lib/mixlib/install/backend/base.rb in mixlib-install-1.0.10 vs lib/mixlib/install/backend/base.rb in mixlib-install-1.0.11
- old
+ new
@@ -24,16 +24,89 @@
def initialize(options)
@options = options
+ #
+ # Returns the list of artifacts from the configured backend based on the
+ # configured product_name, product_version and channel.
+ #
+ # @abstract Subclasses should define this method.
+ #
+ # @return Array<ArtifactInfo>
+ # List of ArtifactInfo objects for the available artifacts.
+ def available_artifacts
+ raise "Must implement available_artifacts method that returns Array<ArtifactInfo>"
+ end
+ #
+ # See #filter_artifacts
def info
- raise "Must implement info method that returns ArtifactInfo or Array<ArtifactInfo>"
+ filter_artifacts(available_artifacts)
- def endpoint
- raise "Must implement endpoint method that returns endpoint String"
+ #
+ # Returns true if platform filters are available, false otherwise.
+ #
+ # Note that we assume #set_platform_info method is used on the Options
+ # class to set the platform options.
+ #
+ # @return TrueClass, FalseClass
+ def platform_filters_available?
+ !options.platform.nil?
+ #
+ # Filters and returns the available artifacts based on the configured
+ # platform filtering options.
+ #
+ # @return ArtifactInfo, Array<ArtifactInfo>, []
+ # If the result is a single artifact, this returns ArtifactInfo.
+ # If the result is a list of artifacts, this returns Array<ArtifactInfo>.
+ # If no suitable artifact is found, this returns [].
+ def filter_artifacts(artifacts)
+ return artifacts unless platform_filters_available?
+ # First filter the artifacts based on the platform and architecture
+! do |a|
+ a.platform == options.platform && a.architecture == options.architecture
+ end
+ # Now we are going to filter based on platform_version.
+ # We will return the artifact with an exact match if available.
+ # Otherwise we will search for a compatible artifact and return it
+ # if the compat options is set.
+ closest_compatible_artifact = nil
+ artifacts.each do |a|
+ return a if a.platform_version == options.platform_version
+ # We skip the artifacts produced for windows since their platform
+ # version is always set to 2008r2 which breaks our `to_f` comparison.
+ next if a.platform == "windows"
+ # Calculate the closest compatible version.
+ # For an artifact to be compatible it needs to be smaller than the
+ # platform_version specified in options.
+ # To find the closest compatible one we keep a max of the compatible
+ # artifacts.
+ if closest_compatible_artifact.nil? ||
+ (a.platform_version.to_f > closest_compatible_artifact.platform_version.to_f &&
+ a.platform_version.to_f < options.platform_version.to_f )
+ closest_compatible_artifact = a
+ end
+ end
+ # If the compat flag is set and if we have found a compatible artifact
+ # we are going to use it.
+ if options.platform_version_compatibility_mode && closest_compatible_artifact
+ return closest_compatible_artifact
+ end
+ # Otherwise, we return an empty array indicating we do not have any matching artifacts
+ return []
+ end