test/unit/test_serialization.rb in mongo_mapper-0.8.6 vs test/unit/test_serialization.rb in mongo_mapper-0.9.0
- old
+ new
@@ -17,10 +17,125 @@
:preferences => {:language => 'Ruby'},
:created_at => Time.now.change(:usec => 0)
- [:json].each do |format|
+ context "#serializable_hash" do
+ class List
+ include MongoMapper::Document
+ key :name
+ many :items, :class_name => 'SerializationTest::Item'
+ belongs_to :creator, :class_name => 'SerializationTest::User'
+ end
+ class Item
+ include MongoMapper::Document
+ key :title
+ key :description
+ many :assignments, :class_name => 'SerializationTest::Assignment'
+ def a_method
+ 1
+ end
+ end
+ class Assignment
+ include MongoMapper::EmbeddedDocument
+ belongs_to :assigned_by, :class_name => 'SerializationTest::User'
+ belongs_to :user, :class_name => 'SerializationTest::User'
+ def serializable_hash(options = {})
+ super({:only => :user_id}.merge(options))
+ end
+ end
+ class User
+ include MongoMapper::Document
+ key :name, String
+ end
+ setup do
+ @user1 = User.new(:name => 'Brandon')
+ @user2 = User.new(:name => 'John')
+ @item = Item.new(
+ :title => 'Serialization',
+ :description => 'Make it work like magic!',
+ :assignments => [
+ Assignment.new(:assigned_by => @user1, :user => @user2)
+ ]
+ )
+ end
+ should "only include specified attributes with :only option" do
+ @item.serializable_hash(:only => :title).should == {'title' => 'Serialization'}
+ end
+ should "exclude attributes specified with :except option" do
+ hash = @item.serializable_hash(:except => :description)
+ hash['title'].should_not be_nil
+ hash['description'].should be_nil
+ end
+ should "add :methods with :only option" do
+ @item.serializable_hash(:only => :title, :methods => :a_method).should == {
+ 'title' => 'Serialization',
+ 'a_method' => 1
+ }
+ end
+ should "call #serializable_hash on embedded many docs" do
+ @item.serializable_hash.should == {
+ 'id' => @item.id,
+ 'title' => 'Serialization',
+ 'description' => 'Make it work like magic!',
+ 'assignments' => [{'user_id' => @user2.id}]
+ }
+ end
+ context "with :include" do
+ setup do
+ @list = List.new(:title => 'MongoMapper', :items => [@item], :creator => @user1)
+ end
+ should "add many association" do
+ hash = @list.serializable_hash(:include => :items)
+ hash['items'].should be_instance_of(Array)
+ hash['items'].first['title'].should == 'Serialization'
+ end
+ should "add belongs_to association" do
+ hash = @list.serializable_hash(:include => :creator)
+ hash['creator'].should == @user1.serializable_hash
+ end
+ should "add one association" do
+ author_class = Doc do
+ key :post_id, ObjectId
+ end
+ post_class = Doc('Post') do
+ one :author, :class => author_class
+ end
+ author = author_class.new
+ hash = post_class.new(:author => author).serializable_hash(:include => :author)
+ hash['author'].should == author.serializable_hash
+ end
+ should "include multiple associations" do
+ hash = @list.serializable_hash(:include => [:items, :creator])
+ hash['items'].should be_instance_of(Array)
+ hash['creator'].should == @user1.serializable_hash
+ end
+ should "include multiple associations with options" do
+ hash = @list.serializable_hash(:include => {:creator => {:only => :name}})
+ hash['creator'].should == @user1.serializable_hash(:only => :name)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ [:json, :xml].each do |format|
context format do
should "be reversable" do
serialized = @instance.send("to_#{format}")
unserialized = @document.send("from_#{format}", serialized)