asciidoc/doc/faq.txt in mizuho-0.9.10 vs asciidoc/doc/faq.txt in mizuho-0.9.11
- old
+ new
@@ -1,18 +1,87 @@
AsciiDoc Frequently Asked Questions
-- New FAQs are normally added at the top of this document.
-- The FAQ may be updated between AsciiDoc releases so some of the
- newer FAQs may apply to the trunk and not the current release.
+NOTE: New FAQs are appended to the bottom of this document.
+== How do you handle spaces in included file names?
+Spaces are not allowed in macro targets so this include macro will not
+be processed:
+ include::my document.txt[]
+The work-around is to replace the spaces with the `{sp}` (space
+character) attribute, for example:
+ include::my{sp}document.txt[]
+== How do I number all paragraphs?
+Some documents such as specifications and legalese require all
+paragraphs to be sequentially numbered through the document, and to be
+able to reference these numbers.
+This can be achieved by using the DocBook toolchain but numbering the
+paragraphs with AsciiDoc using a custom config file containing the
+following (see
+for ways to include such a file):
+<formalpara{id? id="{id}"}{role? role="{role}"}{id? xreflabel="{paracounter}"}><title>{title}</title><para>
+{title%}<simpara{id? id="{id}"}{role? role="{role}"}{id? xreflabel="{paracounter}"}>
+{paracounter} |
+References to the paragraphs operate in the normal way, you label the
+paragraph contents
+and reference it in the normal manner:
+The text of the reference will be the paragraph number.
+For this to work for HTML you have to generate it via the DocBook
+== Sources of information on configuring DocBook toolchains
+DocBook is a content and structure markup language, therefore
+AsciiDoc generated DocBook markup is also limited to content and
+structure. Layout and formatting definition is specific to the
+DocBook toolchain.
+The dblatex toolchain can be configured by setting parameters defined
+at or for
+more complex styling by custom Latex stylesheets described at
+Similarly FOP can be configured by parameters described at
+ and with custom xsl
+stylesheets generating formatting objects as described at
-== How can I include embedded fonts in an EPUB document
+== How can I include embedded fonts in an EPUB document?
This is a two step process:
1. Declare the font files and their use in your document's CSS
stylesheet. For example:
@@ -28,11 +97,11 @@
body {
font-family: LiberationSerif-Regular, serif;
-2. Declare the the font file as resource when you use `a2x(1)` to
+2. Declare the font file as resource when you use `a2x(1)` to
compile the EPUB. For example:
a2x -f epub -d book --epubcheck --stylesheet epubtest.css --resource .ttf=application/x-font-ttf --resource LiberationSerif-Regular.ttf epubtest.txt
@@ -46,15 +115,15 @@
in the EPUB archive OEBPS directory -- if your font file resides in
a different location you'll need to adjust the `--resource` option
accordingly (see the 'RESOURCES' section in the `a2x(1)` man page
for details).
- The URL value of the CSS 'src' property is set to the destination
- font file relative the the CSS file.
+ font file relative to the CSS file.
- The `--resource` option allows you to inject any file (not just font
files) into the EPUB output document.
- Using the CSS '@font-face' rule is a complex subject and is outside
- the scope of the FAQ.
+ the scope of this FAQ.
- Many EPUB readers do not process embedded fonts.
== What's the difference between + quoted text and ` quoted monospaced text?
@@ -310,11 +379,11 @@
Set the[ XSL
parameter] -- you can set it using the dblatex `--param` command-line
option, for example:
- $ a2x --dblatex-opts=",table" doc/article.txt
+ a2x --dblatex-opts=",table" doc/article.txt
== How can I stop the document title being displayed?
You could simply omit the document title, but this will result in a
blank 'title' element in HTML outputs. If you want the HTML 'title'
@@ -406,11 +475,11 @@
the data URI scheme for embedded images and by default it embeds the
CSS stylesheet. For example the following command will generate a
single `article.html` file containing embedded images, admonition
icons and the CSS stylesheet:
- $ asciidoc -a data-uri -a icons article.txt
+ asciidoc -a data-uri -a icons article.txt
== Are there any tools to help me understand what's going on inside AsciiDoc?
AsciiDoc has a built-in trace mechanism which is controlled by the
@@ -872,26 +941,61 @@[Yelp], the GNOME help viewer, does a
creditable job of displaying DocBook XML files directly.
-== Can you create ODF documents using AsciiDoc?
+== Can you create ODF and PDF files using LibreOffice?
-The easiest and highest fidelity method I've seen is to generate
-HTML from AsciiDoc then paste it from your browser (we use Firefox)
-into OpenOffice Writer.
+[LibreOffice] can convert HTML produced by
+AsciiDoc to ODF text format and PDF format (I used LibreOffice 3.5 at
+the time of writing, the fidelity is very good but it's not perfect):
-- I found that that there is better fidelity pasting HTML generated by
- the 'html4' backend instead of the default 'xhtml11' backend.
-- Don't paste AsciiDoc tables of contents, OpenOffice Writer (I was
- using version 2.3) hangs when saving. This may be something to do
- with the embedded JavaScript but I haven't looked closely at it, I
- may even be wrong about this.
+. Create the HTML file using AsciiDoc, for example:
-This tip was contributed by Bernard Amade.
+ asciidoc -a icons -a numbered -a disable-javascript article.txt
+JavaScript is disabled because LibreOffice does not execute
+JavaScript, this means that AsciiDoc table of contents and footnotes
+will not be rendered into ODF (if you want the table of contents and
+footnotes you could manually cut and paste them from a Web browser).
+. Convert the HTML file to an ODF text file using LibreOffice:
+ lowriter --invisible --convert-to odt article.html
+The images imported from an HTML file will be linked, if your document
+contains images you should convert them to embedded images:
+. Open the document in LibreOffice Writer.
+. Run the 'Edit->Links...' menu command.
+. Select all links and press the 'Break Link' button.
+Some images may also have been resized. To restore an image to its
+original size:
+. Right-click on the image and select the 'Picture...' menu item.
+. Click on the 'Crop' tab.
+. Press the 'Original Size' button.
+. Convert the ODF file to an PDF text file using LibreOffice:
+ lowriter --invisible --convert-to pdf article.odt
+A PDF index is automatically created using the section headings.
+Alternatively you could manually copy-and-paste the entire document
+from a Web browser into a blank ODF document in LibreOffice -- this
+technique will bring through the table of contents and footnotes.
+This tip was originally contributed by Bernard Amade.
== How can I suppress cell separators in included table data files?
Use the `{include:}` system attribute instead of the `include::[]`
macro (the former is not expanded until after the table data has been
parsed into cells, whereas the latter is included before the table is
@@ -946,11 +1050,11 @@
== How can I get AsciiDoc to assign the correct DocBook language attribute?
Set the AsciiDoc 'lang' attribute to the appropriate language code.
For example:
- $ a2x -a lang=es doc/article.txt
+ a2x -a lang=es doc/article.txt
This will ensure that downstream DocBook processing will generate the
correct language specific document headings (things like table of
contents, revision history, figure and table captions, admonition
@@ -1019,11 +1123,11 @@
The default format for the `{localdate}` attribute is the ISO 8601
`yyyy-mm-dd` format. You can change this format by explicitly setting
the `{localdate}` attribute. For example by setting it using the
asciidoc(1) `-a` command-line option:
- $ asciidoc -a localdate=`date +%d-%m-%Y` mydoc.txt
+ asciidoc -a localdate=`date +%d-%m-%Y` mydoc.txt
You could also set it by adding an Attribute Entry to your source
document, for example:
:localdate: {sys: date +%Y-%m-%d}
@@ -1118,5 +1222,77 @@
If quoting were omitted the equals character (separating the
entry name `x` from the value `y`) would be escaped.
+== How can I control page breaks when printing HTML outputs?
+Here are some techniques you can use to control page breaks in HTML
+outputs produced by the 'xhtml11' and 'html5' backends:
+- You can generate a page break with the '<<<' block macro. The
+ following example prints the 'Rats and Mice' section on a new page:
+== Rats and Mice
+Lorum ipsum ...
+- You can use the 'unbreakable' option to instruct the browser not to
+ break a block element. The following image and it's caption will be
+ kept together the printed page:
+.Tiger block image
+image::images/tiger.png[Tiger image]
+- You can apply the 'unbreakable' option globally to all block
+ elements by defining the 'unbreakable-option' attribute in your
+ document header.
+- Finally, the most powerful technique is to create custom CSS
+ containing paged media properties. For example this asciidoc(1)
+ command:
+ asciidoc --attribute stylesheet=article.css article.txt
+Will include the following `article.css` file in the output document:
+div#toc, div.sect1 { page-break-before: always; }
+Which will ensure the table of contents and all top level sections
+start on a new printed page.
+== Is it possible to reposition the Table of Contents in HTML outputs?
+By default the 'xhtml11' and 'html5' backends auto-position the TOC
+after the header. You can manually position the header by setting the
+'toc-placement' attribute value to 'manual' and then inserting the
+`toc::[]` block macro where you want the TOC to appear. For example,
+put this in the document header:
+:toc-placement: manual
+and this where you want the TOC to appear:
+== HTML generated by AsciiDoc fills the width of the browser, how can I limit it to a more readable book width?
+You can set the maximum with for outputs generated by 'html5',
+'xhtml11' and 'slidy' backends by assigning the
+link:userguide.html#X103[max-width] attribute (either from the
+command-line or with an attribute entry in the document header). For
+ asciidoc -a max-width=55em article.txt