vendor/assets/javascripts/mithril.js in mithril-pipeline-0.2.5 vs vendor/assets/javascripts/mithril.js in mithril-pipeline-1.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,2233 +1,1163 @@
-;(function (global, factory) { // eslint-disable-line
- "use strict"
- /* eslint-disable no-undef */
- var m = factory(global)
- if (typeof module === "object" && module != null && module.exports) {
- module.exports = m
- } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
- define(function () { return m })
- } else {
- global.m = m
- }
- /* eslint-enable no-undef */
-})(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function (global, undefined) { // eslint-disable-line
- "use strict"
- m.version = function () {
- return "v0.2.5"
- }
- var hasOwn = {}.hasOwnProperty
- var type = {}.toString
- function isFunction(object) {
- return typeof object === "function"
- }
- function isObject(object) {
- return === "[object Object]"
- }
- function isString(object) {
- return === "[object String]"
- }
- var isArray = Array.isArray || function (object) {
- return === "[object Array]"
- }
- function noop() {}
- var voidElements = {
- AREA: 1,
- BASE: 1,
- BR: 1,
- COL: 1,
- EMBED: 1,
- HR: 1,
- IMG: 1,
- INPUT: 1,
- KEYGEN: 1,
- LINK: 1,
- META: 1,
- PARAM: 1,
- SOURCE: 1,
- TRACK: 1,
- WBR: 1
- }
- // caching commonly used variables
- var $document, $location, $requestAnimationFrame, $cancelAnimationFrame
- // self invoking function needed because of the way mocks work
- function initialize(mock) {
- $document = mock.document
- $location = mock.location
- $cancelAnimationFrame = mock.cancelAnimationFrame || mock.clearTimeout
- $requestAnimationFrame = mock.requestAnimationFrame || mock.setTimeout
- }
- // testing API
- m.deps = function (mock) {
- initialize(global = mock || window)
- return global
- }
- m.deps(global)
- /**
- * @typedef {String} Tag
- * A string that looks like -> div.classname#id[param=one][param2=two]
- * Which describes a DOM node
- */
- function parseTagAttrs(cell, tag) {
- var classes = []
- var parser = /(?:(^|#|\.)([^#\.\[\]]+))|(\[.+?\])/g
- var match
- while ((match = parser.exec(tag))) {
- if (match[1] === "" && match[2]) {
- cell.tag = match[2]
- } else if (match[1] === "#") {
- = match[2]
- } else if (match[1] === ".") {
- classes.push(match[2])
- } else if (match[3][0] === "[") {
- var pair = /\[(.+?)(?:=("|'|)(.*?)\2)?\]/.exec(match[3])
- cell.attrs[pair[1]] = pair[3] || ""
- }
- }
- return classes
- }
- function getVirtualChildren(args, hasAttrs) {
- var children = hasAttrs ? args.slice(1) : args
- if (children.length === 1 && isArray(children[0])) {
- return children[0]
- } else {
- return children
- }
- }
- function assignAttrs(target, attrs, classes) {
- var classAttr = "class" in attrs ? "class" : "className"
- for (var attrName in attrs) {
- if (, attrName)) {
- if (attrName === classAttr &&
- attrs[attrName] != null &&
- attrs[attrName] !== "") {
- classes.push(attrs[attrName])
- // create key in correct iteration order
- target[attrName] = ""
- } else {
- target[attrName] = attrs[attrName]
- }
- }
- }
- if (classes.length) target[classAttr] = classes.join(" ")
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param {Tag} The DOM node tag
- * @param {Object=[]} optional key-value pairs to be mapped to DOM attrs
- * @param {...mNode=[]} Zero or more Mithril child nodes. Can be an array,
- * or splat (optional)
- */
- function m(tag, pairs) {
- var args = []
- for (var i = 1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) {
- args[i - 1] = arguments[i]
- }
- if (isObject(tag)) return parameterize(tag, args)
- if (!isString(tag)) {
- throw new Error("selector in m(selector, attrs, children) should " +
- "be a string")
- }
- var hasAttrs = pairs != null && isObject(pairs) &&
- !("tag" in pairs || "view" in pairs || "subtree" in pairs)
- var attrs = hasAttrs ? pairs : {}
- var cell = {
- tag: "div",
- attrs: {},
- children: getVirtualChildren(args, hasAttrs)
- }
- assignAttrs(cell.attrs, attrs, parseTagAttrs(cell, tag))
- return cell
- }
- function forEach(list, f) {
- for (var i = 0; i < list.length && !f(list[i], i++);) {
- // function called in condition
- }
- }
- function forKeys(list, f) {
- forEach(list, function (attrs, i) {
- return (attrs = attrs && attrs.attrs) &&
- attrs.key != null &&
- f(attrs, i)
- })
- }
- // This function was causing deopts in Chrome.
- function dataToString(data) {
- // data.toString() might throw or return null if data is the return
- // value of Console.log in some versions of Firefox (behavior depends on
- // version)
- try {
- if (data != null && data.toString() != null) return data
- } catch (e) {
- // silently ignore errors
- }
- return ""
- }
- // This function was causing deopts in Chrome.
- function injectTextNode(parentElement, first, index, data) {
- try {
- insertNode(parentElement, first, index)
- first.nodeValue = data
- } catch (e) {
- // IE erroneously throws error when appending an empty text node
- // after a null
- }
- }
- function flatten(list) {
- // recursively flatten array
- for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
- if (isArray(list[i])) {
- list = list.concat.apply([], list)
- // check current index again and flatten until there are no more
- // nested arrays at that index
- i--
- }
- }
- return list
- }
- function insertNode(parentElement, node, index) {
- parentElement.insertBefore(node,
- parentElement.childNodes[index] || null)
- }
- var DELETION = 1
- var INSERTION = 2
- var MOVE = 3
- function handleKeysDiffer(data, existing, cached, parentElement) {
- forKeys(data, function (key, i) {
- existing[key = key.key] = existing[key] ? {
- action: MOVE,
- index: i,
- from: existing[key].index,
- element: cached.nodes[existing[key].index] ||
- $document.createElement("div")
- } : {action: INSERTION, index: i}
- })
- var actions = []
- for (var prop in existing) {
- if (, prop)) {
- actions.push(existing[prop])
- }
- }
- var changes = actions.sort(sortChanges)
- var newCached = new Array(cached.length)
- newCached.nodes = cached.nodes.slice()
- forEach(changes, function (change) {
- var index = change.index
- if (change.action === DELETION) {
- clear(cached[index].nodes, cached[index])
- newCached.splice(index, 1)
- }
- if (change.action === INSERTION) {
- var dummy = $document.createElement("div")
- dummy.key = data[index].attrs.key
- insertNode(parentElement, dummy, index)
- newCached.splice(index, 0, {
- attrs: {key: data[index].attrs.key},
- nodes: [dummy]
- })
- newCached.nodes[index] = dummy
- }
- if (change.action === MOVE) {
- var changeElement = change.element
- var maybeChanged = parentElement.childNodes[index]
- if (maybeChanged !== changeElement && changeElement !== null) {
- parentElement.insertBefore(changeElement,
- maybeChanged || null)
- }
- newCached[index] = cached[change.from]
- newCached.nodes[index] = changeElement
- }
- })
- return newCached
- }
- function diffKeys(data, cached, existing, parentElement) {
- var keysDiffer = data.length !== cached.length
- if (!keysDiffer) {
- forKeys(data, function (attrs, i) {
- var cachedCell = cached[i]
- return keysDiffer = cachedCell &&
- cachedCell.attrs &&
- cachedCell.attrs.key !== attrs.key
- })
- }
- if (keysDiffer) {
- return handleKeysDiffer(data, existing, cached, parentElement)
- } else {
- return cached
- }
- }
- function diffArray(data, cached, nodes) {
- // diff the array itself
- // update the list of DOM nodes by collecting the nodes from each item
- forEach(data, function (_, i) {
- if (cached[i] != null) nodes.push.apply(nodes, cached[i].nodes)
- })
- // remove items from the end of the array if the new array is shorter
- // than the old one. if errors ever happen here, the issue is most
- // likely a bug in the construction of the `cached` data structure
- // somewhere earlier in the program
- forEach(cached.nodes, function (node, i) {
- if (node.parentNode != null && nodes.indexOf(node) < 0) {
- clear([node], [cached[i]])
- }
- })
- if (data.length < cached.length) cached.length = data.length
- cached.nodes = nodes
- }
- function buildArrayKeys(data) {
- var guid = 0
- forKeys(data, function () {
- forEach(data, function (attrs) {
- if ((attrs = attrs && attrs.attrs) && attrs.key == null) {
- attrs.key = "__mithril__" + guid++
- }
- })
- return 1
- })
- }
- function isDifferentEnough(data, cached, dataAttrKeys) {
- if (data.tag !== cached.tag) return true
- if (dataAttrKeys.sort().join() !==
- Object.keys(cached.attrs).sort().join()) {
- return true
- }
- if ( !== {
- return true
- }
- if (data.attrs.key !== cached.attrs.key) {
- return true
- }
- if (m.redraw.strategy() === "all") {
- return !cached.configContext || cached.configContext.retain !== true
- }
- if (m.redraw.strategy() === "diff") {
- return cached.configContext && cached.configContext.retain === false
- }
- return false
- }
- function maybeRecreateObject(data, cached, dataAttrKeys) {
- // if an element is different enough from the one in cache, recreate it
- if (isDifferentEnough(data, cached, dataAttrKeys)) {
- if (cached.nodes.length) clear(cached.nodes)
- if (cached.configContext &&
- isFunction(cached.configContext.onunload)) {
- cached.configContext.onunload()
- }
- if (cached.controllers) {
- forEach(cached.controllers, function (controller) {
- if (controller.onunload) {
- controller.onunload({preventDefault: noop})
- }
- })
- }
- }
- }
- function getObjectNamespace(data, namespace) {
- if (data.attrs.xmlns) return data.attrs.xmlns
- if (data.tag === "svg") return ""
- if (data.tag === "math") return ""
- return namespace
- }
- var pendingRequests = 0
- m.startComputation = function () { pendingRequests++ }
- m.endComputation = function () {
- if (pendingRequests > 1) {
- pendingRequests--
- } else {
- pendingRequests = 0
- m.redraw()
- }
- }
- function unloadCachedControllers(cached, views, controllers) {
- if (controllers.length) {
- cached.views = views
- cached.controllers = controllers
- forEach(controllers, function (controller) {
- if (controller.onunload && controller.onunload.$old) {
- controller.onunload = controller.onunload.$old
- }
- if (pendingRequests && controller.onunload) {
- var onunload = controller.onunload
- controller.onunload = noop
- controller.onunload.$old = onunload
- }
- })
- }
- }
- function scheduleConfigsToBeCalled(configs, data, node, isNew, cached) {
- // schedule configs to be called. They are called after `build` finishes
- // running
- if (isFunction(data.attrs.config)) {
- var context = cached.configContext = cached.configContext || {}
- // bind
- configs.push(function () {
- return, node, !isNew, context,
- cached)
- })
- }
- }
- function buildUpdatedNode(
- cached,
- data,
- editable,
- hasKeys,
- namespace,
- views,
- configs,
- controllers
- ) {
- var node = cached.nodes[0]
- if (hasKeys) {
- setAttributes(node, data.tag, data.attrs, cached.attrs, namespace)
- }
- cached.children = build(
- node,
- data.tag,
- undefined,
- undefined,
- data.children,
- cached.children,
- false,
- 0,
- data.attrs.contenteditable ? node : editable,
- namespace,
- configs
- )
- cached.nodes.intact = true
- if (controllers.length) {
- cached.views = views
- cached.controllers = controllers
- }
- return node
- }
- function handleNonexistentNodes(data, parentElement, index) {
- var nodes
- if (data.$trusted) {
- nodes = injectHTML(parentElement, index, data)
- } else {
- nodes = [$document.createTextNode(data)]
- if (!(parentElement.nodeName in voidElements)) {
- insertNode(parentElement, nodes[0], index)
- }
- }
- var cached
- if (typeof data === "string" ||
- typeof data === "number" ||
- typeof data === "boolean") {
- cached = new data.constructor(data)
- } else {
- cached = data
- }
- cached.nodes = nodes
- return cached
- }
- function reattachNodes(
- data,
- cached,
- parentElement,
- editable,
- index,
- parentTag
- ) {
- var nodes = cached.nodes
- if (!editable || editable !== $document.activeElement) {
- if (data.$trusted) {
- clear(nodes, cached)
- nodes = injectHTML(parentElement, index, data)
- } else if (parentTag === "textarea") {
- // <textarea> uses `value` instead of `nodeValue`.
- parentElement.value = data
- } else if (editable) {
- // contenteditable nodes use `innerHTML` instead of `nodeValue`.
- editable.innerHTML = data
- } else {
- // was a trusted string
- if (nodes[0].nodeType === 1 || nodes.length > 1 ||
- (nodes[0].nodeValue.trim &&
- !nodes[0].nodeValue.trim())) {
- clear(cached.nodes, cached)
- nodes = [$document.createTextNode(data)]
- }
- injectTextNode(parentElement, nodes[0], index, data)
- }
- }
- cached = new data.constructor(data)
- cached.nodes = nodes
- return cached
- }
- function handleTextNode(
- cached,
- data,
- index,
- parentElement,
- shouldReattach,
- editable,
- parentTag
- ) {
- if (!cached.nodes.length) {
- return handleNonexistentNodes(data, parentElement, index)
- } else if (cached.valueOf() !== data.valueOf() || shouldReattach) {
- return reattachNodes(data, cached, parentElement, editable, index,
- parentTag)
- } else {
- return (cached.nodes.intact = true, cached)
- }
- }
- function getSubArrayCount(item) {
- if (item.$trusted) {
- // fix offset of next element if item was a trusted string w/ more
- // than one html element
- // the first clause in the regexp matches elements
- // the second clause (after the pipe) matches text nodes
- var match = item.match(/<[^\/]|\>\s*[^<]/g)
- if (match != null) return match.length
- } else if (isArray(item)) {
- return item.length
- }
- return 1
- }
- function buildArray(
- data,
- cached,
- parentElement,
- index,
- parentTag,
- shouldReattach,
- editable,
- namespace,
- configs
- ) {
- data = flatten(data)
- var nodes = []
- var intact = cached.length === data.length
- var subArrayCount = 0
- // keys algorithm: sort elements without recreating them if keys are
- // present
- //
- // 1) create a map of all existing keys, and mark all for deletion
- // 2) add new keys to map and mark them for addition
- // 3) if key exists in new list, change action from deletion to a move
- // 4) for each key, handle its corresponding action as marked in
- // previous steps
- var existing = {}
- var shouldMaintainIdentities = false
- forKeys(cached, function (attrs, i) {
- shouldMaintainIdentities = true
- existing[cached[i].attrs.key] = {action: DELETION, index: i}
- })
- buildArrayKeys(data)
- if (shouldMaintainIdentities) {
- cached = diffKeys(data, cached, existing, parentElement)
- }
- // end key algorithm
- var cacheCount = 0
- // faster explicitly written
- for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
- // diff each item in the array
- var item = build(
- parentElement,
- parentTag,
- cached,
- index,
- data[i],
- cached[cacheCount],
- shouldReattach,
- index + subArrayCount || subArrayCount,
- editable,
- namespace,
- configs)
- if (item !== undefined) {
- intact = intact && item.nodes.intact
- subArrayCount += getSubArrayCount(item)
- cached[cacheCount++] = item
- }
- }
- if (!intact) diffArray(data, cached, nodes)
- return cached
- }
- function makeCache(data, cached, index, parentIndex, parentCache) {
- if (cached != null) {
- if ( === return cached
- if (parentCache && parentCache.nodes) {
- var offset = index - parentIndex
- var end = offset + (isArray(data) ? data : cached.nodes).length
- clear(
- parentCache.nodes.slice(offset, end),
- parentCache.slice(offset, end))
- } else if (cached.nodes) {
- clear(cached.nodes, cached)
- }
- }
- cached = new data.constructor()
- // if constructor creates a virtual dom element, use a blank object as
- // the base cached node instead of copying the virtual el (#277)
- if (cached.tag) cached = {}
- cached.nodes = []
- return cached
- }
- function constructNode(data, namespace) {
- if ( {
- if (namespace == null) {
- return $document.createElement(data.tag,
- } else {
- return $document.createElementNS(namespace, data.tag,
- }
- } else if (namespace == null) {
- return $document.createElement(data.tag)
- } else {
- return $document.createElementNS(namespace, data.tag)
- }
- }
- function constructAttrs(data, node, namespace, hasKeys) {
- if (hasKeys) {
- return setAttributes(node, data.tag, data.attrs, {}, namespace)
- } else {
- return data.attrs
- }
- }
- function constructChildren(
- data,
- node,
- cached,
- editable,
- namespace,
- configs
- ) {
- if (data.children != null && data.children.length > 0) {
- return build(
- node,
- data.tag,
- undefined,
- undefined,
- data.children,
- cached.children,
- true,
- 0,
- data.attrs.contenteditable ? node : editable,
- namespace,
- configs)
- } else {
- return data.children
- }
- }
- function reconstructCached(
- data,
- attrs,
- children,
- node,
- namespace,
- views,
- controllers
- ) {
- var cached = {
- tag: data.tag,
- attrs: attrs,
- children: children,
- nodes: [node]
- }
- unloadCachedControllers(cached, views, controllers)
- if (cached.children && !cached.children.nodes) {
- cached.children.nodes = []
- }
- // edge case: setting value on <select> doesn't work before children
- // exist, so set it again after children have been created
- if (data.tag === "select" && "value" in data.attrs) {
- setAttributes(node, data.tag, {value: data.attrs.value}, {},
- namespace)
- }
- return cached
- }
- function getController(views, view, cachedControllers, controller) {
- var controllerIndex
- if (m.redraw.strategy() === "diff" && views) {
- controllerIndex = views.indexOf(view)
- } else {
- controllerIndex = -1
- }
- if (controllerIndex > -1) {
- return cachedControllers[controllerIndex]
- } else if (isFunction(controller)) {
- return new controller()
- } else {
- return {}
- }
- }
- var unloaders = []
- function updateLists(views, controllers, view, controller) {
- if (controller.onunload != null &&
- (u) { return u.handler })
- .indexOf(controller.onunload) < 0) {
- unloaders.push({
- controller: controller,
- handler: controller.onunload
- })
- }
- views.push(view)
- controllers.push(controller)
- }
- var forcing = false
- function checkView(
- data,
- view,
- cached,
- cachedControllers,
- controllers,
- views
- ) {
- var controller = getController(
- cached.views,
- view,
- cachedControllers,
- data.controller)
- var key = data && data.attrs && data.attrs.key
- if (pendingRequests === 0 ||
- forcing ||
- cachedControllers &&
- cachedControllers.indexOf(controller) > -1) {
- data = data.view(controller)
- } else {
- data = {tag: "placeholder"}
- }
- if (data.subtree === "retain") return data
- data.attrs = data.attrs || {}
- data.attrs.key = key
- updateLists(views, controllers, view, controller)
- return data
- }
- function markViews(data, cached, views, controllers) {
- var cachedControllers = cached && cached.controllers
- while (data.view != null) {
- data = checkView(
- data,
- data.view.$original || data.view,
- cached,
- cachedControllers,
- controllers,
- views)
- }
- return data
- }
- function buildObject( // eslint-disable-line max-statements
- data,
- cached,
- editable,
- parentElement,
- index,
- shouldReattach,
- namespace,
- configs
- ) {
- var views = []
- var controllers = []
- data = markViews(data, cached, views, controllers)
- if (data.subtree === "retain") return cached
- if (!data.tag && controllers.length) {
- throw new Error("Component template must return a virtual " +
- "element, not an array, string, etc.")
- }
- data.attrs = data.attrs || {}
- cached.attrs = cached.attrs || {}
- var dataAttrKeys = Object.keys(data.attrs)
- var hasKeys = dataAttrKeys.length > ("key" in data.attrs ? 1 : 0)
- maybeRecreateObject(data, cached, dataAttrKeys)
- if (!isString(data.tag)) return
- var isNew = cached.nodes.length === 0
- namespace = getObjectNamespace(data, namespace)
- var node
- if (isNew) {
- node = constructNode(data, namespace)
- // set attributes first, then create children
- var attrs = constructAttrs(data, node, namespace, hasKeys)
- // add the node to its parent before attaching children to it
- insertNode(parentElement, node, index)
- var children = constructChildren(data, node, cached, editable,
- namespace, configs)
- cached = reconstructCached(
- data,
- attrs,
- children,
- node,
- namespace,
- views,
- controllers)
- } else {
- node = buildUpdatedNode(
- cached,
- data,
- editable,
- hasKeys,
- namespace,
- views,
- configs,
- controllers)
- }
- if (!isNew && shouldReattach === true && node != null) {
- insertNode(parentElement, node, index)
- }
- // The configs are called after `build` finishes running
- scheduleConfigsToBeCalled(configs, data, node, isNew, cached)
- return cached
- }
- function build(
- parentElement,
- parentTag,
- parentCache,
- parentIndex,
- data,
- cached,
- shouldReattach,
- index,
- editable,
- namespace,
- configs
- ) {
- /*
- * `build` is a recursive function that manages creation/diffing/removal
- * of DOM elements based on comparison between `data` and `cached` the
- * diff algorithm can be summarized as this:
- *
- * 1 - compare `data` and `cached`
- * 2 - if they are different, copy `data` to `cached` and update the DOM
- * based on what the difference is
- * 3 - recursively apply this algorithm for every array and for the
- * children of every virtual element
- *
- * The `cached` data structure is essentially the same as the previous
- * redraw's `data` data structure, with a few additions:
- * - `cached` always has a property called `nodes`, which is a list of
- * DOM elements that correspond to the data represented by the
- * respective virtual element
- * - in order to support attaching `nodes` as a property of `cached`,
- * `cached` is *always* a non-primitive object, i.e. if the data was
- * a string, then cached is a String instance. If data was `null` or
- * `undefined`, cached is `new String("")`
- * - `cached also has a `configContext` property, which is the state
- * storage object exposed by config(element, isInitialized, context)
- * - when `cached` is an Object, it represents a virtual element; when
- * it's an Array, it represents a list of elements; when it's a
- * String, Number or Boolean, it represents a text node
- *
- * `parentElement` is a DOM element used for W3C DOM API calls
- * `parentTag` is only used for handling a corner case for textarea
- * values
- * `parentCache` is used to remove nodes in some multi-node cases
- * `parentIndex` and `index` are used to figure out the offset of nodes.
- * They're artifacts from before arrays started being flattened and are
- * likely refactorable
- * `data` and `cached` are, respectively, the new and old nodes being
- * diffed
- * `shouldReattach` is a flag indicating whether a parent node was
- * recreated (if so, and if this node is reused, then this node must
- * reattach itself to the new parent)
- * `editable` is a flag that indicates whether an ancestor is
- * contenteditable
- * `namespace` indicates the closest HTML namespace as it cascades down
- * from an ancestor
- * `configs` is a list of config functions to run after the topmost
- * `build` call finishes running
- *
- * there's logic that relies on the assumption that null and undefined
- * data are equivalent to empty strings
- * - this prevents lifecycle surprises from procedural helpers that mix
- * implicit and explicit return statements (e.g.
- * function foo() {if (cond) return m("div")}
- * - it simplifies diffing code
- */
- data = dataToString(data)
- if (data.subtree === "retain") return cached
- cached = makeCache(data, cached, index, parentIndex, parentCache)
- if (isArray(data)) {
- return buildArray(
- data,
- cached,
- parentElement,
- index,
- parentTag,
- shouldReattach,
- editable,
- namespace,
- configs)
- } else if (data != null && isObject(data)) {
- return buildObject(
- data,
- cached,
- editable,
- parentElement,
- index,
- shouldReattach,
- namespace,
- configs)
- } else if (!isFunction(data)) {
- return handleTextNode(
- cached,
- data,
- index,
- parentElement,
- shouldReattach,
- editable,
- parentTag)
- } else {
- return cached
- }
- }
- function sortChanges(a, b) {
- return a.action - b.action || a.index - b.index
- }
- function copyStyleAttrs(node, dataAttr, cachedAttr) {
- for (var rule in dataAttr) {
- if (, rule)) {
- if (cachedAttr == null || cachedAttr[rule] !== dataAttr[rule]) {
-[rule] = dataAttr[rule]
- }
- }
- }
- for (rule in cachedAttr) {
- if (, rule)) {
- if (!, rule))[rule] = ""
- }
- }
- }
- var shouldUseSetAttribute = {
- list: 1,
- style: 1,
- form: 1,
- type: 1,
- width: 1,
- height: 1
- }
- function setSingleAttr(
- node,
- attrName,
- dataAttr,
- cachedAttr,
- tag,
- namespace
- ) {
- if (attrName === "config" || attrName === "key") {
- // `config` isn't a real attribute, so ignore it
- return true
- } else if (isFunction(dataAttr) && attrName.slice(0, 2) === "on") {
- // hook event handlers to the auto-redrawing system
- node[attrName] = autoredraw(dataAttr, node)
- } else if (attrName === "style" && dataAttr != null &&
- isObject(dataAttr)) {
- // handle `style: {...}`
- copyStyleAttrs(node, dataAttr, cachedAttr)
- } else if (namespace != null) {
- // handle SVG
- if (attrName === "href") {
- node.setAttributeNS("",
- "href", dataAttr)
- } else {
- node.setAttribute(
- attrName === "className" ? "class" : attrName,
- dataAttr)
- }
- } else if (attrName in node && !shouldUseSetAttribute[attrName]) {
- // handle cases that are properties (but ignore cases where we
- // should use setAttribute instead)
- //
- // - list and form are typically used as strings, but are DOM
- // element references in js
- //
- // - when using CSS selectors (e.g. `m("[style='']")`), style is
- // used as a string, but it's an object in js
- //
- // #348 don't set the value if not needed - otherwise, cursor
- // placement breaks in Chrome
- try {
- if (tag !== "input" || node[attrName] !== dataAttr) {
- node[attrName] = dataAttr
- }
- } catch (e) {
- node.setAttribute(attrName, dataAttr)
- }
- }
- else node.setAttribute(attrName, dataAttr)
- }
- function trySetAttr(
- node,
- attrName,
- dataAttr,
- cachedAttr,
- cachedAttrs,
- tag,
- namespace
- ) {
- if (!(attrName in cachedAttrs) || (cachedAttr !== dataAttr) || ($document.activeElement === node)) {
- cachedAttrs[attrName] = dataAttr
- try {
- return setSingleAttr(
- node,
- attrName,
- dataAttr,
- cachedAttr,
- tag,
- namespace)
- } catch (e) {
- // swallow IE's invalid argument errors to mimic HTML's
- // fallback-to-doing-nothing-on-invalid-attributes behavior
- if (e.message.indexOf("Invalid argument") < 0) throw e
- }
- } else if (attrName === "value" && tag === "input" &&
- node.value !== dataAttr) {
- // #348 dataAttr may not be a string, so use loose comparison
- node.value = dataAttr
- }
- }
- function setAttributes(node, tag, dataAttrs, cachedAttrs, namespace) {
- for (var attrName in dataAttrs) {
- if (, attrName)) {
- if (trySetAttr(
- node,
- attrName,
- dataAttrs[attrName],
- cachedAttrs[attrName],
- cachedAttrs,
- tag,
- namespace)) {
- continue
- }
- }
- }
- return cachedAttrs
- }
- function clear(nodes, cached) {
- for (var i = nodes.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
- if (nodes[i] && nodes[i].parentNode) {
- try {
- nodes[i].parentNode.removeChild(nodes[i])
- } catch (e) {
- /* eslint-disable max-len */
- // ignore if this fails due to order of events (see
- //
- /* eslint-enable max-len */
- }
- cached = [].concat(cached)
- if (cached[i]) unload(cached[i])
- }
- }
- // release memory if nodes is an array. This check should fail if nodes
- // is a NodeList (see loop above)
- if (nodes.length) {
- nodes.length = 0
- }
- }
- function unload(cached) {
- if (cached.configContext && isFunction(cached.configContext.onunload)) {
- cached.configContext.onunload()
- cached.configContext.onunload = null
- }
- if (cached.controllers) {
- forEach(cached.controllers, function (controller) {
- if (isFunction(controller.onunload)) {
- controller.onunload({preventDefault: noop})
- }
- })
- }
- if (cached.children) {
- if (isArray(cached.children)) forEach(cached.children, unload)
- else if (cached.children.tag) unload(cached.children)
- }
- }
- function appendTextFragment(parentElement, data) {
- try {
- parentElement.appendChild(
- $document.createRange().createContextualFragment(data))
- } catch (e) {
- parentElement.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", data)
- replaceScriptNodes(parentElement)
- }
- }
- // Replace script tags inside given DOM element with executable ones.
- // Will also check children recursively and replace any found script
- // tags in same manner.
- function replaceScriptNodes(node) {
- if (node.tagName === "SCRIPT") {
- node.parentNode.replaceChild(buildExecutableNode(node), node)
- } else {
- var children = node.childNodes
- if (children && children.length) {
- for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
- replaceScriptNodes(children[i])
- }
- }
- }
- return node
- }
- // Replace script element with one whose contents are executable.
- function buildExecutableNode(node){
- var scriptEl = document.createElement("script")
- var attrs = node.attributes
- for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
- scriptEl.setAttribute(attrs[i].name, attrs[i].value)
- }
- scriptEl.text = node.innerHTML
- return scriptEl
- }
- function injectHTML(parentElement, index, data) {
- var nextSibling = parentElement.childNodes[index]
- if (nextSibling) {
- var isElement = nextSibling.nodeType !== 1
- var placeholder = $document.createElement("span")
- if (isElement) {
- parentElement.insertBefore(placeholder, nextSibling || null)
- placeholder.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", data)
- parentElement.removeChild(placeholder)
- } else {
- nextSibling.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", data)
- }
- } else {
- appendTextFragment(parentElement, data)
- }
- var nodes = []
- while (parentElement.childNodes[index] !== nextSibling) {
- nodes.push(parentElement.childNodes[index])
- index++
- }
- return nodes
- }
- function autoredraw(callback, object) {
- return function (e) {
- e = e || event
- m.redraw.strategy("diff")
- m.startComputation()
- try {
- return, e)
- } finally {
- endFirstComputation()
- }
- }
- }
- var html
- var documentNode = {
- appendChild: function (node) {
- if (html === undefined) html = $document.createElement("html")
- if ($document.documentElement &&
- $document.documentElement !== node) {
- $document.replaceChild(node, $document.documentElement)
- } else {
- $document.appendChild(node)
- }
- this.childNodes = $document.childNodes
- },
- insertBefore: function (node) {
- this.appendChild(node)
- },
- childNodes: []
- }
- var nodeCache = []
- var cellCache = {}
- m.render = function (root, cell, forceRecreation) {
- if (!root) {
- throw new Error("Ensure the DOM element being passed to " +
- "m.route/m.mount/m.render is not undefined.")
- }
- var configs = []
- var id = getCellCacheKey(root)
- var isDocumentRoot = root === $document
- var node
- if (isDocumentRoot || root === $document.documentElement) {
- node = documentNode
- } else {
- node = root
- }
- if (isDocumentRoot && cell.tag !== "html") {
- cell = {tag: "html", attrs: {}, children: cell}
- }
- if (cellCache[id] === undefined) clear(node.childNodes)
- if (forceRecreation === true) reset(root)
- cellCache[id] = build(
- node,
- null,
- undefined,
- undefined,
- cell,
- cellCache[id],
- false,
- 0,
- null,
- undefined,
- configs)
- forEach(configs, function (config) { config() })
- }
- function getCellCacheKey(element) {
- var index = nodeCache.indexOf(element)
- return index < 0 ? nodeCache.push(element) - 1 : index
- }
- = function (value) {
- value = new String(value) // eslint-disable-line no-new-wrappers
- value.$trusted = true
- return value
- }
- function gettersetter(store) {
- function prop() {
- if (arguments.length) store = arguments[0]
- return store
- }
- prop.toJSON = function () {
- return store
- }
- return prop
- }
- m.prop = function (store) {
- if ((store != null && (isObject(store) || isFunction(store)) || ((typeof Promise !== "undefined") && (store instanceof Promise))) &&
- isFunction(store.then)) {
- return propify(store)
- }
- return gettersetter(store)
- }
- var roots = []
- var components = []
- var controllers = []
- var lastRedrawId = null
- var lastRedrawCallTime = 0
- var computePreRedrawHook = null
- var computePostRedrawHook = null
- var topComponent
- var FRAME_BUDGET = 16 // 60 frames per second = 1 call per 16 ms
- function parameterize(component, args) {
- function controller() {
- /* eslint-disable no-invalid-this */
- return (component.controller || noop).apply(this, args) || this
- /* eslint-enable no-invalid-this */
- }
- if (component.controller) {
- controller.prototype = component.controller.prototype
- }
- function view(ctrl) {
- var currentArgs = [ctrl].concat(args)
- for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- currentArgs.push(arguments[i])
- }
- return component.view.apply(component, currentArgs)
- }
- view.$original = component.view
- var output = {controller: controller, view: view}
- if (args[0] && args[0].key != null) output.attrs = {key: args[0].key}
- return output
- }
- m.component = function (component) {
- var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1)
- for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- args[i - 1] = arguments[i]
- }
- return parameterize(component, args)
- }
- function checkPrevented(component, root, index, isPrevented) {
- if (!isPrevented) {
- m.redraw.strategy("all")
- m.startComputation()
- roots[index] = root
- var currentComponent
- if (component) {
- currentComponent = topComponent = component
- } else {
- currentComponent = topComponent = component = {controller: noop}
- }
- var controller = new (component.controller || noop)()
- // controllers may call m.mount recursively (via m.route redirects,
- // for example)
- // this conditional ensures only the last recursive m.mount call is
- // applied
- if (currentComponent === topComponent) {
- controllers[index] = controller
- components[index] = component
- }
- endFirstComputation()
- if (component === null) {
- removeRootElement(root, index)
- }
- return controllers[index]
- } else if (component == null) {
- removeRootElement(root, index)
- }
- }
- m.mount = m.module = function (root, component) {
- if (!root) {
- throw new Error("Please ensure the DOM element exists before " +
- "rendering a template into it.")
- }
- var index = roots.indexOf(root)
- if (index < 0) index = roots.length
- var isPrevented = false
- var event = {
- preventDefault: function () {
- isPrevented = true
- computePreRedrawHook = computePostRedrawHook = null
- }
- }
- forEach(unloaders, function (unloader) {
-, event)
- unloader.controller.onunload = null
- })
- if (isPrevented) {
- forEach(unloaders, function (unloader) {
- unloader.controller.onunload = unloader.handler
- })
- } else {
- unloaders = []
- }
- if (controllers[index] && isFunction(controllers[index].onunload)) {
- controllers[index].onunload(event)
- }
- return checkPrevented(component, root, index, isPrevented)
- }
- function removeRootElement(root, index) {
- roots.splice(index, 1)
- controllers.splice(index, 1)
- components.splice(index, 1)
- reset(root)
- nodeCache.splice(getCellCacheKey(root), 1)
- }
- var redrawing = false
- m.redraw = function (force) {
- if (redrawing) return
- redrawing = true
- if (force) forcing = true
- try {
- // lastRedrawId is a positive number if a second redraw is requested
- // before the next animation frame
- // lastRedrawId is null if it's the first redraw and not an event
- // handler
- if (lastRedrawId && !force) {
- // when setTimeout: only reschedule redraw if time between now
- // and previous redraw is bigger than a frame, otherwise keep
- // currently scheduled timeout
- // when rAF: always reschedule redraw
- if ($requestAnimationFrame === global.requestAnimationFrame ||
- new Date() - lastRedrawCallTime > FRAME_BUDGET) {
- if (lastRedrawId > 0) $cancelAnimationFrame(lastRedrawId)
- lastRedrawId = $requestAnimationFrame(redraw, FRAME_BUDGET)
- }
- } else {
- redraw()
- lastRedrawId = $requestAnimationFrame(function () {
- lastRedrawId = null
- }
- } finally {
- redrawing = forcing = false
- }
- }
- m.redraw.strategy = m.prop()
- function redraw() {
- if (computePreRedrawHook) {
- computePreRedrawHook()
- computePreRedrawHook = null
- }
- forEach(roots, function (root, i) {
- var component = components[i]
- if (controllers[i]) {
- var args = [controllers[i]]
- m.render(root,
- component.view ? component.view(controllers[i], args) : "")
- }
- })
- // after rendering within a routed context, we need to scroll back to
- // the top, and fetch the document title for history.pushState
- if (computePostRedrawHook) {
- computePostRedrawHook()
- computePostRedrawHook = null
- }
- lastRedrawId = null
- lastRedrawCallTime = new Date()
- m.redraw.strategy("diff")
- }
- function endFirstComputation() {
- if (m.redraw.strategy() === "none") {
- pendingRequests--
- m.redraw.strategy("diff")
- } else {
- m.endComputation()
- }
- }
- m.withAttr = function (prop, withAttrCallback, callbackThis) {
- return function (e) {
- e = e || window.event
- /* eslint-disable no-invalid-this */
- var currentTarget = e.currentTarget || this
- var _this = callbackThis || this
- /* eslint-enable no-invalid-this */
- var target = prop in currentTarget ?
- currentTarget[prop] :
- currentTarget.getAttribute(prop)
-, target)
- }
- }
- // routing
- var modes = {pathname: "", hash: "#", search: "?"}
- var redirect = noop
- var isDefaultRoute = false
- var routeParams, currentRoute
- m.route = function (root, arg1, arg2, vdom) { // eslint-disable-line
- // m.route()
- if (arguments.length === 0) return currentRoute
- // m.route(el, defaultRoute, routes)
- if (arguments.length === 3 && isString(arg1)) {
- redirect = function (source) {
- var path = currentRoute = normalizeRoute(source)
- if (!routeByValue(root, arg2, path)) {
- if (isDefaultRoute) {
- throw new Error("Ensure the default route matches " +
- "one of the routes defined in m.route")
- }
- isDefaultRoute = true
- m.route(arg1, true)
- isDefaultRoute = false
- }
- }
- var listener = m.route.mode === "hash" ?
- "onhashchange" :
- "onpopstate"
- global[listener] = function () {
- var path = $location[m.route.mode]
- if (m.route.mode === "pathname") path += $
- if (currentRoute !== normalizeRoute(path)) redirect(path)
- }
- computePreRedrawHook = setScroll
- global[listener]()
- return
- }
- // config: m.route
- if (root.addEventListener || root.attachEvent) {
- var base = m.route.mode !== "pathname" ? $location.pathname : ""
- root.href = base + modes[m.route.mode] + vdom.attrs.href
- if (root.addEventListener) {
- root.removeEventListener("click", routeUnobtrusive)
- root.addEventListener("click", routeUnobtrusive)
- } else {
- root.detachEvent("onclick", routeUnobtrusive)
- root.attachEvent("onclick", routeUnobtrusive)
- }
- return
- }
- // m.route(route, params, shouldReplaceHistoryEntry)
- if (isString(root)) {
- var oldRoute = currentRoute
- currentRoute = root
- var args = arg1 || {}
- var queryIndex = currentRoute.indexOf("?")
- var params
- if (queryIndex > -1) {
- params = parseQueryString(currentRoute.slice(queryIndex + 1))
- } else {
- params = {}
- }
- for (var i in args) {
- if (, i)) {
- params[i] = args[i]
- }
- }
- var querystring = buildQueryString(params)
- var currentPath
- if (queryIndex > -1) {
- currentPath = currentRoute.slice(0, queryIndex)
- } else {
- currentPath = currentRoute
- }
- if (querystring) {
- currentRoute = currentPath +
- (currentPath.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") +
- querystring
- }
- var replaceHistory =
- (arguments.length === 3 ? arg2 : arg1) === true ||
- oldRoute === root
- if (global.history.pushState) {
- var method = replaceHistory ? "replaceState" : "pushState"
- computePreRedrawHook = setScroll
- computePostRedrawHook = function () {
- try {
- global.history[method](null, $document.title,
- modes[m.route.mode] + currentRoute)
- } catch (err) {
- // In the event of a pushState or replaceState failure,
- // fallback to a standard redirect. This is specifically
- // to address a Safari security error when attempting to
- // call pushState more than 100 times.
- $location[m.route.mode] = currentRoute
- }
- }
- redirect(modes[m.route.mode] + currentRoute)
- } else {
- $location[m.route.mode] = currentRoute
- redirect(modes[m.route.mode] + currentRoute)
- }
- }
- }
- m.route.param = function (key) {
- if (!routeParams) {
- throw new Error("You must call m.route(element, defaultRoute, " +
- "routes) before calling m.route.param()")
- }
- if (!key) {
- return routeParams
- }
- return routeParams[key]
- }
- m.route.mode = "search"
- function normalizeRoute(route) {
- return route.slice(modes[m.route.mode].length)
- }
- function routeByValue(root, router, path) {
- routeParams = {}
- var queryStart = path.indexOf("?")
- if (queryStart !== -1) {
- routeParams = parseQueryString(
- path.substr(queryStart + 1, path.length))
- path = path.substr(0, queryStart)
- }
- // Get all routes and check if there's
- // an exact match for the current path
- var keys = Object.keys(router)
- var index = keys.indexOf(path)
- if (index !== -1){
- m.mount(root, router[keys [index]])
- return true
- }
- for (var route in router) {
- if (, route)) {
- if (route === path) {
- m.mount(root, router[route])
- return true
- }
- var matcher = new RegExp("^" + route
- .replace(/:[^\/]+?\.{3}/g, "(.*?)")
- .replace(/:[^\/]+/g, "([^\\/]+)") + "\/?$")
- if (matcher.test(path)) {
- /* eslint-disable no-loop-func */
- path.replace(matcher, function () {
- var keys = route.match(/:[^\/]+/g) || []
- var values = [], 1, -2)
- forEach(keys, function (key, i) {
- routeParams[key.replace(/:|\./g, "")] =
- decodeURIComponent(values[i])
- })
- m.mount(root, router[route])
- })
- /* eslint-enable no-loop-func */
- return true
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function routeUnobtrusive(e) {
- e = e || event
- if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.shiftKey || e.which === 2) return
- if (e.preventDefault) {
- e.preventDefault()
- } else {
- e.returnValue = false
- }
- var currentTarget = e.currentTarget || e.srcElement
- var args
- if (m.route.mode === "pathname" && {
- args = parseQueryString(
- } else {
- args = {}
- }
- while (currentTarget && !/a/i.test(currentTarget.nodeName)) {
- currentTarget = currentTarget.parentNode
- }
- // clear pendingRequests because we want an immediate route change
- pendingRequests = 0
- m.route(currentTarget[m.route.mode]
- .slice(modes[m.route.mode].length), args)
- }
- function setScroll() {
- if (m.route.mode !== "hash" && $location.hash) {
- $location.hash = $location.hash
- } else {
- global.scrollTo(0, 0)
- }
- }
- function buildQueryString(object, prefix) {
- var duplicates = {}
- var str = []
- for (var prop in object) {
- if (, prop)) {
- var key = prefix ? prefix + "[" + prop + "]" : prop
- var value = object[prop]
- if (value === null) {
- str.push(encodeURIComponent(key))
- } else if (isObject(value)) {
- str.push(buildQueryString(value, key))
- } else if (isArray(value)) {
- var keys = []
- duplicates[key] = duplicates[key] || {}
- /* eslint-disable no-loop-func */
- forEach(value, function (item) {
- /* eslint-enable no-loop-func */
- if (!duplicates[key][item]) {
- duplicates[key][item] = true
- keys.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" +
- encodeURIComponent(item))
- }
- })
- str.push(keys.join("&"))
- } else if (value !== undefined) {
- str.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" +
- encodeURIComponent(value))
- }
- }
- }
- return str.join("&")
- }
- function parseQueryString(str) {
- if (str === "" || str == null) return {}
- if (str.charAt(0) === "?") str = str.slice(1)
- var pairs = str.split("&")
- var params = {}
- forEach(pairs, function (string) {
- var pair = string.split("=")
- var key = decodeURIComponent(pair[0])
- var value = pair.length === 2 ? decodeURIComponent(pair[1]) : null
- if (params[key] != null) {
- if (!isArray(params[key])) params[key] = [params[key]]
- params[key].push(value)
- }
- else params[key] = value
- })
- return params
- }
- m.route.buildQueryString = buildQueryString
- m.route.parseQueryString = parseQueryString
- function reset(root) {
- var cacheKey = getCellCacheKey(root)
- clear(root.childNodes, cellCache[cacheKey])
- cellCache[cacheKey] = undefined
- }
- m.deferred = function () {
- var deferred = new Deferred()
- deferred.promise = propify(deferred.promise)
- return deferred
- }
- function propify(promise, initialValue) {
- var prop = m.prop(initialValue)
- promise.then(prop)
- prop.then = function (resolve, reject) {
- return propify(promise.then(resolve, reject), initialValue)
- }
- prop.catch = prop.then.bind(null, null)
- return prop
- }
- // Promiz.mithril.js | Zolmeister | MIT
- // a modified version of Promiz.js, which does not conform to Promises/A+
- // for two reasons:
- //
- // 1) `then` callbacks are called synchronously (because setTimeout is too
- // slow, and the setImmediate polyfill is too big
- //
- // 2) throwing subclasses of Error cause the error to be bubbled up instead
- // of triggering rejection (because the spec does not account for the
- // important use case of default browser error handling, i.e. message w/
- // line number)
- var RESOLVING = 1
- var REJECTING = 2
- var RESOLVED = 3
- var REJECTED = 4
- function Deferred(onSuccess, onFailure) {
- var self = this
- var state = 0
- var promiseValue = 0
- var next = []
- self.promise = {}
- self.resolve = function (value) {
- if (!state) {
- promiseValue = value
- state = RESOLVING
- fire()
- }
- return self
- }
- self.reject = function (value) {
- if (!state) {
- promiseValue = value
- state = REJECTING
- fire()
- }
- return self
- }
- self.promise.then = function (onSuccess, onFailure) {
- var deferred = new Deferred(onSuccess, onFailure)
- if (state === RESOLVED) {
- deferred.resolve(promiseValue)
- } else if (state === REJECTED) {
- deferred.reject(promiseValue)
- } else {
- next.push(deferred)
- }
- return deferred.promise
- }
- function finish(type) {
- state = type || REJECTED
- (deferred) {
- if (state === RESOLVED) {
- deferred.resolve(promiseValue)
- } else {
- deferred.reject(promiseValue)
- }
- })
- }
- function thennable(then, success, failure, notThennable) {
- if (((promiseValue != null && isObject(promiseValue)) ||
- isFunction(promiseValue)) && isFunction(then)) {
- try {
- // count protects against abuse calls from spec checker
- var count = 0
-, function (value) {
- if (count++) return
- promiseValue = value
- success()
- }, function (value) {
- if (count++) return
- promiseValue = value
- failure()
- })
- } catch (e) {
- m.deferred.onerror(e)
- promiseValue = e
- failure()
- }
- } else {
- notThennable()
- }
- }
- function fire() {
- // check if it's a thenable
- var then
- try {
- then = promiseValue && promiseValue.then
- } catch (e) {
- m.deferred.onerror(e)
- promiseValue = e
- state = REJECTING
- return fire()
- }
- if (state === REJECTING) {
- m.deferred.onerror(promiseValue)
- }
- thennable(then, function () {
- state = RESOLVING
- fire()
- }, function () {
- state = REJECTING
- fire()
- }, function () {
- try {
- if (state === RESOLVING && isFunction(onSuccess)) {
- promiseValue = onSuccess(promiseValue)
- } else if (state === REJECTING && isFunction(onFailure)) {
- promiseValue = onFailure(promiseValue)
- state = RESOLVING
- }
- } catch (e) {
- m.deferred.onerror(e)
- promiseValue = e
- return finish()
- }
- if (promiseValue === self) {
- promiseValue = TypeError()
- finish()
- } else {
- thennable(then, function () {
- finish(RESOLVED)
- }, finish, function () {
- finish(state === RESOLVING && RESOLVED)
- })
- }
- })
- }
- }
- m.deferred.onerror = function (e) {
- if ( === "[object Error]" &&
- !/ Error/.test(e.constructor.toString())) {
- pendingRequests = 0
- throw e
- }
- }
- m.sync = function (args) {
- var deferred = m.deferred()
- var outstanding = args.length
- var results = []
- var method = "resolve"
- function synchronizer(pos, resolved) {
- return function (value) {
- results[pos] = value
- if (!resolved) method = "reject"
- if (--outstanding === 0) {
- deferred.promise(results)
- deferred[method](results)
- }
- return value
- }
- }
- if (args.length > 0) {
- forEach(args, function (arg, i) {
- arg.then(synchronizer(i, true), synchronizer(i, false))
- })
- } else {
- deferred.resolve([])
- }
- return deferred.promise
- }
- function identity(value) { return value }
- function handleJsonp(options) {
- var callbackKey = options.callbackName || "mithril_callback_" +
- new Date().getTime() + "_" +
- (Math.round(Math.random() * 1e16)).toString(36)
- var script = $document.createElement("script")
- global[callbackKey] = function (resp) {
- script.parentNode.removeChild(script)
- options.onload({
- type: "load",
- target: {
- responseText: resp
- }
- })
- global[callbackKey] = undefined
- }
- script.onerror = function () {
- script.parentNode.removeChild(script)
- options.onerror({
- type: "error",
- target: {
- status: 500,
- responseText: JSON.stringify({
- error: "Error making jsonp request"
- })
- }
- })
- global[callbackKey] = undefined
- return false
- }
- script.onload = function () {
- return false
- }
- script.src = options.url +
- (options.url.indexOf("?") > 0 ? "&" : "?") +
- (options.callbackKey ? options.callbackKey : "callback") +
- "=" + callbackKey +
- "&" + buildQueryString( || {})
- $document.body.appendChild(script)
- }
- function createXhr(options) {
- var xhr = new global.XMLHttpRequest()
-, options.url, true, options.user,
- options.password)
- xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
- if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
- if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) {
- options.onload({type: "load", target: xhr})
- } else {
- options.onerror({type: "error", target: xhr})
- }
- }
- }
- if (options.serialize === JSON.stringify &&
- &&
- options.method !== "GET") {
- xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type",
- "application/json; charset=utf-8")
- }
- if (options.deserialize === JSON.parse) {
- xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json, text/*")
- }
- if (isFunction(options.config)) {
- var maybeXhr = options.config(xhr, options)
- if (maybeXhr != null) xhr = maybeXhr
- }
- var data = options.method === "GET" || ! ? "" :
- if (data && !isString(data) && data.constructor !== global.FormData) {
- throw new Error("Request data should be either be a string or " +
- "FormData. Check the `serialize` option in `m.request`")
- }
- xhr.send(data)
- return xhr
- }
- function ajax(options) {
- if (options.dataType && options.dataType.toLowerCase() === "jsonp") {
- return handleJsonp(options)
- } else {
- return createXhr(options)
- }
- }
- function bindData(options, data, serialize) {
- if (options.method === "GET" && options.dataType !== "jsonp") {
- var prefix = options.url.indexOf("?") < 0 ? "?" : "&"
- var querystring = buildQueryString(data)
- options.url += (querystring ? prefix + querystring : "")
- } else {
- = serialize(data)
- }
- }
- function parameterizeUrl(url, data) {
- if (data) {
- url = url.replace(/:[a-z]\w+/gi, function (token){
- var key = token.slice(1)
- var value = data[key] || token
- delete data[key]
- return value
- })
- }
- return url
- }
- m.request = function (options) {
- if (options.background !== true) m.startComputation()
- var deferred = new Deferred()
- var isJSONP = options.dataType &&
- options.dataType.toLowerCase() === "jsonp"
- var serialize, deserialize, extract
- if (isJSONP) {
- serialize = options.serialize =
- deserialize = options.deserialize = identity
- extract = function (jsonp) { return jsonp.responseText }
- } else {
- serialize = options.serialize = options.serialize || JSON.stringify
- deserialize = options.deserialize =
- options.deserialize || JSON.parse
- extract = options.extract || function (xhr) {
- if (xhr.responseText.length || deserialize !== JSON.parse) {
- return xhr.responseText
- } else {
- return null
- }
- }
- }
- options.method = (options.method || "GET").toUpperCase()
- options.url = parameterizeUrl(options.url,
- bindData(options,, serialize)
- options.onload = options.onerror = function (ev) {
- try {
- ev = ev || event
- var response = deserialize(extract(, options))
- if (ev.type === "load") {
- if (options.unwrapSuccess) {
- response = options.unwrapSuccess(response,
- }
- if (isArray(response) && options.type) {
- forEach(response, function (res, i) {
- response[i] = new options.type(res)
- })
- } else if (options.type) {
- response = new options.type(response)
- }
- deferred.resolve(response)
- } else {
- if (options.unwrapError) {
- response = options.unwrapError(response,
- }
- deferred.reject(response)
- }
- } catch (e) {
- deferred.reject(e)
- m.deferred.onerror(e)
- } finally {
- if (options.background !== true) m.endComputation()
- }
- }
- ajax(options)
- deferred.promise = propify(deferred.promise, options.initialValue)
- return deferred.promise
- }
- return m
-}); // eslint-disable-line
+new function() {
+ function Vnode(tag, key, attrs0, children, text, dom) {
+ return {tag: tag, key: key, attrs: attrs0, children: children, text: text, dom: dom, domSize: undefined, state: {}, events: undefined, instance: undefined, skip: false}
+ }
+ Vnode.normalize = function(node) {
+ if (Array.isArray(node)) return Vnode("[", undefined, undefined, Vnode.normalizeChildren(node), undefined, undefined)
+ if (node != null && typeof node !== "object") return Vnode("#", undefined, undefined, node === false ? "" : node, undefined, undefined)
+ return node
+ }
+ Vnode.normalizeChildren = function normalizeChildren(children) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+ children[i] = Vnode.normalize(children[i])
+ }
+ return children
+ }
+ var selectorParser = /(?:(^|#|\.)([^#\.\[\]]+))|(\[(.+?)(?:\s*=\s*("|'|)((?:\\["'\]]|.)*?)\5)?\])/g
+ var selectorCache = {}
+ function hyperscript(selector) {
+ if (selector == null || typeof selector !== "string" && typeof selector.view !== "function") {
+ throw Error("The selector must be either a string or a component.");
+ }
+ if (typeof selector === "string" && selectorCache[selector] === undefined) {
+ var match, tag, classes = [], attributes = {}
+ while (match = selectorParser.exec(selector)) {
+ var type = match[1], value = match[2]
+ if (type === "" && value !== "") tag = value
+ else if (type === "#") = value
+ else if (type === ".") classes.push(value)
+ else if (match[3][0] === "[") {
+ var attrValue = match[6]
+ if (attrValue) attrValue = attrValue.replace(/\\(["'])/g, "$1").replace(/\\\\/g, "\\")
+ if (match[4] === "class") classes.push(attrValue)
+ else attributes[match[4]] = attrValue || true
+ }
+ }
+ if (classes.length > 0) attributes.className = classes.join(" ")
+ selectorCache[selector] = function(attrs, children) {
+ var hasAttrs = false, childList, text
+ var className = attrs.className || attrs.class
+ for (var key in attributes) attrs[key] = attributes[key]
+ if (className !== undefined) {
+ if (attrs.class !== undefined) {
+ attrs.class = undefined
+ attrs.className = className
+ }
+ if (attributes.className !== undefined) attrs.className = attributes.className + " " + className
+ }
+ for (var key in attrs) {
+ if (key !== "key") {
+ hasAttrs = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (Array.isArray(children) && children.length == 1 && children[0] != null && children[0].tag === "#") text = children[0].children
+ else childList = children
+ return Vnode(tag || "div", attrs.key, hasAttrs ? attrs : undefined, childList, text, undefined)
+ }
+ }
+ var attrs, children, childrenIndex
+ if (arguments[1] == null || typeof arguments[1] === "object" && arguments[1].tag === undefined && !Array.isArray(arguments[1])) {
+ attrs = arguments[1]
+ childrenIndex = 2
+ }
+ else childrenIndex = 1
+ if (arguments.length === childrenIndex + 1) {
+ children = Array.isArray(arguments[childrenIndex]) ? arguments[childrenIndex] : [arguments[childrenIndex]]
+ }
+ else {
+ children = []
+ for (var i = childrenIndex; i < arguments.length; i++) children.push(arguments[i])
+ }
+ if (typeof selector === "string") return selectorCache[selector](attrs || {}, Vnode.normalizeChildren(children))
+ return Vnode(selector, attrs && attrs.key, attrs || {}, Vnode.normalizeChildren(children), undefined, undefined)
+ }
+ = function(html) {
+ if (html == null) html = ""
+ return Vnode("<", undefined, undefined, html, undefined, undefined)
+ }
+ hyperscript.fragment = function(attrs1, children) {
+ return Vnode("[", attrs1.key, attrs1, Vnode.normalizeChildren(children), undefined, undefined)
+ }
+ var m = hyperscript
+ /** @constructor */
+ var PromisePolyfill = function(executor) {
+ if (!(this instanceof PromisePolyfill)) throw new Error("Promise must be called with `new`")
+ if (typeof executor !== "function") throw new TypeError("executor must be a function")
+ var self = this, resolvers = [], rejectors = [], resolveCurrent = handler(resolvers, true), rejectCurrent = handler(rejectors, false)
+ var instance = self._instance = {resolvers: resolvers, rejectors: rejectors}
+ var callAsync = typeof setImmediate === "function" ? setImmediate : setTimeout
+ function handler(list, shouldAbsorb) {
+ return function execute(value) {
+ var then
+ try {
+ if (shouldAbsorb && value != null && (typeof value === "object" || typeof value === "function") && typeof (then = value.then) === "function") {
+ if (value === self) throw new TypeError("Promise can't be resolved w/ itself")
+ executeOnce(then.bind(value))
+ }
+ else {
+ callAsync(function() {
+ if (!shouldAbsorb && list.length === 0) console.error("Possible unhandled promise rejection:", value)
+ for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) list[i](value)
+ resolvers.length = 0, rejectors.length = 0
+ instance.state = shouldAbsorb
+ instance.retry = function() {execute(value)}
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ rejectCurrent(e)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function executeOnce(then) {
+ var runs = 0
+ function run(fn) {
+ return function(value) {
+ if (runs++ > 0) return
+ fn(value)
+ }
+ }
+ var onerror = run(rejectCurrent)
+ try {then(run(resolveCurrent), onerror)} catch (e) {onerror(e)}
+ }
+ executeOnce(executor)
+ }
+ PromisePolyfill.prototype.then = function(onFulfilled, onRejection) {
+ var self = this, instance = self._instance
+ function handle(callback, list, next, state) {
+ list.push(function(value) {
+ if (typeof callback !== "function") next(value)
+ else try {resolveNext(callback(value))} catch (e) {if (rejectNext) rejectNext(e)}
+ })
+ if (typeof instance.retry === "function" && state === instance.state) instance.retry()
+ }
+ var resolveNext, rejectNext
+ var promise = new PromisePolyfill(function(resolve, reject) {resolveNext = resolve, rejectNext = reject})
+ handle(onFulfilled, instance.resolvers, resolveNext, true), handle(onRejection, instance.rejectors, rejectNext, false)
+ return promise
+ }
+ PromisePolyfill.prototype.catch = function(onRejection) {
+ return this.then(null, onRejection)
+ }
+ PromisePolyfill.resolve = function(value) {
+ if (value instanceof PromisePolyfill) return value
+ return new PromisePolyfill(function(resolve) {resolve(value)})
+ }
+ PromisePolyfill.reject = function(value) {
+ return new PromisePolyfill(function(resolve, reject) {reject(value)})
+ }
+ PromisePolyfill.all = function(list) {
+ return new PromisePolyfill(function(resolve, reject) {
+ var total = list.length, count = 0, values = []
+ if (list.length === 0) resolve([])
+ else for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ (function(i) {
+ function consume(value) {
+ count++
+ values[i] = value
+ if (count === total) resolve(values)
+ }
+ if (list[i] != null && (typeof list[i] === "object" || typeof list[i] === "function") && typeof list[i].then === "function") {
+ list[i].then(consume, reject)
+ }
+ else consume(list[i])
+ })(i)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ PromisePolyfill.race = function(list) {
+ return new PromisePolyfill(function(resolve, reject) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ list[i].then(resolve, reject)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
+ if (typeof window.Promise === "undefined") window.Promise = PromisePolyfill
+ var PromisePolyfill = window.Promise
+ } else if (typeof global !== "undefined") {
+ if (typeof global.Promise === "undefined") global.Promise = PromisePolyfill
+ var PromisePolyfill = global.Promise
+ } else {
+ }
+ var buildQueryString = function(object) {
+ if ( !== "[object Object]") return ""
+ var args = []
+ for (var key0 in object) {
+ destructure(key0, object[key0])
+ }
+ return args.join("&")
+ function destructure(key0, value) {
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
+ destructure(key0 + "[" + i + "]", value[i])
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( === "[object Object]") {
+ for (var i in value) {
+ destructure(key0 + "[" + i + "]", value[i])
+ }
+ }
+ else args.push(encodeURIComponent(key0) + (value != null && value !== "" ? "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) : ""))
+ }
+ }
+ var _8 = function($window, Promise) {
+ var callbackCount = 0
+ var oncompletion
+ function setCompletionCallback(callback) {oncompletion = callback}
+ function finalizer() {
+ var count = 0
+ function complete() {if (--count === 0 && typeof oncompletion === "function") oncompletion()}
+ return function finalize(promise0) {
+ var then0 = promise0.then
+ promise0.then = function() {
+ count++
+ var next = then0.apply(promise0, arguments)
+ next.then(complete, function(e) {
+ complete()
+ if (count === 0) throw e
+ })
+ return finalize(next)
+ }
+ return promise0
+ }
+ }
+ function normalize(args, extra) {
+ if (typeof args === "string") {
+ var url = args
+ args = extra || {}
+ if (args.url == null) args.url = url
+ }
+ return args
+ }
+ function request(args, extra) {
+ var finalize = finalizer()
+ args = normalize(args, extra)
+ var promise0 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ if (args.method == null) args.method = "GET"
+ args.method = args.method.toUpperCase()
+ var useBody = typeof args.useBody === "boolean" ? args.useBody : args.method !== "GET" && args.method !== "TRACE"
+ if (typeof args.serialize !== "function") args.serialize = typeof FormData !== "undefined" && instanceof FormData ? function(value) {return value} : JSON.stringify
+ if (typeof args.deserialize !== "function") args.deserialize = deserialize
+ if (typeof args.extract !== "function") args.extract = extract
+ args.url = interpolate(args.url,
+ if (useBody) = args.serialize(
+ else args.url = assemble(args.url,
+ var xhr = new $window.XMLHttpRequest()
+, args.url, typeof args.async === "boolean" ? args.async : true, typeof args.user === "string" ? args.user : undefined, typeof args.password === "string" ? args.password : undefined)
+ if (args.serialize === JSON.stringify && useBody) {
+ xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
+ }
+ if (args.deserialize === deserialize) {
+ xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json, text/*")
+ }
+ if (args.withCredentials) xhr.withCredentials = args.withCredentials
+ for (var key in args.headers) if ({}, key)) {
+ xhr.setRequestHeader(key, args.headers[key])
+ }
+ if (typeof args.config === "function") xhr = args.config(xhr, args) || xhr
+ xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ // Don't throw errors on xhr.abort(). XMLHttpRequests ends up in a state of
+ // xhr.status == 0 and xhr.readyState == 4 if aborted after open, but before completion.
+ if (xhr.status && xhr.readyState === 4) {
+ try {
+ var response = (args.extract !== extract) ? args.extract(xhr, args) : args.deserialize(args.extract(xhr, args))
+ if ((xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) || xhr.status === 304) {
+ resolve(cast(args.type, response))
+ }
+ else {
+ var error = new Error(xhr.responseText)
+ for (var key in response) error[key] = response[key]
+ reject(error)
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ reject(e)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (useBody && ( != null)) xhr.send(
+ else xhr.send()
+ })
+ return args.background === true ? promise0 : finalize(promise0)
+ }
+ function jsonp(args, extra) {
+ var finalize = finalizer()
+ args = normalize(args, extra)
+ var promise0 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ var callbackName = args.callbackName || "_mithril_" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1e16) + "_" + callbackCount++
+ var script = $window.document.createElement("script")
+ $window[callbackName] = function(data) {
+ script.parentNode.removeChild(script)
+ resolve(cast(args.type, data))
+ delete $window[callbackName]
+ }
+ script.onerror = function() {
+ script.parentNode.removeChild(script)
+ reject(new Error("JSONP request failed"))
+ delete $window[callbackName]
+ }
+ if ( == null) = {}
+ args.url = interpolate(args.url,
+[args.callbackKey || "callback"] = callbackName
+ script.src = assemble(args.url,
+ $window.document.documentElement.appendChild(script)
+ })
+ return args.background === true? promise0 : finalize(promise0)
+ }
+ function interpolate(url, data) {
+ if (data == null) return url
+ var tokens = url.match(/:[^\/]+/gi) || []
+ for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
+ var key = tokens[i].slice(1)
+ if (data[key] != null) {
+ url = url.replace(tokens[i], data[key])
+ }
+ }
+ return url
+ }
+ function assemble(url, data) {
+ var querystring = buildQueryString(data)
+ if (querystring !== "") {
+ var prefix = url.indexOf("?") < 0 ? "?" : "&"
+ url += prefix + querystring
+ }
+ return url
+ }
+ function deserialize(data) {
+ try {return data !== "" ? JSON.parse(data) : null}
+ catch (e) {throw new Error(data)}
+ }
+ function extract(xhr) {return xhr.responseText}
+ function cast(type0, data) {
+ if (typeof type0 === "function") {
+ if (Array.isArray(data)) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ data[i] = new type0(data[i])
+ }
+ }
+ else return new type0(data)
+ }
+ return data
+ }
+ return {request: request, jsonp: jsonp, setCompletionCallback: setCompletionCallback}
+ }
+ var requestService = _8(window, PromisePolyfill)
+ var coreRenderer = function($window) {
+ var $doc = $window.document
+ var $emptyFragment = $doc.createDocumentFragment()
+ var onevent
+ function setEventCallback(callback) {return onevent = callback}
+ //create
+ function createNodes(parent, vnodes, start, end, hooks, nextSibling, ns) {
+ for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
+ var vnode = vnodes[i]
+ if (vnode != null) {
+ createNode(parent, vnode, hooks, ns, nextSibling)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function createNode(parent, vnode, hooks, ns, nextSibling) {
+ var tag = vnode.tag
+ if (vnode.attrs != null) initLifecycle(vnode.attrs, vnode, hooks)
+ if (typeof tag === "string") {
+ switch (tag) {
+ case "#": return createText(parent, vnode, nextSibling)
+ case "<": return createHTML(parent, vnode, nextSibling)
+ case "[": return createFragment(parent, vnode, hooks, ns, nextSibling)
+ default: return createElement(parent, vnode, hooks, ns, nextSibling)
+ }
+ }
+ else return createComponent(parent, vnode, hooks, ns, nextSibling)
+ }
+ function createText(parent, vnode, nextSibling) {
+ vnode.dom = $doc.createTextNode(vnode.children)
+ insertNode(parent, vnode.dom, nextSibling)
+ return vnode.dom
+ }
+ function createHTML(parent, vnode, nextSibling) {
+ var match1 = vnode.children.match(/^\s*?<(\w+)/im) || []
+ var parent1 = {caption: "table", thead: "table", tbody: "table", tfoot: "table", tr: "tbody", th: "tr", td: "tr", colgroup: "table", col: "colgroup"}[match1[1]] || "div"
+ var temp = $doc.createElement(parent1)
+ temp.innerHTML = vnode.children
+ vnode.dom = temp.firstChild
+ vnode.domSize = temp.childNodes.length
+ var fragment = $doc.createDocumentFragment()
+ var child
+ while (child = temp.firstChild) {
+ fragment.appendChild(child)
+ }
+ insertNode(parent, fragment, nextSibling)
+ return fragment
+ }
+ function createFragment(parent, vnode, hooks, ns, nextSibling) {
+ var fragment = $doc.createDocumentFragment()
+ if (vnode.children != null) {
+ var children = vnode.children
+ createNodes(fragment, children, 0, children.length, hooks, null, ns)
+ }
+ vnode.dom = fragment.firstChild
+ vnode.domSize = fragment.childNodes.length
+ insertNode(parent, fragment, nextSibling)
+ return fragment
+ }
+ function createElement(parent, vnode, hooks, ns, nextSibling) {
+ var tag = vnode.tag
+ switch (vnode.tag) {
+ case "svg": ns = ""; break
+ case "math": ns = ""; break
+ }
+ var attrs2 = vnode.attrs
+ var is = attrs2 &&
+ var element = ns ?
+ is ? $doc.createElementNS(ns, tag, {is: is}) : $doc.createElementNS(ns, tag) :
+ is ? $doc.createElement(tag, {is: is}) : $doc.createElement(tag)
+ vnode.dom = element
+ if (attrs2 != null) {
+ setAttrs(vnode, attrs2, ns)
+ }
+ insertNode(parent, element, nextSibling)
+ if (vnode.attrs != null && vnode.attrs.contenteditable != null) {
+ setContentEditable(vnode)
+ }
+ else {
+ if (vnode.text != null) {
+ if (vnode.text !== "") element.textContent = vnode.text
+ else vnode.children = [Vnode("#", undefined, undefined, vnode.text, undefined, undefined)]
+ }
+ if (vnode.children != null) {
+ var children = vnode.children
+ createNodes(element, children, 0, children.length, hooks, null, ns)
+ setLateAttrs(vnode)
+ }
+ }
+ return element
+ }
+ function createComponent(parent, vnode, hooks, ns, nextSibling) {
+ vnode.state = Object.create(vnode.tag)
+ var view = vnode.tag.view
+ if (view.reentrantLock != null) return $emptyFragment
+ view.reentrantLock = true
+ initLifecycle(vnode.tag, vnode, hooks)
+ vnode.instance = Vnode.normalize(, vnode))
+ view.reentrantLock = null
+ if (vnode.instance != null) {
+ if (vnode.instance === vnode) throw Error("A view cannot return the vnode it received as arguments")
+ var element = createNode(parent, vnode.instance, hooks, ns, nextSibling)
+ vnode.dom = vnode.instance.dom
+ vnode.domSize = vnode.dom != null ? vnode.instance.domSize : 0
+ insertNode(parent, element, nextSibling)
+ return element
+ }
+ else {
+ vnode.domSize = 0
+ return $emptyFragment
+ }
+ }
+ //update
+ function updateNodes(parent, old, vnodes, recycling, hooks, nextSibling, ns) {
+ if (old === vnodes || old == null && vnodes == null) return
+ else if (old == null) createNodes(parent, vnodes, 0, vnodes.length, hooks, nextSibling, undefined)
+ else if (vnodes == null) removeNodes(old, 0, old.length, vnodes)
+ else {
+ if (old.length === vnodes.length) {
+ var isUnkeyed = false
+ for (var i = 0; i < vnodes.length; i++) {
+ if (vnodes[i] != null && old[i] != null) {
+ isUnkeyed = vnodes[i].key == null && old[i].key == null
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (isUnkeyed) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < old.length; i++) {
+ if (old[i] === vnodes[i]) continue
+ else if (old[i] == null && vnodes[i] != null) createNode(parent, vnodes[i], hooks, ns, getNextSibling(old, i + 1, nextSibling))
+ else if (vnodes[i] == null) removeNodes(old, i, i + 1, vnodes)
+ else updateNode(parent, old[i], vnodes[i], hooks, getNextSibling(old, i + 1, nextSibling), false, ns)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ recycling = recycling || isRecyclable(old, vnodes)
+ if (recycling) old = old.concat(old.pool)
+ var oldStart = 0, start = 0, oldEnd = old.length - 1, end = vnodes.length - 1, map
+ while (oldEnd >= oldStart && end >= start) {
+ var o = old[oldStart], v = vnodes[start]
+ if (o === v && !recycling) oldStart++, start++
+ else if (o == null) oldStart++
+ else if (v == null) start++
+ else if (o.key === v.key) {
+ oldStart++, start++
+ updateNode(parent, o, v, hooks, getNextSibling(old, oldStart, nextSibling), recycling, ns)
+ if (recycling && o.tag === v.tag) insertNode(parent, toFragment(o), nextSibling)
+ }
+ else {
+ var o = old[oldEnd]
+ if (o === v && !recycling) oldEnd--, start++
+ else if (o == null) oldEnd--
+ else if (v == null) start++
+ else if (o.key === v.key) {
+ updateNode(parent, o, v, hooks, getNextSibling(old, oldEnd + 1, nextSibling), recycling, ns)
+ if (recycling || start < end) insertNode(parent, toFragment(o), getNextSibling(old, oldStart, nextSibling))
+ oldEnd--, start++
+ }
+ else break
+ }
+ }
+ while (oldEnd >= oldStart && end >= start) {
+ var o = old[oldEnd], v = vnodes[end]
+ if (o === v && !recycling) oldEnd--, end--
+ else if (o == null) oldEnd--
+ else if (v == null) end--
+ else if (o.key === v.key) {
+ updateNode(parent, o, v, hooks, getNextSibling(old, oldEnd + 1, nextSibling), recycling, ns)
+ if (recycling && o.tag === v.tag) insertNode(parent, toFragment(o), nextSibling)
+ if (o.dom != null) nextSibling = o.dom
+ oldEnd--, end--
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!map) map = getKeyMap(old, oldEnd)
+ if (v != null) {
+ var oldIndex = map[v.key]
+ if (oldIndex != null) {
+ var movable = old[oldIndex]
+ updateNode(parent, movable, v, hooks, getNextSibling(old, oldEnd + 1, nextSibling), recycling, ns)
+ insertNode(parent, toFragment(movable), nextSibling)
+ old[oldIndex].skip = true
+ if (movable.dom != null) nextSibling = movable.dom
+ }
+ else {
+ var dom = createNode(parent, v, hooks, undefined, nextSibling)
+ nextSibling = dom
+ }
+ }
+ end--
+ }
+ if (end < start) break
+ }
+ createNodes(parent, vnodes, start, end + 1, hooks, nextSibling, ns)
+ removeNodes(old, oldStart, oldEnd + 1, vnodes)
+ }
+ }
+ function updateNode(parent, old, vnode, hooks, nextSibling, recycling, ns) {
+ var oldTag = old.tag, tag = vnode.tag
+ if (oldTag === tag) {
+ vnode.state = old.state
+ =
+ if (shouldUpdate(vnode, old)) return
+ if (vnode.attrs != null) {
+ updateLifecycle(vnode.attrs, vnode, hooks, recycling)
+ }
+ if (typeof oldTag === "string") {
+ switch (oldTag) {
+ case "#": updateText(old, vnode); break
+ case "<": updateHTML(parent, old, vnode, nextSibling); break
+ case "[": updateFragment(parent, old, vnode, recycling, hooks, nextSibling, ns); break
+ default: updateElement(old, vnode, recycling, hooks, ns)
+ }
+ }
+ else updateComponent(parent, old, vnode, hooks, nextSibling, recycling, ns)
+ }
+ else {
+ removeNode(old, null)
+ createNode(parent, vnode, hooks, ns, nextSibling)
+ }
+ }
+ function updateText(old, vnode) {
+ if (old.children.toString() !== vnode.children.toString()) {
+ old.dom.nodeValue = vnode.children
+ }
+ vnode.dom = old.dom
+ }
+ function updateHTML(parent, old, vnode, nextSibling) {
+ if (old.children !== vnode.children) {
+ toFragment(old)
+ createHTML(parent, vnode, nextSibling)
+ }
+ else vnode.dom = old.dom, vnode.domSize = old.domSize
+ }
+ function updateFragment(parent, old, vnode, recycling, hooks, nextSibling, ns) {
+ updateNodes(parent, old.children, vnode.children, recycling, hooks, nextSibling, ns)
+ var domSize = 0, children = vnode.children
+ vnode.dom = null
+ if (children != null) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+ var child = children[i]
+ if (child != null && child.dom != null) {
+ if (vnode.dom == null) vnode.dom = child.dom
+ domSize += child.domSize || 1
+ }
+ }
+ if (domSize !== 1) vnode.domSize = domSize
+ }
+ }
+ function updateElement(old, vnode, recycling, hooks, ns) {
+ var element = vnode.dom = old.dom
+ switch (vnode.tag) {
+ case "svg": ns = ""; break
+ case "math": ns = ""; break
+ }
+ if (vnode.tag === "textarea") {
+ if (vnode.attrs == null) vnode.attrs = {}
+ if (vnode.text != null) {
+ vnode.attrs.value = vnode.text //FIXME handle0 multiple children
+ vnode.text = undefined
+ }
+ }
+ updateAttrs(vnode, old.attrs, vnode.attrs, ns)
+ if (vnode.attrs != null && vnode.attrs.contenteditable != null) {
+ setContentEditable(vnode)
+ }
+ else if (old.text != null && vnode.text != null && vnode.text !== "") {
+ if (old.text.toString() !== vnode.text.toString()) old.dom.firstChild.nodeValue = vnode.text
+ }
+ else {
+ if (old.text != null) old.children = [Vnode("#", undefined, undefined, old.text, undefined, old.dom.firstChild)]
+ if (vnode.text != null) vnode.children = [Vnode("#", undefined, undefined, vnode.text, undefined, undefined)]
+ updateNodes(element, old.children, vnode.children, recycling, hooks, null, ns)
+ }
+ }
+ function updateComponent(parent, old, vnode, hooks, nextSibling, recycling, ns) {
+ vnode.instance = Vnode.normalize(, vnode))
+ updateLifecycle(vnode.tag, vnode, hooks, recycling)
+ if (vnode.instance != null) {
+ if (old.instance == null) createNode(parent, vnode.instance, hooks, ns, nextSibling)
+ else updateNode(parent, old.instance, vnode.instance, hooks, nextSibling, recycling, ns)
+ vnode.dom = vnode.instance.dom
+ vnode.domSize = vnode.instance.domSize
+ }
+ else if (old.instance != null) {
+ removeNode(old.instance, null)
+ vnode.dom = undefined
+ vnode.domSize = 0
+ }
+ else {
+ vnode.dom = old.dom
+ vnode.domSize = old.domSize
+ }
+ }
+ function isRecyclable(old, vnodes) {
+ if (old.pool != null && Math.abs(old.pool.length - vnodes.length) <= Math.abs(old.length - vnodes.length)) {
+ var oldChildrenLength = old[0] && old[0].children && old[0].children.length || 0
+ var poolChildrenLength = old.pool[0] && old.pool[0].children && old.pool[0].children.length || 0
+ var vnodesChildrenLength = vnodes[0] && vnodes[0].children && vnodes[0].children.length || 0
+ if (Math.abs(poolChildrenLength - vnodesChildrenLength) <= Math.abs(oldChildrenLength - vnodesChildrenLength)) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ function getKeyMap(vnodes, end) {
+ var map = {}, i = 0
+ for (var i = 0; i < end; i++) {
+ var vnode = vnodes[i]
+ if (vnode != null) {
+ var key2 = vnode.key
+ if (key2 != null) map[key2] = i
+ }
+ }
+ return map
+ }
+ function toFragment(vnode) {
+ var count0 = vnode.domSize
+ if (count0 != null || vnode.dom == null) {
+ var fragment = $doc.createDocumentFragment()
+ if (count0 > 0) {
+ var dom = vnode.dom
+ while (--count0) fragment.appendChild(dom.nextSibling)
+ fragment.insertBefore(dom, fragment.firstChild)
+ }
+ return fragment
+ }
+ else return vnode.dom
+ }
+ function getNextSibling(vnodes, i, nextSibling) {
+ for (; i < vnodes.length; i++) {
+ if (vnodes[i] != null && vnodes[i].dom != null) return vnodes[i].dom
+ }
+ return nextSibling
+ }
+ function insertNode(parent, dom, nextSibling) {
+ if (nextSibling && nextSibling.parentNode) parent.insertBefore(dom, nextSibling)
+ else parent.appendChild(dom)
+ }
+ function setContentEditable(vnode) {
+ var children = vnode.children
+ if (children != null && children.length === 1 && children[0].tag === "<") {
+ var content = children[0].children
+ if (vnode.dom.innerHTML !== content) vnode.dom.innerHTML = content
+ }
+ else if (vnode.text != null || children != null && children.length !== 0) throw new Error("Child node of a contenteditable must be trusted")
+ }
+ //remove
+ function removeNodes(vnodes, start, end, context) {
+ for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
+ var vnode = vnodes[i]
+ if (vnode != null) {
+ if (vnode.skip) vnode.skip = false
+ else removeNode(vnode, context)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function removeNode(vnode, context) {
+ var expected = 1, called = 0
+ if (vnode.attrs && vnode.attrs.onbeforeremove) {
+ var result =, vnode)
+ if (result != null && typeof result.then === "function") {
+ expected++
+ result.then(continuation, continuation)
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof vnode.tag !== "string" && vnode.tag.onbeforeremove) {
+ var result =, vnode)
+ if (result != null && typeof result.then === "function") {
+ expected++
+ result.then(continuation, continuation)
+ }
+ }
+ continuation()
+ function continuation() {
+ if (++called === expected) {
+ onremove(vnode)
+ if (vnode.dom) {
+ var count0 = vnode.domSize || 1
+ if (count0 > 1) {
+ var dom = vnode.dom
+ while (--count0) {
+ removeNodeFromDOM(dom.nextSibling)
+ }
+ }
+ removeNodeFromDOM(vnode.dom)
+ if (context != null && vnode.domSize == null && !hasIntegrationMethods(vnode.attrs) && typeof vnode.tag === "string") { //TODO test custom elements
+ if (!context.pool) context.pool = [vnode]
+ else context.pool.push(vnode)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function removeNodeFromDOM(node) {
+ var parent = node.parentNode
+ if (parent != null) parent.removeChild(node)
+ }
+ function onremove(vnode) {
+ if (vnode.attrs && vnode.attrs.onremove), vnode)
+ if (typeof vnode.tag !== "string" && vnode.tag.onremove), vnode)
+ if (vnode.instance != null) onremove(vnode.instance)
+ else {
+ var children = vnode.children
+ if (Array.isArray(children)) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+ var child = children[i]
+ if (child != null) onremove(child)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //attrs2
+ function setAttrs(vnode, attrs2, ns) {
+ for (var key2 in attrs2) {
+ setAttr(vnode, key2, null, attrs2[key2], ns)
+ }
+ }
+ function setAttr(vnode, key2, old, value, ns) {
+ var element = vnode.dom
+ if (key2 === "key" || key2 === "is" || (old === value && !isFormAttribute(vnode, key2)) && typeof value !== "object" || typeof value === "undefined" || isLifecycleMethod(key2)) return
+ var nsLastIndex = key2.indexOf(":")
+ if (nsLastIndex > -1 && key2.substr(0, nsLastIndex) === "xlink") {
+ element.setAttributeNS("", key2.slice(nsLastIndex + 1), value)
+ }
+ else if (key2[0] === "o" && key2[1] === "n" && typeof value === "function") updateEvent(vnode, key2, value)
+ else if (key2 === "style") updateStyle(element, old, value)
+ else if (key2 in element && !isAttribute(key2) && ns === undefined && !isCustomElement(vnode)) {
+ //setting input[value] to same value by typing on focused element moves cursor to end in Chrome
+ if (vnode.tag === "input" && key2 === "value" && vnode.dom.value === value && vnode.dom === $doc.activeElement) return
+ //setting select[value] to same value while having select open blinks select dropdown in Chrome
+ if (vnode.tag === "select" && key2 === "value" && vnode.dom.value === value && vnode.dom === $doc.activeElement) return
+ //setting option[value] to same value while having select open blinks select dropdown in Chrome
+ if (vnode.tag === "option" && key2 === "value" && vnode.dom.value === value) return
+ element[key2] = value
+ }
+ else {
+ if (typeof value === "boolean") {
+ if (value) element.setAttribute(key2, "")
+ else element.removeAttribute(key2)
+ }
+ else element.setAttribute(key2 === "className" ? "class" : key2, value)
+ }
+ }
+ function setLateAttrs(vnode) {
+ var attrs2 = vnode.attrs
+ if (vnode.tag === "select" && attrs2 != null) {
+ if ("value" in attrs2) setAttr(vnode, "value", null, attrs2.value, undefined)
+ if ("selectedIndex" in attrs2) setAttr(vnode, "selectedIndex", null, attrs2.selectedIndex, undefined)
+ }
+ }
+ function updateAttrs(vnode, old, attrs2, ns) {
+ if (attrs2 != null) {
+ for (var key2 in attrs2) {
+ setAttr(vnode, key2, old && old[key2], attrs2[key2], ns)
+ }
+ }
+ if (old != null) {
+ for (var key2 in old) {
+ if (attrs2 == null || !(key2 in attrs2)) {
+ if (key2 === "className") key2 = "class"
+ if (key2[0] === "o" && key2[1] === "n" && !isLifecycleMethod(key2)) updateEvent(vnode, key2, undefined)
+ else if (key2 !== "key") vnode.dom.removeAttribute(key2)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function isFormAttribute(vnode, attr) {
+ return attr === "value" || attr === "checked" || attr === "selectedIndex" || attr === "selected" && vnode.dom === $doc.activeElement
+ }
+ function isLifecycleMethod(attr) {
+ return attr === "oninit" || attr === "oncreate" || attr === "onupdate" || attr === "onremove" || attr === "onbeforeremove" || attr === "onbeforeupdate"
+ }
+ function isAttribute(attr) {
+ return attr === "href" || attr === "list" || attr === "form" || attr === "width" || attr === "height"// || attr === "type"
+ }
+ function isCustomElement(vnode){
+ return || vnode.tag.indexOf("-") > -1
+ }
+ function hasIntegrationMethods(source) {
+ return source != null && (source.oncreate || source.onupdate || source.onbeforeremove || source.onremove)
+ }
+ //style
+ function updateStyle(element, old, style) {
+ if (old === style) = "", old = null
+ if (style == null) = ""
+ else if (typeof style === "string") = style
+ else {
+ if (typeof old === "string") = ""
+ for (var key2 in style) {
+[key2] = style[key2]
+ }
+ if (old != null && typeof old !== "string") {
+ for (var key2 in old) {
+ if (!(key2 in style))[key2] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //event
+ function updateEvent(vnode, key2, value) {
+ var element = vnode.dom
+ var callback = typeof onevent !== "function" ? value : function(e) {
+ var result =, e)
+, e)
+ return result
+ }
+ if (key2 in element) element[key2] = typeof value === "function" ? callback : null
+ else {
+ var eventName = key2.slice(2)
+ if ( === undefined) = {}
+ if ([key2] === callback) return
+ if ([key2] != null) element.removeEventListener(eventName,[key2], false)
+ if (typeof value === "function") {
+[key2] = callback
+ element.addEventListener(eventName,[key2], false)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //lifecycle
+ function initLifecycle(source, vnode, hooks) {
+ if (typeof source.oninit === "function"), vnode)
+ if (typeof source.oncreate === "function") hooks.push(source.oncreate.bind(vnode.state, vnode))
+ }
+ function updateLifecycle(source, vnode, hooks, recycling) {
+ if (recycling) initLifecycle(source, vnode, hooks)
+ else if (typeof source.onupdate === "function") hooks.push(source.onupdate.bind(vnode.state, vnode))
+ }
+ function shouldUpdate(vnode, old) {
+ var forceVnodeUpdate, forceComponentUpdate
+ if (vnode.attrs != null && typeof vnode.attrs.onbeforeupdate === "function") forceVnodeUpdate =, vnode, old)
+ if (typeof vnode.tag !== "string" && typeof vnode.tag.onbeforeupdate === "function") forceComponentUpdate =, vnode, old)
+ if (!(forceVnodeUpdate === undefined && forceComponentUpdate === undefined) && !forceVnodeUpdate && !forceComponentUpdate) {
+ vnode.dom = old.dom
+ vnode.domSize = old.domSize
+ vnode.instance = old.instance
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ function render(dom, vnodes) {
+ if (!dom) throw new Error("Ensure the DOM element being passed to m.route/m.mount/m.render is not undefined.")
+ var hooks = []
+ var active = $doc.activeElement
+ // First time0 rendering into a node clears it out
+ if (dom.vnodes == null) dom.textContent = ""
+ if (!Array.isArray(vnodes)) vnodes = [vnodes]
+ updateNodes(dom, dom.vnodes, Vnode.normalizeChildren(vnodes), false, hooks, null, undefined)
+ dom.vnodes = vnodes
+ for (var i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) hooks[i]()
+ if ($doc.activeElement !== active) active.focus()
+ }
+ return {render: render, setEventCallback: setEventCallback}
+ }
+ function throttle(callback) {
+ //60fps translates to 16.6ms, round it down since setTimeout requires int
+ var time = 16
+ var last = 0, pending = null
+ var timeout = typeof requestAnimationFrame === "function" ? requestAnimationFrame : setTimeout
+ return function() {
+ var now =
+ if (last === 0 || now - last >= time) {
+ last = now
+ callback()
+ }
+ else if (pending === null) {
+ pending = timeout(function() {
+ pending = null
+ callback()
+ last =
+ }, time - (now - last))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var _11 = function($window) {
+ var renderService = coreRenderer($window)
+ renderService.setEventCallback(function(e) {
+ if (e.redraw !== false) redraw()
+ })
+ var callbacks = []
+ function subscribe(key1, callback) {
+ unsubscribe(key1)
+ callbacks.push(key1, throttle(callback))
+ }
+ function unsubscribe(key1) {
+ var index = callbacks.indexOf(key1)
+ if (index > -1) callbacks.splice(index, 2)
+ }
+ function redraw() {
+ for (var i = 1; i < callbacks.length; i += 2) {
+ callbacks[i]()
+ }
+ }
+ return {subscribe: subscribe, unsubscribe: unsubscribe, redraw: redraw, render: renderService.render}
+ }
+ var redrawService = _11(window)
+ requestService.setCompletionCallback(redrawService.redraw)
+ var _16 = function(redrawService0) {
+ return function(root, component) {
+ if (component === null) {
+ redrawService0.render(root, [])
+ redrawService0.unsubscribe(root)
+ return
+ }
+ if (component.view == null) throw new Error("m.mount(element, component) expects a component, not a vnode")
+ var run0 = function() {
+ redrawService0.render(root, Vnode(component))
+ }
+ redrawService0.subscribe(root, run0)
+ redrawService0.redraw()
+ }
+ }
+ m.mount = _16(redrawService)
+ var Promise = PromisePolyfill
+ var parseQueryString = function(string) {
+ if (string === "" || string == null) return {}
+ if (string.charAt(0) === "?") string = string.slice(1)
+ var entries = string.split("&"), data0 = {}, counters = {}
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ var entry = entries[i].split("=")
+ var key5 = decodeURIComponent(entry[0])
+ var value = entry.length === 2 ? decodeURIComponent(entry[1]) : ""
+ if (value === "true") value = true
+ else if (value === "false") value = false
+ var levels = key5.split(/\]\[?|\[/)
+ var cursor = data0
+ if (key5.indexOf("[") > -1) levels.pop()
+ for (var j = 0; j < levels.length; j++) {
+ var level = levels[j], nextLevel = levels[j + 1]
+ var isNumber = nextLevel == "" || !isNaN(parseInt(nextLevel, 10))
+ var isValue = j === levels.length - 1
+ if (level === "") {
+ var key5 = levels.slice(0, j).join()
+ if (counters[key5] == null) counters[key5] = 0
+ level = counters[key5]++
+ }
+ if (cursor[level] == null) {
+ cursor[level] = isValue ? value : isNumber ? [] : {}
+ }
+ cursor = cursor[level]
+ }
+ }
+ return data0
+ }
+ var coreRouter = function($window) {
+ var supportsPushState = typeof $window.history.pushState === "function"
+ var callAsync0 = typeof setImmediate === "function" ? setImmediate : setTimeout
+ function normalize1(fragment0) {
+ var data = $window.location[fragment0].replace(/(?:%[a-f89][a-f0-9])+/gim, decodeURIComponent)
+ if (fragment0 === "pathname" && data[0] !== "/") data = "/" + data
+ return data
+ }
+ var asyncId
+ function debounceAsync(callback0) {
+ return function() {
+ if (asyncId != null) return
+ asyncId = callAsync0(function() {
+ asyncId = null
+ callback0()
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ function parsePath(path, queryData, hashData) {
+ var queryIndex = path.indexOf("?")
+ var hashIndex = path.indexOf("#")
+ var pathEnd = queryIndex > -1 ? queryIndex : hashIndex > -1 ? hashIndex : path.length
+ if (queryIndex > -1) {
+ var queryEnd = hashIndex > -1 ? hashIndex : path.length
+ var queryParams = parseQueryString(path.slice(queryIndex + 1, queryEnd))
+ for (var key4 in queryParams) queryData[key4] = queryParams[key4]
+ }
+ if (hashIndex > -1) {
+ var hashParams = parseQueryString(path.slice(hashIndex + 1))
+ for (var key4 in hashParams) hashData[key4] = hashParams[key4]
+ }
+ return path.slice(0, pathEnd)
+ }
+ var router = {prefix: "#!"}
+ router.getPath = function() {
+ var type2 = router.prefix.charAt(0)
+ switch (type2) {
+ case "#": return normalize1("hash").slice(router.prefix.length)
+ case "?": return normalize1("search").slice(router.prefix.length) + normalize1("hash")
+ default: return normalize1("pathname").slice(router.prefix.length) + normalize1("search") + normalize1("hash")
+ }
+ }
+ router.setPath = function(path, data, options) {
+ var queryData = {}, hashData = {}
+ path = parsePath(path, queryData, hashData)
+ if (data != null) {
+ for (var key4 in data) queryData[key4] = data[key4]
+ path = path.replace(/:([^\/]+)/g, function(match2, token) {
+ delete queryData[token]
+ return data[token]
+ })
+ }
+ var query = buildQueryString(queryData)
+ if (query) path += "?" + query
+ var hash = buildQueryString(hashData)
+ if (hash) path += "#" + hash
+ if (supportsPushState) {
+ var state = options ? options.state : null
+ var title = options ? options.title : null
+ $window.onpopstate()
+ if (options && options.replace) $window.history.replaceState(state, title, router.prefix + path)
+ else $window.history.pushState(state, title, router.prefix + path)
+ }
+ else $window.location.href = router.prefix + path
+ }
+ router.defineRoutes = function(routes, resolve, reject) {
+ function resolveRoute() {
+ var path = router.getPath()
+ var params = {}
+ var pathname = parsePath(path, params, params)
+ var state = $window.history.state
+ if (state != null) {
+ for (var k in state) params[k] = state[k]
+ }
+ for (var route0 in routes) {
+ var matcher = new RegExp("^" + route0.replace(/:[^\/]+?\.{3}/g, "(.*?)").replace(/:[^\/]+/g, "([^\\/]+)") + "\/?$")
+ if (matcher.test(pathname)) {
+ pathname.replace(matcher, function() {
+ var keys = route0.match(/:[^\/]+/g) || []
+ var values = [], 1, -2)
+ for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+ params[keys[i].replace(/:|\./g, "")] = decodeURIComponent(values[i])
+ }
+ resolve(routes[route0], params, path, route0)
+ })
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ reject(path, params)
+ }
+ if (supportsPushState) $window.onpopstate = debounceAsync(resolveRoute)
+ else if (router.prefix.charAt(0) === "#") $window.onhashchange = resolveRoute
+ resolveRoute()
+ }
+ return router
+ }
+ var _20 = function($window, redrawService0) {
+ var routeService = coreRouter($window)
+ var identity = function(v) {return v}
+ var render1, component, attrs3, currentPath, lastUpdate
+ var route = function(root, defaultRoute, routes) {
+ if (root == null) throw new Error("Ensure the DOM element that was passed to `m.route` is not undefined")
+ var run1 = function() {
+ if (render1 != null) redrawService0.render(root, render1(Vnode(component, attrs3.key, attrs3)))
+ }
+ var bail = function(path) {
+ if (path !== defaultRoute) routeService.setPath(defaultRoute, null, {replace: true})
+ else throw new Error("Could not resolve default route " + defaultRoute)
+ }
+ routeService.defineRoutes(routes, function(payload, params, path) {
+ var update = lastUpdate = function(routeResolver, comp) {
+ if (update !== lastUpdate) return
+ component = comp != null && typeof comp.view === "function" ? comp : "div", attrs3 = params, currentPath = path, lastUpdate = null
+ render1 = (routeResolver.render || identity).bind(routeResolver)
+ run1()
+ }
+ if (payload.view) update({}, payload)
+ else {
+ if (payload.onmatch) {
+ Promise.resolve(payload.onmatch(params, path)).then(function(resolved) {
+ update(payload, resolved)
+ }, bail)
+ }
+ else update(payload, "div")
+ }
+ }, bail)
+ redrawService0.subscribe(root, run1)
+ }
+ route.set = function(path, data, options) {
+ if (lastUpdate != null) options = {replace: true}
+ lastUpdate = null
+ routeService.setPath(path, data, options)
+ }
+ route.get = function() {return currentPath}
+ route.prefix = function(prefix0) {routeService.prefix = prefix0}
+ = function(vnode1) {
+ vnode1.dom.setAttribute("href", routeService.prefix + vnode1.attrs.href)
+ vnode1.dom.onclick = function(e) {
+ if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.shiftKey || e.which === 2) return
+ e.preventDefault()
+ e.redraw = false
+ var href = this.getAttribute("href")
+ if (href.indexOf(routeService.prefix) === 0) href = href.slice(routeService.prefix.length)
+ route.set(href, undefined, undefined)
+ }
+ }
+ route.param = function(key3) {
+ if(typeof attrs3 !== "undefined" && typeof key3 !== "undefined") return attrs3[key3]
+ return attrs3
+ }
+ return route
+ }
+ m.route = _20(window, redrawService)
+ m.withAttr = function(attrName, callback1, context) {
+ return function(e) {
+ || this, attrName in e.currentTarget ? e.currentTarget[attrName] : e.currentTarget.getAttribute(attrName))
+ }
+ }
+ var _28 = coreRenderer(window)
+ m.render = _28.render
+ m.redraw = redrawService.redraw
+ m.request = requestService.request
+ m.jsonp = requestService.jsonp
+ m.parseQueryString = parseQueryString
+ m.buildQueryString = buildQueryString
+ m.version = "1.0.1"
+ m.vnode = Vnode
+ if (typeof module !== "undefined") module["exports"] = m
+ else window.m = m
\ No newline at end of file