Rakefile in mloughran-job_queue-0.0.3 vs Rakefile in mloughran-job_queue-0.0.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,57 +1,38 @@
-require 'rubygems'
-require 'rake/gempackagetask'
-require 'rubygems/specification'
-require 'date'
-require 'spec/rake/spectask'
+require 'rake'
-GEM = "job_queue"
-GEM_VERSION = "0.0.3"
-AUTHOR = "Martyn Loughran"
-EMAIL = "me@mloughran.com"
-HOMEPAGE = "http://github.com/mloughran/job_queue/"
-SUMMARY = "JobQueue means you don't have to worry about your queue any more!"
+ require 'jeweler'
+ Jeweler::Tasks.new do |s|
+ s.name = "job_queue"
+ s.summary = %Q{JobQueue means you don't have to worry about your queue any more!}
+ s.email = "me@mloughran.com"
+ s.homepage = "http://github.com/mloughran/job_queue"
+ s.description = "JobQueue means you don't have to worry about your queue any more!"
+ s.authors = ["Martyn Loughran"]
+ end
+rescue LoadError
+ puts "Jeweler not available. Install it with: sudo gem install technicalpickles-jeweler -s http://gems.github.com"
-spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s|
- s.name = GEM
- s.version = GEM_VERSION
- s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
- s.has_rdoc = true
- s.extra_rdoc_files = ["README.markdown", "LICENSE"]
- s.summary = SUMMARY
- s.description = s.summary
- s.author = AUTHOR
- s.email = EMAIL
- s.homepage = HOMEPAGE
- # Uncomment this to add a dependency
- # s.add_dependency "foo"
- s.require_path = 'lib'
- s.autorequire = GEM
- s.files = %w(LICENSE README.markdown Rakefile) + Dir.glob("{lib,spec}/**/*")
+require 'rake/rdoctask'
+Rake::RDocTask.new do |rdoc|
+ rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc'
+ rdoc.title = 'job_queue'
+ rdoc.options << '--line-numbers' << '--inline-source'
+ rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README*')
+ rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb')
-task :default => :spec
-desc "Run specs"
-Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new do |t|
+require 'spec/rake/spectask'
+Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new(:spec) do |t|
+ t.libs << 'lib' << 'spec'
t.spec_files = FileList['spec/**/*_spec.rb']
- t.spec_opts = %w(-fs --color)
-Rake::GemPackageTask.new(spec) do |pkg|
- pkg.gem_spec = spec
+Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new(:rcov) do |t|
+ t.libs << 'lib' << 'spec'
+ t.spec_files = FileList['spec/**/*_spec.rb']
+ t.rcov = true
-desc "install the gem locally"
-task :install => [:package] do
- sh %{sudo gem install pkg/#{GEM}-#{GEM_VERSION}}
-desc "create a gemspec file"
-task :make_spec do
- File.open("#{GEM}.gemspec", "w") do |file|
- file.puts spec.to_ruby
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+task :default => :spec