in mockdata-0.1.4 vs in mockdata-0.1.5
- old
+ new
@@ -2,10 +2,38 @@
### Random data generator for test purposes
_Note: All dummy data is work-place safe (IMO) but use at your own risk._
+| Class | Type | Number of random data elements |
+| Animals | Horse names| 96 |
+| Animals | Pet names | 52 |
+| Animals | Critter names | 170 |
+| Animals | Dog names | 150 |
+| Animals | Cat names | 116 |
+| Avatars | Profile pictures | 280 |
+| Locations | City/Longitude/Latitude | 31 |
+| Locations | Cities | 120 |
+| Locations | Street names | 100 |
+| Locations | Islands | 50 |
+| Locations | Airports | 99 |
+| Names | Company names | 69 |
+| Names | Business types | 95 |
+| Names | Project names | 37 |
+| Names | Hotel names | 60 |
+| Names | Occupations | 74 |
+| People | First names | 176 |
+| People | Last names | 195 |
+| People | First names (Dutch-only) | 111 |
+| People | Last names (Dutch-only) | 91 |
+| People | Superhero names | 53 |
+| People | Elf names | 55 |
+| People | Robot names | 49 |
+| TimeZones | TimeZones/Regions | 142 |
+| Words | Words | 2323 |
#### Animal names
` => "Sally"`
` => "Cute Tiger"`
@@ -54,11 +82,11 @@
`Mockdata::Numbers.random_between_min_max_exclusive(1..3) => 2`
Return array with 3 elements, filled with random numbers between 1 and 10
-`Mockdata::Numbers.random_number_array(1..10, 3) => [9,1,4]`
+`Mockdata::Numbers.random_number_array(1..10, 3) => [9, 1, 4]`
Return array with 3 elements, filled with random numbers picked from [1, 2, 3, 4]
`Mockdata::Numbers.choose_from_array_with_possible_duplicates([1, 2, 3, 4], 3) => [4, 2, 2]`
@@ -68,16 +96,16 @@
The first and last names contain English, European, Asian and other names.
`Mockdata::People.first_and_last_name => "David Allen"`
-`Mockdata::People.dutch_first_and_last_name => "Bart van der Heijden"`
`Mockdata::Names.first_name => "David"`
`Mockdata::Names.last_name => "Allen"`
+`Mockdata::People.dutch_first_and_last_name => "Bart van der Heijden"`
`Mockdata::Names.dutch_first_name => "Bart"`
`Mockdata::Names.dutch_last_name => "van der Heijden"`
`Mockdata::People.superhero => "Raving Warrior"`
@@ -107,5 +135,33 @@
`Mockdata::Words.pick(10) => "well shovel slick doctor poke seek threat bone together obey"`
Return between 2 and 10 random words separated by spaces:
`Mockdata::Words.some(2..10) => "beam scan grown tape course thimble newscast main asleep"`
+#### License
+#### In the works...
+- [ ] Languages
+- [ ] Screenshot images
+- [ ] Landscape photos
+- [ ] B&W images
+- [ ] Zip-codes
+- [ ] Country names
+- [ ] Phone numbers
+- [ ] Bank numbers
+- [ ] Credit card numbers
+- [ ] Email addresses
+- [ ] First and last names from more countries/regions
+- [ ] Car brands
+- [ ] Flight numbers
+- [ ] Weather data
+- [ ] News
+- [ ] Amounts/prices
+- [ ] Passwords
+- [ ] Dates/ranges
+- [ ] File extensions/icons
+- [ ] UTF-8 test strings
+- [ ] Currencies