README.rdoc in modalfields-1.4.7 vs README.rdoc in modalfields-1.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -20,15 +20,10 @@
belongs_to and other associations follow the fields block declaration, so the information
is readily available.
Primary keys named are also not annotated (unless the ModalFields.show_primary_keys property is changed)
-The annotations are kept up to date by the migration tasks (currently only if the plugin is installed under vendor)
-Comments and validation, etc. specifications modified manually are preserved, at least
-if the field block syntax is kept as generated (one line per field, one line for the
-block start and end...)
Custom type fields and hooks can be define in files (e.g. fields.rb) in config/initializers/
== Rake Tasks
There's a couple of Rake tasks:
@@ -36,9 +31,34 @@
* fields:check shows the difference between the declared fields and the DB schema (what would be modified by fields:update)
Under Rails 2, you need to add this to your Rakefile to make the tasks available:
require 'modalfields/tasks'
+== Use Scenarios
+There are two basic alternative strategies:
+=== Define schema modifications with migrations first
+To help with this strategy, the rake fields:update task can be made to be automatically called after each migration.
+To activate this functionality, this must be added to your Rakefile:
+ require 'modalfields/migrate_tasks'
+To alter the DB schema migrations are prepared; when the migrations are executed the field
+declarations are automatically updated. Further customization of the field declarations can be
+done before committing the changes.
+Comments and validation, etc. specifications modified manually are preserved, at least
+if the field block syntax is kept as generated (one line per field, one line for the
+block start and end...)
+=== Maintain schema via field declarations
+If the preferred strategy is to define changes in the field declarations,
+rake fields:migration can be used to help write the necessary migration.
== Some customization examples:
ModalFields.hook do