_name_field => { '$exists': false } },
+ { model.locked_at_field => { '$exists': false } }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ '$or': [
+ { model.locking_name_field => { '$eq': nil } },
+ { model.locked_at_field => { '$eq': nil } }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ '$where': "new Date() - this.#{model.locked_at_field} >= #{model.lock_timeout * 1000}"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ update = {
+ '$set': { model.locking_name_field => opts[:locking_name] },
+ '$currentDate': { model.locked_at_field => true }
+ }
+ options = {
+ return_document: :after,
+ projection: { _id: false, model.locking_name_field => true, model.locked_at_field => true },
+ write_concern: model.locker_write_concern
+ }
+ model.collection.find_one_and_update(filter, update, options)
+ end
+ # Finds provided document with provided options, unlocks (sets +locking_name_field+ and +locked_at_field+ fields to +nil+).
+ #
+ # @example
+ # Mongoid::Locker::Wrapper.find_and_unlock(doc, opts)
+ # #=> true
+ # Mongoid::Locker::Wrapper.find_and_unlock(doc, opts)
+ # #=> false
+ #
+ # @param doc [Mongoid::Document]
+ # @param opts [Hash] (see #with_lock)
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ # @return [true] if the document was unlocked
+ # @return [false] if the document was not found, was not unlocked
+ def self.find_and_unlock(doc, opts)
+ model = doc.class
+ filter = {
+ _id:,
+ model.locking_name_field => opts[:locking_name]
+ }
+ update = {
+ '$set': {
+ model.locking_name_field => nil,
+ model.locked_at_field => nil
+ }
+ }
+ options = { write_concern: model.locker_write_concern }
+ result = model.collection.update_one(filter, update, options)
+ result.ok? && result.written_count == 1
+ end
+ # Returns value of +locked_at_field+ field for provided document.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # Mongoid::Locker::Wrapper.locked_at(document)
+ # #=> 2019-06-03 13:50:46 UTC
+ #
+ # @param doc [Mongoid::Document]
+ # @return [Time] +locked_at_field+ field time
+ # @return [nil] if response was failed
+ def self.locked_at(doc)
+ result = doc.class.collection.find(
+ { _id: },
+ projection: { _id: false, doc.locked_at_field => true },
+ limit: 1
+ ).first
+ result[doc.locked_at_field.to_s] if result
+ end
+ # Returns the local database server time in UTC.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # Mongoid::Locker::Wrapper.current_mongodb_time(User)
+ # #=> 2019-03-19 07:24:36 UTC
+ #
+ # @param model [Class] the model class
+ # @return [Time] current time
+ # @return [nil] if response was failed
+ def self.current_mongodb_time(model)
+ info = model.collection.database.command(isMaster: 1)
+ info.ok? ? info.documents.first['localTime'] : nil
+ end
+ end
+ end